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1、目 录 (Menu),第一节 传统医学探究,一、培补元气-Increase vital energy中医认为,气是构成人体的最基本的物质基础,也是人体生命活动的最基本物质。人体的各种生命活动均可以用气的运动变化来解释。Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believe Qi is a basic component of the body and maintain the life activities. All life activities can be explained by the changes of Qi movements.,气的生成来自于三个

2、方面: Qi comes from three sources:1.先天之精气:即受之于父母的先天禀赋之气。 其生理功能的发挥有赖于肾藏精 气; Vital substance: Inherits from ones parents before birth.2.水谷之精气:即饮食水谷经脾胃运化后所得的 营养物质; Food essence: Nutrition gained through digestions. 3.吸入之清气:即由肺吸入的自然界的清气。 Air essence: breath fresh air from the nature.,气的运动被称为气机,气的功能是通过气机来实

3、现的。 The movement of Qi is called “functional activities of Qi”. The various functions of Qi are performed by its movement.例如,肺呼气为出,吸气为入,宣发为升,肃降为降。又如,脾主升清,胃主降浊。气机的升降出入应当保持协调、平衡,这样才能维持正常的生理活动 Four basic ways of Qi movement: Ascending, Descending, Exiting and Entering. It shows through physiological fu

4、nctions of Zang Fu, meridians and collaterals, tissues and organs气的运动的基本形式包括升、降、出、入四个方面,并体现在脏腑、经络、组织、器官的生理活动之中。 For example, exhaling is exiting, inhaling is entering, dispersing is ascending and keeping the inspired air flowing downward is descending. Qi of spleen is to ascend and Qi of stomach is

5、to descend. The coordination & balance of four movements can keep the physiological functions remaining normal.,元气的概念:是人体生命活动的原始动力,由先天之精所化生,又受后天水谷之精气不断补充和培养。 Concept of Inborn Qi: Motivation power of the vital activities of human body. It comes from the innate essence, and being nourished continuous

6、ly by the acquired essence developed from food. 元气是人体中最基本、最重要的,根源于肾,包括元阴、元阳之气。元气在生命之初,源于父母之精,是生命物质系统中最高层次、最根本的气,对人体的代谢和机能起推动和调节作用。 Inborn Qi is the most fundamental and important of all. Its from the kidney, including Inborn Qi of Yin and Yang. Inborn Qi is the innate vital substance inherits from p

7、arents. Its the most top and fundamental level of qi within the system of lives and materials. It can improve and adjust the metabolism & functions of human body.,健身气功的锻炼,非常重视培补人体元气。 Health Qigong focus on build up the Inborn Qi. 练功的意守丹田,运动过程中的腰脊运动,都围绕腰部运动。由于先天之精藏于肾,肾位于腰部,腰部运动、意守丹田和呼吸锻炼,使肾中元精益固,“精化为

8、气”,元气自充。 The practice of mind focusing on Dan Tian, and lower back movements link to the back exercise. Vital substance is stored in the kidney, kidney is in the loins at the back. Back exercise , mind focusing on Dan Tian, and breathing exercise can fix and improve the inborn essence in the kidney.

9、 Inborn Qi can be increased when the essence being transferred into Qi.,二、平衡阴阳Balance of Yin and Yang,阴阳是中国古代哲学的范畴。阴阳的最初涵义表示阳光的向背,向日为阳,背日为阴. Yin and Yang was originally included in the category of the ancient philosophy of China. At first, it means whether a place facing the sun or not. The place be

10、ing exposed to the sun is Yang, whereas the place not having a southern exposure is Yin. 后来引申为气候的寒暖,方位的上下、左右、内外,运动状态的躁动和宁静等。 It extends to the coldness and hotness of weather, upwards and downwards, left and right, inwards and outwards of a position, exciting and quiet during sporting etc.,阴阳学说认为,世界

11、是物质性的整体,自然界的任何事物都包括着阴和阳相互对立的两个方面,而对立的双方又是相互统一的。 The world is considered as a whole of materials according to the theory of Yin and Yang. Everything in the nature contains the opposite and united relation between Yin and Yang. 阴阳的对立统一运动,是自然界一切事物发生、发展、变化及消亡的根本原因。 The movements of opposition & unity of

