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1、whats your name?may i know your full name?may i know ur first name?你的姓名,你的全名,你姓什么? 2.tell me your birthday,whats your date of birth? when were u born?告诉我你的生日,你的出生日期是什么? 你什么时候出生的? 3.where are you from? where is your native place,where is your hometown?你是哪儿人,哪是你的祖籍,你的家乡是哪里? 4.how tall r u, how much is

2、 your weight?你有多高,多重? 5.say something about your family, what does your father do? how many people are there in your family?说说你的家庭情况,你父亲是做什么的?你家有几口人? 5.where did you graduate from? When did you graduated from your school? what was your major?你从那个学校毕业的? 你什么时候毕业的,你的专业是什么? 6.whats your job? do you have

3、 a job now? where do you work?你做什么工作,你有工作吗你在哪儿工作? 9.what time do you go to work? what is your duty shift? how many hours do you work?你每天什么时候去上班,每天工作时间是怎样的?你每天工作几小时? 10.how do you find the job? do you like it? why?你对工作的看法是什么样的,你喜欢这份工作吗,为什么? 11.why do you want to work abroad?你为什么想到国外工作啊 ? 12.how much

4、do you know about abroad? 你对国外的了解有多少? 13.What kind of job are you doing? what s your duty?你目前做什么工作,每天都干些什么? 14.HAVE YOU MET ANY PROBLEM WITH YOUR WORK? 在工作中遇到过什么困难吗? 16.what is your personality? 你是什么样的性格? 17.what is you weakness during work? 你在工作中的缺点是什么 18.what do you think the service job? 你对于服务性行业

5、的看法是什么 19.what is the most important to be in servie line? 你认为从事服务业最重要的要做到什么 21.Have u met any problem or difficulties during your working time? 你在工作中遇到过什么困难吗 22.do you know about your salary and treatment if you join us/if you come here?你知道如果你到我们公司来工作,是什么样的薪水和待遇吗 23.Whats your hoppy? 你的爱好是什么? 24.Do

6、 you like team work? 你喜欢和大家一起工作吗 ? 25.Can you get on well with other nationalites? 你能不能与他国籍的员工友好相处 1、How do you do? How are you? 你好吗?2、Could you introduce yourself? 你可以介绍你自己吗?3、Can you say something about yourself in English? 你可以用英语说一下你自己吗?4、Could you tell me your name? 你能告诉我一下你的名字吗?5、Do you have En

7、glish Name? 你的英文名字6、Who gave you the English name? 谁给你起的英文名字?7、Do you know the meaning of your English name? 你知道你英文名字的意思吗?8、How to spell your name? 该如何拼你的名字?9、How old are you? 你多大?When/where were you born?你在哪里在什么时候出生的?10、What is your age?你的年龄 11、Could you tell me your date of birth?你能告诉我你的出生日期12、How

8、 tall are you? What is your weight/height?你是多高?你的重量/高度是多少?13、Are you married or single? 你是已婚还是单身14、Have you got married? 你已经结婚了吗?15、Whats your nationality?你的国籍是什么?16、Where do you live? 你住在哪里? Where are you from?你从哪里来?17、Whats your address?你的住址是什么 Where is your hometown?你的家乡在哪里18、Is there any interes

9、ting place in your hometown? 你家乡有什么有趣的地方吗18.1. Could you introduce some interesting place in your hometown?你能介绍一下你家乡有何有趣的地方吗?19、Can you tell me the most famous local food/snacks in your hometown?你能告诉我你的家乡最著名的食物/点心吗?20、What is the climate in your hometown?你家乡现在的气候是什么样的21、 Which season do you like bes

10、t?你喜欢哪一个季节22、How many persons/people in your family?你的家里有多少人 23、Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?24、What is your brother or sister doing?你的兄弟或者姐妹是做什么的25、What is your father/mother doing?你父母现在是做什么的?26、 Whats the occupation of your parents?你父母的职业是什么27、Who will take care of your parents whe

