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1、1浙江博爱家纺有限公司导出“博爱”健康睡眠关爱您的一身“Take Care of Your Sleep“ Bedding products presented by Zhejiang Boaim Home Textiles Co., LTD.行业背景人类健康由睡眠、运动、饮食三大支柱构成,睡眠质量的好坏直接影响健康甚至寿命。健康睡眠,是现代生活对人们提出的新要求。在发达国家,各种改善睡眠的产品层出不穷。福布斯估计:睡眠产业销售额每年有100亿至120亿美元,而且这项产业正在不断壮大。据世界卫生组织对14个国家、15个地区的25916名在基层医疗就诊的病人进行调查,发现有27%的人有睡眠问题,据

2、报道美国的失眠率高达32%-50%,英国 10%-14%,日本20% ,法国30%,据中国睡眠研究会抽样调查:我国成年人失眠发生率已达38.2% ,其中老年人失眠发病率高达60%。由于人口基数庞大,我国失眠者已占全球第一。例如广州,上海,北京等作为现代化的大都市,工作、生活的节奏日益加快,各种压力越来越大,越来越多的人饱受睡眠障碍问题的困扰。有关专家反映,睡眠障碍已成为神经科门诊的第二大疾病。睡眠健康在全球越来越引起世界各国的重视,许多国家的政府部门、企业和科学家纷纷想办法,从时间、质量和观念三方面入手,改善民众、尤其是上班族的睡眠,由此带动的睡眠产业逐渐成为一种具有广阔发展前景的产业。睡眠产

3、业是个覆盖全民的、快速发展的新兴产业,有关专家预测,我国睡眠产业增长潜力巨大并且发展迅速,据不完全统计,目前我国的睡眠产业已达1200亿元人民币。浙江博爱家纺有限公司已跻身于这一朝阳产业当中,并已是这一领域产品销售量的佼佼者,为您的睡眠健康做出应有的贡献。Sleep, exercise and diet constitute the three pillows of human health. The quality of sleep directly 2affects the quality of health and even life. Health sleep is the new r

4、equirements among the people in the modern life. In developed countries, a variety of products which can improve the quality of the sleep emerge in endlessly. It is estimated in Forbes that the sale for sleep industry reaches 10-12 billion U.S. dollars each year, furthermore, this industry is growin

5、g in full strength. It is founded that there are 27% of the population in the world have the sleep problem through the survey by WTO. It is reported that the rate of insomnia in U.S.A. come up to 32%-50%, 10%-14% in the U.K., 20% in Japan, 30% in France. China sleep research association has done a s

6、pot check, and the result shows that the rate of insomnia among the Chinese adults has come up to 38.2% in which the incidence of insomnia of the elderly reaches as high as 60%. Due to the huge population, China accounts for the largest part of the worlds insomnia population.Now, big cities such as

7、Guangzhou,Shanghai and Beijing have transformed into modern cities. As the increasing speed of work and life, a growing number of people under kinds of pressure are suffering from sleep disturbance. Sleep Disturbance has become the second largest disease in the neurosurgery clinic, expressed by rela

8、ted experts.The world is paying more and more attention to healthy sleep. The governmental departments, enterprises and scientists from many countries are trying to work out a way to improve the sleep quality of common people, especially the office workers in time, quality and perception, making a b

9、road prospect for sleep industry. Sleep industry is an emerging industry that covers all people and is developing rapidly. Professionals estimate that the sleep industry of our nation has a great potential and is developing quickly. According to incompletely statistics, currently the turnover of sle

10、ep industry of our nation is RMB 120 billion. By now, Zhejiang Boaim Home Textiles Co., LTD. has stepped into this promising industry. As a leading manufacturer in the field of functional bedding products, Boaim Textiles is making more and more contribution to your health sleep.3睡眠医学篇经临床实践证实:诸如高血压、心


12、在逐步建立和发展。有关专家预测,2009年,我国睡眠医学产业市场容量至少达1200亿元,在不久的将来,睡眠产业将在我国取得飞跃发展。Confirmed by clinical practice: such as hypertension, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, pulmonary heart disease, diabetes, nephritis, obesity, epilepsy, sexual dysfunction, autonomic dysfunction, polycythemia, myocardial infarction,

