1、up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully completed levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual target task, ensure social overall harmony stable. T
2、hree, compacting the main responsibilities and strengthen the “two“ leadership of educational organizations do a good job “two“ education without a strong organization and leadership. Party construction of party organizations at all levels should firmly establish the main consciousness, grasping par
3、ty building as the first responsibility, strengthen leadership, demonstrable, scientific to ensure solid education effectively. First, the layers of responsibility. Party committees (leading party group) to study education as a major political task, primary responsibility for effective implementatio
4、n, strengthen leadership, carefully guiding the Steering, do a good job overall, study and solve problems in a timely manner. Progress evaluation by the grass-roots party building this year, to study education as the primary evaluation organizations, poor organization, the problems are many, to crit
5、icize, to accountability. Main is responsible for comrade to consciously bear up first responsibility people duties, not only to tube good cadres, and with good team, also to tube good members, and with good team, both first examples, lead participate in learning education, and by Qian command, inpu
6、t enough of time and energy, strengthened Guide and checks role, on work programme personally validation, on important task personally deployment, on exists problem timely solution, throughout put responsibility carry in shoulder Shang, improper “shuaishouzhanggui“. The County party Committee and mu
7、nicipal party Committee municipal workers, Various enterprises and institutions, Commission, party committees and departments in charge of industry practice, develop specific implementation plan, organizing special forces responsible for educational work to strengthen this unit to the system study a
8、nd education in the region specific guidance. Organization departments, as the lead department, to strengthen the planning, organization, coordination and guidance, good design, decomposition, each key action to implement. Carry out study and education, to rely on strict doc real guide, pressure con
9、veying layer upon layer, step by step, compaction of responsibility. In steering the Steering must prevent formalism, catch the way the thinking of prevention activities, study and education, preventing routine aside, prevent simple, doing as much as meeting notes to judge the educational results. T
10、o take reports, customized research, attending the meeting, random spot checks, briefings and other means, to focus the push Guide to grassroots, on the party branch, in-depth understanding of education and actual effect, sum up fresh experience to promote grass roots, to detect and correct the sign
11、s of problems. Public informationdepartments should pay special attention to public opinion, in-depth information relating to provincial, municipal and Central decisions and arrangements to promote educational effectiveness and progress of the typical experience, and create a good social atmosphere.
12、 Second, persevering in above rates. Leading bodies at all levels, leadership, leading cadres should take the lead, as a good example, and asking others to do you first do it, asks of others and not themselves determined not to do, for example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members
13、 for example, level to level, level with levels, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Need stressed of is, regardless of what ranks, and what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, serio
14、usly implementation Central and provincial, and municipal on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system, lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic commen
15、ts, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, do “four told four has“ of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research more in-depth, and check pendulum problem more deep , To reorganize the implementation of more radical, avant-garde more respectable image, thus
16、learning education effective. Third, strengthen the guidance. The education for all members, large personnel base, wide field, hierarchy, difference, and to differentiate between counties, departments, grass-roots units, all kinds of party organization and party member between the actual characteris
