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1、1系列阅读八第一节:完形填空I still dont believe in ghosts even after my 1 at Rose Inn. At 2 I have never seen one. But ghost stories have made me feel uncomfortable since then. I arrived at the inn 3 at night and asked the innkeeper for a room.“Theres 4 left,” he said, “ 5 youd like to sleep in Number 7.”“Why 6

2、?” I said, “Whats wrong with it?” I was so 7 that I would have slept 8 .“Nothing.” he said slowly, “But something happened there a few months age.”Every old inn has its strange 9 , so I thought that the sooner he told me about, the better. I was willing to listen to anything 10 a bed to sleep in.“A

3、man came here late at night, 11 you.” the innkeeper said, “I thought there was something strange about him because he kept looking back while he was 12 his name. He asked me which room he could have and I offered him Number 7. Theres a man who he said hell kill me. he said suddenly. He looked so 13

4、that I thought I had better 14 him to his room. I closed the door and 15 him by himself. The next day we found him dead, with a knife beside him. He had cut his throat, 16 someone else had done it. Do you 17 sleeping there now you know the story?”“Well,” I said, “No one is following me. But I 18 you

5、 had told me the story in the 19 . As for the night, Ill just sleep on the floor in this room 20 youve got a couple of blankets here.”1. A. lesson B. experience C. sleep D. night2. A. least B. last C. first D. once3. A. early B. recently C. finally D. late4. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. ev

6、erything5. A. if B. except that C. unless D. until6. A. so B. not C. cant D. dont7. A. tired B. anxious C. worried D. unhappy8. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere29. A. experience B. stories C. guests D. rooms10. A. about B. of C. for D. with11. A. with B. like C. beside D. for12. A.

7、singing B. reading C. spelling D. giving13. A. sad B. worried C. frightened D. weak14. A. bring B. take C. ask D. see15. A. locked B. made C. sent D. left16. A. because B. or C. but D. and17. A. like B. insist C. want D. mind18. A. wish B. hope C. expect D. think19. A. night B. morning C. afternoon

8、D. evening20. A. if B. when C. for D. unless第二节、阅读理解(共 20 小题、每小题 2 分,共 40 分)AYou are watching a film in which two men are having a fight. They hit one another hard. At the start they only fight with their fists. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it goes on un

9、til one of the men crashes (撞 击) through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. He is dead!Of course he isnt really dead. With any luck he isnt even hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars of even catch fire, are profession

10、als. They do this for a living. These men are called stuntmen. That is to say, they perform tricks.There are two sides to their work. They actually do most of the things you see on the screen. For example, they fall from a high building. However, they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty ca

11、rdboard boxes covered with a mattress (床垫). Again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar!But although their work depends on trick of this sort, it also requires a high degree of skill and training. Ofte

12、n a stuntman s success depends on careful timing. For example, when he is “blown up“ in a battle scene, he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment. Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work, but they lead dangerous lives. They often get seriously injured, and somet

13、imes killed. A Norwegian stuntman, for example, skied over the edge of a cliff (悬崖) a thousand feet high. His parachute (降落 伞 ) failed to open, and he was killed. In spite of all the risks, this is no longer a 3profession for men only. Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform s

14、ome dangerous action. For nowadays there are stuntgirls tool .1. Stuntmen are those who _. A. often dress up as actors B. prefer to lead dangerous lives C. often perform seemingly dangerous actions D. often fight each other for their lives 2. Stuntmen earn their living by _. A. playing their dirty t

15、ricks B. selling their special skills C.jumping out of high windows D. jumping from fast moving trains 3. When a stuntman falls from a high building, _. A.he needs little protection B. he will be covered with a mattress C.his life is endangered D. his safety is generally all right 4. Which of the fo

16、llowing is the main factor (因素) of a successful performance? A. Strength. B. Exactness. C. Speed. D. Carefulness. 5. What can be inferred from the author s example of the Norwegian stuntman? A.Sometimes an accident can occur to a stuntman. B.The percentage of serious accidents is high. C.Parachutes

17、must be of good quality. D. The cliff is too high. BWhen I asked my daughter which item she would keep; the phone, the car, the cooker, the computer, the TV, or her boyfriend, she said“the phone”. Personally, I could do without the phone entirely, which makes me unusual. Because the telephone is cha

18、nging our lives more than any other piece of technology. Point 1 The telephone creates the need to communicate, in the same way that more roads create more traffic. My daughter comes home from school at 4:00 pm and then spends an hour on the phone talking to the very people she has been at school wi

19、th all day. If the phone did not exist, would she have anything to talk about? Point 2 The mobile phone means that we are never alone. “The mobile saved my life,”says Crystal Johnstone. She had an accident in her Volvo on the A45 between Otley and Skipton. Trapped inside, she managed to make the cal

20、l that brought the ambulance(救护车) to her rescue. Point 3 The mobile removes our secret. It allows marketing manager of Haba Deutsch, Carl Nicolaisen, to ring his sales staff all round the world at and time of day to ask where they are , where they are going, and how their last meeting went. Point 4

21、The telephone separates us. Antonella Bramante in Rome says, “We worked in separate offices but I could see him through the window. It was easy to get his number. We were so nearbut we didnt meet for the first two weeks!” 4Point 5 The telephone allows us to reach out beyond our own lives. Today we c

22、an talk to several complete strangers simultaneously ( 同时地) on chat lines (at least my daughter does. I wouldnt know what to talk about). We can talk across the world. We can even talk to astronauts (if you know any) while theyre space-walking. And, with the phone line hooked up to the computer, we

