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1、国庆长假怎么过?阳光Most regions in China will see clear weather during the upcoming eight-day national holiday, setting the ideal conditions for outings, the countrys meteorological authorities said Friday.在即将到来的为期八天的国庆假日里,中国大部分地区会看到晴朗的天气,为户外活动提供了理想条件,国家气象部门周五说。Apart from western parts of Xinjiang Uygur auto

2、nomous region and some areas in southwest China, which will see light rains, skies in most parts of the country will be clear, allowing the public to see and enjoy the moon on Sunday, the Mid-Autumn Day holiday, according to Chen Zhenlin, an official with the China Meteorological Administration.除了西部

3、地区新疆维吾尔族自治区以及中国西南地区的部分地区将会有小雨,全国大部分地区的天空将是明朗的,大家在中秋节晚上可以赏月,中国国家气象局的官员陈振林说道。The fine weather will extend to the National Day holiday, which runs from Oct 1 to Oct 7, except for some regions in southwest and northwest China.好天气将持续到国庆长假,从 10 月 1 至 10 月 7 日,除了中国西南、西北的一些地区。The southern province of Hainan

4、 will see relatively heavy rainfall around Oct 4, Chen said.海南省南部 10 月 4 日会有比较强的降雨,陈先生说。Temperatures in most of the country during the eight-day holiday will see only minor changes, but east and northeast China will see temperature drops of 4 to 6 degrees Celsius, while some areas in northwest China

5、 will see temperatures plunge 6 to 8 degrees Celsius, according to Chen.全国大部分地区的八天长假期间气温只有轻微变化,但中国东部和东北部地区气温将下降4 至 6 摄氏度,而中国西北部一些地方气温大幅下降 6 至 8 摄氏度,据陈说。He also warned travellers on the Jianghan Plain and areas south of the Yangtze River to be on alert for traffic accidents, as fog will reduce visibi

6、lity in those regions from Oct 4 to Oct 6.他还提醒江汉平原和长江以南的地区的旅客要提高交通意外的警觉性,从 10 月 4 至 10 月6 日雾气会减少这些地区的能见度。According to estimates from the Ministry of Transport, more than 660 million people are expected to travel during the eight-day national holiday to celebrate this years Mid-Autumn Day and Nationa

7、l Day.据交通运输部估计,预计超过 6.6 亿人会在为期八天的法定假日去旅游,以庆祝今年的中秋节和国庆节。来源:http:/ 10 大秘诀Bond is supremely confident. This makes him sexy. It also makes him great at his job; being overconfident often gives better results than being objective and rational. (Wed all be better off moderately overconfident.) Neither men

8、 or women prefer modest guys. Bond has the personality of a trained man of action: SWAT team members differed from the average person by being extremely confident (“self-deceptive enhancement“), more emotionally stable and more resilient.超级自信。邦德的超级自信让他不仅更加性感,而且工作更出色。与理性和客观相比,多一些自信往往收获更多(自负时人人感觉都不错)

9、。无论男女都不喜欢谦逊的人。邦德有着实干家的品质:作为特种部队成员,他与普通人不同,具有非凡的自信(又称“自欺性提高” ) ,并且情绪更稳定、更富弹性。007 is almost always calm. (Maybe thats due to all the sex.) Even when people are trying to kill him hes calm. This is sexy. Bond doesnt move unnecessarily. You never see his knee bouncing or hands fidgeting. He speaks slowl

10、y and deliberately and is rarely rushed. These are all very charismatic qualities. He has the unflinching eye contact of a predator - and this increases the chance women will fall in love with him. 007 doesnt gush over girls and show his feelings. He keeps them guessing and uncertainty increases att

11、raction. Bond doesnt smile much and this too makes him sexy because happiness isnt alluring in men. His body language is commanding and hes not afraid to take up space, which is very masculine and appealing. 007 doesnt ramble on and this too is smooth. Bond never slouches. Good posture increases con

