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1、考研英语阅读理解常考词汇总结1.表达作者态度的常考词语amazed 感到惊讶的;amazing 令人惊讶的;ambiguous 模棱两可的; approved 公认的; approving赞许的;arbitrary 武断的;bewildering (=puzzling) 令人迷惑的;biased (=prejudiced)有偏见的,偏心的;critical 持批评态度的; depressed 感到沮丧的;depressing 令人沮丧的;depressive 压抑的,忧愁的;disappointed(=dismayed, frustrated)感到失望的;disappointing 令人失望的

2、; doubtful 怀疑的,拿不稳的;dubious 有问题的,靠不住的,值得怀疑的,犹豫不决的;enthusiastic 热情的;gloomy 沮丧的,忧愁的, hostile 敌对的;humorous 幽然的;identical 相同的;impartial(=detached,neutral, even-handed)公平的,不偏不倚的,公正的,没有偏见的;indifferent 漠不关心的,满不在乎的;indignant (对不公平) 愤慨的;ironic 讽刺的;merciful 宽容的,仁慈的;negative 否定的,消极的,反面的; neutral 中立的,不偏不倚的; obj

3、ectionable 引起反对的,令人反感的; objective 客观的; opposed 反对的; opposite 对立的;optimistic 乐观的;outraged 气愤的;partial 不公平的; perplexed 感到困惑的;pessimistic 悲观的, positive 肯定的,正面的;prejudiced 有偏见的; puzzled 感到困惑的; puzzling 令人困惑的;radical 激进的,极端的; resentful 表示怨恨的;reserved 有保留的,内向的;reserved consent 有保留的同意;respectable 可敬的,高尚的;r

4、espectful 充满敬意的,有礼貌的;rival (=competitive) 竞争的;scared惊恐的,恐慌的, sensible 明智的,通情达理的;sensitive 敏感的, skeptical 怀疑的;slight contempt 稍有蔑视;subjective 主观的;supportive 支持的,suspicious 可疑的,疑心的, sympathetic 同情的;tentative 试探性的。2.与经济有关的常考词语alleviate the Asian financial crisis 缓解亚洲金融危机,apply economic sanctions agains

5、t that country 对那个国家进行经济制裁。banking industry 金融业,business partners 商业伙伴,budget n./v. 预算。business concentration 企业集中,business cycle 经济循环,business management 企业管理。 cost efficiency 成本效益,commodity prices 商品价格,commercial promotion 商业促销,channels of revenue 收入渠道,contentious trade issue 有争议的贸易问题,customs reve

6、nues 关税收入,credit赊购,a credit balance of $250 二百五十美元的存款余额,devalued dollar 美元贬值,double-digit inflation 十位数的通货膨涨。economic recession 经济不景气,economic depression 经济萧条,economic decline 经济衰退,economic revival 经济复苏,emerging countries 新兴国家,established business partners 固定的商业伙伴,energy-intensive industries 能源密集型工业

7、。fading industrial competitiveness 日益削弱的工业竞争力。family economics 家庭经济状况。fair play 公平竞争。foreign investment 外国投资,fluctuate crude oil prices (fluctuation of crude oil prices)使原油价格波动,falling oil revenue 日益减少的石油收入。economic globalization process 经济全球化过程,global excess demand 全球过量需求。improvement in the export

8、climate 改善出口环境,injury claims 伤害索赔,interest-bearing cheque accounts 有息支票账户,investment returns 投资回报。market-oriented economy 市场导向的经济,make profit 营利,maximize profits 使利润最大化,merger and acquisition 合并和收购,multinationals 跨国公司,marketing messages 销售信息。operating costs 营业费用。package deal 一揽子交易,price system 价格体系,

9、price index 价格指数, pickup in capital spending 资金投放增加,private-enterprise 私人经营,production costs 生产成本,productive resources 生产资料,provide further credits for the company 向公司提供进一步的信贷。real economy 实体经济。retail price 零售价, raise tariff barriers against foreign imports 提高对外国进口货的关税壁垒, re-engineering and downsizi

10、ng 工程改组和缩小规模,real-estate broker 房地产经记人。revenue (税收等的)收入。scrutiny 精查细看。shift production from one place to another 把生产从一地转移到另一地,surplus in trade 贸易顺差,suspension of exports 中止出口,securities 股票,有价证券。tap the consumer market 扩大消费市场, the total collapse of national economy 国民经济的全面崩溃, trade and investment bar

