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1、分类号 密级 U D C 中国地质大学江城学院英语写作 A4 结课项目(设计)书基于大学生的消费习惯浅析郊区三本院校大二学生的消费理念及指向-以中国地质大学江城学院为例专 业: 英语(英法双语) 班 级: 41401001 项目组成员:4140100107 柯慧奇; 4140100111 熊达思;4140100112 武建; 4110100212 周源;4110100213;罗再忠 项目组负责人: 4140100111 熊达思;论文外文题目: Analysis Into The Habits Of Suburban Independent College Students And Instru

2、ctions 论文主题词: 郊区三本 消费习惯 消费观念 理性消费 外文主题词: suburban college consumption habit consumption concept rational consumption China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)Jiangcheng College English Title:Analysis Into The Habits of Suburban Independent College Students And InstructionsMajor: English and FrenchClas

3、s: 41401001 Members:4140100107Jerry; 4140100111Alex ;4140100112Hugh;4110100212 Zhouyuan 4110100213LuoZaizhong; Leader: 4140100111Alex ; 原创性声明本人呈交的毕业论文,是在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,所有数据、图片资料真实可靠。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本毕业论文的研究成果不包含他人享有著作权的内容。对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献的其他个人和集体,均已在文中以明确的方式标明。本毕业论文的知识产权归属于培养单位。本人签名: 日期: 摘

4、 要在广大的社会消费群体中,大学生显然是一个特殊的群体,而三本院校的学生是这个特殊群体的新生力量,他们不仅有着富裕的家庭背景,而且他们的消费观念、特点将直接影响未来消费市场的发展方向,及相关经济政策制定的理论依据。因此,本文运用消费心理学、营销学等相关学科知识,对当前三本郊区院校大学生这一特殊群体普遍存在的消费特点及其特有的消费心理活动进行分析,得出了理性消费与非理性消费并存、追求时尚和名牌的攀比消费、信用卡带来的冲动消费和超前消费以及恋爱消费比重的不断上升,这五个大学生群体存在的消费特点,并通过分析造成其特点的原因,最终为三本郊区大学生合理消费提供意见,加强合理消费意识。因此,对大学生的消费

5、特点与其消费心理进行分析,就更显得重要了。由于各方面因素的影响,制约着当代大学生正确消费观的形成。文章首先主要探讨当前我国大学生存在的消费误区和问题;其次针对这些问题,探究其成因;最后就大学生如何树立正确理性的消费观,提出本小组的几点建议,以期促进当代大学生健康的成长。当代大学生是国家的栋梁,民族的希望,决定着国家将来的发展和强大,作为大学生在学习期间应当养成良好的思想品德,形成良好的习惯,有利于将来的工作和发展。大学生的消费行为和心理,直接影响他们的人生观和价值观,对他们的学习、生活乃至日后的工作成才都有着重要的影响。希望我们的成果对你有一定的指导作用。关键词:郊区三本 消费习惯 消费观念

6、理性消费IABSTRACT Among all the consumer groups, college students are all undoubtedly special. Students from independent colleges, as new entrants to the Chinese society, are even more different. With better financial backgrounds, their consumption concepts and characteristics exert direct influence on

7、the development trend of market and the formulation of relevant economic policies. College students are the drive for the future development and prosperity of this country. Their consumption behavior contributes directly to their outlook of life and their values, and their work and everyday life. Co

8、nsequently, it is essential for us to analyze the characteristics and psychology of their consumption behavior. The right consumption concept of college students has not yet been formed, the reasons of which being various. This research first discusses the problem of college students in terms of con

9、sumption. It then provide reasons. Finally, it offers advice on how to develop a rational consumption concept, in the hope of promoting the development of college students. In reference to consumption psychology and marketing basics, this research makes an analysis on the students of suburban indepe

10、ndent colleges. The consumption habits of college students are featured by rational and irrational consumption, consumption for fashion and fame, impulsive consumption, excessive consumption and consumption in a relationship. Key words: suburban college consumption habit consumption concept rational

