1、天文學簡介Oh! My GOD! Einstein!,高文芳 交大物理所2011/2/24/CS100,Table of Contents,五分鐘.幾本書.宇宙年曆CMB, 大霹靂與四大作用力Star formation and evolution, galaxy, Solar system and GalaxyDark energy and Dark matterLife everywhere觀察與測量,望遠鏡:滿足人類偷窺的慾望Witten,100 years after 1905AD,400 years of Galileos telescope,介紹幾本書,The first thre
2、e minutes, S. Weinberg, 宇宙前三分鐘, A brief history of time, S. Hawking, 時間簡史, Hyperspace, M. Kaku, 穿梭超時空, The Early Universe, E. W. Kolb, M. S. Turner General theory of relativity, P.A.M. DiracDisturbing the Universe, F. Dyson, 宇宙波瀾Wonders of the Universe, DVD, 宇宙之旅,http:/www.th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de
3、/jr/gif/phys/weinberg.jpg,Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. 物理是不老仙丹,The Early Universe (Frontiers in Physics),by Edward W. Kolb, Michael S. Turner Our current understanding of the evolution of the Universe is based upon the
4、Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmological model, or the hot big bang model as it.(more),General Theory of Relativity,by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac For the space-time of physics we need four coordinates, the time t and three space coordinates x, y, z.(more) 廣義相對論 講義 http:/www.cc.nctu.edu.tw/wfgore
5、/apple2.htm yes , no, I dont know, not a question五斗櫃Heisenberg on a trip to Japan,Julian Schwinger (1918-94)成功導師的典範,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1965,Richard P. Feynman (1918-88),QED and the men who made it, 對抗 的戰爭,Silvan S Schweberwww.brandeis.edu,,Princeton, David Bohm, Eugene Wigner, Arthur S. Wigh
6、tmanPostdoc Hans Bethe at Cornell,http:/www.sns.ias.edu/dyson/,Freeman Dyson is now retired, having been for most of his life a professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.He was born in England and worked as a civilian scientist for the Royal Air Force in World War 2. He g
7、raduated from Cambridge University in 1945 with a BA degree in mathematics. He went on to Cornell University as a graduate student in 1947 and worked with Hans Bethe and Richard Feynman.,Feynman and GellMann,His most useful contribution to science was the unification of the three versions of quantum
8、 electrodynamics invented by Feynman, Schwinger and Tomonaga. Cornell University made him a professor without bothering about his lack of Ph.D. He subsequently worked on nuclear reactors, solid state physics, ferromagnetism, astrophysics and biology, looking for problems where elegant mathematics co
9、uld be usefully applied.,He has written a number of books about science for the general public. Disturbing the universe (1974) is a portrait-gallery of people he has known during his career as a scientist. Weapons of Hope (1984) is a study of ethical problems of war and peace. Infinite in all direct
10、ions (1988) is a philosophical meditation based on Dysons Gifford Lectures on Natural Theology given at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.,Origins of Life (1986, second edition 1999) is a study of one of the major unsolved problems of science. The sun, the Genome and the Internet (1999) discuss