11、riers 贸易和投资壁垒,tax cuts in this years budget 本年度预算中税收削减,trade barrier 贸易壁垒,trade balance 贸易平衡,trade imbalance 贸易不平衡。3.与计算机技术有关的常考词语point and click 点击,web business 网上经营,integrated circuit 集成电路,conduct online transactions 进行网上交易,give sb the companys private internet 使某人能进入公司内部的互联网,software company 软件公司

12、,computer monitor 计算机监视器,a companys web site 公司网站,Internet sign-up 互联网帖子, online world 网上世界,brief 短讯,a database on the Internet 互联网上的资料库,interactive 人机互动的,交互式的,check a database 检查资料库,sign up for 登录要求得到,key in v. 键入,E-mail ones resume to sb. 把某人的履历用电子邮件发给,online culture 网上文化,Internet marketing activi

13、ties 互联网上的销售活动,Net purists 网络净化者,computer education advocates 计算机教育鼓吹者,screen saver 屏幕保护。products compatible with the Windows operating system 与示窗操作系统兼容的产品。4. As 用法小结as of (=as from) 从起。例如:1) You are in charge (负责) as of today. 2) The agreement starts as from March 13.as for 至于。例如:1) As for me, I sh

14、all return there on arrival. 2) As for me, Im in favor of the first view.as to 关于;至于。例如:He asked my advice as to what to do next.as with 与 一样。例如:As with so many of the major problems of society, the precise extent and nature of the environmental crisis are not entirely clear.as against (=in contrast

15、 with) 与相对照。例如:1) She gets Saturdays off in her new job as against working alternate weekends in her last one. (她新找的这份工作星期六放假,而原来的那份工作周末是隔周放假。) 2) The business done this year amounts to $20,000 as against $ 15,000 last year.as regards 至于。例如:There are no special rules as regards what clothes you shou

16、ld wear. (至于应该穿什么衣服没有硬性规定。)as follows 如下。例如:1) The reasons are as follows. 2) The report reads as follows.来源:(http:/ - 考研英语阅读理解常考词汇总结_朱泰祺_新浪博客as it were 可以说,姑且这么说。例如:He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. (他,可以说,是一部活词典。)as opposed to 和 相反。例如:John likes rice, as opposed to Mary, who hates it.as soo

17、n as possible 尽快地。例如:We should take steps as soon as possible.may(might , could) as well do sth. 不妨,最好(做某事)。例如:Since it is too late, we might as well go back home.as a rule 通常。例如:1) As a rule they sat together very quietly. 2) His writing as a rule is elegant.as yet 到这时为止(还没有):But none of these are

18、as yet carefully thought-out plans.such as to 这样 以致。例如:I went about my job in such a way as to try to kill two birds with one stone.not so much as 与其说,倒不如说 :The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasnt bothered by his loudness so much as by his lack of talent. (这个吹号手的声音确实很大,但我烦的与其说是他吹得太响,倒不如说是

19、他缺乏天分。)such as 例如:Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought with money, such as a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction. (研究表明,那些最能使人产生幸福感的东西是不能用金钱买到的,如和睦的家庭生活、友谊和事业上的满足感。)as long as (=so long as)只要(引导条件从句):As long as he works hard, I don

20、t mind when he finishes the experiment.Just as so 正如 一样,也。例如:Just as air is important to man, so is water to fish.as though (=as if ) 似乎。例如:Christie stared angrily at her boss and turned away, as though to go out of the office.much as 虽然。例如:Much as I admired David as a poet, I dont like him as a man

21、. (虽然我仰慕作为诗人的大卫,但我不喜欢他的为人。)as 虽然 (引导部分倒装的让步从句):Young as he is, he knows a lot. (他虽年轻,但很懂事。)as 作关系代词,引导定语从句,代表整个主句的意思:1)A good many proposals were raised by the delegates, as was to be expected . (正如所料,代表们提出了许多建议。) 2) As might be expected, the response to the question was mixed. (正如所料,人们对这个问题观点不一。)as

22、as 引出比较状语从句:Americans eat twice as much protein as they actually need every day. (美国人摄取的蛋白质是他们实际需要量的两倍。)As is often the case 事情常常是这样:As is often the case, it happened so gradually that it was barely perceptible.5. 常考同义词和近义词控告某人犯了 accuse sb. of sth, charge sb. with sth;夸大exaggerate,overestimate,overv

23、alue,overrate,magnify;缩小(低估)underestimate,undervalue,minimize;使困惑 puzzle,bewilder,confuse,perplex;影响 affect, influence, impact (on), bear on ;控制 control,dominate,curb,regulate,harness (=control and use);污染 pollute,contaminate,foul;计算 calculate,compute,reckon;出现 appear,emerge,come into being;关心 care

