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1、BOM Bill Of Material 物料清單PS Package Specification 包裝規範SPEC Specification 規格DWG Drawing 圖面部類PMC Production & Material Control 生產和物料控制PPC Production Plan Control 生產計劃控制MC Material Control 物料控制ME Manufacture Engineering 製造工程部PE Project Engineering 產品工程部A/C Accountant Dept 會計部P/A Personal & Administrati

2、on 人事行政部DC Document Center 資料中心QE Quality Engineering 品質工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品質保證(處)QC Quality Control 品質管制(課)PD Product Department 生產部LAB Laboratory 實驗室IE Industrial Engineering 工業工程R&D Research & Design 設計開發部P Painting 烤漆(廠)A Assembly 組裝(廠)S Stamping 沖壓(廠)生產類PCS Pieces 個(根,塊等)PRS Pairs 雙(對等)C

3、TN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 棧板PO Purchasing Order 采購訂單MO Manufacture Order 生產單D/C Date Code 生產日期碼ID/C Identification Code (供應商)識別碼SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批號P/N Part Number 料號其它OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原設備製造PCE Personal Computer Enclosure 個人電腦外設PC Personal Computer 個人

4、電腦CPU Central Processing Unit 中央處理器SECC SECC 電解片SGCC SGCC 熱浸鍍鋅材料U.S.A the United States of America 美國A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 盡可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 電子郵件N/A Not Applicable 不適用QTY Quantity 數量vs. versus 以及.REV Revision 版本JIT Just In Time 零庫存I/O Input/Output 輸入/輸出OK OK 好NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Cr

5、itical=0 極嚴重不允許ESD Electro Static Discharge 靜電排放5S 希臘語 整理,整頓,清掃,清潔,教養ATIN Attention 知會CC Carbon Copy 副本復印相關人員APP Approve 核準,認可,承認CHK Check 確認AM Ante Meridian 上午PM Post Meridian 下午CD Compact Disk 光碟CD-ROM Compact Disk Read-Only Memory 只讀光碟FDD Floppy Disk Drive 軟碟機HDD Hard Disk Drive 碟碟機REF Reference

6、僅供參考CONN Connector 連接器CAV Cavity 模穴CAD Computer Aid Design 計算機輔助設計ASSY Assembly 裝配,組裝MATS Material 材料IC Integrated Circuit 集成電路T/P True Position 真位度TYP Type 類型WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出貨需求C?T Cycle Time 制程周期L/T Lead Time 前置時間(生產前準備時間)S/T Standard Time 標準時間P/M Product Market 產品市場3C Computer,

7、Communication, Consumer electronics 消費性電子5W2H When, Where, Who, What, Why, How,How many 5M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement 4M1E Man, Machine, Material, Method, Environment4MIH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time 人力,物力,財務,技術,時間(資源)SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品質保證DQA Design Quality Ass

8、urance 設計品質保證MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 製造品質保證SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 銷售及服務品質保證LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率BS Brain storming 腦力激蕩EMI Electronic Magnetron Inspect 高磁測試FMI Frequency Modulator Inspect 高頻測試B/M Board/Molding (flat cable)SPS Switching power supply 電源箱DT Desk Top 臥式(機箱)M

9、T Mini-Tower 立式(機箱)LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器CAD Computer AID Design 计算机辅助设计CAM Computer AID Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造CAE Computer AID Engineering 计算机辅助工程网 BIOS Advanced Basic in put/output system 先進的基本輸入/輸出系統CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 互補金屬氧化物半導體PDA Personal Digital Assistant 個人數

10、位助理IC Integrated Circuit 集成電路ISA Industry Standard Architecture 工業標準體制結構MCA Micro Channel Architecture 微通道結構EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture 擴充的工業標準結構SIMM Single in-line memory module 單項導通匯流組件DIMM Dual in-line Memory Module 雙項導通匯流組件LED Light-Emitting Diode 發光二級管FMEA Failure Mode Effectiv

11、eness 失效模式分析W/H Wire Harness 金屬線緒束集組件F/C Flat Cable 排線PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷電路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善報告NG Not Good 不良WPR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出貨要求PPM Parts Per Million 百萬分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生產保養MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需計劃OC Operation System 作業系統TB