11、es the question of whether modern technology could be used to narrow the gap between rich and poor rather than widen it. Dyson is a fellow of the American Physical Society, a member of the US National Academy of Sciences, and a fellow of the Royal Society of London. In 2000 he was awarded the Temple
12、ton Prize for progress in Religion.,Ozark plateau,http:/www.airstream.dk/1948%20Greyhound Bus%20rear.jpg,Hans Bethe, 1906-2005From: Cornell University,Emeritus Professor of Physics Hans A. Bethe in his campus office Dec. 19, 1996. On the blackboard is Bethes Carbon Cycle equation for nuclear energy
13、generation in stars. 因解開太陽內部核融合機制而獲頒Nobel prize終戰後帶領大批參與曼哈頓計畫的物理學家到Cornell的大師,Julian Schwinger (1918-94)成功導師的典範,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1965,Richard P. Feynman (1918-88),Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967),http:/ Empire - A Star is Born,Solar Empire - Edge of Darkness,WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE : THE INF
14、INITE QUES,WONDERS OF THE UNIVERSE-BIG BANG,BIG MYSTERY,SOLAR EMPIRE - IMPACT,宇宙裡可以看到甚麼恆星、星團星系、星系團和超星系團紅巨星、白矮星、中子星、黑洞和超新星比普通星系明亮數千倍的類星體(quasar,放射無線電波的類天體)。均勻、無向的宇宙微波背景輻射(cosmic microwave background radiation,CMB)。,宇宙春秋 100年,如果宇宙老爺爺現在已經100歲了這就是宇宙的成長日誌,大霹靂一聲響 我們的宇宙誕生了0歲,宇宙時間 0:00,1.210-6 秒 宇宙胚胎在宇宙的媽媽肚
15、子裡已經初具雛形了,宇宙時間 0:03,1:46 宇宙裡到處都是氫原子和氦原子,是宇宙成長的重要養分,宇宙時間 3萬年,17:39,宇宙變成透明的,宇宙胚胎在媽媽的肚子裡清晰可鑑,宇宙時間 30萬年,8歲 星系寶寶誕生了,宇宙爺爺第一次當爸爸,宇宙時間 12億年,66歲 8月 太陽系寶寶誕生了,宇宙爺爺變成阿公了,宇宙時間 100億年,96歲 4月 寒武季初期,大量生物出現地球,古生代開始,三葉虫,宇宙時間 5億年前,98歲 4月 寒武季生物大量滅絕,恐龍的世紀,宇宙時間 2.5億年前,99歲 7月25日 恐龍滅絕,新生代開始,宇宙時間 6500萬年前,99歲 12月9日 台灣島出現江湖,宇宙
16、時間 900萬年前,99歲 12月25日 原人出現,宇宙時間 200萬年前,99歲 12月31日 22:15 真人出現,宇宙時間 3萬年前,23:49:30 文字出現,宇宙時間 3000年前,23:58:36 物理學家一統江湖,宇宙時間 400年前,23:59:39 愛因斯坦笑傲江湖,宇宙時間 100年前,宇宙現在如果100歲,實際上的對照表,圖IV:仙女座星系M31/NGC224 (Andromeda Island Universe)距離我們約為200萬光年。(Credit & Copyright: Tony Hallas) 哈伯在1920年代,用2.5公尺的望遠鏡在加州威爾森山做了許多的觀
17、測,結果發現類似M31的星體遠在我們的銀河系之外。a:宇宙比銀河系大 b: 宇宙正在膨脹之中,太陽可見光譜線,圖VI,都卜勒效應。 如果光源遠離我們,我們所觀測到光源的波長將會變長,也就是說光的顏色會向光譜的紅色端偏移,所以又稱為紅位移現象;反之,則會發生藍位移現象。圖示曲線為觀測到的波長和光源原始波長和v/c之間的關係圖。,Our own Milky Way galaxy has collided twice already, and is headed for a collision with our neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy 仙女座, in about
18、 (30億年) 3 billion years from now.,圖VII: AT&T研究人員彭佳士與威爾遜與他們的電波天線。1964年,他們發現電波天線偵測到一個背景噪音。 幾經努力,他們確信這個噪音不是來自儀器的雜訊,而是來自銀河系外。經過一些仔細、深入的測量與分析,他們推測這些噪音是波長約為7.35 cm 的電磁輻射,更進一步測量不同波長雜訊的輻射強度,發現其輻射強度和波長的關係,暗示輻射源是大約2.73 K的黑體輻射。,圖VIII:COBE (cosmic microwave background radiation explorer)衛星與COBE所測得的宇宙背景輻射其強度與波長之
19、間的關係圖,這個圖就是引爆量子力學革命的黑體輻射特性圖。,http:/hetdex.org/dark_energy/index.php,宇宙加速膨脹挑戰科學對時空的認識,圖IX:COBE所量得的宇宙黑體溫度分布圖,紅色代表溫度較高,其溫差上下僅為10-4K。,http:/background.uchicago.edu/whu/beginners/introduction.html,Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy (AMIBA)Credit 中研院天文所 、台大物理系 CosPA,Ed. Witten 1951- Fields Medal, 1
20、990,Atiyah: 雖然他顯然是物理學家 (從他的著作可知), 然而他主導數學的能力顯然少有數學家可以出其右, 他以數學描述物理觀念的能力也是近乎唯一. 其完美地運用物理直觀, 開創新而深入的數學的能力,一再令數學界嘆為觀止.,數學是科學之母物理是科學之父,布蘭代斯大學 (Brandeis) B.A. 1971 歷史系,Princeton M.A. 1974 /羅文嘉 / Ph.D. in 1976,Harvard 博士後 1976-77; Junior Fellow 1977-80,Princeton 物理教授 1980,MacArthur Fellowship 1982,高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Study) Professor in the School of Natural Sciences 1982,