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1、【格锐英语】网址:www.glory-地址:天津市南开区白堤路 颐高数码广场写字楼 1209 免费试听英语,预约热线:400-611-9116CNN 评选全球 12 种最性感口音12. Argentine12. 阿根廷口音A historical refuge for Spaniards, Italians and Germans, the hyper-libidinous South American melting pot of Argentina has cultivated a proud, pouty tone. With its own pronunciation of Spani

2、sh letters (“ll“ sounds like “shh“) and its own words (“you“ is “vos“), this is a dialect thats hard to get. (Or at least plays that way.)作为曾经西班牙人、意大利人和德国人的避难地,阿根廷这个南美洲极其性感的“大熔炉”孕育出了一种抑扬顿挫的嗲音。由于结合了西班牙语(“ll”发成“shh”)和本族语(“you”为“vos”),阿根廷语至少在语音上显得尤为独特。Sounds like: A tightly tuned guitar of G-strings st

3、rummed by a lamb shank.听觉感受:貌似一支温柔弹奏的 G 调吉他曲。11. Thai11. 泰语With five tones comprising their native speech, the traffickers of this often fragile accent turn any language into a song of seduction. Thai is largely monosyllabic, so multi-beat foreign words get extra emphases right up until the 【格锐英语】网址

4、:www.glory-地址:天津市南开区白堤路 颐高数码广场写字楼 1209 免费试听英语,预约热线:400-611-9116last letter, which is often left off, leaving the listener wanting more. (Or at least asking “Huh?“ lustfully.)泰语有五个声调,小贩清脆的叫卖声能把任何话语唱成动听的曲调。泰语通常是单音节的,字字铿锵、绵延至尾而后又戛然而止,使你怀疑话还没说完,于是迫切追问一句:“这就完了?”10. Trinidadian10. 特立尼达口音For fetishists of

5、oddball sexuality, the Caribbean island of Trinidad offers an undulating, melodic gumbo of pan-African, French, Spanish, Creole and Hindi dialects that, when adapted for English, is sex on a pogo stick.对那些崇尚性感的人而言,加勒比海的特立尼达岛不仅遍布有大片美丽的秋葵,还融汇了非洲、法语、西班牙语、克里奥尔语和北印度语的各色方言。转换成英语时,听上去如同踩着弹簧单高跷般性感。Sounds li

6、ke: A rubber life raft bobbing on a sea of steel drums.听觉感受:貌似一只橡皮艇荡漾在无垠的铁皮鼓面上。9. Brazilian Portuguese9. 巴西的葡萄牙口音【格锐英语】网址:www.glory-地址:天津市南开区白堤路 颐高数码广场写字楼 1209 免费试听英语,预约热线:400-611-9116Perhaps owing to its freedom from French influence, the Brazilian Portuguese accent has a more colorful, puerile fla

7、ir than its coarser European counterpart. The resulting yowl of drawn-out vowels reveals a flirty freedom of spirit that sounds like a permanent vacation.或许是受法语影响,巴西的葡萄牙语听上去比欧洲其他国家的更丰满、纯净。那拖长的语调洋溢着懒散的随意感,仿佛你正享受一个永恒的假期。Sounds like: The near, then far, then near again hum of a low-wattage vacuum clean

8、er that runs on dance sweat.听觉感受:貌似低功率吸尘器清理地毯时传来的忽远忽近的声音。8. U.S. Southern8. 美国南方口音Theres nothing sexy about being in a hurry, and you could clock the growth rate of grass with the honeyed drawl - less Tea Party, more “True Blood“ - of a Southern beau or belle.急躁绝不可能玩出“性感” 。你要是甜蜜蜜地拉长语调也就是南方帅哥靓女介于“茶话会

9、”和“重金属”之间的语气,万物都会为你倾倒。Sounds like: Molasses taking a smoking break.听觉感受:貌似甜妞儿轻吐烟圈。【格锐英语】网址:www.glory-地址:天津市南开区白堤路 颐高数码广场写字楼 1209 免费试听英语,预约热线:400-611-91167. Oxford British7. 牛津英语Authoritative. Upright. Erudite. Scholarly. Few accents promise the upward nobility of the Queens English. Its a take on th

10、e language that sets hearts devoted to James Bond and Hermione Granger Aflutter. And, should the speaker fail to slake your most wanton desires, eh, at least youll learn something.威严直白,博学明智再也没有别的语言能像牛津英语这样尽显女王风范了。由于詹姆斯邦德和赫敏格兰杰阿福鲁特的贡献,牛津英语已经深入人心。即便它驱散不了你内心的邪念,也仍会使你获益匪浅。Sounds like: A crisply ironed s

