1、1北京林业大学2006-2007 学年第一学期考试试卷 (A)试卷名称: 英语写作I 课程所在院系: 外语学院 考试班级: 英语03级试卷说明:1. 本次考试为开卷考试,可以查阅教材和词典,但不得违反考场纪律;2. 本试卷共计4页,共5大部分,请勿漏答;考试时间为120分钟,请掌握好答题时间;3. 答题之前,请将答题纸上的考试班级、学号、姓名填写清楚;4. 本试卷所有试题答案写在答题纸上;写在本试卷上的答案不给分。5. 答题完毕,请将答题纸正面向外对叠交回,不得带出考场;6. 考试中心提示:请你遵守考场纪律,参与公平竞争!I. Fill the blanks with the words pr
2、ovided. (20 points)after back cringe died film for from gained growing junk muddle only passed replace strategy turned was while who worried McDonalds had lost more than direction. A wave of anti-American feeling abroad _(1) its world famous “golden arches” _(2) an asset into a liability. And there
3、was _(3) concern about obesity and _(4) food. McDonalds was even sued (so far, unsuccessfully) _(5) making people fat. Even now, long _(6) its debut in America, Morgan Spurlocks _(7) “Super Size Me” is making overseas audiences _(8) at how he made himself ill and _(9) 25 pounds (11kg) by eating _(10
4、) McDonalds food for 30 days.Many companies might have tried to _(11) through. But in January 2003, Jim Cantalupo, a McDonalds veteran _(12) used to head international operations and who had been _(13) over for the top job, was brought _(14) from retirement to _(15) Jack Greenberg, forced out as chi
5、ef executive by _(16) shareholders. The “Plan to Win”, as the companys recovery _(17) is called, is largely Mr Cantalupos work. He _(18) hugely popular at the firms headquarters in a leafy Chicago suburb. However, in April, _(19) attending a McDonalds convention in Florida, Mr Cantalupo, who was 60,
6、 _(20) after a 2heart attack. II. Summarize in 50-100 words what the article says about CNNfn. (20 points)BRIEFLY in the late 1990s, two cable television networks became Americas national obsession. CNBC and CNNfn, with their constant stream of business news delivered in the manner of a sports show,
7、 held the nations attention as everyone cheered on share prices to record highs. Bosses, seeking fame and a higher share price, competed to appear on shows whose hostssuch as Maria “money honey” Bartiromobecame celebrities. Advertisers paid top dollar for the glued eyeballs of so monied a demographi
8、c.Alas, the fame was all too brief. In December, CNNfn will be taken off the air after nine years. Viewership was so small that it had become unmeasurable. CNBC is doing better but not well, with just 164,000 viewers a day, according to Nielsen Media, a research firmthough many more ignore it as it
9、plays silently on the flat screens in bank offices. If there is any surprise, it is that Time Warners offering should have been the first to die. Because of its direct ownership of cable systems (that could provide access to viewers) and CNN (thus providing a brand and promotional partner) and numer
10、ous financial and non-financial publications (thus providing content), CNNfn should have been ideally placed to exploit whatever niche did exist. Instead, even obvious synergies have not been exploited.In big markets such as New York, for example, Time Warner owns a big cable operator as well as a p
11、opular local news station (New York 1). But it never bothered to encourage viewers to hop between its various networks. Viewers of New York 1 or CNN who wanted more detail on a business story would be hard pressed to find CNNfn. The model for producing content was also flawed. Most of the guest “tal
12、ent” appearing on air was uncompensated and often worth less than it was paid. Guests appeared mostly because they had something to sell. Nor did CNNfn develop other business journalism superstars to balance the increasingly protectionist Lou Dobbs. CNBC has Ms Bartiromo, James Cramer, Larry Kudlow
