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1、驯龙高手中英文对白-1 页 -这里是伯克村This is Berk.绝望谷向北航行十二天Its 12 days north of Hopeless and a few到达极寒地以南degrees south of Freezing to Death.它就座落在痛苦之经线上Its located solidly on the Meridian of Misery.我的村庄 一言以蔽之 坚固My village. In a word: sturdy.它有七代人的历史Its been here for seven generations但每所建筑仍崭新如初but every single build

2、ing is new.我们打渔 狩猎 享受迷人的日落We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets.唯一的麻烦就是害虫The only problems are the pests.许多地方有老鼠或蚊子You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes.而我们有.We have.龙. dragons.换做其他人就逃了 可我们不走Most people would leave, but not us.我们是维京海盗Were Vikings.我们以顽固著称We have stubborn

3、ness issues.我名叫卡嗝My name is Hiccup.不是个好名字 但好歹不算最差Great name, I know. But its not the worst.父母相信骇人听闻的名字Parents believe a hideous name will能吓走山怪山精frighten off Gnomes and Trolls.好像我们“迷人“的维京风度还不够吓人Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldnt do that.早上好Morning.-你在这干嘛 -回去- What are you doing here? - Get ins

4、ide!回屋里去Get back inside!卡嗝 他怎么又出来了Hiccup! What is he doing out again.你出来干什么 回去What are you doing out? Get inside!他是伟岸的史推克 部落首领Thats Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe.听说他在婴儿时期They say that when he was a baby he popped曾把一条龙的脑袋齐肩削去a dragons head clean off its shoulders.我相信吗 能不信吗Do I believe it? Yes,

5、I do.都有些什么龙What have we got?巨齿龙 奈德龙 双头龙Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks. Oh,还有一群凶煞梦魇and hordes of Monstruous Nightmares.有夜煞吗Any Night Furys?-目前没有 -很好- None so far. - Good.点燃火柱驯龙高手中英文对白-2 页 -Light the torches!欢迎加入猎龙盛会Oh, nice of you to join the party.我还以为你已经被吃掉了I thought youd been carried off.谁 我吗 算了吧

6、Who? Me? Nah, come on.我太强壮了 不合它们胃口Im way too muscular for their taste.他们不知道拿我怎么办They wouldnt know what to do with all. this.它们需要牙签吧 不是吗Well, they need toothpicks, dont they?这个语气不善The meathead with the attitude and装着假肢的蠢蛋名叫嘉伯interchangeable hands, is Gobber.我从小就在他手下当学徒I have been his apprentice ever

7、since I was little.好吧 我现在也不大Well, littler我们转移到沼泽防御区We move to the moor defenses.在那用弹弩反击Well counterattack with the catapults.看吧 这就是村庄老房子新的原因See? Old village. Lots and lots of new houses.射击Fire!那是小鱼脚Oh, and thats Fishlegs鼻涕唠Snotlout双胞胎悍夫奈和暴芙奈The twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut.还有And.雅丝翠Astrid.他们的工作酷多了Aww,

8、 their job is so much cooler.让我出去 我要立功扬名Oh, come on. Let me out, please. I need to make my mark!你的名声已经够响亮了 简直臭名昭著Oh, you have made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places.求你 只要两分钟 我要杀条龙Please, 2 minutes. Ill kill a dragon.我的生活就会一片大好My life will get infinitely better.说不定还能找个女朋友I might even get a dat

9、e.你举不起锤子 挥不动斧头You cant lift a hammer. You cant swing an axe.甚至扔不了这个You cant even throw one of these.我承认 但我可以用这个Okay, fine, but this will throw it for me.看 我就说吧See, now this right here is what Im talking about.这只是小小的校准问题But it. its a mild calibration issue.卡嗝 如果你想出去和龙战斗Hiccup, if you ever want to get