11、n you are abroad?当你在国外的时候,谁将照顾你的父母28、Which school did you graduate from?你毕业于哪一所学校29、 When/where did you graduate from?你何时毕业?你毕业于哪里?30. Whatre the subjects you have learnt in the college?你在学校里学了些什么课程?31、Whats your major?你的主修科目是什么32、 What did you learn/study in the school?你在学校学习什么,你在学校研究什么33、Do you li

12、ke English?你喜欢英语吗 Why?为什么34、How many years have you learned English?你学习英语有多少年了35、Why do you think English is very important?你为什么认为英语很重要36、 How to improve your English?你该如何改善你的英语37、Can you speak other foreign languages except English?除了英语你还会说其他的外语吗? 38、Can you operate computer? 你能操作计算机吗?39、What progr

13、ams can you use?你会使用什么系统40、Which position are you applying for? 你申请的职位是哪一个41、Which position do you apply?你应聘哪一们位置42、Have you told your parents that you want to work for hotel?你已经告诉你的父母你想要为酒店工作吗?43、 Whats their idea?他们主意是什么 Do they agree/disagree with you?他们同意?44、If your parents do not allow/object y

14、ou to work on ship (work with hotel), what will you do?如果你的父母不同意你在酒店工作,你将会做什么?45、What about your health? 你的健康怎么样46、How is your health?你的健康好吗?47、What about your eyes sight?你的视力怎么样?48、Are you wearing contact lenses?你戴的是隐形眼镜吗?49、Are you short sighted or color blind?你是色盲吗?50、Are you sweaty palm?你的手会出汗吗5

15、1、Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗 Why?为什么52、 Have you ever been to abroad/other countries?你曾经到时过国外或其他国家吗?53、Do you have any work experience?你什么工作经验吗?54、Whats your working experience background? 你的工作经验是什么背景55、Can you describe your working experience?你能描述一下你的工作情况吗 56、Whats position you held?你是做什么位置的57、W

16、hats the duty?职责是什么58、Could you state your responsibilities?你可以说一下你的工作职责吗?59、Why do you want to do this job?你为什么想要做这个工作60、Do you like your present job?你喜欢你现在的工作吗?61、Why do you want to quit your present job?你为什么想要熟开你现在的工作62、How about your salary?你的薪水怎么样 How much you are paid?支付你多少钱?63、Did you have an

17、y infected diseases before? 你以前得过任何的传染病吗?64、If the guest complains to you, what do you do?如果客人向你抱怨,你怎么办?65、Do you think smiling is very important when you are working?你谁为在工作中微笑是非常重要的吗? Why?为什么?66、What do you think is the important thing in this job?你认为什么才是工作中最重要的东西67、What is your advantage and disad

18、vantage in studying English?在学习英文方面你的优点和缺点是什么68、Is this the first time you take interview?这是你第一次面试吗?Why are you so nervous?为什么你如此紧张69、How long you have to work in the ship for one contract?你得到合同后,你将工作多久70、Are you satisfied with the salary we offer? Why?你对我们提供的薪水感到满意吗,为什么71、Can you work on shift?你能处理

19、工作上的变化吗?71.1. Can you work overtime? 超出工作时间你能工作吗71.2. Can you work for a long time standing?你能持续工作很长时间吗72、Are you confident to take this job?你自信能做这个工作吗72.1. Do you have confidence to work HOTEL? Why?你有信心在酒店工作吗?为什么?73、What are your hobbies? 你的爱好是什么?73.1. What do you do in your spare time?你的业余时间你在做什么?

20、74、What are you good at?你的特长是什么74.1. Do you have any special skills?你还有什么特别的技术吗?75、What sports do you like?你喜欢什么体育运动 76、Which color do you like? Why?你喜欢哪一种颜色,为什么?77、What music you like, popular music or classical music? Why?你喜欢什么音乐,流行音乐还是古典音乐,为什么78. If you cannot be recruited by HOTEL this time? What will you do?如果你这次没有被酒店入取,你将会做什么?79、What time is it?现在是几点? What day is today? 今天星期几?


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