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1、冷冬即临,天气也越来越干燥了,自然干燥的肌肤也随之而到。在冬季,皮肤中的水分加速流失,嘴唇也不例外,干裂,唇色加深不断地困扰着各位 MM 吧,即使再红润的口红也只能维持一时,其实这些问题的出现是嘴唇内部出现了问题,不正确的护唇方式,会让你的双唇收到伤害,那么,你的护唇方式正确吗,究竟怎样才能让唇部水嫩丰盈,下面我们就来看看吧。一、唇部按摩唇部和眼部肌肤一样脆弱,都需要精心呵护,晚上涂抹完护肤品后是按摩的最佳时机,用双手的指腹由中间到两边按摩,之后再涂润唇膏,让双唇更细致嫩滑。二、蒸汽去角质唇部也需要定期去角质,热蒸汽是对付翘皮的最好方法,蒸汽后,再用热毛巾敷一遍促进唇部血液循环,最后涂上护唇品

2、即可,两周一次为佳。三、化妆前给唇部上隔离上妆前在唇部涂上一层隔离霜,不仅能让唇部更自然,还能让唇部远离彩妆品的侵害。特别是唇色较深的 MM 们在唇部扫上一层隔离霜,再涂其他任何颜色的唇妆都可与肌肤更加协调。四、唇部卸妆要做好唇部卸妆也要彻底,将卸妆乳或卸妆油浸满化妆棉后,轻轻在双唇上擦拭,唇纹深的部分可再次用棉花棒在唇上局部转动擦拭,待 1 至 2 分钟便可卸掉。五、使用防晒润唇膏其实不仅面部肌肤需要防晒,唇部也需要防晒。唇部护理除了唇膜之外,还要选择一款无香料、无刺激带有防晒的润唇膏,大概 SPF15 最为适合,注意随时补涂,让唇部更加娇嫩。六、经常嘟嘴嘴角松弛下垂是唇部告急的重要标志,经

3、常嘟嘴可以让你的唇周更加紧致,嘴角线条保持上扬。正确的嘟嘴应当是上下唇幅度相同,能感受到嘴角周围肌肉拉伸才是正确的哦!七、DIY 唇膜DIY 唇膜的方法其实很简单,不仅花费少而且营养成分很高。下面小编就为大家推荐两款唇膜吧!蜂蜜 VE 唇膜材料:维生素 E 胶囊一颗,蜂蜜适量方法:将维生素 E 胶囊剪开,挤出溶液与备好的蜂蜜一起充分搅拌均匀。睡觉前用棉棒沾取轻轻涂抹于嘴唇上,可直接留过夜,不用清洗。功效:可滋润唇部肌肤,缓解冬季唇部干燥情况,让唇部重新变得光滑水嫩。洋甘菊精油唇膜材料:凡士林 4 克,芭芭拉由 1 毫升,洋甘菊精油 3 滴方法:将凡士林加热融化,加入备好的芭芭拉油搅拌均匀,再滴

4、入 3 滴洋甘菊精油,充分搅拌均匀后,用一个干净的空瓶装好,每晚睡之前,用棉棒沾取轻轻涂抹于嘴唇上就可以了。功效:进而有效滋润唇部肌肤,使唇部变得光滑有弹性。八、DIY 润唇膏如果 MM 们不相信市面上的润唇膏,大可以试试自己 DIY。1、玫瑰芳香润唇膏原材料:1、 小麦胚芽油 添加比例:20.0% 说明:天然抗氧化、消除自由基、抗衰老和皱纹2、 甜杏仁油 添加比例:46.0% 说明:广泛使用的一种基础油 亲肤性佳 温和不刺激3、 乳木果油 添加比例:10.0% 说明:保湿、防晒、滋养肌肤4、 医用蜂蜡 添加比例:12.0% 说明:天然动物蜡可增加产品的厚度并具保湿效果5、 玫瑰蜡 添加比例:

5、12.0% 说明:天然植物蜡富含玫瑰精油成份操作流程:将小麦胚芽油,甜杏仁油、乳木果油、天然蜂蜡、玫瑰蜡称量,加热到完全融解,待温度降至 40 度左右时,装入润唇膏管子内备用,可使用半年。2、橄榄保湿润唇膏原材料:食用级特级初榨橄榄油 16g,小麦胚芽油 14g,维生素 E 油 5g,蜂蜡5g,薰衣草精油 5d,迷迭香精油 5d,柠檬精油 5d。操作流程:除精油外所以材料隔水加热使蜂蜡融化,之后加入精油搅拌均匀,趁热倒入唇膏管或者小盒子里,待凉凝固就可以用了。3、蜂蜜杏仁润唇膏原材料:甜杏仁基础油 50ml 、蜂蜡 5-7G 、天竺葵精油 15 滴操作流程:1 先将 50ml 甜杏仁油 5G/

6、7G 蜂蜡放在玻璃烧杯中,隔水加热至蜂蜡完全熔化即可离火2 将天竺葵精油滴入 1 中,用玻棒引流倒入润唇膏管中,倒置全满,杯中留少许3 静置片刻后,管中润唇膏会少一些,这时候,需要再补一些,片刻后即可。P.S: 这里唇膏的软硬取决于蜂蜡,多放就硬。4、椰子油润唇膏原材料:椰子油操作流程:买纯椰子油,灌在小罐子里,盖上盖子放进冰箱冷藏室。过一会拿出来就是白色的润唇膏了。椰子油 20 度以下就会凝固,冬天家里不开空调的话,放在室内即可,而夏天可放进冰箱里。The cold winter is coming near, the weather is more and more dry, dry sk