10、 out there to fight dragons,你就必须改变.you need to stop all.这个. this.驯龙高手中英文对白-3 页 -可你指着我全身上下But you just pointed to all of me.正是如此Yes, thats it.你从头到尾都要改Stop being all of you.明白了吧Oh, yes.先生 你在玩火You sir, are playing a dangerous game.让我这块维京璞玉蒙尘. keeping this much raw Vikingness contained.-后果很严重 -我等着瞧- The

11、re will be consequences! - I take my chances.去磨剑 马上Sword, sharpened, now!总有一天我要出去One day Ill get out there.因为在这里杀死一条龙意味着全部Because killing a dragon is everything around here.一条奈德龙能让我小有名气A Nadderhead is sure to get me at least noticed.巨齿龙比较难对付Gronckles are tough.除掉其中一只肯定能让我交到女朋友Taking down one of thos

12、e would definitely get me a girlfriend.至于双头龙A Zippleback.它属珍稀物种 双头意味着双倍地位Exotic, two heads, twice the status.他们发现我们的船了They found the ship!集中火力攻打低岸Concentrate fire over the lower bank!快点Hurry up!射击Fire!还有凶煞梦魇And then, theres the Monstruous Nightmare.只有维京精英才敢捕杀它们Only the best Vikings go after those.它们

13、喜欢让自己着火They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire.装弹Reload!我来对付它Ill take care of this.但终极战利品是谁都没见过的龙But the ultimate prize is the dragon no ones ever seen.我们称之为.We call it the.-夜煞 -趴下- Night Fury! - Get down!跳Jump!这种龙不偷粮食 从不露面This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and.从不失手.

14、never misses.没人杀过夜煞No one has ever killed a Night Fury.所以我才要成为第一个Thats why Im going to be the first.注意堡垒 卡嗝 我要出去驯龙高手中英文对白-4 页 -Mind the fort, Hiccup. They need me out there.待在这 别乱动Stay!. Put!就待那儿There.你明白我的意思You know what I mean.-卡嗝 你在做什么 -回来- Hiccup, what are you doing? - Come back here!我知道 马上回来Yea

15、h, I know, be right back!小心点Mind yourself!这些怪物还有点力气The devils still have some juice in them.快点Come on.给我一个射击的目标Give me something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at.我打中了吗 我打中了Oh! I hit it? Yes, I hit it!有人看到了吗Did anybody see that?没说你Except for you.-别让它们跑了 -好- Do not let them escape! - Right!你

16、喷不出火了Youre all out.还有一件事没告诉你们Oh, and theres one more thing you need to know.对不起 爸爸Sorry, Dad.可我打中了一条夜煞Okay, but I hit a Night Fury.这次和以前不同 爸爸Its not like the last few times, Dad!我真的打中了.I mean, I really actually hit.当时你们在忙 我一击即中You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot.它掉到黑暗角去了It went down just

17、off Raven Point.我们要派搜寻队去.Lets get a search party out there before.闭嘴Stop!别说了Just, stop!每次你一出来就会引起灾难Every time you step outside disaster falls.你还嫌我的麻烦不够多吗Can you not see that I have bigger problems?冬天就要来了 我得养活一村子人Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed!说句知心话 村里的人少吃点也没事Between you a

18、nd me, the village could do难道你不这么觉得吗with a little less feeding, dont you think?这不是开玩笑 卡嗝This isnt a joke, Hiccup!这么简单的命令 你怎么就不听呢Why cant you follow the simplest orders?我控制不了 我一看到龙就想杀了它I, I cant stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just.我本性如此 爸爸驯龙高手中英文对白-5 页 -. kill it. You know, its who I am, D

19、ad.你能做很多事 卡嗝Oh, you are many things, Hiccup,但绝对杀不了龙but a dragon killer is not one of them.回屋里去 带他回去Get back to the house. Make sure he gets there.我来处理他惹的麻烦I have his mess to clean up.干得好Quite the performance.我没见过比这更糟的了 真了不起Ive never seen any one mess up that badly. That helped!承蒙夸奖 我继续努力Thank you. T