12、 Yin and Yang is the basic reason that things appear, develop, change and disappears in the nature. 阴阳的矛盾对立统一运动规律是自然界一切事物运动变化固有的规律,世界本身就是阴阳二气对立统一运动的结果。 The rules of opposition & unity of Yin and Yang is the one everything follows in the nature. The world is the result of these movements.,阴和阳,既可以表示相互

13、对立的事物,又可用来分析一个事物内部所存在着的相互对立的两个方面。 Yin and Yang can represent opposite things. It also can be used to analyse the opposite relations within an item. 一般来说,凡是剧烈运动着的、外向的、上升的、温热的、明亮的,都属于阳;相对静止着的、内守的、下降的、寒冷、晦暗的,都属于阴。 Normally, all that are: moving, outwards, rising, warm and hot, bright and clear belong t

14、o Yang; while stable, inwards, falling, cold and cool, dark belong to Yin.以天地而言,天气轻清为阳,地气重浊为阴;以水火而言,水性寒而润下属阴,火性热而炎上属阳。 Air is light and clear-Yang; gas is heavy and turbid-Yin. Water is cold and running downward-Yin; fire is hot and burning upward-Yang.,1、动作有阴阳之分:静为阴,动为阳;起势和收功要求分脚站立,意守丹田,保持安稳姿势;而运动过

15、程则要求绵绵不断,势势相连。 Movements are distinguished by Yin and Yang: stable is Yin, moving is Yang. Starting and finishing the Qigong practice require: standing by using different legs, mind focusing on Dan Tian, keeping the position stable and continuation during the movements. 2、动作方位的上下阴阳之分:动作向上为阳,动作向下为阴。

16、Moving upwards is Yang, moving downward is Yin.3、动作的前后有阴阳之分:动作向前为阳,动作向后为阴。 Moving forward is Yang; moving backward is Yin.,健身气功是如何平衡阴阳的How Health Qigong balance Yin and Yang,4、劲力有阴阳之分:蓄力为阴,发力为阳。 Holding force is Yin; releasing force is Yang.5、呼吸有阴阳之分:呼气为阳,吸气为阴。 Breathing: exhaling is Yang; inhaling

17、is Yin.6、意念运用有阴阳之分:意念向上为阳,意念向下为阴,意念内收为阴,意念放开为阳。 Mind focusing upward isYang; focusing downward is Yin. Mind adduction is Yin, opening mind is Yang. 运用阴阳平衡规律指导练功,体会健身气功调整姿势、呼吸锻炼、意念运用的和谐统一,可以有效地提高练功效果。 It can effectively improve the result of practice following rules of Yin and Yang balance to feel th

18、e harmony & unity of adjusting posture, breathing exercise, and mind driving by Health Qigong.,三、疏通经络 Open meridians and collaterals,经络的概念:经络遍布全身,是人体气、血、津液运行的通道,是联络五脏六腑的生理结构。 Concepts of meridians and collaterals: meridians and collaterals are distributed over the whole body. They are the channels Q

19、i, blood, body fluid run through. They link the five Zang and six Fu together. 经络有广泛而重要的生理作用,概括起来,经络有运行气血,营内卫外,联络脏腑,病邪传变,诊察病机等作用。 Meridians and collaterals play important roles in the physiological functions, including moving Qi and blood, nourishing inside and guarding around the body, linking the

20、organs.,经脉可分为正经和奇经两类。 Meridians and collaterals can be divided into two categories: regular and extra meridians.正经有十二,即手足三阴经和手足三阳经,合称“十二经脉”,是气血运行的主要通道。 There are 12 regular meridians: three Yin meridians of the hand and foot, and three Yang meridians of the hand and foot. They are referred together

21、as the “Twelve Meridians”, the main channels for Qi and blood circulation. 奇经有八条,即督、任、冲、带、阴跷、阳跷、阴维、阳维,合称“奇经八脉”,有统率、联络和调节十二经脉的作用。 There are 8 extra meridians: Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yinqao, Yangqao, Yinwei, and Yangwei meridians named as “Eight Extra Meridians”. They command, link and adjust the 12 reg

22、ular meridians.,十二经脉12 Meridians:,十二经脉又名十二正经,是经络系统的主体。其命名是根据其阴阳属性,所属脏腑、循行部位综合而定的。 它们分别隶属于十二脏腑,各经用其所属脏腑的名称,结合循行于手足、内外、前中后的不同部位,并依据阴阳学说,给予不同的名称。 12 regular meridians consists main parts of the meridian and collateral system. They are named by the individual properties of Yin and Yang, the organs they