11、 consumption II目 录1 引言 .11.1 三本学生的消费习惯分析 .11.1.1 有限的收入 .11.1.2 理性消费与非理性消费并存 .12 三本学生的消费心理分析 .32.1 对非理性消费心理的分析 .32.2 对消费群体影响的分析 .32.2.1 消费群体 .32.2.2 消费群体的特征 .33 对消费中存在的虚荣心与盲目攀比的分析 .43.1 由追求时尚引起的盲目攀比 .43.2 由虚荣心引起的盲目攀比 .44 对社交中的消费心理分析 .5结束语 .6致谢 .7参考文献 .8IIICONTENTS1 Introduction .11.1 Analysis into th

12、e consumption habits of college students .11.1.1 The limitation of sources of income.11.1.2 The coexistence of rational and irrational consumption .12 Analysis into the consumption psychology of college students.32.1 Analysis into the psychology of irrational consumption .32.2 Analysis into the infl

13、uence of consumer groups.32.2.1 Consumer groups .32.2.2 Features of consumer groups .33 Analysis into vanity and unrealistic comparing in shopping.43.1 Unrealistic comparing caused by the pursuit for fashions .43.2 Unrealistic comparing caused by vanity .44 Analysis in consumption psychology in a re

14、lationship.5Conclusion .6Acknowledgment .7References.801 IntroductionWith the development of market economy and culture, college students are faced with new challenges in terms of consumption concept(Gan Biqun, 2003). The report of the 17th National Congress of the CPC, requires that every family an

15、d citizen be engaged in the development of a resource-saving society. At the same time, rational consumption behavior is fundamental for such development. Therefore, college students should practice rational consumption. However, the young age and the characteristics inhibit the development of such

16、a concept. College students are still troubled by the problems brought by the consumption in everyday life. Thus, it is worthwhile to make deep analysis into these problems and find out the respective solutions so as to help college students develop a rational consumption concept. This research inve

17、stigates a lot about the consumption concept of students in the suburban independent college.1.1 Analysis into the consumption habits of college studentsThe questionnaire applied in this research focuses on the sophomore in Jiangcheng College, China University of Geosciences. This research gives out

18、 200 pieces of questionnaire, with 142 pieces of effective questionnaire and the rate of efficiency being 71%. Questions in it include basic information of the students, such as the gender, the amount of consumption and the consumption psychology. According to the questionnaire, the consumption habi

19、ts of the students there have the following features:1.1.1 The limitation of sources of income According to the survey, the main sources of income are confined to three ways, namely, family allowances, loans and part-time jobs. Some 96.3% students get their living allowances from families, being 92%

20、 of the total expenditure. Meanwhile, about 48% students have the experience of doing part-time jobs for more income.1.1.2 The coexistence of rational and irrational consumption 1According to the survey, students first give consideration to prices, second to brands, last to quality. Also, different

21、students have different levels of expenditure, 6.26% students spend less than RMB300 yuan, 2.42% students fluctuate from 300-500 yuan and from 500-800 yuan, being respectively 47.78% and 39.44% of all students. Therefore, students give priorities to necessities in their daily lives, because of the l

22、imited income.They are very cautious in expenditures, always going for goods of low prices and high quality. For goods particularly needed, most students are careful in purchasing. Boys particularly behave in this way. In the meantime, college students come to concern themselves about self-image and

23、 styles of commodities.However, due to a lack of the ability to manage money and to conduct financial transactions, some college students are random about shopping. Students get their information from the media. With the sea of the information, students learn about the trends and fashions and then g

24、o shopping. Most of the processes do not involve students themselves and therefore most consumption behavior is irrational.Most students consume for fashion and unrealistic comparing. According to the survey, boys go after famous sporting outfit, with girls after famous cosmetics. Meanwhile, being i

25、n a community easily leads to unrealistic comparing. It is easy for and typical of college students to buy funky electronics and top-grade commodities for vanity, from clothing to computers and mobiles. This is partly a matter of “Brand Effect“, partly a matter of idolatry.Often college students are

26、 irrational about consumption in a relationship. The amount of expenditure per month ranges from hundreds to thousands. This kind of consumption accounts for the main part of the total. Most college students admit the rationality of a certain amount of material input when in a relationship. Still, i

27、t is hard for them to live up to the principle of moderate consumption. A big part of the expense is to buy gifts on special days such as Valentines Day, Christmas Day, The New Year, Double Seventh Day and birthdays. In addition, communication cost is also a essential for keeping a relationship. Phones, text messages, and surfing are all needed, especially for lovers separated by a long distance. It is definitely a financial burden for college students from less well-off family to pay for hours of phone speech,


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