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1、PEC 电气工程专业英语证书考试-Glossary of Electrical Engineering Terms5AC Signal: The time variant portion of a voltage or current.Alternate Sweep: A vertical mode of operation for a dual-trace oscilloscope. The signal from the second channel is displayed after the signal from the first channel. Each trace has a

2、 complete trace, and the display continues to alternate. This mode is used for SEC/DIV settings of less than 1 ms/div (faster than 1 kHz).Alternating Current (AC): An electric current whose instantaneous value and direction change periodically. The term usually refers to sinusoidally shaped current

3、or voltage waves.Amplitude: Height of a waveform above ground (1/2 peak-peak value)Attenuation: The decrease in signal amplitude during its transmission from one point to another.Bandwidth: The oscilloscope frequency range within which performance of a particular characteristic falls within specifie

4、d limits, commonly defined as the difference between the upper and lower frequency at which the response is .707 (-3dB) of the response at the reference frequency.Blanking: The process of making the trace, or parts of a trace, invisible.Bypass: A capacitor placed from a dc signal to ground will remo

5、ve any ac component of the signal by creating an ac short circuit to ground.Calibration: The process of comparing an instrument or device against a standard to determine instrument accuracy or to make a correction.Capacitance: The property of a system of conductors to and dielectrics which enables t

6、he system to store electricity when a voltage is applied between the conductors, expressed as a ratio of the electrical charge stored and the voltage across the conductors. The basic unit is the Farad .Capacitor: A device consisting of two conducting materials separated by an insulating material (di

7、electric), which can store an electrical charge when a potential difference exists between the two conductors.Cathode-ray-tube: An electron-beam tube in which the beam can be focused to a small cross-section on a luminescent screen and varied in both position and intensity to produce a visible patte

8、rn.Chop: A vertical mode of operation for dual-trace oscilloscopes in which the display is switched between the two channels at some fixed rate. This mode should be used for slow sweep rates.Common: The potential level serving as ground for the entire circuit.Comparator: A component which satisfies,

9、 for input Vin and reference voltage Vr the equationsif Vin Vr then Vout = Vcc.if Vin Vr then Vout = -Vcc.Compensation: The controlling elements that compensate, or, offset the undesirable characteristics of the process being controlled in a system.Coupling: The association of two or more circuits o

10、r systems in such a way that power or information may be transferred from one to the other.Crosstalk: “Leakage“ of signal from one source into another.Current: The rate of change of charge (electrons) or flow of charge/second (dQ/dt) through a circuit.Detent: A stop or other device (such as a pin or

11、 lever) on a ratchet wheel. Switch action is typified by a gradual increase in force to a position at which there is an immediate and marked reduction in force.Diode: The diode is the simplest and most fundamental non-linear circuit element. It is a two terminal device which only allows current to f

12、low in one direction.Direct Current (DC): An electric current that flows in only one direction with essentially constant value.Display: The visual representation of a signal on a CRT screen.Distortion: An undesired change in waveform.Dual Channel (Dual-trace) Oscilloscope: An oscilloscope that has t

13、wo independent input connectors and vertical sections and can display them simultaneously.Dual-sweep (Dual-timebase) Oscilloscope: An oscilloscope that can display a signal with two independent SEC/DIV settings.Duty Cycle: The ratio of the lengths of the positive to negative halves of a waveform exp

14、ressed in percentages.Farad“ Unit of measure of capacitance. Named after Farad.Feedback: Voltage from the output of a circuit is channeled (or “fed“) back into the input of the circuit.Focus: The oscilloscope control that converges the CRT electron beams to produce a sharp display.Free-running Trace

15、: A trace that is displayed without being triggered and either with or without an applied signal.Frequency: The inverse of time (1/seconds). How often an event occurs within a second.Graticule: The CRT grid lines that facilitate the location and measurement of oscilloscope traces.Ground: 1. A conduc

16、ting connection that by which an electric circuit or equipment is connected to the earth to establish and maintain a reference potential level. 2. The voltage reference point in a circuit.Hertz: Unit of frequency, one cycle per second.Hysteresis: An output voltage Vcc does not change to -Vcc until t