23、pertain, and the areas they pass.,奇经八脉- 8 Extra Meridians,奇经八脉是任脉、督脉、冲脉、带脉、阴跷脉、阳跷脉、阴维脉、阳维脉的总称。它们与十二正经不同,既不直属脏腑,又无表里配合关系,其循行别道奇行,故称奇经。其功能有: 8 extra meridians are different to the 12 regular meridians. They do not have any direct relationship with any of the internal organs, or exterior-interior coord

24、ination between them, and cross differently. Their functions are:1.沟通十二经脉之间的联系; Communicating between 12 regular meridians.2.对十二经气血有蓄积渗灌等调节作用。 Adjusting the accumulation, storage, infiltration, and irrigation of Qi & blood within 12 regular meridians.,任脉,行于腹面正中线,其脉多次与手足三阴及阴维脉交会,能总任一身之阴经,故称:“阴脉之海”。 R

25、en Meridian : runs along the midline of the Venter, meets with the three Yin meridians of the hand and foot as well as the Yinwei meridian many times, and takes charges of all the Yin meridians of the whole body. Its named the “sea of all the Yin meridians”. 督脉,行于背部正中,其脉多次与手足三阳经及阳维脉交会,能总督一身之阳经,故称为“阳

26、脉之海”。 Du Meridian : runs along the midline of the back, and meets with the three Yang meridians of hand and foot as well as the Yangwei meridian several times, and superintend all Yang meridians of the body. Its called the “sea of all the Yang meridians”.带脉,起于季胁,斜向下行到带脉穴,绕身一周,如腰带,能约束纵行的诸脉。 Dai Merid

27、ian : starts below the hypochondium, decends obliguely to the Point Daimai (GB26), then runs transversely round the waist like a belt. It binds all the meridians of the body.,健身气功的保健养生作用,通过疏通经络这一机制来实现。 Health Qigong can show the functions of keeping and maintaining health by opening the meridians an

28、d collaterals.练功时,意识注意的部位,大多是腧穴处,腧穴是经络气血流注汇聚和经气出入的地方,腧穴是人体脏腑经络气血输注出入的特殊部位。When we practise, most of the time we should pay attention to the acupoints, which are the special places Qi and blood infuse together and move in & out.,“腧”通“输”,或从简作“俞”。“穴”是空隙的意思。腧穴并不是孤立于体表的点,而是与深部组织器官有着密切联系、互相输通的特殊部位腧穴又是疾病的反

29、应点和治疗的刺激点。 Acupoints are not just the single points around the surface of body. They have close linkage with the internal organs and are open with each other. They are also the reflecting points of sickness and points for treatments.,健身气功疏通经络的作用Functions of opening meridians and collaterals1、功法中有不少动

30、作要求意想膻中、命门、劳宫、涌泉等穴,就是为了加强经气的流注和畅通。以意引气,多见循经络运行,这种经气传感现象,通过锻炼可以获得。 Many practices require imagination of Points of Tan Zhong, Ming Men, Lao Gong , Yong Quan and so on. The purpose is to enhance the flowing and smooth of Qi. Its common to drive the Qi flowing by mental power or imagination following t

31、he meridians. This kind of Qi sensing phenomenon can be obtained through the Qigong practice. 2、健身气功的肢体活动或按摩拍打,可以触动气血循经络互流。百脉皆通,气血充盈,在医疗、保健方面有着重要作用。 The physical exercise of Health Qigong can improve the circulation of Qi and blood. When all the channels are open, Qi and blood would become full. Thi

32、s is important to the treatments and maintenance of health.,四、调和气血 Balance Qi and Blood,气血是构成人体的重要组成部分,是维持人体生命活动不可缺少的精微营养物质。 Qi and blood are important components of human body, and essence of vitality supporting human life activities.气具有推动、温煦、防御、固摄和气化等作用。 Qi has functions of pushing, warming-up, de

33、fending, fixing and transforming etc血具有营养和滋润等作用。 Blood has functions of nourishing and moisturising.,正常情况下,气血之间维持着一种“气为血之帅,血为气之母”的相辅相成的动态平衡状态,称谓“气血调和”,而“气血不和,百病乃变化而生”。 Normally, there is balance condition between Qi and blood that “Qi is the commander of blood” and “blood is the mother of Qi”. Its c

