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1、1三门非遗:流动的文化盛宴浙东中部三门湾畔,有一个叫三门的地方。千百年来,这里的人们耕海牧渔,耕读传家,特别尊重自然、感恩天赋、家族聚居、重视人伦,传承了一批如三门祭冬、上鲍布袋木偶戏、高枧古亭抬阁、海游六兽等人类非物质文化遗产。 目前,三门正积极推进“文创+” ,放大“三门祭冬”的体验效应。结合美丽乡村建设,将“二十四节气”体验文化一一对应到 24 个古村落,打造中国“二十四节气”人类非遗文化博览园。 而作为三门祭冬的主要传承地,亭旁镇正在将三门平调、上鲍布袋木偶戏、杨家板龙等非遗项目,与亭旁起义纪念馆等旅游景点、城隍庙、包家宗祠等历史文化遗存融合,深入挖掘民俗文化,打造非遗特色小镇。三门祭

2、冬 三门祭冬以亭旁镇杨家村祭冬规模最大、程式最完整、传承最完好。2014 年 12 月,三门祭冬被列入国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目名录。2016 年 11 月 30 日,包括三门祭冬等在内的“二十四节气” ,列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。 三门祭冬由祭天、拜祖、祝寿、老人宴等仪式及与之伴生的民俗文化、饮食文化组成。为了冬至这一天的活动,杨氏族人每年都会提前半个月开始张罗。甄选祭冬仪式祭者是首要,且有一套严格的礼俗制度。2主祭 1 人,陪祭 4 人,读祝 1 人,喝礼 1 人,以及执事、童男童女若干人。准备的祭品也很讲究,摆在最前面的是五祀,接着是大盘、小碟、大碗,最后是酒

3、、汤等。摆盘里有十?十素、各种糕点、水果糖果、鸡蛋干果等,极尽丰盛,展示的是一年的好收成。此外,祭品的制作和摆放也是一门艺术,其文化内涵已经延伸到祭祀活动之外。 冬至前一天,参加仪式的村民一大早便要前往大龙岭的高山龙潭,举行取水仪式。只有符合要求的人才有资格代表村民取水。大龙岭离杨氏家庙 1 个多小时的脚程,来回要用去 3 个小时左右,这段取水的路也是展示虔诚之路,因此,不能借助任何交通工具。取来的龙潭水一般都会装在一个青花瓷坛里,送回杨氏家庙,以备翌日祭祀者净手、洒水之用。龙潭水为长流水,寓意为族氏源远流长、子孙绵延不断。 冬至当天,三门县内外 20 几个村的杨姓族人会陆续从四面八方赶来。凌

4、晨 3 点开始,杨家村街巷中就会传出阵阵锣声,提醒村民仪式即将开始。 祭天和拜祖是两个分量较重的仪式,祭天主要由主祭朝东、南、西、北对天叩拜,然后三拜九叩,读祝感恩。拜祖时,族人起立,鸣炮奏乐。主祭者等三拜九叩,三献,读祝。礼毕,族人按次序拜祖。之后就是邀请戏班至中堂像前拜请三献读祝,礼毕,由主祭者接过蟠桃献于祖像前,开演祝寿戏。戏班子在家庙连演 5 天 5 夜的大戏,整个祭冬宣告完毕。 上鲍木偶戏 上鲍木偶戏系布袋木偶,又称独脚戏,只有木偶头部,没有下身。 一般由二人操纵表演。在一张八仙桌上放篾箱,竖插扁担,小舞台3挂其上。主艺人坐箱子上,右脚踏大锣、小钹,右手打小鼓、小锣,左手食指套木偶头

5、部、大拇指和另三指分别套布袋袖子,为木偶左、右手,能灵活表演各种动作。另一人负责吹唢呐,拉胡琴配乐。曲调多以越剧流水调、民间乱弹或自由小调为主,辅以高腔,是一种边演边唱的民间戏曲艺术。 木偶表演动作丰富,尤其手的动作,可细腻地表演出人物的各种情态。主要表现帝王将相、才子佳人等故事。 目前,布袋木偶在三门县亭旁上鲍村得以完整保留。这种“虚拟”表演戏早于人演的舞台剧,是研究甬、绍、台方言在民间戏曲中运用的活例证,具有丰富、独特的民族造型艺术和服饰文化价值。 高枧古亭抬阁与海游六兽 高枧古亭抬阁展示民间美术、雕刻、手工技艺和民间音乐、舞蹈、戏曲等,传统古亭抬阁加上六兽、采茶、莲花落、三十六行、高跷等

