1、Generation gapGeneration gap is a common problem in modern society.It is caused by many and varied factors.But I think the main responsibility lies with parents.父母比我们年龄大,所以无论是生理上还是心理上,都要比我们成熟。父母的经历和经验也比我们丰富,做事也比我们谨慎、周密。所以他们有能力采取适当的措施同子女进行沟通。如果父母 没有做到这些而使自己与子女之间产生“代沟” ,那么主要的责任在于父母。Physically,Parents
2、are older and mature than us.They always do things cautiously and carefully. Besides,they have more experience than we do, therefore they have the ability to take appropriate measures to communicate with their children. If the parents do not do that with their children but choose to keep the generat
3、ion gap between their children, the main responsibility should lie with parents.从思想上讲父母不理解子女,不知道子女想什么、要什么?父母只是以自己特有的家长地位,强制性的要求子女做他们不愿意做的事,从而压制了子女心中的各种想法。认为自己说的话或是做的事都是合乎常理的,都是对的,这就会使父母与子女产生“代沟” 。From the perspective of option, parents do not understand their children and they do not know what their
4、 children are thingking .They are in their own unique position and compel their chilren to do what they dont like to. Since parents stamp on a childs idea ,the generation gap between parents and chilren arises.从现代教育上讲子女所要接受的教育很多,而家庭教育则是子女接受教育中最为重要的教育内容之一。在谈及家庭教育必然要谈到父母与子女的关系问题。我们知道,一个良好的家庭环境必然会形成一个和
5、睦而又温暖的家庭。如果家庭中各成员之间产生隔阂,必然会对子女的成长造成一定的影响。父母的言行和品德对子女有很大的影响。从子女一出生,父母就成了子女的启蒙老师,从此他们就担负着培养和教育子女的责任和义务,同时也是他们承担的社会责任。而父母的失职就可能给家庭蒙上一层阴影,造成家庭冷漠不和,以及子女的悲观、消极思想。In terms of family education ,parents play an important part in the relationship between parents and children. We know that a good family enviro
6、nment is bound to form a harmonious and warm family. What parents say and behave has a great influence on their childrenNegligence of the parents can cause childrens pessimistic and negative values.This is also one of the factors causing the generation gap.From the above arguments,we can draw a conclution that the generation gap is largely due to parents.