11、hirt playing a harp.听觉感受:貌似熨烫坚挺的衬衫滑过竖琴琴弦。6. Irish6. 爱尔兰口音Valued slightly more in men than in women, the Irish brogue is a lilting, lyrical articulation thats charming, if not exotic. Fluid and uplifting, it can swing from vulnerable to threatening over the course of a sentence, restoring your faith

12、in the world again. right before it stabs you with a broken bottle top.【格锐英语】网址:www.glory-地址:天津市南开区白堤路 颐高数码广场写字楼 1209 免费试听英语,预约热线:400-611-9116爱尔兰男人的语音更有磁性。爱尔兰语轻快活泼、情意绵绵,即便算不上奇异曼妙,也可谓魅力十足。爱尔兰语流畅如水、振奋人心,可以把你从脆弱深处唤醒,重燃生活的信心当然,有时它也会触痛你的心扉。Sounds like: A marauding pixie.听觉感受:是个劫掠的小精灵!5. Nigerian5. 尼日利亚口音

13、Dignified, with just a hint of willful naivet, the deep, rich “ohs“ and “ehs“ of Naija bend the English language without breaking it, arousing tremors in places other languages cant reach. Kinda makes the occasional phone scam worth the swindle.不必作出任何变通,只需一丁点儿狡黠的天真,非凡的尼日利亚语便能用蕴意深远的“ohs”或“ehs”勾起你独一无二

14、的共鸣。就算是被电话诈骗,也值了。Sounds like: The THX intro with teeth.听觉感受:貌似在咬着舌头说话。4. Czech4. 捷克口音【格锐英语】网址:www.glory-地址:天津市南开区白堤路 颐高数码广场写字楼 1209 免费试听英语,预约热线:400-611-9116Like Russian, without the nettlesome history of brutal, iron-fisted despotism, Czech is a smoky, full-bodied vocal style that goes well with mos

15、t meats. Murky and mysterious, the Bohemian tone is equal parts carnal desire and carnival roustabout.同俄语一样,若没有恼人的残暴专政历史,捷克语也算得上浑厚、直爽,一切都还说得过去。不过,这种晦涩神秘的波西米亚腔调也蕴含了俗世欲望和脚夫气息。Sounds like: Count Dracula, secret agent.听觉感受:貌似吸血鬼伯爵和特务的声音。3. Spanish3. 西班牙口音Sensual and beckoning, but with the passion to un

16、leash hell kept just barely restrained, Castilian is like a dialectic Hoover Dam. But then theres the lisp. Tender, vulnerable and cute as a babys hangnail - no one owns the “th“ sound formed by tongue and teeth like those who speak the language of Cervantes.西班牙古国 Castilian 就像一座矛盾的胡佛水坝:性感诱人,欲以解禁勉强受管

17、制的“洪水猛兽” 。但西班牙语却饶舌、温柔、细微,恰似婴儿手上的倒刺般娇嫩再也没有人能像这群塞万提斯后代这样,在齿颊间完美发出“th”音。Sounds Like: An outboard motor on Lake Paella.【格锐英语】网址:www.glory-地址:天津市南开区白堤路 颐高数码广场写字楼 1209 免费试听英语,预约热线:400-611-9116听觉感受:貌似帕艾拉湖上的舷外马达声。2. French2. 法国口音The demotion of this perennial prizewinner of global brogues to second place ma

18、y illustrate the declining sexuality of Old World petulance. Still, the come-hither condescension and fiery disinterest of the French tongue remains paradoxically erotic.这门多年以来一直独占鳌头的语言屈降第二,也恰恰表示旧世纪的性感准则已不再时兴。不过,就算“屈尊俯就” 、 “有所冷淡” ,法语也仍在散发不可抵挡的魅力。Sounds like: A 30-year-old teenager.听觉感受:这是一个30妙龄的轻熟女。

19、1. Italian1. 意大利语Raw, unfiltered and as grabby to ears as its president is to rears, the Italian accent is a vowel that reflects the spectrum of Italic experience: the fire of its bellicose beginnings. the romance of the Renaissance. the dysfunction of anything resembling a government since Caesar. Insatiable, predatory and possessive, this is sex as a second language.【格锐英语】网址:www.glory-地址:天津市南开区白堤路 颐高数码广场写字楼 1209 免费试听英语,预约热线:400-611-9116原始本真、绵延动听意大利语是意大利方方面面的折射:烟火弥漫的战争年代,文艺复兴的浪漫岁月,抑或自凯撒以来的种种社会残态。一直渴求占有、永不满足现状这就是意大利语的“性感” 。Sounds like: A Ferrari saxophone.听觉感受:一只奏鸣的法拉利萨克斯管。


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