1、Silicon Valley Christian Assembly,頌讚聲音何等難得!How pleasant is the sound of praise,所以應當無間時刻;It well becomes the saints of God;如果我們自甘緘默,Should we refuse our songs to raise, 石頭也要說話相責。The stones might tell our shame abroad.,85 頌讚聲音何等難得HOW PLEASANT IS THE SOUND OF PRAISE,Silicon Valley Christian Assembly,(二
2、)我們應當高聲讚美For Him who washed us in His blood,那用己血買我們的;Let us our sweetest songs prepare;祂替我們備嘗死味,He sought us wandering far from God,祂為我們費盡心力。And now preserves us by His care.,Silicon Valley Christian Assembly,(三)此世有一特別詩歌,One string there is of sweetest tone,惟獨蒙恩罪人會唱;Reserved for sinners saved by gra
3、ce;此外無人懂那音樂,Tis sacred to one class alone因不知其意義之綱。And touched by one peculiar race.,Silicon Valley Christian Assembly,(四)天使雖能歡然承認Though angels may with rapture see憐憫如何由血洞曉,How mercy flows in Jesus blood,但是他們不像我們 It is not theirs to prove, as we,能以證明這血功效。The cleansing virtue of this flood.,Silicon Va
4、lley Christian Assembly,(五)天使雖能讚美拜朝,Though angels praise the heavenly King,說神是神,向神恭敬;And worship Him as God alone,我們卻能歡樂唱道:We can with exultation sing,祂在寶座還帶人性!He wears our nature on the throne.,Silicon Valley Christian Assembly,(六)哦,主,我們讚美那Lord, we adore Thy wondrous love,使祢來流血受死的愛;Which brought Thee here to bleed and die但願不久在天相值,That Thou lost sinners may restore向祢讚美,向祢敬拜。And to the Father bring them nigh.,