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1、重点语法考点突破名词真题再现(注:本练习中将全国各地高考题中的选择题改编成了填空题。 )使用所给词的适当形式填空:1. Most air pollution is caused by the burning of _ (fuel) like coal, gas and oil.2. The young man made a _ (promise) to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.3. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but

2、 would help cover my living _ (expensive).4. -You are always full of _(energetic). Could you tell me the secret?- Taking plenty of _ (exercise) every day.5. - If you like I can do some shopping for you.- Thats a very kind _ (offer).6. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of al

3、l has to know their _ (strong) and _(weak).7. His _ (able) of identify numbers surprised everyone present.8. According to the WHO, health care plans are needed in all big _ (city) to prevent the spread of AIDS.9. Of the seven days in a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular _ (choose) for a w

4、edding in some countries.10. According to the news report, personal _ (possess) of guns in the USA causes a lot of trouble.考点归纳1 做语法填空题很重要的一点就是要建立词类和句子成分之间的关联。名词在句子中的作用是可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、补语、同位语等成分。我们做句子结构分析时,若发现句子空格处缺少这类成分时,我们就要考虑是不是要填一个名词。2 熟练掌握构词法中构成名词的一些常见词缀,能帮助我们迅速根据词根写出正确的名词形式。例如:develop - develo

5、pment; conclude conclusion; warm warmth; strong strength; kind kindness; safe safety;flexible flexibility。3 在具体的语境中根据意义区分可数名词和不可数名词,该名词用作可数名词时要注意单复数形式。这一点是很多考生容易忽略的,要特别留意。精题模拟A单句填空 使用所给词的正确形式填空:1. The _ (express) on his face told me that he was angry.2. Always read the _ (instruct) on the bottle car

6、efully and take the right amount of medicine.3. The head office of China Bank is in Beijing, but it has _ (branch) all over the country.4. Niagara Falls is a great tourist _ (attract), drawing millions of visitors every year.5. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his _ (strong).6.

7、He did not go to the wedding ceremony because of his _ (ill).7. She greeted the little boy with _ (warm), waving her hand.8. Life is not a _ (compete), but a trip, step by step.9. Those who can not spare time for _ (entertain) will sooner or later spare time for diseases.10. Beijing is the largest m

8、edicine _ (consume) market in China.11. My choices and _ (possible) are expanding every day.12. We take _ (proud) in the prosperity of our country.13. _ (repeat) of the sentence helped him to memorize it.14. I have a _ (believe) that I must do my best everyday.15. Here we have _ (free) to disagree w

9、ith our government.B. 语法填空阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空。There is an old famous saying that “in this world nothing is certain _1_ death and tax.” Many people today would agree with this statement. Even the people _2_ lived more than four thousand years ago in ancient Egypt might agree!Egyptian

10、 tomb paintings depict scenes from daily life. In a tomb _3_(date) back to about 2400 B.C., scenes show tax collectors at work, including handing out 4 (punish) for failure to pay taxes.When the ancient Romans began to rule Egypt in 300 B.C., taxation grew 5 (bad). The Romans kept careful records of

11、 every taxpayer-and they recorded all births, making sure that 6 future taxpayer escaped. The Romans taxed everything they could think of -land, crops, goods. A tax 7 (pay) on every animal a person owned. People paid taxes to work at a trade or craft. Males _8_ the ages of fourteen and sixty paid a

12、tax just for being male. So _9 you hear people complain about taxes today, you can tell them that theyre 10 (luck) they didnt live in ancient times.参考答案真题再现1. fuels; 2. promise; 3. expenses; 4. energy, exercise; 5. offer; 6.strengths, weaknesses; 7. abilities; 8. cities; 9. choice; 10. possession精题模

13、拟A. 单句填空 1. expression; 2. instructions; 3. branches; 4. attraction; 5. strength; 6. illness; 7. warmth; 8, competition; 9. entertainment; 10. consumption; 11. possibilities; 12. pride; 13. Repetition; 14. belief; 15. freedomB. 语法填空答案及解析:1but/except。固定搭配 nothing but/except。2who/that。空格的地方缺少引导定语从句的连接代词。3dating 。动词 -ing 形式作定语。4punishment。空格地方缺少宾语。punish 名词形式是 punishment。5worse。根据语境意义,这里要用形容词的比较级。6no。名词 future 前缺少限定成分,根据意义,这里用 no。7was paid。这里考查谓语部分,这里用一般过去时态被动形式。8between。这里考查介词用法。表示 14 到 60 岁之间,用 between。9when/if。考查连词的用法。根据语境,这里可以理解为条件或时间状语从句。10lucky。形容词作表语。


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