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1、 环球教育五年级语法知识点总结一 .there be 句型总结1.there is/are 表示某处有某物, there is 后面接单数,或不可数名词,There are 后面接可数名词的复数。2.就近原则,靠近谁,就用谁的形式,单数在前用 is,复数在前用 are。3.否定句,not 加在 be 动词后面,遇到 some 变 any4.变疑问,be 句首站,there 跟在 be 后面,遇到 some 变 any。肯定回答,Yes,there is/are No,there is/are not.5.对数字提问,用 how many +可数名词复数+are there 。?用所给词的适当形

2、式填空1.There is _(a) orange coat on the chair.2.There _(be) some soup on the table.3.There _( be) three bears in front of her.4.There _(be) a pen and two rulers in basket.5.There_( not) any cakes here?6.There_(be) two glasses of juice on the table.7.There_(be) a bird in the tree.8._(be) there _(some)

3、computer rooms?9.How many _(desk) and _(chair) are there in the classroom?10.How many classrooms _(be) there in our school?句型转换1.There is some soup on the table.否定句:_一般疑问句并作肯定回答_2.There are forty doctors in the hospital.划线部分提问_一般疑问句并作否定回答_3.There is a new library in our house.否定句;_划线部分提问_4.There are

4、 three computer rooms in our school.划线部分提问_5.There isnt any bread on the plate.改为肯定句;_6.There are some apples in the bag.划线部分提问_一般疑问句,并作肯定回答_2 have ,has 的用法1.当主语是第三人称单数时,用 has,包括 he ,she,it.人的名字,单个的人或物体2.当主语为 I,you, we,they, 以及主语是复数时用 have3.否定句,要请助动词 do,does 来帮忙,三单时请 does,其他请 do 来帮忙not 加在助动词后,变为,don

5、t, doesnt, 助动词是照妖镜,要把动词照回原形。主语+ dont + have +. 主语+ doesnt + have+ .4.一般疑问句,把助动词移到句首,后跟主语,遇到第一人称 I(我),we(我们),要变为 you (你,你们) , Do + 主语+ have+.? Does + 主语+ have+ .?5.肯定回答,Yes,主语+ do/does 否定回答,No ,主语+ dont/doesnt6.对 have,has 之后的内容提问用 what + do/does +主语+ have?用 have,has.do does 的适当形式填空1.I _ a new friend.

6、2.My mother _ a red dress. 3.The boys _ some picture books.4.She _ many animal friends.5.Our teacher _ many kites.6.It _ four feet.7.Yang Ling _a modle plane,but she _(not) _ two toy cars.8._ Tom _ any masks? Yes, he _.9.The students _ some fruits.10.What _ you _? I _ a hat.11.What _ your brother _?

7、 He _ some dolls.12._ they _ any story books? Yes ,they _.13._your teacher _ a shirt? Yes.he _.14.What _ she _? She _ a cat.15._ you have _(any) _(hobby)? Yes.they_.句型转换1.She has a parrot.该为复数句;_否定句;_一般疑问句并作肯定回答_2.The girls have some nice dresses.否定句_对划线部分提问_3.It has four feet.一般疑问句_对划线提问_4.We have

8、some good friends.一般疑问句并作肯定回答_对划线部分提问_3 Can 的用法 ,can 是情态动词,表示能够的意思。1. Can + 动词原形,不需要任何变化2. 否定句,not 直接加在 can 的后面,can not 缩写为 cant. 3. 一般疑问句,把 can 移到句首, can +主语+ 动词原形+. ?肯定回答;Yes,主语+can. 否定回答;No, 主语+cant.(遇到 I, we. 变疑问时要变为 you.)4. 对 can 后面的部分提问 ;What can +主语+ do ?用所给词的适当形式填空1.Bobby _(can not) see any

9、cakes in the fridge.2.You can _(eat) some bread.3.They can _(swim).4.It can _(run) and _(jump).5.It can _(talk) and _(fly).6.He can _( play) basketball,but his sister _(not).7.What can you _(do), I can _(sing).8.Can you find Tom? No, I _.句型转换1.I can see some juice in the glass. 否定句;_一般疑问句,并作肯定回答_对划线

10、部分提问_2.He can play the piano well.一般疑问句,并作否定回答_3.Can I go to school today?肯定回答;_改为肯定句_4.SuHai can make a modle ship. 对划线部分提问_.否定句_.5.You can see polar bears in Canada.对划线部分提问_一般疑问句并作肯定回答_-否定句_三 .like 的用法1.like +名词的复数,表示喜欢某一类事物。2.like+ 动词 ing 形式,表示喜欢做某事3.否定句,主语+ dont /doesnt like doing 4.一般疑问句;do/doe