20、hank you. I was trying.-我真的打中了 -当然 卡嗝- I really did hit one. - Sure, Hiccup.-他从不听我说 -那是家族遗传- He never listens. - Well, it runs in the family.要不就满脸失望和愤怒And when he does, its always with this disappointed scowl好像有人克扣了他三文治上的肉like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich.打扰一下 女侍 恐怕你Excuse me, barmaid

21、. Im afraid you弄错我想要的儿子了brought me the wrong offspring.我点的是肌肉发达的大个子男孩I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms.还要有勇气和荣誉Extra guts and glory on the side.这个却是会说话的鱼骨头This here. This is a talking fish bone!你完全想错了Now, youre thinking about this all wrong.这和你的外表无关Its not so much what you look like.他不能忍受

22、的是你的内在Its whats inside that he cant stand.谢谢你的总结Thank you for summing that up.重点是这不适合你Look, the point is, stop trying so不要再勉为其难了hard to be something youre not.我只想成为你们当中的一员I just want to be one of you guys.我们不消灭它们 就会被它们消灭Either we finish them or theyll finish us.这是除掉它们的唯一办法Its the only way well be ri

23、d of them.找到并毁掉龙的巢穴 它们就会离开If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave.它们会去寻找另一个家园Theyll find another home.趁海水结冰前我们再搜寻一次One more search, before the ice sets in.那些船只会有去无回Those ships never come back.我们是维京海盗 这是职业病Were Vikings. Its an occupational hazard.谁愿意和我去Now whos with me?好吧 留下来的人负责照顾

24、卡嗝Alright,. those who stay will look after Hiccup.这才像样Thats more like it.驯龙高手中英文对白-6 页 -我去收拾我的底衣Ill pack my undies.不 你留下训练新兵No, I need you to stay, and train some new recruits.好极了 我在忙时卡嗝可以看店Oh, perfect, yeah. And while Im busy Hiccup can cover the store.溶铁 磨刀片 还有很多时间独处Molten steel, razor sharp blade

25、s, lots of time to himself.绝对不会出事What could possibly go wrong?我要拿他怎么办 嘉伯Oh, what am I going to do with him, Gobber?让他和其他人一起训练Put him in training with the others.-我是认真的 -我也是- No, Im serious. - So am I.你还没放龙出来 他就死了Hed be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage.-这可不一定 -我很肯定- Oh, you dont

26、 know that. - I do know that.-不 你弄错了 -我不会错- No, you dont - No, actually, I do.-不 你错了 -你知道他的德性- No, you dont. - Listen, you know what hes like.从他会爬起他就与众不同From the time he could crawl hes been. different.他从不听我说He doesnt listen.注意力持续时间比麻雀还短He has the attention span of a sparrow.我带他去打渔 他却跑去猎山精I take him

27、 fishing and he goes hunting for. for Trolls!山精的确存在 它们会偷袜子Trolls exist! They steal your socks.可只偷左脚的 为什么呢But only the left ones. Whats with that?-我小时候. -又来了- When I was a boy. - Oh, here we go.我父亲让我拿头撞石头My father told me to bang my head我照做了against a rock,. and I did it.我觉得这不合理 但我没质疑他I thought it was

28、 crazy, but I didnt question him.你知道后来怎么样了吗And you know what happened?-你患上头痛 -石头裂成两半- You got a headache. - That rock split in two.我从此知道了维京海盗的能力 嘉伯It taught me what a Viking could do, Gobber.他能摧毁大山 移平森林He could crush mountains, level forests,.驾驭海洋. tame seas!我从小就知道自己的能力和责任Even as a boy I knew what I

29、 was, what I had to become.卡嗝却不是这样Hiccup is not that boy.你阻止不了他 史推克You cant stop him, Stoick.你只能帮他作好准备You can only prepare him.我知道这不中听 但事实是I know it seems hopeless, but the truth is驯龙高手中英文对白-7 页 -你不可能永远保护他you wont always be around to protect him.他还会出去 可能现在已经出去了Hes going to get out there again. Hes p