23、can access(存取) the Internet, the biggest library on Earth. 6.How do you understand Point 1 The telephone creates the need to communicate,6? A. People dont communicate without telephone. B. People communicate because of the creating of the telephone. C. People communicate more since telephone has bee

24、n created. D. People communicate more because of more traffic. 7.Which of the following best shows peoples attitude towards mobile phones? A. Mobile phones help people deal with the emergency. B. Mobile phones bring convenience as well little secret to people. C. Mobile phones are so important and s

25、hould be encouraged. D. Mobile phones are part of peoples life. 8. Which points do you think support the idea that phones improve peoples life? a. Point 1. b. Point2. c. Point3. d. Point 4. e. Point 5. A. c, d B. a, e C. a, c D. b, e 9.It is possible to talk to several complete strangers simultaneou

26、sly through . A. the TV screen B. a fax machine C. the phone line hooked up to the computer D. a microphone 10.The best heading for the passage is . A. phone Power B. Kinds of Phone C. how to Use Phones D. Advantage of Phones CThe greatest recent changes have ,been in the lives of women ,During the

27、twentieth century there was an unusual shortening of the time of a womans life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the 19th century would probably have been in her middle twenties ,and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were

28、 five years old ,By the time the youngest was fifteen ,the mother would have been id her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years ,during which custom ,chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work, Today women marry younger and have fewer children Usually a woman s

29、 youngest child will be fifteen when she is fortyfive and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty Even while she has the care of children ,her work is lightened by household appliances (家用电器)and convenience foods.This important change in womens way of life has only recently begun to ha

30、ve its full effect on women s economic position Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity and most of them took a fulltime job However ,when 5they married ,they usually left work at once and never returned to it ,Today the schoolleaving age is sixteen ,many girls stay at s

31、chool after that age ,and though women tend to marry younger ,more married women stay at work at leas until shortly before their first child is born Very many more after wads ,return to full or part-time work Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage ,with both husband and wife accepti

32、ng a greater share of the duties and satisfaction of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more e-qually in providing the money and running the home ,according to the abilities and inter-est of each them.11According to the passage ,around the year1990 most women marriedAat about twenty

33、-fiveBIn their early fiftiesCas soon as possible after they were fifteenDat any age from fifteen to fortyfive12We are told that in an average family about1990 .Amany children died before they were fiveBthe youngest child would be fifteenCseven of eight children lived to be more than fiveDfour of fiv

34、e children died when they were five.13When she was over fifty ,the late 19th century mother . Awould expect to work until she died Bwas usually expected to take up paid employment Cwould he healthy enough to take up paid employment. Dwas unlikely to find a job even if she now likely. 14Many girls ,t

35、he passage says ,are now likely to . Amarry so that they can get a job BLeave school as soon as they can Cgive up their jobs for good after they are married Dcontinue working until they are going to have a baby 15According to the passage ,it is now quite usual for women to . Astay at hone after leav

36、ing schoolBmarry men younger than themselvesCstart working again later in lifeDMarry while still at schoolDLanguage learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often long listeners .Most children

37、 will“obey”spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word“obey”is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child .Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises.Any att

38、empt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spo-ken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises ,and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly ex-pressive as delight, pain ,friendliness, an

39、d so on But since these cant 6be said to show the baby;s intention to communicate ,they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language ,It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment ,and that by six months theyare able to add new words to their store This sel

40、f-imitation(摸仿)leads on to deliberate (有意的)imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imita-tions can be considered as speech.It is a problem we need to get out teeth into. The meaning of a word depends on

41、 what a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation; and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the world .Thus the use .at seven months .of “mama”as a greeting for his mother cannot be dismissed as a meaning-less s

42、ound simply because he also uses it at another times for his father ,his dog ,or any-thing else he likes. Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself ,I doubt ,however whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of th

43、is ability in an attempt to teach new sounds .16Before children start speaking .Athey need equal amount of listeningBthey need different amounts of listeningCthey are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obey spoken instructionsDthey cant understand and obey the adult s oral instructions17Child

44、ren who start speaking late .Amay have problems with their listeningBProbably do not hear enough language spoken around themCUsually pay close attention to what they hearDOften take a long tine in learning to listen properly18A babys first noises are .Aan expression of his moods and feelingsBan earl

45、y form of languageCa sign that he means to tell you somethingDAn imitation of the speech of adults.19The problem of deciding at what point a baby imitations can be considered asspeech Ais important because words have different meanings for different peopleBis not especially important because the cha

46、ngeover takes place graduallyCis one that should be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with age.DIs one that should be completely ignored(忽略) because childrens use of words is often meaningless .20The speaker implies .Aparents can never hope to teach their children new sounds.B

47、children no longer imitate people after they begin to speakCChildren who are good at imitating learn new words more quicklyDeven after they have learnt to speak ,children still enjoy imitating第五节、任务型阅读(共 10 小题、每小题一分,共 10 分)7请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后图表中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。Since the beginning of human evolution,

48、 men have migrated(迁移)across continents in search of food, shelter, safety, and comfortable weather. People still move for these reasons, but new reasons for human migration are arising, such as job relocation(重新安置) and overpopulation.Three million migrants are moving from poor countries to wealthier ones each year, and increasingly, their destination is a neighboring country in developing parts of the world. People are moving within the developing world for the same reasons as they migrate to wealthier nations. People from poor countries are going to less


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