17、tics of hierarchical classification positions put forward measures to prevent “flood irrigation.“ To have operable. Each party should develop specific programmes and specific measures, education principles and learning requirements into operational, able to put in place ways. To grasp from the speci
18、fic work, hard, catching fine practice, with concrete results to verify the educational results. Should be targeted. Different party members ideological trends and behaviors, differential treatment in education, precision application policy, “key starts locks“, down to learn and do the measures each
19、 party member, enabling them to access to education, improve, make people feel Members of the new changes. To reflect the difference. No uniform, thousands of people, and give expression differences, characteristics. In determining the learning when the topic was discussed, according to different ch
20、aracteristics and existing problems of party members, both closely linked to the theme, and reality, let party members learn, on the up. Do qualified Communist of standard also cannot uniform, County above members leaders standard to more high more strict, to insisted loyalty clean play, do Jiao Yul
21、u type of good cadres; on County following the field the industry of members to农作物生产技术综合试题1在下列大田作物中,长日照作物是A 油菜 B 水稻 C 玉米 D 棉花2耕作制度的基础是A 农作物布局 B 合理间套作 C 轮作与连作 D 养地制度3小麦收获后栽插甘薯的种植方式是A 接茬复种 B 移栽复种 C 套作复种 D 再生复种4某地采用的种植方式是“春玉米冬小麦夏玉米”,这一复种方式是复种指数是A 300% B 100% C 150% D 200%5实现间套作增产、增效的关键是A 种植密度的安排 B 幅宽的确
22、定 C 带宽的确定 D 间距的调整6间套作的农作物有主次之分时,主作物的种植密度应A 保持不变 B 根据水肥确定 C 加大 D 减小7耐长期连作的作物是A 小麦 B 花生 C 甘薯 D 大豆8旋耕的深度一般在A 5-6 cm B 10-12 cm C 15-20 cm D 20-25 cm9反应中等型小麦通过光照阶段的条件是A 每天 12 小时以上光照,30-40 天 B 每天 12 小时以上光照,24 天C 每天 12 小时光照,24 天 D 每天 8-12 小时光照,16 天10如果前茬收获较晚,为保证小麦适期播种,浇底墒水的方式最好是A 送老水 B 茬水 C 塌墒水 D 蒙头水11冬性小
23、麦品种播种的最佳时间是气温稳定在A 12-14 B 13-15 C 16-18 D 18-2012小麦的分蘖节多处于地表下A 1cm B 2cm C 5cm D 10cm13小麦近根叶组的主要功能是A 促进冬前分蘖形成壮苗、壮秆大穗 B 促进茎秆伸长充实C 促进小穗小花发育 D 促进灌浆up, and members cadres shoe vocational due diligence combined up, ensure successfully completed early determine of the target task, ensure successfully comp
24、leted levels leadership general task, ensure successfully completed poverty storming annual target task, ensure social overall harmony stable. Three, compacting the main responsibilities and strengthen the “two“ leadership of educational organizations do a good job “two“ education without a strong o
25、rganization and leadership. Party construction of party organizations at all levels should firmly establish the main consciousness, grasping party building as the first responsibility, strengthen leadership, demonstrable, scientific to ensure solid education effectively. First, the layers of respons
26、ibility. Party committees (leading party group) to study education as a major political task, primary responsibility for effective implementation, strengthen leadership, carefully guiding the Steering, do a good job overall, study and solve problems in a timely manner. Progress evaluation by the gra
27、ss-roots party building this year, to study education as the primary evaluation organizations, poor organization, the problems are many, to criticize, to accountability. Main is responsible for comrade to consciously bear up first responsibility people duties, not only to tube good cadres, and with
28、good team, also to tube good members, and with good team, both first examples, lead participate in learning education, and by Qian command, input enough of time and energy, strengthened Guide and checks role, on work programme personally validation, on important task personally deployment, on exists
29、 problem timely solution, throughout put responsibility carry in shoulder Shang, improper “shuaishouzhanggui“. The County party Committee and municipal party Committee municipal workers, Various enterprises and institutions, Commission, party committees and departments in charge of industry practice
30、, develop specific implementation plan, organizing special forces responsible for educational work to strengthen this unit to the system study and education in the region specific guidance. Organization departments, as the lead department, to strengthen the planning, organization, coordination and g
