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1、My Literature ReviewZhang Xue Jiao Miss ZhouWriting for Study Abroad, Wednesday 3-4October 10, 2012The images of women in English literatureIn the 19th century, many feminine authors published their works, for example, Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre, Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice. A series of these

2、famous works marked the appearance of feminine literature. In brief, feminine literature consists of works written by women, in which are embraced feminism and feminine thoughts. Feminine self-awareness and self-imagination propagated in these works. My direction of research is unearthing these typi

3、cal images in these representative works.As we all know, Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen are representative authors in the 19th century. They wrote many typical characters, in which Jane and Elizabeth are the most typical. They have distinct qualities; therefore, they were special in their time. Th

4、ey stood for the women who had their own value and world outlook. In recent studies, people have found, these typical images reflected the feminism. Wang Xiao Yun, who is a famous professor pointed that the 19th century was a period that literary feminism appeared. But someone did not agree, they ar

5、gued that the feminism had already existed in society. Through my studies of these images in English literature, my understanding of feminine literature can move deeper.Bibliography1 付明瑞;郭兰英英国文学女性形象的嬗变杭州电子科技大学学报,2 宋艳莎士比亚喜剧中的女性地位安徽大学。3 寇国芳An Analysis of Jane Eyres Characteristics J 青年文学4 成馨Feminine N

6、arration a Feminist Study of Possession: A Romance云南师范大学 5 王晓耘十九世纪英国文学中的女性主义 科技信息报。6 孙岩梅茨威格与他笔下的女性形象 周口师专学报。7 蔡岚岚英国文学女性意识的承袭与勃发以傲慢与偏见和简爱为例 福建论坛。8 朱骅英国女性主义作家的先驱简巴克 外国文学动态,。9 Lu Yue HongAndonade in Jean ChristopheAn Image of Tragic Beauty among Female Characters of French LiteratureJournal of Nanjing

7、University of Chemical Technology10刘绿宇中西方文学女性悲剧的比较 南都学坛。年第期 南开学报(哲学社会科学版)刘思谦(一) ,女,河南偃师人,河南大学文学院教授,博士生导师,女性文学这个概念再次浮出于文学研究界已有余年的历史了,年来它不断受到诘难与 质疑,至今也没有取得普遍认同。这是一种命名的尴尬。一个普遍的经常被问起的问题是所谓的女 性文学与男性文学的问题:文学也有性别吗?既然出来个女性文学,那是不是也应该有个男性文学? 无独有偶。世纪年代谭正璧写中国女性文学史话 ,就遇到过何不另编男性文学史的讽刺, 张若谷编女作家杂志,也有人讥讽他何不另编一本男作家而只

8、取悦于女性?看来,这个问题已 经问了半个多世纪了,看样子还会继续问下去。面对这个问题,女性文学研究界表现出令人难堪的失语状态。这是因为这个问题触及到了两千多年来历史的盲点和性别意识的误区,不是三言两语所能够解释清楚的。记得在年代中期,伴随着女作家创作的繁荣和“女性文学”这个概念的出现,报刊上围绕着什么是女性文学这个问题出现了热烈的争论。据谢玉娥编纂的女性文学教学参考资料所 载,大体上有这样几种界定。一种意见是只要是女性写的就是女性文学(不言而喻男性写的就是男 性文学) ,这是一种非常便捷的按性别分类的方法。第二种意见是按性别加题材加风格的分类,即女 性文学是女性所写的表现女性生活体现了女性风格

9、的文学。第三种意见认为女性文学是女性所写 的表现女性意识的文学,即分类标准是性别加女性意识。还有一种意见认为虽然为男性所写但由于 具有女性意识也应该划入女性文学。这种界定由于概念外延过于宽泛模糊了性别这个前提,我们暂且将其排除在外,而仅对以上三种意见进行梳理辨析。第一种意见把女性文学仅仅看做一种按性别分类的文学,就像青年文学、儿童文学按年龄分类,西部文学按地区分类。 My Summary NotesZhang Xue Jiao Miss ZhouWriting for Study AboardWednesday 3-4September 25, 2012The concept of femin

10、ine literature had existed in literature history for almost twenty years, but it had been queried constantly. Up to now, it has not been accepted widely. A very embarrassing question is what the feminine literature is. If we recognize that there is a literary faction about women, but what about masc

11、uline? Along with abundant of feminine works appeared, many people began to pay attention to the exact concept of feminine literature. Some people hold the idea that feminine literature is written by women, but others argued that it should be divided by writing style, that is to say feminine literat

12、ure is written by women and reflected thoughts of women. There are some people think that feminine literature is written by women and embraced feminism.However, some works written by man that contained feminism are also belonging to feminine literature. Therefore, we can not divide the feminine literature only by sex. Content and gist are real standards divide feminine literature.


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