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1、高二英语 BOOK 6答案Module 1第二课时:1.outspoken, motto, foot, absence, consequence, coincidence, mature, awkward, occasion, teased, due, contradicted, apology, putting, cautious, acquaintances, messy, was depressed, cheer, modest, discouraged, with 2.put ones foot in ones mouth, be lack of, as a consequence,

2、Its no coincidence,on another occasion,turn red, put on weight, be cautious about, go through, cheer sb. up, What a coincidence!, be modest about,discourage sb from doing, on the anniversary of the graduation.第三课时:1.motto, occasions, consequence, coincidence, due, modest, discouraged, ceremony, favo

3、r, intended 4. defined, factual, sensitive, hospitable, desire, aware, hesitate, violate, graciously, elderly, embarrassment1-5 CABDB, 6-10 ABCAA 11-14 CCDA Module 2 第二课时:1c 2. a 4. b 6. c DACCC ABBBC 第三课时:A1. ought to be told 2. to spend your holiday 3. thinking about 4. including 3 children 5. Jud

4、ging from his words 6.dating back to 7. consisting of 8. made up of 9. to solve the problem 10. concerning the football match 11. As far as Im concerned 12. keeping five children 13. hidden in the box 14. There being no buses 15. to have been robbed 16. Seen from 17. Seeing from 18. To see 19. marke

5、d with footprints 20. the oil price going up 21. fixed on the national flag 22. with his two hands tied 23. Not having received his letter 24. being laughed at 25. to be held 26. being held 27. held last week 28. belonging to 29. Devoted to 30. to come to school 31. To ensure the childrens quick 32.

6、 Helped by two nurses 33. Having been shown around the library 34. but to support him 35. drop out of school 36. To tell the truth 37. not to be noticed 38. stealing from the jewellery shop 39. surrounding the islands 40. taken into consideration 第四课时:Associated, format, envelope, anecdote, stubborn

7、, adjustment, library, appealC A D B CModule 3 第一课时:2.气球爆炸了3The bike was knocked over by a car.4. 审阅, 浏览,花光,经历5举起,阻塞 He held up one of his fingers to show it to the students.1-5 DBBAA 6-10 BADDC 11-14 ABCC lonely, trust, personal, swinging, theft, financial, moody 第二课时:1但是当 Danny离开时,我仍然根据我收到的伤害来衡量所有

8、的痛苦。2我很幸运有个幸福的童年,一个大多数人都想要的童年。3locked, writing 5对于这么年轻的人来说他算很体贴,我母亲只是因我撕了内衣而责备我。6我们和村子里的人相处的很好,我们甚至向当地警察行礼。7痛苦非常剧烈。我不能原谅他的离开。我感觉到他背叛了我。8我又和 Danny重新取得了联系,和他成为朋友是一种特权。10尽管我回忆多年前我们共同度过的美好时光, 我对于我当时的感觉感到不好意思。1The first time 2. measures 3. with 4. one 5. On 6. of 7. on , In 8. shameful 9.recording 1. sha

9、med 2. alike 3. considerate 4. terms 5. imagination 6. forgive 7. loss 8. nostalgic 9.soluted 第三课时:1. belonging to, him 1-5 DBDDA 6-10 CCACA 36-45 AABDA BDDCB 46-55 DCACB ACDBD Module 4 第一课时:Soloist, combined, interpret, traditional, challenge, conservatory, concert, technique F F T F T T BDCD2.A 3.

10、C 6.连接, 电话联系, 衔接,牵连 3)A 第二课时:同甘共苦, 具有相同的观点1-5 AAACC 6-10 BDADD 11-15 CCBDDC 16-20 AAACD characteristic, feelings, ambitions, depressed, interpreted 第三课时:1.give concerts, the Queen of England, graduate from, the Shanghai Conservatory of music, respect the tradition, be similar to, be connected with,

11、be true of, add life to, in public, have chances to do sth. , make contact with, the atmosphere of the music, share the feelings and ideas with, combine A with B 3. 摸着路前进,朝地方去,迷路, 洗后这衣服缩水了。勇敢的人碰到困难从不退缩。D A 1-10 BADCD BBADC 11-20 BACCD CDACD 21-22 BA 第四课时:A 1-10 DCDDC CABAC 11-15 DABBAModule 5 第一课时:A

12、, C, A, A, D第二课时:Chase, beneficial, rush, identical, emotion, contrast, disgusting, create, banned, live第三课时:1-5 DCDBB 6-10 CABCA 11-15 DBADAMultiple choices:1-15 CAADB CDCBC AACABModule 6 第一课时:A, A 1-10 DABCA BBBBB 11-21 ACAAD ABBADC 第二课时:1. prevent/stop/keep from doing 2.protectfrom/again 3.be inv

13、olved in 4. abandon oneself to 5. in particular 6. be particular about 7. refer to 8. relate A to B 9.make a breakthrough 10. break away from 11. declare war to 12. vengeful 13. invade 14. survivor 15. drown 16. occupy 17. heroism 18. nationality 19. weary Words:Directed, involved, heart-broken, seq

14、uence, chaos, senseless, sacrifice, To our great astonishment, confidential, scissors, unloaded, liberation B, D It is worthwhile to read the book.It is worthwhile reading the book.The book is worthy of being read.The book is worthy to be read. 1-10 CBDBD DCABD 11-15 BCDBC 第三课时:Revision: to ones ast

15、onishment, drop in on, make sense, be sensitive to, drink to, for a brief moment, keep sb accompany, be worth doing 改错:Arming-armed, have been-went, to live-living, 在 great success之前加上 of , despite之后去掉 of 1.hold the view/belief 2. made a breakthrough 3. exhausted and shocked 4. declared war at 5. a sequence of 6. opened with 7. rescue team 8. be picked up 9. invasion of privacy 10. occupied himself in dealing with 1-8 BDCCA CBA


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