LOOK UP莫当低头族.doc

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1、LOOK UP 莫当低头族英国诗人的诗歌 LOOK UP莫当低头族近日,伦敦一名作家图克(Gary Turk)制作了一部公益短片 LOOK UP ,在 Youtube 上受到疯狂的追捧,短片讲诉了一个伤感的爱情故事,呼吁人们莫当低头族,而你是不是时时刻刻低着头拿着手机,从未感受周围美好,希望此时你看完会有所感触。请关掉屏幕,抬起头 A viral video on the evils of social media has ironically taken the internet by storm, with its sentimental story of a love that neve

2、r happened thanks to one boys infatuation with his phone.一个“控诉” 社交网络危害的视频短片日前红遍网络,短片讲述了一个关于爱情的伤感故事:一个沉迷手机的男孩,错过了一段一生挚爱。The video titled Look Up features a spoken work poem by London writer-director Gary Turk who advises viewers to look up from your phone, shut down the display, take in your surround

3、ings, make the most of today.在这个题为抬起头的短片中,英国作家兼导演的加里-特克建议看视频的人们:“将目光从手机移开,抬起头,关掉屏幕,看看你的周围,好好珍惜今天。 ”Look Up was posted to YouTube on April 25, and just 10 days later already has over 14 million views.该视频在 4 月 25 日上传到 YouTube 上,短短 10 天之内就获得了超过 1400 万的点击。(视频来源:优酷,编辑 Helen)LOOK UP 离开网络,享受真实的世界I have 422

4、 friends yet I am lonely 朋友有 422 个,但孤单的我还是 1 个,I speak to all of them everyday yet none of them really know me 没人知道每天跟他们聊天的我,其实不是他们 眼里那个,The problem I have sits in the space in-between 我的问题不过是选择Looking into their eyes or at a name on a screen 面对他们视频对话里的眼睛,还是文字聊天时跳动的姓名,I took a step back and opened m

5、y eyes 我抽身后退,睁开双眼I looked round and realised 我环顾四周,然后发现This media we call social is anything but 这个被我们称为社交的媒体虽然包罗万象 但是when we open our computers and its our doors we shut 当我们打开视窗,却同时关上了自己的门All this technology we have its just an illusion 我们拥有的所有科技只是一种幻觉Community, companionship, a sense of inclusion

6、社群,友谊,包容感When you step away from this device of delusion 然而,当步出科技给你带来的幻象You awaken to see a world of confusion 你惊醒后眼前的世界却充满疑惑A world where were slaves to the technology we mastered 这是一个我们被自己掌控的科技所奴役的世界Where information gets sold by some rich, greedy bastard 一个被富有,贪婪的混蛋从我们身上偷取信息并肆 意贩卖的世界A world of se

7、lf-interest, self-image, self-promotion 一个大家都自私自利,自吹自擂的世界Where we all share our best bits but leave out the emotion 我们在其中分享生活的精华,却失去了真实的感情Were at our most happy with an experience we share 我们会因分享某次经历而欣喜But is it the same if no one is there? 但如果没人陪伴,快乐是否如一?Be there for your friends and theyll be ther

8、e too 和朋友在一起,那他们就将也在那里,But no one will be if a group message will do 但如果沟通通过短信,没人会陪伴你We edit and exaggerate, crave adulation 我们通过编辑来夸大我们的际遇,以此得到别人的注意We pretend not to notice the social isolation 我们假装没有注意到社交孤立We put our words into order till our lives are glistening 我们雕文饰字,只为让生活闪亮不止We dont even know

9、if anyone is listening 沉醉得甚至连有无听者都茫然无知Being alone isnt the problem let me just emphasise 孤身一人从来就不是问题。让我强调一下If you read a book, paint a picture, or do some exercise 我们独自阅读,作画,或是运动Youre being productive and present not reserved and reclused 你充满效率,独处,却不孤独Youre being awake and attentive and putting your

