1、Vanella Jackson:成为顶尖策划人的私家秘诀文/Vanella Jackson(Chief Executive Hall & Partners Europe)译/runningsunflower我已经做了二十多年策划,随着时间和工作经验的积累,我对这份工作的认识越来越清晰,但我很难肯定和我朝夕与共的客户、account 对策划的认识是否也是如此。策划对我来说非常简单,它是让我看到自己的价值。作为一个策划,我定义自己成功的标准是我能否敢于遵从内心去追求与众不同,这对于广告片尤其重要,当我在电视上看到那些真正被我影响过的广告,我会感觉非常良好。令人惊讶的是通过最近的研究,我发现我现在参
2、与的广告工作甚至比以前我在广告公司工作的时候还要多。这很容易解释,因为在进行广告研究的过程中你难免要与更多的广告公司和更多的客户打交道。然而正是这一切让我开始反思自己的职业生涯,并开始思考一个顶尖策划人和一个普通策划人之间存在的差异。对此我将提出自己的观点,旨在抛砖引玉,请拍砖的童鞋对老衲下手轻一点哦。以下是我对如何成为顶尖策划人的十条建议。一,学会倾听尽你可能地用心听你的客户、acount 部门、创意部门说的话。其实所有问题的答案和解决办法都在你听的内容里,如果你一直一筹莫展,那说明你还是听得不够。广告人在如何倾听客户方面是出了名的不擅长,也许他们从来没真正去听过客户说的什么。不过,一般来说
3、,创意人并不会一直处于不妥协的姿态,他们并不总是不停地向你抱怨和解释为什么他们不接受客户的意见。二,一定要勇敢告诉人们你真正的想法,不要为此而害怕,因为你的心灵会为你指引出正确的方向。当你被那些看似聪明理智的广告老鸟质疑的时候,不要动摇,因为他们的 idea 虽然听起来还不错,但是某一天你会发现他们当时的话以及他们自身也并不是无懈可击。 (没有任何 idea 是完美的,你敢于表达自己才是最重要的。 )三,永远做最棒的永远不要对自己说“这么做也马马虎虎” 。面对任何一份平凡琐碎的工作你都要竭尽所能做到最好,不管你是在 4A 还是在没有多少地球人知道的小公司。四,放松很重要试着在确定和不确定之间调
4、适自己。半成型的 idea 就像面包和黄油之间的关系,时间不够就无法经得起考验。不要试图过早地理解或者抓住全部,尽量先和这个项目中与你合作的创意人熟悉起来这样你们才能更容易地擦出灵感的火花。五,做些不一样的事情总是尝试去做从来没有做过的事情。新的 idea 和 insight 总是在你尝试新的东西的时候到来。去一些你想不到的地方寻找 insight!六,要有团队精神要知道发想创意是整个 team 的事情,不但包括作为策划的你,还包括这个 team 的成员,甚至包括所有涉及到这个项目的人。你要尽可能地充分收集和参考所有相关人员的意见,因为这不但有助于你开拓想象力,还能让你成功地想到 idea七,
5、尽可能地诚实告诉你的 team 事情的真相。你务必要直接告诉他们,以确保他们听到的是你自己对事情的解释,而不是别的什么人。你只要立即回到公司亲口告诉他们。如果他们不在那里,留下一张字条,然后再回去。八,混个脸熟务必要熟悉你的 team,不要只在开会的时候才出现。有时候你可以突然跑到 team 其它成员的空间,看看他们都在做什么。告诉他们你的看法,或许这正好对他们有所帮助。九,视觉思维我们生活的时代是一个信息超载的世界,人们的注意力被过多的信息分散了。然而俗话说得好,一图胜千言。所以要尽可能地使用图像、视频和图片去表现你的感觉和情绪。毕竟,作为策划的你,工作在创意这一行。十,把它变得有趣众所周知
6、,随着工作经验的累积和参与的项目的增多,我们或多或少都能学到点儿东西,然而即使像广告这么有意思的工作,时间久了也会令人乏味。你必须找到办法真正融入这个圈子,和 acount打成一片,和客户称兄道弟,和自己创意部门的同学成为好友(那是最理想的关系,总之你至少可以做到不被人讨厌) 。广告是个辛苦的行业,如果不开心就赔大了!工作务必要快乐。如果你真的喜欢这份工作,你就能发现快乐,或者创造快乐。当你做到这一点,你会发现很多事情都顺了,事情变得越来越 easy。世界最棒的工作不就是自己做起来感到越来越 easy 的工作吗?所有这些建议似乎是显而易见的,但有时并不是每个人都可以做到的。我希望我的总结对你是
7、有用的。最后,虽然我将结束本文,但是仍然欢迎作为研究对象你们,作为同行提出自己的见解和新的观点。我最后一条 tip 是永远要对你的研究对象保持友好!*关于 Hall&PartnersHall & Partners (www.hall-and-) 是全球领先的品牌和沟通研究顾问公司,致力于为客户在策划的每一个环节提供富有新意的思维。Hall & Partners 的研究模型继续保持在广告领域不断推陈出新、锐意改变的思路,开创全新的开发和评估品牌和传播的方法。原文:I have been a planner for twenty years and whilst my own opinion at
8、 planning is clearer in my head I am not sure it is even clear to those around me, namely clients and account people. Planning to me is very simple. It is about being useful.As a planner I judged my own success by whether in my heart I knew I had made a difference to a decision, and most importantly
9、 to a piece of advertising, I know which ads I genuinely influenced and that makes me feel goodI have recently made a move into research and to my surprise I find myself involved in the development of more advertising than when I worked in an agency. This is simply because in research you work with