17、he input increases above B*Vcc, B being a constant value. Conversely, -Vcc does not change to Vcc until the input decreases below -B*Vcc.Impedance: The total apparent opposition a circuit offers to the flow of alternating current in an electrical circuit.Inductance: The voltage across an inductor is

18、 directly proportional to the rate of change of the current through it divided by the rate of change of time (difference current/difference time = di/dt). The proportionality constant which makes this true is L, the inductance of the inductor component. It is denoted by L and its units are the Henry

19、 (H). Therefore, the voltage v across an inductor is given by v = L*(di/dt).Inductor: Circuit element which is a conductor wrapped into a coil to create a magnetic field.LED: Light Emitting Diode, emits light when current is passed through it.Megahertz (MHz): A frequency of one-million Hertz, or 106

20、 cycles per second.Microphone (Condenser): An electromechanical transducer that converts sound pressure into an electrical signal. Condenser mics require power to charge a capacitor used to sense changes in sound pressure levels (SPL).Noise: An unwanted voltage or curent in an electrical circuit.Osc

21、illoscope: An instrument for making visible the instantaneous values of one or more rapidly varying electrical quantities as a function of time or of another electrical or mechanical quantity.Period: Duration between repetitions of a waveform cycle. (1/frequency).Potentiometer: A three terminal devi

22、ce with a wiper that is positioned along a resistive element; effectively making a voltage divider.Probe: An oscilloscope input device, usually having a pointed metal tip for making electrical contact with a circuit element and a flexible cable for transmitting the signal to the oscilloscope.Rise Ti

23、me: The time taken for the leading edge of a pulse to rise from 10% to 90% of its final value.Resistance: A measurement of the impedence of a substance to charge movement.Schmitt Trigger: A circuit devised of an op-amp configured as a comparator and given a positive feedback. The Schmitt trigger emp

24、loys hysteresis in order to create a switching voltage which is less susceptible to noise than a straight switch.Scope: Short for oscilloscope.Screen: The surface of the CRT upon which the visible pattern is produced; the display area.Sensitivity: The ratio of the output value to the input value.Sho

25、rt Circuit: Include a wire or other component into a circuit which effectively nullifies a component of that circuit, or leaves the voltage across the component unchanged in its AC or DC signal.Signal: A visual, audible, electrical or other indication used to convey information.Single Sweep: The abi

26、lity of an oscilloscope to display just one window of time, thus preventing unwanted multiple displays. Useful for trace photography.Slope: The ratio of change in the vertical quantity (Y) to the change in the horizontal quantity (X).Spot: The illuminated area that appears where the electron beam st

27、rikes the screen of a CRT.Sweep: Time-dependent information created by the electron beam moving across a CRT screen.Time Base: Oscilloscope circuitry that controls the time dependence for the sweep. Time dependence is set by the SEC/DIV control.Trace: The visual representation of an individual signa

28、l on a CRT.Transducer: A device that provides a usable output in response to a specific physical quantity, property, or condition which is measured.Transient: A phenomenon caused by a sudden change in conditions that persist for relatively short time after the change.Trigger: The signal used to init

29、iate a sweep on an oscilloscope and determine the beginning point of the trace.Trigger Holdoff: A front-panel control that inhibits the trigger circuit from looking for a trigger for some specified time after the end of the trace.Trigger Level: The instantaneous level that a trigger source signal mu

30、st reach before a sweep is initiated by the trigger circuit.URL: Universal resource locator. This is the address of something on the web. Examples include http/, ftp/, The unit of electric potential difference that and electromotive force equ

31、al to the difference of potential between two points on a conductor carrying a constant one-ampere current when the power dissipated between these two points is equal to one watt.Voltage: The difference in electric potential, expressed in volts, between two points.Watt: The SI unit of power, it stan

32、ds for 1 Joule/sec.Waveform: Graphic representation of the variation of a quantity (such as volts) as a function of some variable, usually time.X-Y: A graphic representation of the relationship of the X signal, which controls the horizontal position of the beam in time, and the Y signal, which controls the vertical position of the beam in time.Z-axis: Refers to the signal in an oscilloscope that controls electron-beam brightness as the trace is formed.


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