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1、保加利亚:事实与数字 Bulgaria in numbers and facts,过去20年,入境游客人数增加一倍 Foreign Tourist Arrivals doubled in last 20 years到2020年,平稳年均增长率为 Steady trend of growth 4% per year until 2020旅游业对GDP 的贡献率为13,6% (欧洲平均为9% )Total contribution of the Tourism industry to GDP - 13,6% (9% average in Europe)医疗旅游和温泉旅游约占旅游产业经济总体规模的6

2、,6% Share in Tourism industry for Healthcare and SPA tourism - 6,6%酒店 Hotel properties 2 093 床位 Hotels beds - 302 433 过夜数 Overnights - 21 617 474 平均入住率 Average occupancy - 37%,保加利亚:事实与数字 Bulgaria in numbers and facts,%,海滨旅游Sea tourism山区旅游Mountain tourism文化旅游Cultural tourism温泉与浴疗旅游SPA and balneology

3、tourism,在保加利亚有发展潜力的旅Different types of tourism that can be developed in Bulgaria,Source: National Statistics Institute,2013年游客旅游目的结构Visit structure of foreigners by travel intent in 2013,Natural resources,1600多股冷泉和温泉Over 1 600 springs600多股矿泉Over 600 mineral springs出水总量为5000升/秒钟Total capacity of 5 00

4、0 l / sec ;水温:16 C - 100 C Temperature 16 C - 100 C 已被证明的治疗性能Proven healing properties治疗最常见疾病的90% Treat more than 90% of the most common diseases,丰富的天然矿泉水资源和现代的酒店设施可使保加利亚成为“欧洲的保健中心”。With a huge resource of natural mineral waters, combined with modern hotel facilities, Bulgaria gives serious request

5、to be a “Center of Health in Europe”.,保加利亚的温泉旅游 Bulgarian SPA Tourism,桑丹斯基Sandanski 保加利亚最温暖的城市 The warmest town in Bulgaria,班基雅Bankya 国家心血管疾病患者康复中心 National center for rehabilitation for patients with cardiovascular disease,希萨尔Hissarya 自古以来,流行的浴疗目的地 A favorite SPA destination since antiquity,萨帕雷瓦巴尼亚

6、Sapareva Banya 保加利亚水温最高的温泉, 水温为103C The hottest mineral spring in Bulgaria, with temperature of 103C,韦林格勒Velingrad 巴尔干半岛温泉之都 The SPA capital of the Balkans,丘斯滕迪尔Kyustendil保加利亚最古老的城镇之一,已有8000年的历史 One of the oldest Bulgarian towns, with over 8000 years of history,帕莫瑞Pomorie 咸水湖和奇迹般的胡妮Saline lagoon Lak

7、e with miracle mud,有吸引力的治疗、防病和娱乐目的地An attractive destination for treatment, prophylactics and recreation,有吸引力的治疗、防病和娱乐目的地 An attractive destination for treatment, prophylactics and recreation,SPA Industry,可在山区和黑海海岸购买廉价的疗养院和酒店。There are good opportunities to buy rest homes and hotels at good prices i

8、n the mountainous regions and along the Black Sea coast。现代的温泉酒店和水疗中心全年提供水疗、健康和医疗套餐。Modern Spa Hotels and balneology centers offer all year round all kinds of spa and wellness packages and medical programs. 外国游客对水疗服务质量和种类的满意度 - 58% Foreign visitors are satisfied with the quality and variety of spa se

9、rvices - 58%完全满意 - 33% Completely satisfied - 33%,投资机遇Investment opportunities,SPA Industry,经验丰富的专业人员和专家Experienced professionals and specialists较低劳动力成本 Relatively lower labor cost以建的旅游基础设施Existing tourism infrastructure优越的地理位置 飞抵所有国际机场的每日航班,直飞欧洲只需3个小时Convenient location - daily flights from all int

10、ernational airports, not more than 3 hours to Europe原医疗保险市场支付服务Payment of services by the health insurance market in the source较低的投资总额,例如建设成本比欧洲其它国家低40% Lower investment required, for example, Construction costs cheaper by 40% than in Europe个人及企业所得税税率仅为10% Individual and corporate income tax - 10% 无

11、汇率风险 1欧元 = 1.95583 列弗No currency risk EUR 1 = BGN 1.95583,优势Benefits,SPA Industry,水疗旅游、健康旅游、浴疗旅游和其它特殊旅游形式结合,如海滨旅游、文化旅游、历史旅游、乡村旅游、高尔夫球旅游、探险旅游Trend for the combination of spa, wellness, balneotherapy with other forms of specialized tourism - marine, cultural, historic, rural, golf, adventure 48%游客要求一种