24、for,foster,be concerned about;把归因于 owe to,attribute to,refer to;减轻,缓解 ease,alleviate,relieve;给予 render,offer,impart,confer;实现realize,effect;炫耀 show off ,parade;自尊心 ego,pride,self-esteem,dignity;涌入 crowd into,pour into,stream into,swarm into,pack into;体现 express,embody;决定decide,determine,elect,make u

25、p ones mind;渴望 desire,long (for),aspire to,pant;改进improve,mend;消除 eliminate,remove,erase,get rid of;威胁 threat,menace;聚精会神做 be absorbed in doing,be immersed in doing;有偏见的 biased,partial,prejudiced;损害spoil,impair,harm,endanger;包含,包括 embrace,comprise,encompass,include;停止stop,halt,cease;持久 last,endure;推

26、进 further,promote;上升 rise,escalate,go up,climb;繁荣 prosper, flourish,thrive;容忍 bear,tolerate,put up with,brook;缺点shortcoming,defect,drawback,flaw,setback;指望,依靠 count on,depend on,rely on,reckon on,bank on,lean on;倾向于 tend to,be inclined to,be liable to,be apt to;怀疑的skeptical,dubious,doubtful,suspicio

27、us;减少 decrease,decline, reduce,diminish,temper,moderate;索然无味的 uninteresting,dull,tedious,boring;不偏不倚的impartial,detached,neutral,unbiased;有意的 purposeful,deliberate,intentional;培训train,practice,nurture;不理会 ignore,discount,disregard,pay no attention to,turn a deaf ear to;改变 change,alter,modify,remold,r

28、eshape;增加 increase,augment,add to,multiply;抛弃discard,abandon,desert,give up,get rid of;浪费 waste;dissipate;废除 abolish, do away with, scrap;揭露 disclose,reveal,unveil;性格,脾气 personality,disposition;谨慎的careful,discreet,prudent,cautious;厌恶,怨恨 disgust,resent,hate;满足 meet,satisfy,cater to;沉思,细想 ponder,medit

29、ate,think deeply,dwell on;必然包含 involve,entail;忽略,疏忽overlook, neglect,give no attention to;使沮丧,使失望 disappoint, frustrate,dismay, let sb. down,depress;诱惑 lure, tempt, induce;讽刺 satire, sarcasm,irony;造成,引起 cause, pose, bring about, give rise to,evoke。发人深省 set sb. thinking, be thought-provoking;利用 make

30、use of, take advantage of, utilize, harness;来自于 come from, result from, arise from, stem from, derive from 挫伤,使灰心:discourage, frustrate, upset;严肃的 earnest, serious, grave, solemn;对感兴趣 be interested in sth, be struck by sth.;拒绝,不给 refuse, deny, withhold, keep back;欣赏 enjoy, relish, appreciate;假装 pret

31、end, sham;膺品 fake, sham;照管 take care of , look after, tend;(使)恶化 make sth. worse, aggravate, deteriorate, sour;主要的,首要的 primary, main, chief,principal, sovereign。考研英语常见单词的不常见意思avenue:途径,手段 avert:防止,避免 barrel:枪管,炮管 basin:内海,盆地battery:炮兵连,炮组 make believe:假装 bid:祝愿 blast:管乐器或汽笛声blind:百叶窗 blood:气质 bow:弓(

32、形),蝴蝶结 box:包厢breed:品种,种类 brim:帽沿 brisk:兴隆的 cause:事业,事件,奋斗目标check:方格图案,格子织物 cheque:总收入 choice:入选者,精华 civil:文职的clause:(正式文件或法律文件的)条款 climate:风气,社会思潮 cloak:掩盖,掩饰clutch:离合器 cock:龙头,开关 code:法典,法规,规划 commission:佣金,手续费concern:(利害)关系 concert:一齐,一致 conquer:破除(坏习惯等)constant:忠实的cooperative:合作社 couple:力偶,电偶;连接,

33、结合 cricket:蟋蟀 cylinder:汽缸deliver:接生 desert:擅离,开小差 diffuse:(文章等)冗长的,漫无边际的 displacement:排水量 distribute:配(电)edge:侧身移动,挤进 effect:招致 elastic:松紧带,橡皮圈embrace:包含extension:电话分机 fence:击剑 file:锉刀 forward:转交,转递 further:促进,增进glow:白热handsome:数量可观的 hatch:舱口,小门 hold:船舱 implement:贯彻,实现 impress:印,盖印knit:接合,粘合 lace:系带