34、alled the “balance of Qi and blood”. Imbalance and changes would cause sickness.健身气功静养时,以意领气,意守丹田,培育元气,可以加强身体的营养和滋润。 When Convalescing by health Qigong, it can enhance the nutrition and moisturising level of body by guiding the Qi using imagination, focusing on Dan Tian, and strengthen Inborn Qi.运动时

35、,调动内气在全身周流运行,起到活血化瘀,打通阻塞,推动调整,促进全身气血循环作用。同时起到灵活关节,强健筋骨的作用。 When practising, using Qi to move over the body. This can remove the blood stasis, open the blockage, improve the adjustment and the blood circulation. It also can improve the flexibility of joints and strengthen the tendons & bones .,五、调理脏腑

36、Regulate internal organs中医学说将人体器官分为两大类: Traditional Chinese medical theories describe organs in two categories: 心、肝、脾、肺、肾称之为脏; Zang includes Heart, Liver, Spleen, Lung and Kidney.胆、胃、小肠、大肠、膀胱称之为腑。 Fu includes Gallbladder, Stomach, Small intestine, Large intestine and Urinary bladder.,健身气功调理脏腑的作用Func

37、tions of regulating internal organs,1、练习健身气功,动作以腰为主宰,腰部命门是其主要锻炼之处,命门相火旺盛,肾气则充溢。肾阳相火是其他脏腑生理活动的原动力。命门元阳之火充足,则脾阳得资,脾气充足健运,后天水谷得以消化,精微物质得以运化,从而为人体脏腑、经络乃至四肢百骸的正常活动提供了物质基础,这就是健身气功何以能全面增强体质的道理。 To practise Health Qigong, movements should focus on the loins of lower back. Ming Men is the main area. When the

38、 fire of Ming Men is exuberant, the Qi of Kidney would be full. The fire of Kidney Yang is the original force supporting other organs physiological activities. When the fire of inborn Yang of Ming Men is full, the Spleen Yang can be notified. Full of Spleen Qi can improve the digestion of food. Ther

39、efore, vital essence can be transferred to provide the basic nutrition supporting normal life activities through the Zang & Fu organs, meridians & collaterals, and the whole body. This is why Health Qigong can help strengthen the health.,2、健身气功中的“调心”,就是调心神,心清神凝,则身安气和,并使魂、魄、意、志处于协调安定状态, 这样即能使五脏安和,心身健

40、康。 Adjusting Xin in Health Qigong means to adjust the heart and spirit. Clear heart and moral cohesion can bring the soul & spirit into a calm condition in order to stabilise the Qi & five Zang organs and obtain physical and mental health.,3、健身气功的动作功能,常与五脏对应,比较典型的有六字诀和五禽戏。 The functions of Health Qi

41、gong always link to five Zang. Liu Zi Jue and Wu Qin Xi are the most typical practices.六字诀的“嘘、呵、呼、呬、吹、嘻”六音分别对应肝、心、脾、肺、肾和三焦。 The mouth forms of Liu Zi Jue: Xu, He, Hu, Si, Chui and Xi are linked to Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney and Sanjiao (the three portions of the body cavities housing the int

42、ernal organs). 五禽戏根据“虎、鹿、熊、猿、鸟”五种动物的秉性特点寓有锻炼肝、肾、脾、心、肺的作用。 Wu Qin Xi is imitating the characteristic behaviours and movements of five animals: Tigers, Deer, Bears, Monkeys and Birds. It also can strengthen the functions of Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney,第二节 现代医学研究Chapter 2 Modern medical theories

43、,一、增强生理机能-Strengthen physiological functions 1.提高反应速度-Increase reaction speed 2.增强肌肉力量-Develop muscle strength 3提高柔韧性-Develop flexibility 4.改善平衡能力-Improve balancing ability 5.健美体形 -Sharp body shape 6.改善身体机能-Improve body functions,二、增进心理健康 Build up mental health 1.提高心理健康水平 Increase physical and mental health level2.提高注意力集中 Improve concentration,三、改善血液生化指标Improve blood biochemistry index,1自由基 Free radical 2免疫调节能力 Immunoregulation capability3血脂代谢 Cholesterol Metabolism4性激素 Sex Hormone,上述观点,作为探索,仅供参考 Above points & opinions are for reference only,祝大家身体健康!Wish you healthy,


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