11、s +主语+ like +doing?肯定回答;Yes.主语+ does/do 否定回答; No, 主语+ doesnt4.对 like 后面的内容划线提问,如果是物体,what do/does +主语+ like?如果 like 后是动词 ing 形式,要用 what do/does +主语+ like +doing?小试牛刀用所给词的适当形式填空1.I like _(play) football.2.He _(like)_(draw) pictures.3.She _(like) _(read) _(story)4.Suhai likes _(dance). He can _(dance)

12、 well.5.What _(do) he _(like) _(do)?6.The girl _(like) the red flowers,but the boy _(not like)_(they).7.I like _(skate).but I _( can not) skate well.8._(do) he like _(listen) to music?Yes. he_,/ No. He _.9.My father _(like)_(watch) flims and _(sing)10._he like _(play) the piano? Yes.he _.11.What _(d

13、o) you _(like) _? I like swimming.12.Do you like _(rabbit) ? No,I _.13._YangLin _(like)_(play) table tennis? Yes.she _.14.My cousin_(like) _(run).15.Mr Green_(not) _(like)_(play) basketball.句型转换1.She like drawing in the park.否定句_.一般疑问句_.对划线部分提问_.2.I like cats.否定句_ .一般疑问句,并作肯定回答_对划线部分提问_.3.SuYang lik

14、es playing the piano in his room.一般疑问句_.对划线部分提问_.4.LiuTao and Mike like listening to music and drawing.对划线部分提问_.一般疑问句并作肯定回答_.5.We like swimming in summer.一般疑问句_.对划线部分提问_.否定句_.6.My brother likes singing.否定句_.一般疑问句_对划线部分提问_.7.你喜欢滑冰吗?是的,我喜欢,我能滑的很好。_you like _? Yes.I _. I can _ well.4 Let 的用法1. Let 是让某人

15、做某事的意思。 后面要加动词原形2.let 后面要用人称代词的宾格Lets= let us 让我们, let me 让我 let it 让它Lets go 后面要加 doing(动词 ing).3.shall we+ .? Lets go. 小试牛刀 按要求填写适当形式1. Let _( I ) have a look. 2.Let _(we) go and _(skate)3 .Let_(it) go. 4.Let _(he) show you around.5.Let _(she) come in . 6.Lets go _(swim)7.Lets go and _(swim). 8.Le

16、ts _(go) to school 9.Lets go and_(play). .Lets _(go) home. 11.Let _(they) try.按要求写句子1.让我们在玩一次吧!_.2.让我看一看。_.3.让我们去滑冰吧._.4.让我们回家吧。_.5.让它走吧。_.5 介词的用法1.介词是表示在什么方位的,例如,in front of ( 在 .前面), behind(在.后面), beside, (在.旁边) between,(在两者之间) in(在里面) ,on(在上面), at,(在什么时候),with(和一起),for,(给谁,为了 .) ,under(在.下面)2. 介词

17、后面跟宾格,例如,in front of her, behind you, with me 。3.介词后面加名词,地点,时间,构成介词短语。On the table , in the ice, behind the door, beside the bear.用介词填空(in ,on ,at ,in front of ,beside,between ,with, for 1.There is a house _ the forest.2.There are three bears _(在前面) her.3.There are two pandas _(在.后面) him。4.There is

18、some soup_ the table.5.There are some hard beds_ the room.6.There is some juice _ the glass.7.There are some cakes _the fridge.8.I am _(在.中间) Liu tao and Suhai.9.There are many birds _the tree.10.Its time _ lunch.11.Where is Sam? He is _(旁边)you.12.Lets go _ (和.一起)me 13.He likes playing football _ (和

19、.一起)his friend。14.Our classroom is _ the second floor.15.We get up _ six thirty every day.16.Bobby is _the swing.17.There is a hole _the ice.18.Sam and Billy skate _ the ice.19.You can see pandas _China.20.They like playing football _the playground.21.The cat is _(在.之间) my shoes.22.There is a pair o

20、f shoes _(在.下面 my bed.六 .人称代词第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称第三人称(单数)第三人称(单数)第三人称(单数)第三人称(复数主格 I We you you he she it they宾格 me us you you him her it them物主代词 my our your your his her its their1.主格,一般放在句首,作为主语,例如,I am a girl/boy. He is a teacher.2.宾格,一般放在动词的后面,后介词的后面, look at me, show you around, in front of her.3.