30、robably out there now.神明都不眷顾我Oh, the Gods hate me.有人丢了刀 有人丢杯子Some people lose their knife or their mug.我却丢了一条龙No, not me! I managed to lose an entire dragon.我成功了吗 我真的成功了Oh, wow? I. I did it? Oh, I did it!这下一切问题都解决了This fixes everything. Yes!我打败了这只凶兽I have brought down this mighty beast!我要杀了你 龙先生Im g

31、onna kill you, dragon.我要挖出你的心脏Im gonna. Im gonna cut out your把它拿去给我的父亲heart and take it to my father.我是一名维京海盗Im a Viking.我是维京海盗Im a Viking!这是我做的I did this.卡嗝Hiccup.爸爸Dad? Uh.我有话和你说I have to talk to you, Dad.我也要和你谈谈 儿子I need to speak with you too, son.是时候让你学习和龙战斗了I think its time you to learned to fi

32、ght dragons.我不想和龙战斗I dont want to fight dragons.-什么 -什么- What? - What?-你先说 -不 你先说- Uh, you go first. - No, no, you go first.好吧 如你所愿All right. You got your wish.降龙训练 明天早上开始Dragon training. You start in the morning.天啊 我应该先说的Oh man, I should have gone first.我在想 你知道的Uh, cause I was thinking. You know, w

33、e have a我们有很多降龙维京人 但是surplus of dragon fighting Vikings but,.我们没有足够的维京面包师Do we have enough bread-making Vikings,或是维京修屋工or small home repair Vikings.-你会需要这个的 -我不想和龙战斗- Youll need this. - I dont want to fight dragons.别胡扯了 你很想的Oh come on, yes you do.这么说吧 爸爸 我不能杀龙Rephrase. Dad, I cant kill dragons.但你一定得

34、杀But you will kill dragons.不 我确定肯定以及一定我不会No, Im really very extra sure that I wont.驯龙高手中英文对白-8 页 -是时候了 卡嗝 -你听不到我说的吗- Its time, Hiccup. - Can you not hear me?这不是开玩笑 儿子This is serious, son.当你拿起这把斧子 你就与我们同在When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you.像我们一样行走 像我们一样交流 You walk like us. You talk

35、like us.像我们一样思考You think like us.不仅仅是斧子No more of. this.你替我决定了我的人生You just gestured to all of me.-说定了吗 -都是你的一面之词- Deal? - This conversation is feeling very one-sided.说定了吗Deal?说定了Deal.很好Good.努力训练Train hard.我会回来的 也许吧Ill be back. Probably.我会在这的 可能吧And Ill be here, maybe.欢迎来到驯龙场Welcome to dragon trainin

36、g.无路可退了No turning back.真希望狠狠烧它们I hope I get some serious burns.我希望我肩膀或者腰上有把大槌Im hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back.是啊 留下伤疤就有意思了Yeah, its only fun if you get a scar out of it.可不是嘛 伤痛 我喜欢Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain, love it.这下好了 谁让他进来的?Oh, great, who let him in?开始吧 表现最佳的新兵Let

37、s get started. The recruit who does best,将有幸在全村人面前will win the honor of killing his first亲手屠龙dragon in front of the entire village.卡嗝都已经杀了一条夜煞了Hiccup already killed a night fury,这么说他失去资格还是.?so does that disqualify him or.?我能不能转到与真正的维京人一个班?Can I transfer to the class with the cool vikings?别担心 你个子小又单薄

38、Dont worry. Youre small and youre weak,最不容易被攻击that will make you a less of a target.它们会以为你是病患或者疯子Theyll see you as sick or insane and go转而进攻那些维京少年after the more viking-like teens instead.这扇门后面藏着不同种的龙Behind these doors are just a few of the你们要学会如何击败它们many species you will learn to fight.-致命奈德龙 -速度 8

39、护甲 16- The Deadly Nadder. - Speed: 8, Armor: 16.驯龙高手中英文对白-9 页 -凶恶双头龙 -隐身 11 秒 可隐身两次- the Hideous Zippleback. - 11 stealth, times two.-凶煞梦魇 -喷火攻击 15- The Monstrous Nightmare. - Fire Power: 15.-极度恐怖 -攻击力 8 毒液附加 12- The Terrible Terror. - Attack: 8, Venom: 12.能不能闭嘴Can you stop that!-还有巨齿龙 -下颚攻击力 8- And