12、旅游形式, 27%要求再增2种旅游形式 48% of guests are looking for one and 27% after 2 additional types of tourism,潜力Potential,大多数保加利亚度假村位于生态区并靠近许多文化与历史遗迹Most Bulgarian resorts are located in ecological regions and close to many cultural and historical sites,!,Swiss Dentaprime,瑞士Dentaprime 牙科诊所Swiss Dentaprime denta

13、l clinic 住宿和附加服务由自己,总部在荷兰,的旅行社安排Accommodation and additional services are contracted to its own travel agency based in the Netherlands途易和内克曼国际旅行社是诊所的合作伙伴World tour operators TUI and Neckermann are clinics partners,案例研究Case study,投资总额 520万欧元 Investment- 5,2 Million 投资回报期 10年Return of the investment -

14、 10 years每名病人平均收入 3200欧元 Average revenue per patient - 3,200,Tokuda Hospital,索非亚托库达医院 德州会医疗集团经营Tokuda Hospital Sofia - operated by the Japanese company Tokushukai Medical Corporation9000名来自俄罗斯、北美、欧洲、中东和非洲在这里收治 9 000 patients from Russia, North America, Europe, Middle East and Africa were treated the

15、re,案例研究Case study,投资总额:20 700万欧元The investment is 207 mln 2013年销售额:3420万欧元(+ 6,2%)Sales in 2013 are 34,2 Mill, (+ 6,2%) 2013年投资回报率: 2,62% Return on investment in 2013 is 2,62%净资产收益率:96% Return on equity - 96%最近5年,周知病人人数增长率: 20% Growth of the patients in the last 5 years was recorded by 20%,作为欧盟成员国,保

16、加利亚有义务执行欧洲联盟统一的签证政策 As EU member Bulgaria is obligated to follow the European Unions visa legislation有些措施确实使保加利亚对中签证政策宽松花Some measures have practically mitigated the visa regime with China2012年以来,持个人申根签证或有效的罗马尼亚、塞浦路斯或克罗地亚签证的不需要办保加利亚签证以进入保加利亚 From 2012 individuals that have a Schengen visa or valid R

17、omanian, Cyprus and Croatian visa dont need Bulgarian visa旅游签证申请的处理时间一般为3-4天 The tourist visa applications are processed for 3-4 days,签证政策 Visa Policy,外国人如何在保加利亚居留?How can a foreigner reside in Bulgaria?,长期签证 A long-term visa财产所有 Property ownership长期居留证 An extended residence permit在保加利亚收购房地产所有权,投资总额

18、为60万列弗 Investing at least BGN 600 000 for acquisition of ownership right on real estate property in Bulgaria,外国人如何在保加利亚居留? How can a foreigner reside in Bulgaria?,永久居留证,投资总额为100万列弗以上:A permanent residence permit through investment BGN 1 mln. or more in:银行存款 Bank deposit 政府债券 Government bonds在保加利亚证券交

19、易所上市的保加利亚公司的股份Shares of a Bulgarian company listed on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange因归化而取得的保加利亚国籍 Acquiring Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization投资总额再增200万列弗以上后,可申请因归化而取得的保加利亚国籍 Increasing the investment in the amount of at least BGN 2 mln. allows applying for a citizenship by naruralization将100万列弗以

20、上投资于执行优先投资项目的保加利亚贸易公司资本 Investing not less than BGN 1 mln. into the capital of a Bulgarian trade company, which is performing a certified priority investment project,“保加利亚是结合低价格和有经验医务人员的国家之一,从此有权力成为医疗旅游者优选目的地”“ Bulgaria is among the countries combining low prices for medical services with experience

21、d medical personnel and has the potential to become a destination of choice for the so-called health tourists”经济学家智库,2011年9月 Economist Intelligence Unit, September 2011,“保加利亚是2014年第八个游客最佳旅游目的地。Bulgaria is the 8 best country for tourists 2014” 粗略的指南 Rough Guides,评论 Reviews,“保加利亚是全球第四个最物有所值旅游目的地”“Bulgaria is the 4th value for money destination worldwid” Post Office Holiday Money Report 报告,“保加利亚普洛夫迪夫市是2015年欧洲第六个最美城市”“Plovdiv, Bulgaria is on the 6th place in top 10 list of most beautiful cities in Europe for 2015” 寂寞星球 Lonely Planet,


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