12、fidence, feelings of power and makes you physically tougher. (Which works out well when you want to look classy in your tuxedo while battling machete wielding evil minions.)冷静自若。007 总是很平静。 (对男女来说都有用) 。即便是在死到临头的时候,也很冷静。这就是性感啊。邦德从不慌张失措。你没见过邦德腿发软手发抖吧。他讲话时语速慢而谨慎,从不乱阵脚。这些都是极富魅力的品质,遭遇劲敌面不改色-这很容易让女人心动不已。他从

13、不向女人表白个不停,就让她们猜不透,搞不懂,这样更加有吸引力。邦德不常微笑也为他的性感加分,因为有幸福感的男人吸引不了女人。007 的肢体语言很强势,阳刚血性,从不畏惧;007 从不喋喋不休,让他更加优雅;007 从不懒散,挺拔的体姿不仅增加自信心,还有力量感,看起来更强壮(身着燕尾服与恶棍搏斗看起来更有档次) 。Theres generally booze wherever 007 goes and alcohol does lead to sex. Liking alcohol was the biggest indicator of who has sex on the first da

14、te.美酒佳人。 邦德走到哪里喝到哪里,美酒的确能帮他俘获佳人。喜欢喝一杯的人最容易在第一次约会时就抱得美人归。Bond has a keen eye for who to trust and who not to. This quality is frequently seen in sexually open-minded people, actually. 007 can tell when a lady is into him. And science agrees: handsome men are the best at identifying who is attracted t

15、o them.慧眼识香。邦德眼光敏锐,能辨认出孰敌孰友。这种品质常见于性开放者。007 很容易识出对他有意的女人,有科学证明,帅哥往往擅长于此。Bond has it all and thats exactly what the most beautiful women demand in the men they date. Women who really enjoy sex prefer “bad boys“ - and theres no doubt 007 qualifies. Feminine women prefer masculine men. And for one nigh

16、t stands women look for physical attractiveness and dominance - which Bond has in spades.邦德具备美女约会种种要求。乐衷于性的女人更喜欢“坏男人”-邦德属于此类。讲究的女人喜欢阳刚男人,寻求一夜情的女人喜欢外型帅气、主动进攻的男人-非邦德莫属。All the Bond actors have been tall. This isnt a coincidence. A man who is five foot six needs to earn $175, 000 a year more a year to

17、be as attractive as a man who is six feet tall. A lot of people commented on Daniel Craigs buff physique in Casino Royale. Once again the depiction clicks with the research: muscular men have more one night stands and you can tell how many women a guy has slept with by the size of his arms. That chi

18、seled torso may mean hes a better lover.所有扮演邦德的演员都是高个子,这不是巧合。身高 1.6 的男人每年要多赚 175000 英镑才能与身高 1.8 的男人媲美。很多人欣赏丹尼尔在皇家赌场的魁梧身材。科学研究证明,肌肉男有更多的一夜情,从一个男人的臂围可以看出他与多少女人风流过,魁梧身段就意味着他是个不错的情人。The Aston Martin doesnt hurt. Not at all. Neither does dropping tons of cash at exotic casinos - throwing money around mak

19、es men more attractive to women who are interested in flings. And, like Bond, men who gamble with women around are better at it.阿斯顿马丁必须有。不止如此,还要在异国情调的赌场里挥金如土一掷千金的男人很能吸引寻欢中的女性。常与女性周旋的邦德更擅长于此。Bond is by no means a comedian but he knows the power of a well-timed one liner. Women are attracted to funny

20、men because humor is a sign of intelligence. You can even predict how many women a man has slept with by how funny he is.邦德并不是个喜剧演员 但他懂得合适的时候来点小幽默。女性很容易被有趣的男人吸引,因为幽默标志着智慧。可以这么讲,一个人多有趣,可以来推断他与多少女人风流过。Bond has been attacked in innumerable ways and survived everything. Of course, this is because hes fi