10、 time to good use 你清醒,专注,从不虚度So when youre in public and you start to feel alone 而当你在公共场合,却会觉得孤单Put your hands behind your head, step away from the phone 把双手放在脑后,把手机也忘到脑后You dont need to stare at your menu or at your ontact list 无须盯着手机菜单或者联系人列表Just talk to one another, learn to co-exist 只要试着交谈,学着相处I

11、 cant stand to hear the silence of a busy commuter train 拥挤的列车上死一般的寂静实在难听(在中国应该不会。 。 。 )When no one wants to talk for the fear of looking insane 无人交流只因害怕显得特立独行Were becoming unsocial, it no longer satisfies 我们不再合群,不再满意To engage with one another and look into someones eyes. Were surrounded by children

12、 who since they were born 我们身边的孩子们,自出生开始Have watched us living like robots and think its the norm 就看着我们如同机器人一般的活着,并认为这理所当然Its not very likely youll make worlds greatest Dad 你不大可能成为世界上最好的爸爸If you cant entertain a child without using an iPad 如果你只能用 IPAD 来取悦你的孩子When I was a child Id never be home 当我年少,

13、我从不宅家Id be out with my friends, on our bikes wed roam 我和朋友们骑着车游荡四方Id wear holes in my trainers and graze up my knees 我们四处奔跑,哪怕膝盖摔伤Or build our own clubhouse high up in the trees 或者建造自己的树屋,看着它耸立枝头Now the park is so quiet it gives me a chill 可是现在的公园,静的让人心寒 See no children outside and the swings hangin

14、g still 看不见孩子在屋外玩耍,Theres no skipping, no hopscotch, no church and no steeple 没有跳绳,没有跳山羊,没有教堂,没有尖塔Were a generation of idiots, smart phones and dumb people 我们这代人都是笨蛋,智能的手机,愚蠢的人类So look up from your phone, shut down the display 所以手机上抬起头,关掉屏幕Take in your surroundings, make the most of today 看看你的周围,好好利

15、用今天Just one real connection is all it can take 只是一个真实的接触,仅此而已To show you the difference that being there can make 只要身处那里,改变就已经发生Be there in the moment as she gives you the look 在那一刻,她的表情That you remember forever as when love overtook 你永远不会忘记,当爱情开始接手一切的时候The time she first held your hand or first kis

16、sed your lips 当你们第一次牵手,第一次接吻The time you first disagreed but still loved her to bits 当你们有了分歧却仍然爱着她的每一点The time you dont have to tell hundreds of what youve just done 当你不需要告诉上百人你刚刚做了什么 Because you want to share this moment with just this one. 因为你只想分享这一切,给这一个人The time you sell your computer so you can

17、 buy a ring 当你卖掉你的电脑去买一个戒指(这是多贵的电脑。 。 )For the girl of your dreams who is now the real thing 你梦中的女孩终成现实The time you want to start a family and the moment when 当你想建立一个家庭,在那一刻You first hold your little girl and get to fall in love again 你第一次抱着你的女儿,再次给她全部的爱The time she keeps you up at nights and all yo

18、u want is rest 当你需要休息,她却让你无法入眠 And the time you wipe away the tears as your baby flees the nest 当你在她成人离家后,擦干眼泪 The time your baby girl returns with a boy for you to hold 当你的宝贝回来,带着一个小男孩让你抱And the time he calls you Grandad and makes you feel real old 当他叫你爷爷让你认识到自己真的老了The time you take in all youve ma

19、de when youre giving life attention 当你看到了这一切只是因为关注了生活And how youre real glad you didnt waste it by looking down at some invention 你很高兴,因为你没有把时间浪费在某个发明上The time you hold your wifes hand, sit down beside her bed. 当你握着你妻子的手,坐在她的床边You tell her that you love her, lay a kiss upon her head. 你告诉她你爱她,俯下身子亲吻她

20、的头She then whispers to you quietly as her heart gives a final beat 她低声耳语,告诉你,在她心脏跳动的最后一下That shes lucky she got stopped by that lost boy in the street 她有多幸运,能被那个街上迷路的男孩拦下But none of these times ever happened. You never had any of this 但这样的事永远也不会发生在你身上When youre too busy looking down, you dont see th

