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1、目录剑桥雅思 7 听力下载 Test4Section1 .2剑桥雅思 7 听力下载 Test4Section2 .3剑桥雅思 7 听力下载 Test4Section3 .4剑桥雅思 7 听力下载 Test4Section4 .6剑桥雅思 7 听力下载 Test4Section1名师点题剑桥雅思 7 听力:Test 4LISTENINGSECTION 1场景介绍主题:申请住宿家庭题型介绍题型 个人信息表格题、简答题测试技能 聆听具体细节信息名师点题剑桥雅思 7 听力:考题精解Question 1 Keiko当考生听到 And your first name?答案即在下一句出现。当考生再次听到拼写

2、字母的声音 K-E-I-K-O,即得出正确答案 Keiko。Question 2 JO6337当 passport 第一次在对话中出现就要留意了,紧接着官员看过护照后便说:Okay your passport number is JO6337。确定答案为 JO6337。Question 3 4 months听到 How long are you planning on . ?然后听到 length of homestay 这一题目。接着听到about four months。其中 about 与 approx 是同义词替换。Question 4 (advanced) English (stud

3、ies)当考生听到 What course are you enrolled in?答案即在下一句。Question 5 (young) Children对话材料中出现 Do you have any preference for a family with ?之后,I like I mean I like young children 是迷惑项,正确答案在 but 后面,即为 children。Question 6 pets当对方提到 pets 时,后面紧跟的三组信息都说明了学生对宠物的态度。 (1. I am a veterinarian;2. so thats fine;3. the m

4、ore the better.)Question 7 SeafoodBut 是信号词。当听到 I am not a vegetarian 后,but 后出现答案,I dont eat a lot of meat。I really like seafood。正确答案为 seafood。Question 8 tennis听前预读,得知这里填一项运动。I joined the handball team, but I didnt like it.这句话中第一类运动出现,但否定了,后面紧接着提到 Now I play tennis on the weekend正确答案是tennis。Question

5、9 train预读题目,得知这里要填交通方式。当听到 I like catching the train 时,like 与题目中的prefer 同意词替换。正确答案为 train。Question 10 this afternoon这里要填时间,当听到 I will check my records and Ill give you details this afternoon 时,得出正确答案是 this afternoon。剑桥雅思 7 听力下载 Test4Section2名师点题剑桥雅思 7 听力:Test 4LISTENINGSECTION 2场景介绍主题:慈善募捐徒步旅行题型介绍题型

6、 选择题、流程图题、分类信息表格题测试技能 聆听具体信息,听出大意名师点题剑桥雅思 7 听力:考题精解Question 11 C当听到导游说:I hope that you are all wearing your most comfortable shoes and that you can keep up the pace。确定答案为 C: a walking tour。Question 12 B当听到 some general background information 后要留心了,因为这里要谈到公园的背景信息了。紧接着一句,答案就出现了:There used to be a lot

7、of factories in this area until 1960s。确定答案为 B: industrial buildings。之后听到的两句是答案信息句的支持句。Question 13 A当考生听到 They want to use the site for recreation 后,即得出答案是 A,A 答案中的 leisure和听力材料中的 recreation 属于同义词重现。Question 14 B当听力材料中出现 The Tower 后就定位了,接着就听到 is the centre point for the formal gardens。得出正确答案是 B: form

8、al gardens。Question I5 Car Park跟随着所听内容,依次听到 Olympic site, indoor arena, stadium, swimming pool 及 station,接着出现一句:there is also a car park。立刻确定正确答案是 Car Park。Question 16 Rose Garden当听到 around to the west,立即定位图示方向。接着听到:you can relax and sit on a beach to smell the flowers in the rose garden,立即猜测答案是与 be

9、ach 很近的 rose garden。接着听到finally up to the north。说明方向开始变化了,那么立即锁定答案即为 Rose Garden。Question 17 Cafe当听到 if you look through the trees, you can see the cafe,即判定答案为 cafe, through 有“穿过”之意,很明显,图示中的 17,即所填空那个方位是树中间。正确答案为 cafe。Question 18 cycling要清楚,这一空要填一项活动。当听到 The Mangroves(红树)及 boardwalk(木板人行道)后要留意答案的出现。

10、当听到信号词 but 后出现了 cycling,即 but in fact its more often used for cycling。确定正确答案是 cycling。Question 19 biology lessons听到 Frog Pond 和 outdoor classroom 之后,要留心听一项活动(activity) 。当听到 The area is now most often used by primary schools for biology lessons。确定答案为 biology lessons。Question 20 viewing shelter通过 18、1