13、 cerebral, brain cusi, sudden death and other common disease are closely linked to sleep disorders, many of which are caused by sleep disorders, especially sleep-disordered breathing. For this reason, countries have now built a sleep center. Clinical sleep disorders center in the United States has g

14、rown to more than 6000; sleep disorders hospital, more than 300. Although a lot of Chinese medical organizations have set up sleep testing center, we are still far behind those developed countries for our lack of theory and technology, as well as such factors as lack of experience. In recent years,

15、with the emphasis of national authorities, with sensing, computer and medical physiological engineering used in clinical, growing understanding on sleep physiological and pathological, growing deepening on sleep study, sleep medicine is gradually being established and developed. Some experts predict

16、ed that market capacity of sleep medicine industry of our country will at least reach up to 120 billion Yuan by 42009; in the near future, the sleep industry will achieve rapid development in China.睡眠保健篇养生三要里说“安寝乃人生最乐。古人有言:不觅仙方觅睡方睡足而起,神清气爽,真不啻无际真人” 。可见,睡眠对于人来说,是多么的重要。在人类生命的过程中,大约有1/3的时间与睡眠相伴。睡眠与健康是

17、“终身伴侣” 。据调查,目前我国失眠患者约有1.5亿,睡眠不良者高达3亿人,其中2亿以上生活在城市。成人中,约有50%有睡眠不良的经历,而职业女性中更高达80%的人受睡眠不良困扰,中老年人中受此困扰的也为数不少,睡眠健康的问题日益受到人们的关注。因此,睡眠类产品特别是保健品将成为企业研发的新方向。据权威部门资料显示,未来几年内,保健睡眠市场将突破200亿元。The 3 Point of Regimen said: Sleep healthily access to readiness of life. Archaism said: finding prescription to sleep s

18、econd to resort to God get up after adequate sleep, you get refreshed as the wandering immortal. In all, sleep is critical for life, 1/3 of which is occupied. It goes hand in hand with fitness.Survey shows that there are 150 million sleepless, 300 million sleep inadequate in China, 200 million of wh

19、o are citizens, 50% of adult sleep inadequately, 80% of professional women are obsessed by unhealthy sleep; in the figure of seniors remain high, either. The problem of sleep healthily is paid more attention. Therefore, the sleep products especially health care products are researched and developed

20、by manufactures. The date come from authoritative dept. shows that markets in the health care sleep products is worth 20 billion Yuan in the several years.5睡眠科技篇睡眠科技、健康睡眠随着社会的进步和物质文化生活水平的提高,人们的生活内容也越来越丰富多彩,加上人类的营养状况、生活条件以及环境都不断得到改善,人们的睡眠观念也正在发生变化。高科技睡眠产品、睡眠奢侈品- 人们生活水平提高的标志,高科技睡眠产品也应运而生。高品质、高科技含量、多功能

21、性及个性化的睡眠产品将成为未来中国睡眠产业的发展方向。专利号:201010143920.0专利名称:一种长久保存疗效的药枕竹炭红豆杉组方健康枕红豆杉,是从恐龙时代孑遗下来的珍稀植物,本草纲目 、 中药大辞典等书籍对红豆杉治疗霍乱、伤寒、肾病、糖尿病以及排毒、利尿等均有记载;其提取物紫杉醇是国际公认的癌症治疗良药。研究发现:其叶和它部位含有的稀有挥发油、金松双黄酮等多种有效物质,对强力抗失眠、提升人体免疫力、延缓衰老实现长寿具有突出的效果,已成为国际医学界关注和研究的新热点。竹炭枕对身体保健方面能起到的作用是:1、净化空气 2、释放天然矿物质 3、产生负离子4、释放远红外线 5、阻隔电磁波 6、