34、,扎 need:贫困,困窘 nominal:微不足道的 nut:螺母,螺帽observations:言论 odd:临时的 pad:填塞 palm:棕榈 paper:裱糊 particle:虚词particular:详情,细目 party:当事人 pick:镐,鹤嘴锄 plate:镀,电镀 pool:合资经营,联营pop:突然出现,发生 porcelain:精制的 pose:假装,冒充 power:幂 preserve:腌渍proceedings:会议录,学报 probe:探针,探测器 produce:上演,演出 proof:校样,样张proper:正派的 pursuit:职业,工作 quart

35、ers:方向,地区,方面,住处 quarterly:季刊rack:使痛苦,折磨 rally:恢复(健康等),重新振作 range:炉灶 rapids:急流,湍滩reading:读数 ready:甘心的 refuse:废物,垃圾 regular:正式的 relate:叙述,讲述relevant:有重大意义的 relieve:换班,换岗 remark:注意到,察觉 render:提出,提供,呈报resistance:电阻 rest:静 resultant:合成的 retire:就寝 return:回答 revolution:转数ridge:鼻梁 row:吵嚷,口角 sack:解雇 say:发言权,

36、意见 scale:鱼鳞 scrap:废弃,报废screen:筛选 second:赞成,附和 seize:查封 select:精选的 service:维修,保养set:不变的,固定的,规定的 shampoo:洗发,洗头 shell:炮弹 shoot:发芽shutter:百叶窗,(照相机)快门 skirt:边缘,郊区 smart:剧痛,刺疼 soil:弄脏 sole:脚垫,鞋底sore:痛处,疮 surprise:奇袭 survey:俯瞰,眺望 sweep:扫过,掠过 tablet:碑,匾tackle:滑车 tap:利用,开发 teachings:教导,学说 temper:韧度,回火度tender

37、:提出,提供,投标 theater:阶梯教室 thorough:精心的 tower:高耸transactions:会报,学报 treat:论述,探讨 turnover:成交量,营业额 tutor:个别指导ugly:讨厌的 undertake:许诺,保证 wage:进行,开展 wrench:扳手lizesi1219 (站内联系 TA)administer:给予,投(药) aerial:天线 approach:提议,探讨 article:条款 aspect:样子,外表,面貌 author:创始人 avenue:途径,手段 avert:防止,避免 barrel:枪管,炮管 basin:内海,盆地 b

38、attery:炮兵连,炮组 make believe:假装 bid:祝愿 blast:管乐器或汽笛声 blind:百叶窗 blood:气质 bow:弓(形),蝴蝶结 box:包厢 breed:品种,种类 brim:帽沿 brisk:兴隆的 cause:事业,事件,奋斗目标 check:方格图案,格子织物 cheque:总收入 choice:入选者,精华 civil:文职的 clause:(正式文件或法律文件的)条款 climate:风气,社会思潮 cloak:掩盖,掩饰 clutch:离合器 cock:龙头,开关 code:法典,法规,规划 commission:佣金,手续费 concern:

39、(利害)关系 concert:一齐,一致 conquer:破除(坏习惯等) constant:忠实的 cooperative:合作社 couple:力偶,电偶;连接,结合 cricket:蟋蟀 cylinder:汽缸 deliver:接生 desert:擅离,开小差 diffuse:(文章等)冗长的,漫无边际的 displacement:排水量 distribute:配(电) edge:侧身移动,挤进 effect:招致 elastic:松紧带,橡皮圈 embrace:包含 extension:电话分机 fence:击剑 file:锉刀 forward:转交,转递 further:促进,增进

40、glow:白热 handsome:数量可观的 hatch:舱口,小门 hold:船舱 implement:贯彻,实现 impress:印,盖印 knit:接合,粘合 lace:系带,扎带 leaf:金属薄片 liabilities:债务 line:加衬,作里子 log:航海日志 mark time:原地踏步,停止不前,拖延时间 master:主要的 mechanical:呆板的 at the mercy of:在的支配下 merit:值得,应得 minutes:会议记录 mix up:搞糊涂 mock:模拟考试 moral:寓意 mortal:人世间的凡人 need:贫困,困窘 nominal

41、:微不足道的 nut:螺母,螺帽 observations:言论 odd:临时的 pad:填塞 palm:棕榈 paper:裱糊 particle:虚词 particular:详情,细目 party:当事人 pick:镐,鹤嘴锄 plate:镀,电镀 pool:合资经营,联营 pop:突然出现,发生 porcelain:精制的 pose:假装,冒充 power:幂 preserve:腌渍 proceedings:会议录,学报 probe:探针,探测器 produce:上演,演出 proof:校样,样张 proper:正派的 pursuit:职业,工作 quarters:方向,地区,方面,住处