6、参与元宵节等重大节庆出迎活动,动静结合,虚实交融。 高枧古亭抬阁工艺精美,内涵丰富。制作的古亭选用上好的樟木、楠木等优质木料,邀请雕刻名匠,历时多年,精雕细琢,有“千工亭”之称。制作的抬阁工艺精巧,表现一个戏剧场面,非常生动。一般参与出迎活动人数多达 1000 余人,场面壮观。 海游六兽起始于唐朝,盛于清末民国初。每逢元宵佳节太尉庙五位靖德候王出巡,都有六兽陪同出游。六兽中狮子乃兽中王,白象代表吉祥,麒麟代表子孙兴旺,鹿代表和睦如意,犀牛代表万事一统,三不象代表五谷丰登、六畜兴旺。 4六兽出巡展演,必先到太尉庙朝拜集中,出迎开始时先放三连冲,起乐列队,由全副鸾驾开道,彩旗列队,狮子开路,白象先

7、导,其后顺序是独角犀牛、麒麟、鹿、三不象、古亭等。六兽开道乐队伴奏是十三记锣,古亭伴奏曲调是三、五、七曲牌。乐队伴奏自始至终,出巡线路从太尉庙出发,在城关绕一周后回转太尉庙结束。 目前六兽制作传承人尚在,每逢元宵佳节出巡,是三门民间艺术主要展演项目。 花桥龙灯与三门石窗 花桥龙灯始于南宋建炎年间,文化内涵丰富,制作技艺精巧。由红龙、黄龙、青龙、绿龙、紫龙五龙组成同时出迎。 整个龙灯集文学、绘画、雕刻、剪纸、刺绣、音乐、舞蹈于一体,做工细腻讲究。龙身板座都有 4 盏各种造型彩灯,传统内置蜡烛(现用彩灯) ,彩灯上制作根据各人的喜好与风格,或剪纸、或彩绘,图案有花鸟虫鱼、飞禽走兽、帝王将相、才子佳

8、人等,形象生动、色彩艳丽。 花桥龙灯每条少则 50 多米,多至 100 余米,龙头、龙尾由村里能人集体制作,龙身则各家各户自制,迎龙时有专门礼仪,鼓乐喧天,鞭炮齐鸣,火铳、狮子开道,大纛、旌旗先行,迎龙活动犹为神圣庄重,以文化内涵丰富、制作工艺精美、龙灯威武大气而名闻遐迩。 2007 年花桥龙灯被列入浙江省第二批非物质文化遗产名录,2009 年建立了花桥龙灯传承基地,使得这一古老的民间艺术重放光彩。 三门石窗取材于蛇蟠岛上的蛇蟠石,蛇蟠石呈粉红色,纹路细腻,质地软硬适中,宜于雕琢。自南宋开始,三门的石雕窗与木雕窗、砖雕5窗同时用于民居及园林建筑,并逐渐形成规模。 三门石窗造型多样、雕琢精致、图

9、案丰富、寓意深邃。有圆形、菱形、扇形等,一般采用浮雕、圆雕、透雕等手法雕琢而成,图案多为花鸟虫鱼、飞禽走兽、吉祥如意、福禄寿禧等,也有不少民间传说和神话故事。石窗寓意相当深远,高雅与俚俗同在,儒、道、释三家共存,显示了中国文化特有的包容性,体现了三门湾民俗文化的深厚底蕴。 林林总总的其他非遗 杨家板龙始于明隆庆初年,至今已有 400 余年历史。 每年的元宵节,亭旁镇杨家村都要举行迎龙活动。板龙出迎时,需要 600 至 800 名壮汉共同托举,并伴有头牌、鼓亭、抬阁、龙筅、仪仗和鼓乐等,声势浩大、吉祥喜庆。板龙所经之处,沿途群众鸣放礼炮、设案相迎。 杨家板龙在当地具有广泛的影响,在国内也有较高的

10、声誉。2004 年杨家板龙以 414 米的长度获大世界吉尼斯之最证书。 舞蹈“缠足苦”是 1928 年亭旁区的“文明戏” 。该舞蹈反映了封建社会妇女受压迫、求解放的历史。整个舞蹈由 9 至 12 人演出,用民族乐器伴奏,用脚后跟踩地为基本舞步,以表现妇女缠足后行路的艰难和痛苦,动作简洁明了,用亭旁方言演唱,唱词在流传过程逐步增入了怒斥和控诉的内容,增强感染力。 “三门平调”是我国的古老剧种之一,由古代四大声腔之一的“弋阳腔”演变而来,受到昆剧的直接影响,在明朝中叶(1506 年前后)基本形成。随着岁月的演变,不断吸收三门当地的山歌、小调及民间乐曲,6形成独特艺术风格。其表演包括唱功、做功和吹打

