Chapter four 出国口语 商场购物.doc

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1、Chapter four 商场购物section one 购物过程1 购物过程Part 01 详解惯用单句购物咨询Where is the ladies room here?这里的女厕所在哪里?Whats on the fifth floor?五楼卖什么?What floor is mens shop on?男士用品在几楼?Where is ladies wear?女装在哪里?Where can i find childrens clothes?我哪里可以找到童装?选购Excuse me! Id like a tie.打扰了,我想买一条领带。Is this win on sale.这酒减价销售

2、吗?How much is it?多少钱?Do you have these shoes in size seven?这种鞋你们有七号的吗?Do you have this in larger size?这一件尺寸有大的吗?Got anything cheaper?有没有便宜一点的?试穿与试用I want to try this on.我想试试这一件。Where is the fitting room?试衣间在哪里?It fits me well 这件适合我。Its too small for me.这件对我太小了It;s too long.太长了Its a little tight.有点儿紧

3、Its a little loose.有点儿松讨价还价Its too high.太贵了!That much?那么贵啊!Got cheaper ones!有没有便宜的。Can i have a discount?能给我打折吗?One hundren and eighty-five yuan,i will take it.185 元,我就买了。Part two 实用对话“How much is this?“ 这个多少钱“600 rupees.“ 600 卢比“That expensive? Cheaper?“这么贵? 便宜点儿!“500“ “whats the lowest price?“最低啥价

4、啊?“This is the lowest price!“ 这就是最低价。佯装不感兴趣,准备离开“Whats the highest you can pay?“你最高出什么价“200” 200“Not possible, were losing money with that price,you get what you pay for!” 不可能,要赔钱了, 一分价钱一分货“Youre not possible to lose money, I know what this is worth. 200 tops.” 你不可能赔的,我知道这个价值,200 最多“No, it cost me m

5、ore than that, 350.” 进都进不来,350“ Its still too high for me,you know Im sincere to buy this” 还是太贵,我老诚心买的“ I appreciate your sincerity, I give you 300, last price, take it or leave it.” 谢谢你这么诚心,给你 300,最后价,买不买随你“ Then I have to leave that, I cant pay that much.” 那我只好不买,太贵“OK, OK, 250, the lowest we can

6、go. I make you happy, you make me happy.” 好好好, 250, 吐血价了。我让你开心,你也让一步。“250 is a very bad number in Chinese, Ill give you 208, this is a number of bless.” 250 中文不吉利。208 ,吉利啊!”248 is also a good number in Chinese” 老板娘还有点中国文化的底子。“ No, 208,I ll introduce your store to many friends and you can earn a lot.”我介绍朋友过来“ Were losing money on this, come again next time, and dont tell your friends you bought them with this price, you are a smart buyer!”下次再来哦,别告诉你朋友你用这个价格买的哦。你真能砍!(印度人最喜欢说这样的价格全世界只给你,only for you in the world!)“Youre a smart seller! Thanks,!”你也不差。


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