21、物主代词,表示什么东西是属于某人的,例如,my father, my sister, our school, your name, his coat4.单独的人名,要表示“谁的”只要在人名上加s 就可以,例如,LiuTaos mother,Helens book , my cousin schoolbag.5. 我用 am ,你用 are, is 用于它,他,她小试牛刀用人称代词填空,或按要求填空1._(我) am a new student.2.Look at _(they).3.Look at _(she) red coat.4._(I) father is a doctor.5.Can

22、you show _(she) around _(you) school?6._(it) body is hard.7.There are some pandas in front _(he).8._(they) talk about _(they) hobbies.9.Let _(we) go and play.10. What is _(you) hobby?11.Bobby and Tina find _(they) cousin.12._(we) classroom is on the third floor.13.push _(I),Bobby!14. I have an anima

23、l friend ,_(it) eyes are red, _(it)_can run. _(it) is a rabbit. 15. It likes _(you) fingers.16.Whose coat is it ? Its _(Tina)17.Whose birthday is it today? Its _(Mum).18._(Tom) brother have three dogs.19.Mike and _(he) friends have a lot of books.20.You can show _(they) around the school.用 be 动词填空(

24、am, is ,are)1.I _ a boy.2.We _ good friends.3. He _ good at English.4.They _(not ) good at Maths.5.It _ a parrot. It can talk and fly.6.You _ really good at _(skate)7.Who _ she ? She is my sister.8.Where _ the cakes? _ _ in the fridge.9.Who _I ? I dont know.10.How _ you today? I _ not happy.7 名词变复数规

25、则1. 一般情况下,直接在末尾加 S, 例如,book - books. room-rooms, film-films.2. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的,要变 y 为 I,再加 es, 例如,story-stories, hobby-hobbies,3. 以 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词复数加 es,例如,dress- dresses box-boxes 4. 特殊变化的 foot-feet, toothteeth5. 单数和复数是一样的,Chinese,Japanese ,sheep ,deer ,fish写出下列名词的复数1. student_ 2.box_ 3. story_4.l

26、ibrary _ 3. Classroom_ 6. art room_7.lady _ 8.body_ 9.baby_10. toy car _ 11.dog_ 12 foot_13.leg_ 14.bus_ 15. fish_16. boy _ 17. bird_ 18.arm_八 .a./ an /the 的用法1. a/an 表示一个数量,以元音字母开头的名词前用 an ,即,a,e,i,o,u 五个元音字母,其余用 a2.在乐器前用 the 例如,play the piano, 以及在几楼,on the first floor,3.在球类前不需要加任何词语,play football

27、/basketball.用 a/an/the/ 填空1. There is _ picture of _ flowers on _ wall2. Its too hotOpen _ door,please 3. _ old man is _ teacherHe likes playing _ basketball .4. I often watch _ TV in _ evening5.There is _ apple on _ desk.6.He has _ orange coat.7.I have _ book,Its _ English book.8. His father is _ E

28、nglish teacherHe works in our school9. Is he _ American boy?10. Does Tom play _ football after _ school?11.I carry _ umbrella to my friend.12.Does it have _ arm? No,it has two .13.SuHai has _ lot of books.14.YangLing likes playing _ piano.九。祈使句的用法以动词原形开头,句中没有主语的句子叫作祈使句,里面常常出现 please.例如, Open the doo

29、r,please! Give it a cake. Push me!变否定句很简单,直接在动词加 dont 就可以了!1. Push me ,please! (变否定句)_.2. Please close the window!(变否定句)_.3._(不要) open the door! Its too cold!4._(不要) shout! Its in the library.5._(不要) be late again!6. Give him a cake!(否定句)_.十 . 对划线部分提问对划线部分提问要用特殊疑问词,有,what ,how ,how many, who, where,

30、when,whose步骤;1.先判断划线部分的类型,是对什么提问的,对人提问用 who, 对数量提问用 how many对什么东西提问用 what, 对地点提问用 where, 对时间提问用 when, 对形容词提问用 how.对谁的提问用 whose.2. 然后把特殊疑问词放到句首3. 之后是一个一般疑问句,有 be 动词的话,把 be 动词放在前面,没有 be 动词要找助动词do,does 帮忙,看主语是第几人称,三单用 does,其他用 do. 4. 如果提问的部分是动词 ing 形式的,要在后面用 doing 代替。如果是动词原形要用 do 来代替。5.最后,别忘记问号要加上。对划线部

31、分提问1. There are forty doctors in the hospital._.2. My brother likes singing._.3. We like swimming in summer._.4. LiuTao and Mike like listening to music and drawing._.5. You can see polar bears in Canada_.6. The girls have some nice dresses._.7. It has four feet._.8. She like drawing in the park._.9. SuHai can make a modle ship._.10. He can play the piano well_.11. I like cats._.


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