21、ctional. It is interesting to note that research shows masculine men are hardier. In fact, being un-masculine can be lethal for males. (Maybe its all those orgasms keeping him alive. I doubt hell die of a heart attack or prostate cancer.)邦德经历风险无数却总能死里逃生。当然,人物本身是虚构的。有意思的是,研究证明,肌肉男更皮实。实际上,肌肉不发达对男性来说,可

22、能很要命。 (可能就是发达的肌肉让他得以活命的吧,我怀疑他会死于心脏病或前列腺癌) 。Women fall for him because hes exciting to be around and this plays a much larger part in a relationship than most think. Its the key to a great first date. Even the femme fatales assigned to kill Bond fall for him. But studies show this isnt surprising at

23、all. 007s character has frequently been accused of being sexist. This is probably true - and only serves to make him that much more attractive to the ladies.因为与邦德在一起很有趣,女人往往会迷上他,这在人际关系中很重要,也是很多首次约会一拍即合的秘诀。甚至派去杀他的女特工也会爱上他。研究证明,这也不奇怪,007 的形象常被批成大男子主义,也许不错-但是,只能让他在女人面前的魅力有增无减。哈利波特&JK 罗琳,你不知道的 12 个有趣事实J

24、.K. Rowling will publish her first book in five years on Sept. 27. The Harry Potter author first announced the novel back in February, followed by the title The Casual Vacancy in April. Not much is known about The Casual Vacancy, which is protected by a strict non-disclosure agreement, but in antici

25、pation of the books release, both The New Yorker and Britains The Guardian have written lengthy profiles on Rowling. While we recommend checking them both out, weve selected some of the most interesting facts from these profiles for you to enjoy here.JK罗琳将在五年之后的 9 月 27 日出版她的第一本书。 哈利波特的作者早在 2 月份宣布该小说

26、,随后标题临时空缺在四月份公布。大家对临时空缺知之甚少,它被一个严格的保密协议所保护,但由于对这本书发行的期待, 纽约客和英国卫报都写了很长的罗琳专访。尽管我们建议您阅读这两个版本,但我们还是从中选择了一些最有趣的事实,让您在这里欣赏。1. The Casual Vacancy is not Harry Potter: Words featured in Rowlings post-Potter effort include “cleavage,” “balls” and “vagina.”1. 临时空缺不是哈利波特:罗琳以前形容哈利波特的努力的有特色词语包括“cleavage”、 “ball

27、s”和“vagina ”。2. The original title of The Casual Vacancy was Responsible: Rowling tells The New Yorker that “this is a book about responsibility” both in a minor and a macro sense. However, she came across the real title when she got her hands on a copy of the standard British handbook for local adm

28、inistrators. “I needed it to check certain abstruse points. And in there I came across the phrase a casual vacancy. Meaning, when a seat falls vacant through death or scandal. And immediately I knew that that was the title.”2. 临时空缺原标题是责任:罗琳告诉纽约客不论是在微观还是宏观层面这都是一本关于责任的书。然而,当她接触到一本英国当地管理员标准手册时她想到了真正的标题

29、, “我需要用它来检查某些深奥点。在那里,我看到了词组“临时空缺” ,意为在死亡或丑闻时,职位空缺。我马上知道这就是标题。 ”3. In 2003, Rowlings father auctioned off a signed copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that he received for Fathers Day: It read “Lots of love from your first born,” and featured a drawing of a hand reaching for a gnome. The edit

30、ion fetched $48,000. Rowling has not spoken to him since.3. 2003 年,罗琳父亲拍卖了他在父亲节上收到的哈利波特与火焰杯的签名本:书上面写着“来自你第一个孩子的很多爱”以及一张侏儒手形的特色图片。该版本卖了 4 万 8 千美元。自那之后罗琳没和他说过话。4. Dudley has two children: Rowling knows a lot about the Harry Potter world that was never published in the books.4. Dudley 有两个孩子:关于哈利波特的世界罗琳