22、调节空气湿度。利用竹炭的多孔结构和吸附性,可用于汗水及室内湿气的吸附能释放出天然的香气,提高睡眠质量。这是因为竹炭的远红外线温热效果、调湿效果、负离子的空气清净效果;竹炭能放射出远红外线,促进血液循环,新陈代谢,消除疲劳。对肩膀酸痛、腰痛、颈痛、关节痛、失眠、气喘等症状有明显的辅助疗效。竹炭红豆杉组方健康枕对于目前现代医学尚难解决的慢性复杂性疾病和老年人养生保健等,具有独到的认识和独特的作用。1 作用机理:竹炭红豆杉组方健康枕的医疗保健原理在于头颈部的体温是枕内药物的有效成分缓慢而持久地发散出来,药物的香味淡而不薄,清而不浊,散而不走,久而不厚,通过头颈部的皮肤、6毛孔和经络穴位进入体内,起到

23、疏通循环中枢延脑所在之处,药物的有效成分在人体体温的作用下,通过经络穴位进入经脉,从而起到疏通经络,活血化瘀,协调脏腑功能的作用,药枕充分发挥了药物治疗,经络调节和生物全息疗法的综合优点,达到防病治病、摄生康复的目的。另一途径为通过鼻腔吸入,经过肺的气血交换进入体内,此所谓“闻香治病”的道理。2 主要功效 调节血压 舒减压力 改善睡眠 调节血糖 缓解颈椎 通窍宁神 缓解颈丛 促进健康3 适合人群高血压 颈椎病高血糖 气管炎高血脂 亚健康该健康药枕用于高血压,高血脂,高血糖,颈椎病,失眠头晕及气管炎,打呼噜等。近千例使用效果证明,都有神奇功效。尤其是睡眠质量的改善,97%使用者次日即可见效。此项

24、发明解决了所有“三高”人群对内服药物依赖的烦恼。Sleep technology, health sleepAlong with the social progress and the growing material and cultural living standards, peoples 7lives are becoming more and more colorful; coupled with the nutritional status of the human, living conditions and the environment being improved, sle

25、ep concepts of the people is also changing. High-tech sleep products sleep luxury-sign of peoples growing living standard, high-tech sleep products are born pregnant. High-quality, high-tech, versatility and personalized sleep products will be the development direction of Chinese sleep industry.Chin

26、a Patent No. 201010143920.0Patent Name: A herbal pillow with long-term emission capacityA healthy pillow stuffed with combined bamboo charcoal and Chinese yewChinese yew is a rare plant species dating from dinosaur ages. The medical effect of Chinese yew has been discovered long time ago by ancient

27、Chinese people and its appliance in treating various diseases such as nephritis and diabetes was recorded in classic Chinese medical books. Taxol, which is extracted from Chinese yew, has been recognized as anti-cancer medicine. Besides, some other chemicals contained in the leaf and other parts of

28、Chinese yew are proved to be helpful in treating insomnia and building good health. Bamboo charcoal is contributional to body fitness in the following aspects: 1. purify air 2. Release mineral substance 3 generate anion 4 far infrared ray effect 5 protection from electromagnetic wave 6 humidity cond

29、itioning. The porous structure and strong absorbability feature of bamboo charcoal are useful to improve sleep quality. Integrating the merits of Chinese yew and bamboo charcoal, this pillow is delicately designed to make your sleep good and healthy.1. MechanismHeating by head and neck, the function

30、al gradients inside this pillow will emit out slowly and consistently. The emission is mild, fresh and everlasting. Absorbed through the skin of head and 8neck, the functional herbals can improve circulation condition and regulate the performance of many organs. Taking advantages of traditional medi

31、cine therapy, physical therapy and bio-hologram therapy, this pillow is devoted to your health sleep. Besides, the effective substance emitted by the pillow can enter circulation through breathing, which is the so-called “Get a cure simply by smelling the scent”2. Main Effects Regulate blood pressur

32、e Smooth tension Improve sleep quality Modulate blood sugar level Ease cervical spondylopathy Refreshing Protect cervical plexus Improve Health3. Target diseasesHypertension Cervical spondylopathyHyperglycemia TracheitisHyperlipemia Sub healthThis herbal pillow has been proved to be useful by about

