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1、European History/Print versionFrom Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection European History This page may need to be reviewed for quality.Jump to: navigation, search This is the print version of European HistoryYou wont see this message or any elements not part of the books content when you

2、 print or preview this page.European HistoryThe current, editable version of this book is available in Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection, athttp:/ is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this document under the terms of the Creativ

3、e Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. GNU Free Documentation License edit Chapter 01 - The Crises of the Middle Agesedit IntroductionThe Middle Ages were a period of approximately 1000 years of history, which is generally accepted to span from the fall of the Roman Empire towards the end of

4、the 5th century, to the Protestant reformation in the 16th century. This period began with a demographic downturn at the end of the Roman imperial era, with European populations shrinking and many cities and rural estates abandoned. A cooling climate, disease and political disorder all played a part

5、 in this opening period, which saw Classical Mediterranean civilization eclipsed. Across Europe, there emerged smaller, more localized hybrid societies combining Roman, Christian and Germanic or Celtic barbarian influences. By the 9th and 10th centuries, populations had reached a minimum, and Europe

6、 became a largely rural and somewhat backward region. Commerce and learning flourished in the Islamic world, China and India during the same period. Islamic armies conquered Spain during the 7th and 8th centuries, but were defeated by the Frankish kingdom in 732 when they attempted to enter France.T

7、he turn of the first millennium saw renewed growth and activity, as kings and cities consolidated their authority and began to repopulate lands left empty since Romes decline. Warmer weather after 900 allowed more land to be brought into food production. The feudal system of agriculture, where peasa

8、nts were tied to their estates by obligations to local lords or the church, provided a degree of economic stability. This was aided by the arrival in Europe of the horse collar from Asia, which increased crop yields by allowing horse-drawn plows, rather than the use of slower oxen. Commercial towns

9、flourished in England, France and the Low Countries, and German rulers dispatched monks and peasants to clear forests and settle in Eastern Europe and the Baltic regions The city-states of northern Italy rose in influence and wealth. Islamic Spain became a center of learning and culture where Christ

10、ians, Muslims and Jews coexisted in relative amity. Despite many local wars and disputes between knights, the High Middle Ages from 1000-1250 saw growing populations and prosperity enough to build great cathedrals and send European armies abroad on crusades.After 1250, demographic stagnation emerged

11、, as populations reached a limit that medieval agriculture could support, and growth slowed or stopped. Major conflicts between powerful kingdoms, such as the Hundred Years War between England and France, became more frequent, and the Christian church, previously secure in its spiritual authority, w

12、as racked by schisms and increasing financial corruption. The year 1348 saw a catastrophe as virulent bubonic plague - the Black Death - entered Italy in ships from Asia, and spread across the continent in three years, killing by some estimate one-third of all Europeans. Many believed it was the end

13、 of the world foretold in Christian myth. Along with its suffering, the plague wrought economic havoc, driving up the cost of labor and making the old feudal system untenable, as surviving peasants scorned its demands.The following century and a half transformed Europe, from a patchwork of feudal fi

14、efdoms under loose royal and church control into a collection of newborn but increasingly unified national states. Towns became centers of resistance and dissent to the old royal and church authorities. Former noble and knightly influence declined, and rulers realigned themselves toward the increasi

15、ngly wealthy and influential burgher and merchant classes. The emergence of the printing press, and spreading literacy, increased religious and political conflict in many countries. By 1500, Christopher Columbus had sailed across the ocean to the New World, and Martin Luther was about to take much o

16、f Europe out of the orbit of the Roman church. These developments opened the modern era of history, and brought the Middle Ages to their true end.A number of modern institutions have their roots in the Middle Ages. The concept of nation-states with strong central governmental power stems from the co

17、nsolidation of powers by some kings of the Middle Ages. These kings formed royal courts, appointed sheriffs, formed royal armies, and began to collect taxes - all concepts central to modern government. A leading example was the French kingdom, ruled by the Capetian dynasty from 987 until the early 1