21、e chances you miss 当你忙着低头看手机的时候,你不会看到你错过的机会So look up from your phones, shut down those displays 所以从你的手机上抬起头来,关掉那些屏幕 We have a finite existence, a set number of days 我们时间有限Dont waste your life getting caught in the net 不要把它浪费在网络上because when the end comes, nothings worse than regret 当最后一刻来临,没有什么比后悔更

22、糟 I am guilty too of being part of this machine 我感到内疚,因为我也是这机器的一部分this digital world we are heard but not seen 在这个数码的世界,我们听见看不见where we type as we talk and read as we chat 打字代替了交谈,阅读代替了闲聊where we spend hours together without making eye-contact 我们在一起很久,却从来没有眼神交流So dont give in to a life where you fol

23、low the hype 不要让你的生活跟随炒作Give people your love, dont give them your “like” 给你爱的人,而不是给那些“赞”你的人Disconnect from the need to be heard and defined 戒掉那些渴望被倾听和被理解的习惯 Go out into the world, leave distractions behind 走出门,进入真实的世界,把干扰丢到脑后Look up from your phone, shut down the display 从你的手机上抬起头来,关掉屏幕Stop watchin

24、g this video, live life the real way. 关掉这个视频,为生活而实拼给低头族的诗:震撼短片呼吁人们放下手机Look Up a poem by Gary TurkI have 422 friends yet I am lonelyI speak to all of them everyday yet none of them really know meThe problem I have sits in the space in-betweenLooking into their eyes or at a name on a screenI took a st

25、ep back and opened my eyesI looked round and realisedThis media we call social is anything butwhen we open our computers and its our doors we shutAll this technology we have its just an illusionCommunity, companionship, a sense of inclusionWhen you step away from this device of delusionYou awaken to

26、 see a world of confusionA world where were slaves to the technology we masteredWhere information gets sold by some rich, greedy bastardA world of self-interest, self-image, self-promotionWhere we all share our best bits but leave out the emotionWere at our most happy with an experience we shareBut

27、is it the same if no one is there?Be there for your friends and theyll be there tooBut no one will be if a group message will doWe edit and exaggerate, crave adulationWe pretend not to notice the social isolationWe put our words into order till our lives are glisteningWe dont even know if anyone is

28、listeningBeing alone isnt the problem let me just emphasiseIf you read a book, paint a picture, or do some exerciseYoure being productive and present not reserved and reclusedYoure being awake and attentive and putting your time to good useSo when youre in public and you start to feel alonePut your

29、hands behind your head, step away from the phoneYou dont need to stare at your menu or at your contact listJust talk to one another, learn to co-existI cant stand to hear the silence of a busy commuter trainWhen no one wants to talk for the fear of looking insaneWere becoming unsocial, it no longer

30、satisfiesTo engage with one another and look into someones eyes.Were surrounded by children who since they were bornHave watched us living like robots and think its the normIts not very likely youll make worlds greatest DadIf you cant entertain a child without using an iPadWhen I was a child Id neve

31、r be homeId be out with my friends, on our bikes wed roamId wear holes in my trainers and graze up my kneesOr build our own clubhouse high up in the treesNow the park is so quiet it gives me a chillSee no children outside and the swings hanging stillTheres no skipping, no hopscotch, no church and no

32、 steepleWere a generation of idiots, smart phones and dumb peopleSo look up from your phone, shut down the displayTake in your surroundings, make the most of todayJust one real connection is all it can takeTo show you the difference that being there can makeBe there in the moment as she gives you th

33、e lookThat you remember forever as when love overtookThe time she first held your hand or first kissed your lipsThe time you first disagreed but still loved her to bitsThe time you dont have to tell hundreds of what youve just doneBecause you want to share this moment with just this one.The time you