42、quarterly:季刊 rack:使痛苦折磨 rally:恢复(健康等),重新振作 range:炉灶 rapids:急流,湍滩 reading:读数 ready:甘心的 refuse:废物,垃圾 regular:正式的 relate:叙述,讲述 relevant:有重大意义的 relieve:换班,换岗 remark:注意到,察觉 render:提出,提供,呈报 resistance:电阻 rest:静 resultant:合成的 retire:就寝 return:回答 revolution:转数 ridge:鼻梁 row:吵嚷,口角 sack:解雇 say:发言权,意见 scale:鱼鳞

43、scrap:废弃,报废 screen:筛选 second:赞成,附和 seize:查封 select:精选的 service:维修,保养 set:不变的,固定的,规定的 shampoo:洗发,洗头 shell:炮弹 shoot:发芽 shutter:百叶窗,(照相机)快门 skirt:边缘,郊区 smart:剧痛,刺疼 soil:弄脏 sole:脚垫,鞋底 sore:痛处,疮口 soul:人 spectacular:壮观的演出 speculate:投机 spill:摔下,跌下 squeeze:榨取,勒索 stable:马厩,马棚 stain:玷污,染色 station:安置,驻扎 stern:

44、船尾,舟尾 stone:果核 storm:猛攻,直捣 substance:大意 suit:诉讼 sum:算术题 surprise:奇袭 survey:俯瞰,眺望 sweep:扫过,掠过 tablet:碑,匾 tackle:滑车 tap:利用,开发 teachings:教导,学说 temper:韧度,回火度 tender:提出,提供,投标 theater:阶梯教室 thorough:精心的 tower:高耸 transactions:会报,学报 treat:论述,探讨 turnover:成交量,营业额 tutor:个别指导 ugly:讨厌的 undertake:许诺,保证 wage:进行,开展

45、wrench:扳手考研英语历年真题常考固定搭配第一部分 名词的固定搭配 A 介词+名词形式 by accident 偶然 on account of 因为,由于 in addition 另外 in addition to 除之外( 包括)in the air 在流行中,在传播中 on (the/an) average 平均,一般来说 on the basis of 根据,在的基础上 at (the) best 充其量,至多 for the better 好转,改善 on board 在船(车、飞机)上 out of breath 喘不过气来 on business 因公,因事 in any c

46、ase 无论如何,总之 in case of 假使,万一 in case 假如,以防(万一) ,免得 in no case 决不 by chance 偶然,碰巧 in charge (of) 负责,主管 (a) round the clock 昼夜不停地 in common 共用,共有,共同 in conclusion 最后,总之 on condition that 在条件下 in confidence 信任 in connection with/to 关于 in consequence 因此,结果 in consequence of 由于的缘故 on the contrary 反之,正相反

47、in contrast with/to 与成对照 out of control 失去控制 under control 被控制住 at all costs 不惜任何代价 at the cost of 以为代价 in the course of 在过程中,在期间 of course 当然,自然,无疑 in danger 在危险中,垂危 out of danger 脱离危险 out of date 过期(时)的 up to date 时新的 in debt 欠债 in detail 详细地 in difficulties 处境困难 in the distance 在远处 off duty 下班 on

48、 duty 值班,上班 on earth 究竟,到底 at all events 无论如何 in any event 无论如何 in effect 有效;实际上 in the event of 万一,如果发生 for example 例如 with the exception of 除之外 in the face of 面对,不顾,即使 in fact 其实,实际上 on fire 烧着 on foot 步行 in force 有效;实施中 in favo(u)r of 有利于,赞成,支持 in front of 在 面前 in (the) future 今后,将来 on guard 警惕,防

49、范 in general 通常,大体上 in half 成两半 at hand 在手边,在附近 from tip to toe 彻头彻尾,完全 by hand 用手 hand down to 往下传,传给(后代)hand in hand 手拉手,携手 in hand 在掌握中,在控制中 on hand 在手边,临近 on (the) one hand. 一方面 , on the other hand.另一方面at heart 在内心;实质上 by heart 牢记,凭记忆 at home 在家,在国内;自在,自如 in honor of 以纪念,向 表示敬意 on ones honor 以名誉担保 in a hurry 匆忙地,立即 for instance 例如,举例说 at intervals 不


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