10、more agencies on more advertising for more clients.It has however made me think back over my career as a planner and reflect on what it is that makes the difference between a great planner and an average one. The following I offer up as a point of view to consider or reject. So here are my ten for b
11、eing a tip top planner.LISTEN.Listen to your clients, listen to your account ream, listen to your creative team. No one listens enough and yet all the answers and opportunities are there if you listen. Advertising people are notoriously bad at listening to clients and really hearing what they have t
12、o say. Creative people are not always just being defensive when telling you why they dont accept the clients view.BE BRAVE.Tell people what you really think what your heart tells you is true. Dont be swayed by the intellectual arguments because they sound good, when you know they are deep down they
13、are flawed.ALWAYS BE GREAT. Never hear yourself say that will do. Average work always starts somewhere make everything you do be the best it can be.RELAX.Be comfortable with uncertainty and imprecision. Half formed ideas are the bread and butter of creativity. Dont try to understand or grasp the who
14、le too early, familiarity when working with creative people make sure there is space around ideas.BE DIFFERENT.Always try things you havent done before. New ideas and insight are more likely to come when you are experimenting something new. Look for insights in unexpected placesBE A TEAM PLAYER.Reco
15、gnise that developing creative ideas is a team process. It is not just down to the planner and the creative team. Involve people. Seen lots of opinions as this will help fed your imagination and increase the chances of success.HONESTY.Tell your creative team the truth. Tell them it straight make sur
16、e they hear it from you not anyone else. Tell them as soon as you walk back to the agency. If they are not there leave a note and go back later.FAMILIAR FACE.Get to know your creative team. Dont only turn up for meetings. Pop in and see how they are doing. Take them something you have thought about
17、that could be useful.BE VISUAL.We live in a world that is over loaded with information. Make your mantra to be picture can say 1000 words. Use images, videos and pictures to express feelings and emotions. After all, as planners you work in the creative industry.MAKE IT FUN.We all learn through exper
18、ience and being involved. Find ways to involve your account team, your client and your creative team. Work should be fun. The best work comes more easily when it is.All of this may seem obvious, but sometimes can seem hard to do. I hope it is useful summary. The final though I will leave you is that your researcher can be an invaluable ally, providing you with insights and new perspectives. My final tip would be always befriend your researcher!Via: Jiaoban 叫板