34、 sell your computer so you can buy a ringFor the girl of your dreams who is now the real thingThe time you want to start a family and the moment whenYou first hold your little girl and get to fall in love againThe time she keeps you up at nights and all you want is restAnd the time you wipe away the

35、 tears as your baby flees the nestThe time your baby girl returns with a boy for you to holdAnd the time he calls you Grandad and makes you feel real oldThe time you take in all youve made when youre giving life attentionAnd how youre real glad you didnt waste it by looking down at some inventionThe

36、 time you hold your wifes hand, sit down beside her bed.You tell her that you love her, lay a kiss upon her head.She then whispers to you quietly as her heart gives a final beatThat shes lucky she got stopped by that lost boy in the streetBut none of these times ever happened. You never had any of t

37、hisWhen youre too busy looking down, you dont see the chances you missSo look up from your phones, shut down those displaysWe have a finite existence, a set number of daysDont waste your life getting caught in the netbecause when the end comes, nothings worse than regretI am guilty too of being part

38、 of this machinethis digital world we are heard but not seenwhere we type as we talk and read as we chatwhere we spend hours together without making eye-contactSo dont give in to a life where you follow the hypeGive people your love, dont give them your “like”Disconnect from the need to be heard and

39、 definedGo out into the world, leave distractions behindLook up from your phone, shut down the displayStop watching this video, live life the real way.给低头族的诗:震撼短片呼吁人们放下手机A viral video on the evils of social media has ironically taken the internet by storm, with its sentimental story of a love that n

40、ever happened thanks to one boys infatuation with his phone.一个“控诉” 社交网络危害的视频短片日前红遍网络,短片讲述了一个关于爱情的伤感故事:一个沉迷手机的男孩,错过了一段一生挚爱。The video titled Look Up features a spoken work poem by London writer-director Gary Turk who advises viewers to look up from your phone, shut down the display, take in your surro

41、undings, make the most of today.在这个题为抬起头的短片中,英国作家兼导演的加里-特克建议看视频的人们:“从手机上抬起头,关掉屏幕,看看你的周围,好好利用今天。 ”Look Up was posted to YouTube on April 25, and just 10 days later already has over 14million views.该视频在 4 月 25 日上传到 YouTube 上,短短 10 天之内就获得了超过 1400 万的点击。The video starts off with Turk saying he has 422 fr

42、iends, yet Im lonely. It continues to tell the story of a boy who meets a girl when he gets lost and asks for direction.视频的开头我们听到特克在说:“我有 422 个朋友,但是我很孤单。 ” 接着视频讲述了一个迷路的男孩在问路的时候认识了一个女孩的故事。The two then become a couple, and the video shows them sharing romantic dinners, strolls through the countryside

43、and laughs on the couch.他们成了一对,视频中可以看到他们俩共度浪漫晚餐,一起在乡村漫步,窝在沙发上嬉闹。The couple buy a house, get married and have a baby girl, who we see grow up and leave the nest. Their daughter later comes back, having married and had a baby herself and the pround grandfather clutches his grandson.他们买了房子,结婚了然后生了一个女孩,

44、女儿渐渐长大,然后离开了家。后来女儿也回来了,结婚了也生了自己的孩子,这对祖父母身边有孙辈的陪伴。As his graying wife dies, she whispers about how shes happy she got stopped by that lost boy in the street.白发苍苍的老太太告别人世时,在丈夫的耳边轻声说道“自己很开心当时在街上遇到了那个迷路的男孩。 ”But heres the catch - it never happened. The film then goes back the moment the boy would have a

45、sked for directions, and his future wife is seen passing by as he looks at his phone - likely posing his question to Google Maps instead.但其实这一切都从未发生。短片回到当时男孩本来要问路的时刻,因为男孩只看着手机,他“未来的妻子” 与他擦身而过。迷路的男孩可能是在用谷歌地图找地点。Because, as Turk explains, when youre too busy looking down, you dont see the chances you miss.特克解释说:“因为你永远都在忙着低头看手机,所以你看不到身边错过的机会。


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