31、uidance, good design, decomposition, each key action to implement. Carry out study and education, to rely on strict doc real guide, pressure conveying layer upon layer, step by step, compaction of responsibility. In steering the Steering must prevent formalism, catch the way the thinking of preventi
32、on activities, study and education, preventing routine aside, prevent simple, doing as much as meeting notes to judge the educational results. To take reports, customized research, attending the meeting, random spot checks, briefings and other means, to focus the push Guide to grassroots, on the par
33、ty branch, in-depth understanding of education and actual effect, sum up fresh experience to promote grass roots, to detect and correct the signs of problems. Public informationdepartments should pay special attention to public opinion, in-depth information relating to provincial, municipal and Cent
34、ral decisions and arrangements to promote educational effectiveness and progress of the typical experience, and create a good social atmosphere. Second, persevering in above rates. Leading bodies at all levels, leadership, leading cadres should take the lead, as a good example, and asking others to
35、do you first do it, asks of others and not themselves determined not to do, for example of superior to subordinate, team leader for team members for example, level to level, level with levels, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Ne
36、ed stressed of is, regardless of what ranks, and what post of members leaders, are to to General members identity put himself pendulum in, seriously implementation Central and provincial, and municipal on learning education of the requirements, strictly implementation double organised, basic system,
37、 lead learning discussion, lead on experience, and told party lecture, and for report, lead participate in organised will, and democratic comments, lead shoe vocational due diligence, and based post for contribution, do “four told four has“ of qualified Communist, strive to makes learning research m
38、ore in-depth, and check pendulum problem more deep , To reorganize the implementation of more radical, avant-garde more respectable image, thus learning education effective. Third, strengthen the guidance. The education for all members, large personnel base, wide field, hierarchy, difference, and to
39、 differentiate between counties, departments, grass-roots units, all kinds of party organization and party member between the actual characteristics of hierarchical classification positions put forward measures to prevent “flood irrigation.“ To have operable. Each party should develop specific progr
40、ammes and specific measures, education principles and learning requirements into operational, able to put in place ways. To grasp from the specific work, hard, catching fine practice, with concrete results to verify the educational results. Should be targeted. Different party members ideological tre
41、nds and behaviors, differential treatment in education, precision application policy, “key starts locks“, down to learn and do the measures each party member, enabling them to access to education, improve, make people feel Members of the new changes. To reflect the difference. No uniform, thousands
42、of people, and give expression differences, characteristics. In determining the learning when the topic was discussed, according to different characteristics and existing problems of party members, both closely linked to the theme, and reality, let party members learn, on the up. Do qualified Commun
43、ist of standard also cannot uniform, County above members leaders standard to more high more strict, to insisted loyalty clean play, do Jiao Yulu type of good cadres; on County following the field the industry of members to14高产田小麦的适宜株高是A 60-70cm B 80-90cm C 110-120cm D 140-150cm15小麦开花授粉受精时的最适温度是A 13
44、-18 B 18-20 C 20-22 D 30-3516玉米成熟期的标志不包括A 乳线消失 B 出现黑层 C 子粒变硬 D 叶片枯干17麦垄套种玉米的套种时间一般在麦收前 3-7 天 B 7-15 天 C 15-25 天 D 一个月18玉米的次生根是A 地下节根 B 地上节根 C 支持根 D 气生根19关于玉米穗的分化,下列说法不正确的是A 雄穗分化时间早于雌穗 B 花丝的任何部位都能接受花粉C 果穗上的子粒都是成双的 D 雌穗分化速度慢于雄穗20玉米攻秆肥应早施、少施,不超过总追肥量的A 5% B 10% C 20% D 40%21玉米的需水临界期是A 大喇叭口期 B 抽穗期 C 开花期
45、D 吐丝期22使用药剂防治玉米螟的最佳时间是在A 心叶末期 B 玉米螟产卵初期 C 玉米螟羽化前 D 玉米吐丝期23可减少螟害的田间管理技术是A 灌溉 B 去雄 C 施肥 D 培土24玉米是喜温作物,穗分化过程要求较高的温度条件,适宜温度为A 15-20 B 20-23 C 10-12 D 32-2525玉米穗期应结合追肥进行灌水,使土壤含水量保持在田间持水量的A 70-80% B 50-60% C 30-40% D 10-20%35花生根瘤菌固氮能力最强的时期是A 初蕾期 B 盛蕾期 C 初花期 D 开花盛期36花生的开花结果主要集中在第一、二对侧枝及次生分枝上,一般占单株结果总数的A 80-90%以上 B 70-80%以上 C 60-70%以上 D 50-60%以上37长日照能使花生开花up, a