31、知道很多从来没有出版在书中的东西。5. She has no interest in her business empire: “Its a real bore,” she tells The Guardian. ”Should I be more diplomatic? Oh, I dont care. No, there is literally nothing on the business side that I wouldnt sacrifice in a heartbeat to have an extra couple of hours writing.”5. 她对她的商业帝国没

32、有一点兴趣:“这真烦人, ”她告诉卫报 。 “我应该更有社交策略?哦,我不在乎。生意上的事几乎没有值得我浪费生命中额外几小时的写作时间的。 ”6. Ian Rankins new novel was pushed back to avoid The Casual Vacancy: But hes just as excited about the new Rowling book as anyone else.6. 伊恩兰金的新小说被推迟以避免和临时空缺冲突:但他和其他人一样兴奋罗琳的新书。7. Rowling has used a disguise in public only once:

33、When she went to buy her wedding dress. “I just wanted to be able to get married to Neil without any rubbish happening,” she tells The Guardian. But Rowling refuses to reveal what this disguise was in case she needs to use it again.7. 罗琳只有一次在公共场合乔装过:当她去买婚纱时, “我只是想在嫁给尼尔时没有任何乱七八糟的事发生, ”她告诉卫报 。但是罗琳拒绝透露

34、当时她乔装成什么样子以防她再次需要乔装。8. She is forbidden from reading E L James Fifty Shades of Grey: Rowling says she promised her editor that she wouldnt. However, she insists that she doesnt feel like shes missing out.8. 她被禁止阅读 EL 詹姆斯的50 度灰:罗琳说她答应了她的编辑她不会读的。不过,她坚持认为她不觉得自己错过了。9. She considered using a pseudonym to

35、 release her new book: “But in some ways I think its braver to do it like this,” she tells The Guardian. “And, to an extent, you know what? The worst that can happen is that everyone says, Well, that was dreadful, she should have stuck to writing for kids and I can take that. So, yeah, Ill put it ou

36、t there, and if everyone says, Well, thats shockingly bad back to wizards with you, then obviously I wont be throwing a party. But I will live. I will live.”9. 她考虑过用化名出版她的新书:“但是,在某些方面我认为这样做是更加勇敢的, ”她告诉卫报 。 “而且,在一定程度上,你知道是什么吗?最糟的情况是每个人都说:“嗯,那太可怕了,她应该坚持为孩子们写作” ,我可以接受。所以,是的,我会把它写在这,如果大家都说,好吧,这是令人震惊的糟糕精

37、灵与你同在” ,那么很明显我不会开派对庆祝。但我会挺过来。我会挺过来。 ”10. She doesnt care what the critics think of The Casual Vacancy: “I just needed to write this book. I like it a lot, Im proud of it, and that counts for me.”10. 她不在乎批评家如何评价临时空缺:“我只是需要去写这本书。我很喜欢它,我对它很骄傲,对我来说那才是最重要的。 ”11. Rowling credits her first daughter with he

38、lping her finish Harry Potter when she was depressed: “It was Jessica I have to credit her with so much that gave me the impetus to go and say to a doctor, I think Im not quite right, and I need some help here. Having done that made a massive difference.”11. 罗琳把功劳归于她的第一个女儿,因为在她抑郁时帮助她完成哈利波特:“是杰西卡我不得不

39、把功劳归于她她给了我动力去看医生, 我觉得我不一定对,这里我需要一些帮助 ,做完心理治疗之后才会有如此大的不同。 ”12. Rowling is adamant that sex and unicorns dont mix: “The thing about fantasy there are certain things you just dont do in fantasy. You dont have sex near unicorns. Its an ironclad rule. Its tacky.” After years of fantasy, she was ready for a little sex.12. 罗琳坚持性和独角兽不要混为一谈:“关于幻想有一些确定的事情你在想象时你只是不会去做。你不会在独角兽旁边做爱。这是一个铁的规律。这很俗。 ”在多年的童话之后,她准备好写一点点性爱了。来源:http:/


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