11、三大类,在曲调、表演形式等诸方面都具有浓郁的地方特色。 此外,三门还有讨小海、小坑村狮子拳、舞蹈“小蜜蜂”等非遗项目,得益于 2007 年浙江省非物?|文化遗产普查,这些项目被重新挖掘、整理、恢复。 Sanmen: Depository of Cultural Heritages By Ren Ping Sanmen is a county in the middle of the long coastline of eastern Zhejiang. The countys traditional lifestyle emphasizes fishing and farming and ed

12、ucation. The local culture respects nature and holds ceremonies to express gratitude toward the gifts of nature. Family is a key factor in local value. Historical buildings as well as events and activities held in Sanmen at regular intervals showcase this lifestyle. Many of these local traditions ha

13、ve been designated as intangible cultural heritages. One of the most ceremonious events in Sanmen is Winter Sacrifice. The sacrifice is held across the county. The best preserved ceremony is one held in Yang Family Village, Tingpang Town. In December 2014, Sanmen Winter Sacrifice was inscribed as a

14、national intangible cultural heritage. In November 2016, the 24 solar terms, a system considered to be 7Chinas fifth great invention, were added to the worlds intangible cultural heritage list. The Sanmen Winter Sacrifice is a part of the Chinese system recognized by the UNESCO. The winter sacrifice

15、 in Sanmen is actually composed of a series of events such as a ceremony in honor of heaven, a rite for ancestors, a celebration for longevity, and a banquet to entertain elderly citizens. The village runs a system to make all the arrangement for the big ceremony. The ceremony is held on Dongzhi (Wi

16、nter Solstice) which occurs around December 22 according to the Gregorian calendar. The clan starts preparations 15 days before the big day. The Master of Ceremony and his assistants and other helpers at the ceremony are appointed and sacrifices are prepared. One day before the big ceremony, a water

17、-fetching trip must be taken. Only qualified villagers can take part in this journey to the Dragon Pool in the high mountains. The two-way journey takes about 3 hours. All the water fetchers walk. The water is carried in a porcelain jar, which is placed at the ancestral temple. On Winter Solstice, t

18、he people of the Yang clan from all over the county and beyond gather at the village. The village gets up at three oclock in the morning. The heaven-worshipping sacrifice and ancestor-worshipping ceremony are the big major 8part of the winter ceremony. The master of ceremony kneels and kowtows in fo

19、ur directions to express gratitude. Another series of kowtows follow and a speech is read. The ancestral ceremony is equally solemn: clan members come in order and kowtow and there are a lot of music and firecrackers. Sacrifices are presented and placed in front of the portrait of the common ancesto

20、r. Then opera plays are staged at the clan temple for five days and five nights to wish people good health and longevity. There are many other intangible cultural heritages across Sanmen. The hand puppet is well preserved at Shangbao Village. Experts note that the vivid phrases and expressions used

21、in the plays are from dialects of Ningbo, Shaoxing and Taizhou. The puppets feature delightful colors and costumes, which are subjects for cultural studies. Taige March is a high-profile event well preserved in Guting, Gaojian. In such a march, people carry on their shoulders well-made miniaturized

22、sculptures presenting ancient legends, historical figures as seen in local opera plays. These sculptures are masterpieces of finest wood sculpted by best craftsmen. It usually takes a few years to make a miniaturized sculpture. Usually, more than 1,000 people march 9in a long procession. Also in the

23、 long march are music bands, people dressed to look like masters of thirty-six professions, and artists walking on stilts, and those dressed up in the shapes of ancient animals. Dragon Show in Yang Family Village is another big cultural phenomenon in Sanmen. The dragon show takes place on Lantern Fe

24、stival, which falls on the fifteenth day of the first month on the lunar calendar. It takes 600-800 men to carry the dragon, accompanied by musical bands and percussion bands and other shows. It goes through villages, welcomed by deafening firecrackers and roadside tables heaped with sacrifices. In

25、the 2004 show, the dragon measured 414 meters in length, which created a record. Pingdiao Opera, a local opera genre, is one of the ancient opera genres of the country. It started around 1506 in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. The stone windows are another big feature of the local lifestyle. These stone windows present various patterns and are unique in China.


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