7、in also subsequently and to. In winter, the moisture in the skin to accelerate erosion, lipschapped http:/ lips, is no exception, deepen constantly plagued you MM it, even the redlipstick is temporary, but the emergence of these problems is the lips internal problems, incorrect lip, make your lips h

8、urt, so your lip, the right way, how to make lips moist plump, below we have a look.A, lip massageLip and eye skin fragile, need careful care, evening smear skincare when is the best time to massage, with both hands the pulp from the middle to both sides of massage, and then coated with lip balm, l

9、et lips more tender.Two, the steam peelingLips also need regular exfoliation, thermal steam is the best way to deal with theupwarping, steam, and then hot towel again can promote the blood circulation, and finally painted lip products can be two times better, Monday.Three, the make-up before the iso

10、lation to the lipsOn the makeup before the lips coated with a layer of cream, not only can make thelips more natural, but also let lips away from the make-up of the infringement.Especially the lip color is deep MM in lip brush on a layer of cream, then any other color coated lips can be more coordin

11、ated with the skin.Four, lip makeup remover to doLip makeup remover thoroughly cleansing oil, cleansing milk or with cosmetic cotton, gently wipe the lips, lip wrinkles deep part can once again with a cotton swab in the lips local rotation wipe, for 1 to 2 minutes can be removed.Five, the use of Li

12、p BalmIn fact, not only the facial skin need sunscreen, lip also need sunscreen. Lip care in addition to lip film, but also a choice of no spices, no stimulation with sunscreen lip balm, SPF15 probably is the most suitable, pay attention to coating, make lips more delicate.Six, often poutThe corners

13、 of the mouth sag is an important symbol of lip serious, often Du mouthcan make your lip weeks more compact, mouth lines keep up. Du mouth rightshould be on the lower lip of the same, can feel the perioral muscle tension is correct!Seven, DIY lip membraneMethods DIY lip membrane is actually very si

14、mple, not only low cost and highnutrition. Below small make up to recommend two lip membrane!VE Honey Lip filmIngredients: vitamin E capsule a, honey right amountMethods: vitamin E capsule cut, extrusion solution prepared with honey and stir evenly. Before going to sleep with a cotton swab dipped ge

15、ntly smear on the lips,can be directly to stay the night, without cleaning.Effects: moisturizing lip skin, relieve dry winter lips, let lips smooth and supple re.Chamomile lip filmIngredients: petrolatum 4 grams, Barbara from 1 ml, 3 drops of chamomile essential oilMethods: Vaseline melted, add the

16、prepared Barbara oil and stir evenly, then add 3 drops of chamomile essential oil, stir evenly, use a clean empty bottle, every nightbefore sleep, use cotton swab dipped gently smear on the lips on it.Efficacy: effectively moisturizing lip skin, make the lips become smooth and elastic.Eight, DIY Li

17、p BalmIf MM dont believe the lip balm, can try DIY.1, Rose Lip BalmRaw materials:1, wheat germ oil proportion: 20% Description: natural antioxidant, eliminate free radicals, anti aging and wrinkles2, sweet almond oil added ratio: 46% Description: widely used as a base oil, deargood skin, mild and no

18、 stimulation3, shea butter, add ratio: 10% Description: moisturizing, sunscreen, nourish the skin4, medical beeswax proportion: 12% Description: natural animal wax can increasethe thickness of the product and has moisturizing effect5, rose wax proportion: 12% Description: natural plant wax rich in r

19、ose essential oilOperation process: the wheat germ oil, sweet almond oil, shea butter oil, beeswax,rose wax weighing, heating to melt completely, the temperature dropped to 40 degrees, into the lip balm tube reserve, can be used for half a year.2, olive Moisturizing Lip BalmRaw material: food grade

20、 16g extra virgin olive oil, wheat germ oil, vitamin 14g, E5g 5g oil, beeswax, lavender essential oil 5D 5D, rosemary essential oil, lemon essential oil 5d.Operation process: in addition to oil and water heated so materials wax melting,then add essential oils evenly stirred, while hot into the lipst

21、ick tube or a small box,Dailiang coagulation can be used.3, almond honey lip balmRaw materials: sweet almond oil, beeswax, 50ml 5-7G 15 drops of Geranium essential oilOperation process:1 first 50ml sweet almond oil and beeswax on 5G/7G glass beaker, water is heated to melt completely can be away fr

22、om the fire2 Geranium essential oil drops into the 1, with a glass rod drainage into the lipsticktube, inverted cup full, stay a little3 put it aside for a moment, then tube Lip Balm will be less, added some, after a moment can be.P.S: this lipstick soft depend on beeswax, put on the hard.4, coconut

23、 Lip BalmRaw materials: coconut oilOperation process: buy pure coconut oil, filling in a small pot, covered with lid in the fridge freezer. Then take out is white lip balm. Coconut oil is below 20 degrees will solidify, the winter home not open air conditioning, on the interior can be, and the summer in the fridge.


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