40、 the Gronckle. - Jaw Strength: 8.等等 你不先教教我们吗Woah, woah, wait, arent you going to teach us first?我认为 实战出真理I believe in learning on the job.今天是生存训练Today is about survival.被撞倒就死定了If you get blasted, youre dead.动作快 你首先最需要什么Quick! Whats the first thing youre going to need?-医生? -速度值加 5?- A doctor? - 5 spe

41、ed?-盾? -盾 去拿- A shield? - shield. Go.如果在盾与剑之间选择Your most important piece of equipment is your shield.还是要优先选择盾If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield.举起盾牌Take the shield.-这是我的盾 -那里还有好多盾- Get your hands off my shield. - Theres like a million shields.拿那个 上面有花 女孩子都喜欢花Take that one. It has

42、a flower on it. Girls like flowers.现在这上面有血花了Oops, now this one has blood on it.悍夫奈和暴芙奈 你俩出局了Tuffnut, Ruffnut, your out.-什么 -什么- What? - What?这些盾还有一个用途 干扰Those shields are good for another thing. Noise.虚虚实实 躲开龙的攻击Make lots of it and throw off a dragons aim.每条龙都有攻击次数限制All dragons have a limited number

43、 of shots.巨齿龙能攻击几次?How many does a gronckle have?-五次? -不 六次- Five? - No, six.对 六次 正好你们六个Right, six. Thats one for each of you.小鱼脚 出局Fishlegs, out.卡嗝 躲进去Hiccup, get in there!我说 我搬到地窖里了So anyway, I moved into my parents basement?有空你该过来练习一下You should come by sometimes to work out,你需要练习you look like you

44、 work out.鼻涕唠 你出局了Snotlout, your done.驯龙高手中英文对白-10 页-好像就剩我俩了 -不 只有你- So I guess its just you and me. - Nope, just you.最后一击One shot left.卡嗝Hiccup!六击结束 回去睡觉吧 你这头肥猪And thats 6. Go back to bed you overgrown sausage.还有机会 别担心Youll get another chance. Dont you worry.记住 龙 总是.Remember, a dragon will always.无

45、时无刻地寻求杀戮. always go for the kill.你为什么不杀我So why didnt you?这太愚蠢了Well this was stupid.你怎么不飞走Why dont you just fly away?雅丝翠 你今天的问题出在哪儿Alright, where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?俯身时机不对 太草率I mistimed my sommersault dive. It was sloppy.它看穿了我的翻身It threw off my reverse tumble.-我们注意到了 -不 做得好 这就是你的风格

46、- Yeah, we noticed. - No, no you were great. That was so Astrid.他说得对 你得坚持Shes right. You have to be tough on yourselves.卡嗝的问题出在哪儿Where did Hiccup go wrong?-他就不该来吗 -他居然没被吃了- Uh, he showed up? - He didnt get eaten.他从来都找不准位置Hes never where he should be.谢了 雅丝翠 你们得慢慢消化Thank you, Astrid. You need to live

47、and breathe this stuff.驯龙图鉴. 这里面包含The dragon manual. everything we所有我们所知的龙的种类know about every dragon we know of.今夜龙不会进攻 赶紧看No attacks tonight. Hurry up.-等等 你是说看书? -在有生之年?- Wait? You mean read? - While were still alive?既然能屠龙Why read words when you can just kill the读书有何用?stuff the words tell you stuff

48、 about?我读了有七遍了Oh, Ive read it like 7 times.上面说水龙会把沸水喷射到你脸上Theres this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face还说有一种龙能把自己埋上一周And theres this other one that buries itself for like a week.听起来不错 有机会我会拜读Yeah, sounds great. There was a chance I was going to read that.但现在.But now.你们看吧 我找些东西试手You guys read, Ill go kill something.-我们一起看吗 -你看吧


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