12、A To Be Design 待定,定缺D/C Drawing Change 图纸变更/设计变更EMI Electrical-Music Industry 電子音樂工業RFI Read Frequency Input 讀頻輸入总公司 Head Office分公司 Branch Office营业部 Business Office人事部 Personnel Department人力资源部 Human Resources Department总务部 General Affairs Department财务部 General Accounting Department销售部 Sales Departm

13、ent促销部 Sales Promotion Department国际部 International Department出口部 Export Department进口部 Import Department公共关系 Public Relations Department广告部 Advertising Department企划部 Planning Department产品开发部 Product Development Department研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室 Secretarial Pool采购部 Purchasing D

14、epartment工程部 Engineering Department行政部 Admin. Department人力资源部 HR Department市场部 Marketing Department技术部 Technolog Department客服部 Service Department行政部: Administration财务部 Financial Department总经理室、Direcotor, or President副总经理室、Deputy Director, or Vice president总经办、General Deparment采购部、Purchase & Order De

15、partment工程部、Engineering Deparment研发部、Research Deparment生产部、Productive Department销售部、Sales Deparment广东业务部、GD Branch Deparment无线事业部、Wireless Industry Department拓展部 Business Expending Department物供部、Supply DepartmentBD business and development 业务拓展部Marketing 市场部Sales 销售部HR 人力资源部Account 会计部PR people rela

16、tionship 公共关系部OFC (Office, 但不常见) / OMB = Office of Management and Budget 办公室Finance 财务部MKTG (Marketing) 市场部R&D (Research & Development) 研发部MFG (Manufacturing) 产品部Administration Dept. 管理部Purchasing Dept 采购部Chairman/President Office / Gerneral Manager office or GM office 总经理办公室Monitor & Support Depart

17、ment 监事会Strategy Research 战略研究部我认为翻译没有标准答案,要根据实际情况来进行决定。有时候同一个部门,在你们厂和我们公司它的叫法就是不一样;在美国和英国或新西兰它也不一样。等等。例如党支部,在英语国家没有这个玩意,你翻得再好,也只是自己的创造;创造得再好,外国人看了一样不懂,一样需要你的解释。外销部: Overseas Department,International Sales Section,Export Section财务科:Financial/Fiscal Department党支部:Communist Party Office会议室:Meeting Roo

18、m/Hall/Auditorium,或 Conference Hall/Auditorium或直接Auditorium, 视其大小而定了。会客室:Reception Lounge/Room/House,或 Meeting Room或 Guest Room质检科:Back-check Section/Department,Quality-inspection/Quality Control Department内销部:Domestic Sales Section/Department厂长室:Miller/Director/President Office( 这很取决于你们厂的类型和规模)行政科:

19、Administration Section/Department,Service section技术部:Technology Section档案室:Archives(Office)生产科:Production/Processing Section一句话,不管选哪个,都得与自己公司或工厂的规模,类型,性质和结构相适应。外销部: EXPORT DEPARTMENT财务科: FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT党支部: BRANCH OF THE PARTY会议室: MEETING ROOM会客室: RECEPTION ROOM质检科: QUALITY TESTING DEPARTMENT内销

20、部: DOMESTIC SALES DEPARTMENT厂长室: FACTORY DIRECTORS ROOM行政科: ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT技术部: TECHNOLOGY SECTION档案室: MUNIMENT ROOM生产科: MANUFACTURE SECTION一、人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM)人力资源经理:( human resource manager)高级管理人员:(executive) / igzekjutiv职业:(profession) 道德标准:(ethics) 操作工:(operative e

21、mployees)专家:(specialist)人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI)二、外部环境:(external environment)内部环境:(internal environment)政策:(policy)企业文化:(corporate culture)目标:(mission)股东:(shareholders)非正式组织:(informal organization)跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC)管理多样性:(managing diversity)三、工作:(j

22、ob)职位:(posting)工作分析:(job analysis)工作说明:(job description)工作规范:(job specification)工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS)职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ)行政秘书:(executive secretary)地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager)四、人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP)战略规划:(strategi

23、c planning)长期趋势:(long term trend)要求预测:(requirement forecast)供给预测:(availability forecast)管理人力储备:(management inventory)裁减:(downsizing)人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS)五、招聘:(recruitment)员工申请表:(employee requisition)招聘方法:(recruitment methods)内部提升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW)工作公告:(job posting)广告:(advertising)职业介绍所:(employment agency)特殊事件:(special events)


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