1、Cross-Examination交叉询问,交叉询问的定义和功能DEFINITION AND FUNCTION OF CROSS EXAMNINATION,交叉询问,是诱导式询问,用于询问对方证人。目的:1。消除证人直接证言的不利影响。2。获取有利于交叉询问方的信息。3。降低证人的可信性。,WHAT IS CROSS-EXAMINATION?ASK QUESTIONS TO THE OPPONENT WITNESSTHE FUNCTION OF CROSS-EXAMINATION,To diminish the harmful effect of the witnesss direct tes
2、timony.To obtain information that is helpful to the cross examiners side.To reduce the credibility of the witness.,这种法庭询问的方式,更容易揭露案件的真相,使得陪审团和法官更容易发现客观事实。交叉询问也是告诉事实调查人你的案件主张的一个很好的机会。,GIVE THE REAL PICTURE OF THE CASEGOOD OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT YOUR CASE THEORY,经典案例-林肯TIPICAL EXAMPLE-Lincoln,控方证人福尔逊一
3、口咬定被告小阿姆斯特朗用枪击毙了被害人,并且发誓说是在十月十八日的月光下亲眼目睹的,林肯对福尔逊进行了交叉询问,经典案例,林肯:你认清开枪杀人的确是小阿姆斯特朗吗? 福尔逊:是的。 林肯:你在草堆后面,小阿姆斯特朗在大树下,相距二三十公尺,你能看得清楚吗? 福尔逊 :看得很清楚,因为当时月光很明亮。 林肯:你肯定不是从衣着等方面认清的吗? 福尔逊 :不是从衣着方面看清楚的。我肯定是看清了他的脸,因为月光正照在他的脸上。 林肯:具体时间能肯定吗? 福尔逊 :完全可以肯定,因为我回到屋里时,看了时钟,那时是11点1刻。 林肯从上衣口袋里掏出一本蓝色封面的天文历,慢慢翻开给陪审团及法官看-慎重地念道
4、其中一页上的话:月日晚上看不见月亮,要到次日凌晨一点月亮才升起。,林肯对原告的这位证人实施了连续发问,将该证人的证词一步步锁定在“我亲眼看到被告开枪射击;枪击发生在榉木林里,离周围居民点的灯光0.75英里远;我看到了枪管;我看到的这一切是借助于当晚的月光,当时是晚上10点。然后进行有力的反击。,交叉询问中问什么?What to ask in cross-examination,(1)有利于证明你的案件主张的最重要的事实(2)如果证人证言对你非常不利,也可以弹劾证人,(1) The most important facts to bring out on cross are facts that
5、 help you prove your case(2) If the witness has hurt you, you will also want to impeach the witnesss credibility.,如何设计交叉询问(三步骤)How to conduct a cross-examination(three steps),一、想要有什么样的案件主张或论点? 如:由于灯光昏暗,证人看不清,一.argumentsEg. witness perception due to inadequate lighting,二、攻击点Attack points,你在外面站在草地里是午夜
6、在下雨你没带手电没有街灯没有月光非常黑,You were outside- Standing in a field- It was midnight- It was rainy- You didnt have a flashlight- There were not streetlights- There was no moonlight- It was too dark,三、特定的问题SPECIFIC QUESTIONS,如何攻击?用特定的问题(简短的、只包含一个事实的、诱导性问题),a short, single-fact, leading question,特定的问题如何设计HOW TO
7、 ASK THE SPECIFIC QUESTIONS,不应问“你看不清是因为光线不好”而应问可以引出这个结论的下列问题,when attackinga witness perception due to inadequate lighting, you would not ask the witness: “You couldnt see because the lighting was bad, could you?”Instead, ask questions that solicit the ammunition you need to argue theattack point:,你
8、在外面站在草地里是午夜在下雨你没带手电没有街灯没有月光非常黑,You were outside- Standing in a field- It was midnight- It was rainy- You didnt have a flashlight- There were not streetlights- There was no moonlight- It was too dark,好的交叉询问的问题应是什么样的?What does a good cross-examination question look like?,诱导性简短不是结论性的问题(问事实,不问结论)尽量用证人自己
9、的语言把主题分解为最小的单元,分别问每个问题一个问题只问一个事实不要重复直接询问中不利的部分不要让证人解释自己对律师问题的回答。,LeadingSimple and briefNon-argumentative. Ask about facts, not conclusions.Use the witnesss own words whenever possible. Break your topics down into the smallest possible units, and ask about each one separately. Ask only one fact per
10、question.Do not repeat damaging direct examination. Dont ask the witness to explain an answer.,交叉询问的技巧,技巧要提诱导性问题目的是为了控制不友好的证人。律师要把证人的多数回答控制在“是”或“不是”这两个词。以达到效果:证人有效地肯定了询问律师观点的正确性。律师不要提不固定的开放式问题(谁、什么、哪里、为什么。)。使用这种问题会使证人摆脱询问律师的控制,提供对律师的当事人不利的证据。,Leading questionAnswer:yes/noNo opening questions,Summary
11、 of Techniques,Because the witness is typically unfriendly to the cross examiners case, firm control of the witness is essential. Otherwise, the witness takes the opportunity to strengthen his testimony on behalf of that witnesss side.In contrast to direct examination, where the focus of the examina
12、tion is on the witness, during cross examination the focus is on the lawyer. In effect, the cross-examining attorney becomes the witness; through carefully crafted questions that contain factual assertions, the lawyers goal is to control the witness to the point where the majority of the witnesss an
13、swers are confined to one of two words: “yes” or “no.” A successful cross is one where the witness effectively confirms the correctness of the cross-examining attorneys assertions.,The primary method of control is the use of “leading questions,” which are defined as one-fact, delaratory statements w
14、ith a question mark at the end. In other words the “questions” are really assertions of fact followed by a phrase requiring a response. For example:- You left the office at 4:00 pm, didnt you?- You took a bus, didnt you? -You were alone on that bus?- The window on the bus was open?- You saw a car dr
15、ive by?- The car was metallic green in color?,Never ask an open-ended question (questions that begin with the words: “who, what, where , when, why, describe, tell us.”) during cross examination. Use of open questions on cross will often result in the witness effectively wresting control of the exami
16、nation from the lawyer and providing evidence that is harmful to your clients case. Confine cross to those points you need for your Closing Argument , including good points for your side, weaknesses in the points the other side has made through their witnesses, and credibility problems that make thi
17、s witness less believable when testifying. When you have done your best to make those points, STOP ASKING QUESTIONS! A cross-examination that makes the same point over and over tends to lose its effectiveness and offers the witness a chance to explain away “bad” answers for the other side.,6.If a wi
18、tness fails to answer your carefully crafted one-fact question, and instead gives the answer SHE wanted to give, try repeating your question verbatim after she completes that answer. If she still refuses to answer the question posed, try asking your question, again, word for word, a third time. By t
19、he second or third time the witness will usually get back on track and under your control as the examining lawyer. 7.Just as with Opening Statement, Closing Argument and Direct Examination, the concept of primacy and recency applies to cross examination. In other words, start and end your cross examination with important points.,