1、1 醫療儀器規管架構建議 Proposed Framework on Statutory Control of Medical Devices (問卷 Questionnaire) 請於 2010 年 9 月 30日前 將這問卷 交回 醫療儀器管制辦公室 (傳真 : 3157 1286; 電郵 : mdcodh.gov.hk; 地址 : 香港灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合和中心 31 樓 3101 室 ) Please return this questionnaire to the Medical Device Control Office by 30 September 2010 (Fax:
2、 3157 1286; Email: mdcodh.gov.hk; Address: Rm. 3101, 31/F., Hopewell Centre, 183 Queens Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong) 姓名 Name : 機構名稱 Organisation: 業務性質 Nature of business: (可選擇多於一項 ) (can tick more than one box) 本地負責人 /代理人 Local Responsible Person / Agent 進口商 / 出口商 importer/exporter 分銷商 / 批發商 distr
3、ibutor / wholesaler 零售商 retailer 本地製造商 local manufacturer 其他 (請說明 ) others (please specify): 地址 Address: 電話號碼 Tel No: 傳真號碼 Fax No: 電郵地址 Email: 請在適當的方格內劃上 號,以表達對下述說法的意見。 Please indicate your view on the following statements by ticking the appropriate box. 同意 不同意 無意見 Agree Disagree No Comment 1. 政府應立法
4、對醫療儀器進行監管,以確保公眾安全。 The government should regulate medical devices to ensure public safety through legislation. 2. 我 /本機構知道政府正推行一套醫療儀器行政管理制度。 I am/My organization is aware that the government is implementing a Medical Device Administrative Control System (MDACS). 轉下頁 Turn page 2 同意 不同意 無意見 Agree Disa
5、gree No Comment 3. 大體而言,政府建議的規管架構可以接受。 In general, the regulatory framework proposed by the government is acceptable. 4. 在 將來 的法規 中 , 授權代表 將會取代 在 現有醫療儀器行政管理制 度 下的 本地負責人 。 The term “Authorized Representatives” is used in the future legislation to replace the term “Local Responsible Persons” under the
6、 MDACS. 5. 分銷商必須 向 衞 生署 註冊 ,及遵守一套註冊條件 。 Distributors are required to register with the Department of Health and to comply with a set of conditions for registration 6. 進口 商 /出口商須要為 某些 指定的高風險或 容易被誤用 的 醫療儀器 領取 進 口 / 出口許可證。 Importers/exporters of medical devices are required to obtain import /export lic
7、ences for specified medical devices that are of high risk or may be subject to misuse. 7. 其他意見 : Other comments: 完 END 3 個人資料 (私隱 )條例 用途聲明 1. 收集資料的目的 你與衞生署溝通互動時所提供的個人資料,會用於衞生署作為行政 及 /或立法規管醫療儀器的用途。 2. 資料轉介人的類別 你所提供的個人資料,衞生署主要作內部用途,但也可能於有所需要時因以上第 1 段所列目的或有關事項向其他政策局 /部門,或有關方 面 披露。此外,該等資料只可於你同意作出該種披露或作出
8、該種披露是個人資料 (私隱 )條例所允許的情況下,才向其 他方披露。 3. 查閱個人資料 根據個人資料(私隱)條例第 18 條及 22 條以及附表 1 第 6 原則所述,你有權查閱及修正個人資料,包括有權取得你於以上第 1 段所述的情況下所提供的個人資料。因應查閱資料要求而提供資料時,衞生署可能要徵收費用。 4. 查 詢 就已提供的個人資料的查詢,包括索閱或更改資料,可向衞生署醫療儀器管制辦公室 (香港灣仔皇后大道東 183 號 合和中心 31 樓 3101 室 ,傳真號碼 3157 1286,電話號碼: 3107 8484) 提出。 Personal Data (Privacy) Ordin
9、ance Statement of Purposes 1. Purpose of Collection The personal data that are provided by you with whom the Department of Health (DH) interacts will be used by the DH for the purposes of administrative and/or statutory control of medical devices . 2. Classes of Transferees The personal data that yo
10、u provide are mainly for use within the DH but it may also be disclosed to other Government bureaux/departments or relevant parties for the purposes mentioned in para. 1 above, and related matters if required. Apart from this, the data may only be disclosed to parties where you have given consent to
11、 such disclosure or where it is allowed under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. 3. Access to Personal Data You have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as provided for in sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Your r
12、ight of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data. A fee may be imposed for complying with a data access request . 4. Enquiries Enquiries concerning the personal data provided, including the making of access and corrections, should be addressed to the Medical Device Control Office, Department of Health (31/F., Hopewell Centre, 183 Queens Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong; fascimile number: 3157 1286; telephone number: 3107 8484).