11、9 题,考生可以判断,这里要填的是 facility(设施)的内容,在听力材料中的出现顺序应该是位于 The Water Bird Refuge 和 bird watching 之间的。当听到 the water bird refuge 后就要留心了。之后听到 thats why the parks viewing shelter is a favorite spot for bird watchers .,即了解到文中所指的 a favorite spot for bird watchers 应该是 viewing shelter,而 favorite spot 属于 facility 范围

12、之列,得出正确答案是 viewing shelter。剑桥雅思 7 听力下载 Test4Section3名师点题剑桥雅思 7 听力:Test 4LISTENINGSECTION 3场景介绍主题:两个学生讨论作业(具体则是讨论一个 presentation)题型介绍题型 填空题、配对题、分类信息表格题测试技能 聆听具体信息名师点题剑桥雅思 7 听力:考题精解Question 21 5听到 15 minutes per presentation 后,接着听到 5 minutes for questions,即得出正确答案是5。Question 22 assessed继 21 题后,接着听到 Is

13、this one going to be assessed?紧接着听到回答: No。得出正确答案是 assessed。Question 23 A当听到 We ought to say something about geographical location 后,与选项 A 中 definitely 同义,之后听到 Yes。确定答案为 A。Question 24 B当听到 economy 后,立即将 Question 24 定位在这里。当听到 Look . lets think about that one later, shall we?与选项 B 中 might 释义相同,确定答案为 B。

14、Question 25 A当听到 general overview of education 后,定位于 Question 25,紧接着听到 of course。与 A中 definitely 同义,确定正确答案为 A。Question 26 C当听到 the role of English language 后,定位于 Question 26,紧接着听到 Nope。确定答案为C。Question 27 media room当听到 overhead projector 之后,立即定位于 Question 27,紧接着听到 No problem . well get that from the

15、media room.确定正确答案是 media room。Questions 28 resources room当听到 map 后,又听到谈及 map of West Africa,即定位于 Question 28。之后听到 There is one in the Resources Room。确定答案为 Resources Room。Question 29 embassy当听到 literacy rates 之后,确定其与 literacy figures 属于同义词重现,立即定位于 Question 29。接着听到一个否定的声音 Nah 后提出:Why dont we call the

16、embassy ?带着 embassy是否是答案的疑问继续听,听到:OK。立即敲定答案为 embassy。Questions 30 statistics继 Question 29 后听到,we can find out statistics on school places from them as well。确定正确答案为 statistics。剑桥雅思 7 听力下载 Test4Section4名师点题剑桥雅思 7 听力:Test 4LISTENINGSECTION 4场景介绍主题:MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)谷氨酸钠(味精)的由来、作用方式及实质题型介绍题型 选择题

17、,笔记填空题测试技能 听大意,听具体信息名师点题剑桥雅思 7 听力:考题精解Question 31 B当听到发言人说 Today I am going to explore why it is so .就要留意了,接着听到 more importantly 这一信号表达,确定答案就是后一句 how does it enhance the flavour of food?中,而这一句含义等同于 B 选项,确定答案是 B。Question 32 C1908 是定位词,听到它后,接着听到 the ingredient in Japan . was actually discovered to be

18、glutamate by scientists working there,discover 与 C 选项中的 identify 是同义词,判定正确答案为 C。Question 33 A1956 是定位词,听到 1956 后,接着听到 the speed of the process was improved,and industrial production increased dramatically, manufacture 与 produce 同义,确定正确答案为A。Question 34 water当考生听到 sodium 之后,紧接着听到 nine point six percen

19、t water, 9.6%是定位词,确定Question 34 正确答案是 water。Question 35&36 meat, cheese当发言人讲到 protein-containing foods 时,立即定位 Question 35&36,接着听到 so this includes food such as meat and cheese,确定答案是 meat,cheese。Question 37 5th / new taste当听到 In 1908,立即定位此题,接着听到 Kikunae Ikeda identified a fifth taste。而 identify与 disc

20、over 属于同义词,确定正确答案是 5th/ new taste。Question 38 common演讲者提到 It does make perfect evolutionary sense that we should have the ability to detect or taste glutamate .确定 Question 38 的答案在后面。接着听到 because it is the amino acid which is most common in natural foods. So 与 Most 同义,in natural foods 与 naturally 同义,Question 38 需要填一个形容词,正确答案为 common。Question 39 bitterness当考生听到 carbohydrates 后,紧接着听到 bitterness, he says, alerts us of toxins in the food。确定正确答案是 bitterness。Question 40 minerals当听到 saltiness 后立即定位于 Question 40,紧接着听到 signals the presence of minerals。确定正确答案是 minerals。


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