13、and more. Even Neil Cavuto on mainstream Fox channels is better known than CNNfns regulars.The greatest flaw, however, may have been the underlying idea. Though, ostensibly, a network devoted to business news is about business, in fact, during the 1990s when its popularity was peaking, business news
14、 was really about getting rich. Watching share prices crumble was less fun, and being misled by bulls was more costly than being misled by bears. Day traders have largely been wiped out. The reality of businessa tough, often tedious slogand of investing may not be compelling enough for television. L
15、ast year people found it more enjoyable to watch Donald Trump pretend to share the secrets of getting wealthy. This year, as his Atlantic City casino empire flirts with 3bankruptcy, that too is losing its appeal. How long before CNBC, like CNNfn, is fired?III. Write bibliographical entries based on
16、the information provided. (10 points)1. What is Morphology?Mark Aronoff andKirsten FudemanBlackwellPublishing 2005 by Mark Aronoff and Kirsten FudemanBLACKWELL PUBLISHING350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Au
17、straliaThe right of Mark Aronoff and Kirsten Fudeman to be identified as the Authors of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any for
18、m or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher.First published 2005 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd2.4IntroducingPhoneticScienceMICHAEL ASHBYANDJOHN MAI
19、DMENTCAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY PRESSCAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESSCambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, So PauloCAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESSThe Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB 2 2RU, UKPublished in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New Yorkwww.cambridge.orgInfo
20、rmation on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521808828 Michael Ashby and John Maidment 2005This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridg
21、e University Press.First published 2005Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, CambridgeIV. Write a description of the following table in about 100 words. (20 points)You have traveled to San Francisco and Santa Cruz for business and when you return you need to write a travel expense r
22、eport. The following table classifies your expenses for meals, hotels, and transport in two locations (San Francisco and Santa Cruz) over several days:Travel Expense ReportMeals Hotels Transport SubtotalsSan Francisco25-Aug-05 37.74 112.00 45.0026-Aug-05 27.28 112.00 45.00Subtotals 65.02 224.00 90.0
23、0 379.02Santa Cruz27-Aug-05 96.25 109.00 36.0028-Aug-05 35.00 109.00 36.00Subtotals 131.25 218.00 72.00 421.25Totals 196.27 442.00 162.00 800.275V. Write an essay of about 200 words on the following topic. (30 points)How College Education Can Be Improved62006-07 学年第一学期英 语写作 I 试卷 A 卷答案I. 选词填空 (20 分,
24、每空 1 分).1. 答案:(1) turned (2) from (3) growing (4) junk (5) for (6) after (7) film (8) cringe (9) gained (10) only (11) muddle (12) who (13) passed (14) back (15) replace (16) worried (17) strategy (18) was (19) while (20) died2. 评分标准:每个正确答案给 1 分,错误答案扣 1 分。II. 摘要 (20 分)1. 参考答案:略。2. 评分标准:1)内容:多余的内容、漏掉
25、的重要内容或与原文不符的内容每处酌情扣 35 分。2)语言:拼写、用词、语法错误每处扣 1 分。语句不通顺、表达有障碍每句扣35 分。3)字数:少于 50 英语词给 810 分,多于 100 英语词扣 5 分。III. 参考文献 (10 分, 每题 5 分).1. 参考答案:1) Aronoff, M. and K. Fudeman. 2005. What is Morphology? Malden, MA: Blackwell.2) Ashby, M. and J. Maidment. 2005. Introducing Phonetic Science. New York: Cambrid
26、ge University Press.2. 评分标准:参考文献的格式有多种,只要符合基本要求即可给分。不符合要求(拼写、标点、内容等)每处扣 1 分。IV. 图表描述 (20 分).1. 参考答案:略。72. 评分标准:1)内容:多余的内容、漏掉的重要内容或与原文不符的内容每处酌情扣 35 分。2)语言:拼写、用词、语法错误每处扣 1 分。语句不通顺、表达有障碍每句扣35 分。3)字数:字数太少按比例扣分。V. 命题作文 (30 分).1. 参考答案:略。2. 评分标准:1)拼写、用词、语法错误每处扣 1 分。语句不通顺、表达有障碍每句扣 35 分。2)字数太少按比例扣分。3)内容:作文与题目要求不符不给分。