18、4th century. French provincial nobles and their castles and knights were brought under effective royal control during this time, and national unity benefited. Conversely, Germany, which had had strong kings in the 10th and early 11th centuries, suffered a series of political conflicts during the Hig

19、h Middle Ages between rulers and the Church, which weakened national cohesion and elevated regional lords to great influence.During the Middle Ages, Kings originally called Parliaments to explain their policies and ask for money. Parliaments at this time represented collective estates - the clergy,

20、nobles, and merchants - not individuals.The idea of limited government also arose, challenging the traditional notion at the time that rulers were all-powerful (such as a Roman emperor or an Egyptian pharaoh). The most substantial occurrence was in 1215, when the nobles of England asserted their rig

21、hts against King John in the Magna Carta. In addition, the notion of parliaments, as explained above, came into existence, and the reciprocal nature of the feudal and manorial contracts laid the most basic groundwork for the concept of the social contract.In addition, the formation of governmental b

22、ureaucracy began during this time, as the royal councils of medieval kings evolved into modern government departments.Finally, the regulation of goods and services became increasingly prominent during the middle ages, as guilds protected the consumer from poor products.Thinkers of the Renaissance an

23、d the Enlightenment tended to look at the Middle Ages with scorn, but the Middle Ages were essential in laying the groundwork for the times to come.edit New Breeds of ArtBoth painting and literature received a new burst of life as the Early Middle Ages came to an end.edit PaintingGiotto began to exp

24、ress the Human form more realistically. Although his forms seem primitive compared to those of the Renaissance artists, he was the first to attempt to bring back the realism of Roman art. He also began to develop techniques of perspective in paintings to achieve depth. Most of his art was in the for

25、m of plaster-based frescoes on the walls of chapels and churches.edit LiteratureAs the prestige of the Papacy began to decline, national consciousness began to increase; this nationalism was manifested in literature written in national languages, or vernacular, instead of traditional Latin. This use

26、 of the vernacular opened up such that cultural peculiarities could be more naturally expressed. This allowed literature to feel more realistic and human to the readers, and is why pieces such as The Canterbury Tales are considered depictions of life in the times in which they were written.While the

27、 literacy of laypeople increased as a result of increased vernacular writings, society was still largely based on oral culture.Dante Alighieriedit Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)I am the way to the dolent city I am the way to eternal sorrow I am the way to a forsaken peopleAbandon all hope ye who enter

28、here. - Canto III, Inferno Dante Aligheri was born in 1265 in Florence, Italy. His family was not rich but was considered an aristocratic line. He was taught by Brunetto Latini, who trained him in the classical liberal arts, including Latin and Greek. Yet, Dante set out to embrace his vernacular lan

29、guage and began to write The Divine Comedy in his local Tuscan dialect. Today he holds a place in history as the first author to do so. Alighieri considered his work a comedy due to the differences between his Italian writing style and the great Latin tragedy. His three-part epic poem sarcastically

30、criticized the Church and commented on a variety of historical and contemporary individuals. The most important of these figures is Virgil, the Latin poet, who plays the role of Dantes guide through the afterlife. Dantes personal feelings towards many people are also evident in his writing. In the d

31、eepest layer of hell he punishes those for whom he personally had the greatest disdain. Much of this personal disdain came from his position as a politician in Florence. One of the victims of his deepest layer of hell is Boniface VIII, a pope whose political policy of expansion he opposed. Each of t

32、he poems parts portray degrees of salvation, with “Inferno“ being Hell, “Purgatorio“ being Purgatory, and “Paradiso“ being Heaven. Inferno includes many of the archetype depictions of hell including the River Styx, and the ferry man Chiron who carries people across the river.Geoffrey Chauceredit Geo

33、ffrey Chaucer (1340-1400)Chaucers The Canterbury Tales, a collection of stories, exposed the materialistic, worldly interests of a variety of English people. This collection of stories was set in a frame based around a trip to Canterbury as a pilgrimage to the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket. The stor