33、a thousand test experiences. In these tests, sleep quality is magically improved and 97% of the test users had already found this pillow effective by trying it just one night. For people with hypertension, hyperglycemia or hyperlipemia, this product can greatly ease their dependence on medicine.9睡眠功

34、能篇人的一生,有三分之一的时间是在睡觉,所以睡眠质量是生活质量的重要指标。为自己人生那三分之一时间选择一个良好的载体是提高睡眠质量的关键,好的睡眠须从功能型寝具开始。相关睡眠专家也认为,随着人们生活节奏的加快,生活压力增大和社会竞争的日趋,功能寝具是人们对生活、对健康睡眠提出的高要求,而且功能寝具已深受广大用户接受和爱戴。根据市场调研,中国目前以寝具为主项的企业已经形成了气候,预计未来中国的寝具企业将达到数千家的规模。未来五年内,功能寝具市场在我国的销售空间将达到350亿元!出生六个月内 头型最佳雕塑期专利号:200910246642.9专利名称:婴幼儿多功能护形保健药枕,就是 一种最好的具有

35、雕塑头型的功效理想的球型枕头。婴儿的头型是可以塑造的吗?台北长庚医院教授张北叶说明,答案是可以的,不过成功的关键不在于选对枕头,而是在于不断变换的睡姿。这也就是为什么中国人的脸型多半较大,而西方人多半为窄型脸的原因,因为中国人习惯让婴儿仰睡,而西方人则多半会让孩子趴睡或侧睡。 这是为什么呢?张北叶进一步解释,婴儿在出生时为了顺利通过狭小的产道,因此头骨是柔软的,同时也是可以塑造的。但由于出生后,头骨会迅速钙化,以便保护头部,因此,如果在这段期间内,都让宝宝仰睡,那么后头部在钙化的过程中就会较为扁平。选对枕头 有效雕塑孩子头型?枕头为什么无法改变孩子的头型呢?原因在于市售的枕头都过于柔软,无法呈

36、受头部的重量,所以就算睡枕头,孩子还是会拥有较扁平的脸。想让孩子拥有理想的头型,枕头就要有型。张北叶强调,由于出生后的婴儿通常是仰睡,所以为了将宝宝的头型保持合理、完美的圆形,就必需给予一个理想的球型枕头,才具有雕塑头型的功效。婴幼儿多功能护形保健药枕可帮你大忙。婴幼儿多功能护形保健药枕,根据新生婴儿的生理特点,在使用正面的护形(矫正)婴儿头部功能时,其原理是利用绿豆和小米对头部的反作用力,使婴儿头部受力分布均匀,从而促使头部正常发育。婴幼儿因睡眠习惯偏差而形成畸形时,可用该多功能护形保健药10枕进行矫正。且绿豆小米枕使用时不凉不燥(头部周围温度在2530时,睡眠为最佳) ,具有防病健身助发育


38、形(矫正)保健药枕的中药组方具有益智健脑,增强免疫力、耳目聪敏、养心益气、平肝定惊、开窍宁神、祛风除湿、辟秽除瘴、防病健身助发育等多种功效。用于防治感冒、厌食偏食症、小儿惊厥、小儿盗汗、夜啼、佝偻病、鼻炎、扁桃体炎,并对小儿手足口病,病毒性肠炎等有较好的预防作用。另外,也可以有效纠正招风耳。One-third of peoples time is in bed, so sleep quality is an important indicator of life quality. Choose a good carrier for their sleep is the key to impro

39、ve the quality of sleep. Good sleep must begin from functional bedding. Related sleep experts also believe that function bedding is the high demands made by people for their better life and high-quality sleep and function bedding are being accepted and loved by people with the accelerated pace of pe

40、oples lives, increasing pressure of life and social competition.According to market research, the main items of bedding company of current China has formed a climate and bedding companies in China are expected to achieve the scale of thousands. Within the next five years, functional bedding market in China will reach 35 billion Yuan!


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