34、ies are the individual tales of thirty people making this pilgrimage. The accounts range from romance to family to religion, providing a cross section of society at the time. A large percentage of the populace, and therefore a large percentage of the characters, seemed more focused on material pleas

35、ure than on their eternal souls. The Canterbury Tales is also useful as a study of English vernacular at the time. It is a classical example of Middle English that linguists and those studying medieval and early modern England continue to use to this day.edit The Hundred Years WarThe Hundred Years W

36、ar (1337-1453) was a very complex war, fought between France and England (with the occasional intervention of other countries), over three main conflicts. In particular, the nations fought over control of the Gascony region in France, rebellions supported by Britain in French cloth production towns,

37、 and English claims to the French throne after the death of Charles IV.The war, initially sparked by a dispute over who would become King of France after the death of King Charles IV, quickly became an amazingly complex and multi-faceted war. King Edward III and his son Edward, commonly known as “Th

38、e Black Prince“, invaded Aquitaine, a huge region in southwest France claimed by England. As time went on, the Kings of England and France involved themselves in many more operations, ranging from a civil war in Brittany, trade disputes in what became Belgium, even a war in Castile. The three major

39、battles of the Hundred Years War, Crecy, Poitiers, and Agincourt, were resounding English victories, the flower of French nobility being cut down at every battle. However, even though the English won every major battle and many of the smaller ones, relatively poor England was never able to subdue so

40、uthern France, by far the wealthiest portion of France, which eventually led to the English losing the war.edit The Rise of Towns and CommerceFrom the 6th to 10th centuries, there were few commerce centers and only small merchant classes in Europe. What long-distance trade there was usually focussed

41、 on luxury goods for the nobility and church elites, and was mediated by traveling merchants such as Syrians or Jews. Crafts were carried on locally in manors. Populations were not large enough to support further economic developments, and Viking and Arab attacks made trade routes hazardous.During t

42、he High Middle Ages of 1000-1500, long distance trading became safer and thus more profitable. As a result, craftsmen moved into growing centers of trade, forcing lords and serfs to have to get their goods from these centers of trade. Towns formed leagues and urban federations, or communes, that wor

43、ked together to fight crime or deal with monarchs and nobles. Guilds also arose, allowing for the collective supervision of affairs - the work was done by reliable people, and the guilds provided for vocational education. The spirit of the medieval economy, however, was to prevent competition.The ri

44、se of towns had an emancipating effect. They forced the lords to offer freer terms to the peasantry. Often, peasants earned freedom in return for an annual payment to the lord. Allowing large numbers of people to move from agricultural to industrial work in the towns brought economic acceleration. I

45、ndeed, a sort of handicraft industrial revolution took place during the 12th and 13th centuries, especially in the Low Countries where great cloth-making centers such as Ghent and Bruges accumulated much wealth and stimulated growth in Western Europe generally. The Hansa, a widespread league of Nort

46、h Sea, Norwegian and Baltic trading towns, emerged in this period, opening up Scandinavian resources to supply Western Europe with furs, timber, beeswax, and fish.The High Middle Ages also saw Europeans returning from Crusades in the Middle East, where they had developed tastes for goods not produce

47、d at home. These homecomings introduced medieval Europeans to exotic spices, silks, fruits, drugs, and other eastern products for the first time. Cities around the Mediterranean took part in the trade that developed, with Venice becoming the richest port of entry for Asian goods, the base from which

48、 Marco Polo and his companions set forth on their journey to China.edit Growth of National MonarchiesDuring this same time period, the monarchies began to grow, and as a result people began to see the formation of unified nation-states. Kings sent executive orders and began to institute royal courts

49、, and they lived off of money from the manors that they owned and fees from their vassals. The kings royal council was a group of his vassals that advised him on state matters, which resulted in the formation of basic departments of government. When representatives of towns began to meet, this was an early formation of basic parliaments.These parliaments didnt have the ability to dictate to the king, but could state grievances and the king could act upon them. This was a basic sort of legislation.In addition, the formation of these parliaments led to the est


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