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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1061Anne: Oh, I didnt see you. You startled me. Why didnt you say something? Why are you sitting all alone here in the dark?Amy: Im having a baby.Anne: What do you mean, youre having a baby? Is this some kind of school assignment? Amy, you cant be pregnant. Thats

2、 impossible.Amy: Yeah, thats what I thought.Anne: Dr. Hightower told you youre having a baby? When did she tell you that?Amy: Maybe, like, six weeks ago or something.Anne: You went to see her six weeks ago, and she told you youre having a baby? I dont understand. Did you go and see her on your own?

3、Because you thought you were.You cant be pregnant. How could this possibly have happened?Amy: I didnt mean for it to happen. It just kinda happened.Anne: Is this something you and your sister have come up with? Is this some kind of conspiracy to get my mind off of your father? You want me to think y

4、oure pregnant so whatevers really happening isnt so bad. Is that it?Amy: Mom, Im really pregnant.Anne: No, seriously. OK, look at me and tell me the truth.Amy: I am telling you the truth.Anne: You cant be having a baby at 15 years old.Anne: Did you know anything about this?Amy: She just kind of foun

5、d out. Mom, I didnt mean for it to happen. I really didnt.Anne: You didnt mean for what to happen? You didnt mean to have sex? You didnt mean to get pregnant?Amy: I think I want an abortion. Anne: OK, you can run now. Just go to your room, Ashley!Ashley: All right. Shes the one thats having a baby.A

6、my: I dont wanna have a baby.Anne: Lets just think about this, OK? Lets think about all of the options.Amy: If you dont let me get an abortion, I wanna leave. Arent there, like, homes for teenage mothers? Find me a home.Anne: But, honey, this is your home.Amy: I cant stay here and have a baby.Anne:

7、Shes not gonna be in today and, probably not for the rest of this week. Yeah, it was a family member. What difference does it make? Anyway, Im sure she can catch up with her assignments when we get back. Im gonna call my 你吓到我了,我刚刚没看到你。你为什么不说话?你为什么独自坐在黑暗中?我有孩子了。你说自己有孩子了,是什么意思?是学校的一项作业吗?艾米,你怎么会怀孕呢,不可能

8、的。没错,我也这么想。海塔尔医生说你怀孕了?她什么时候告诉你的?大概是六周之前的样子。你六周之前去看她,她说你怀孕了?我有点不明白。你自己去看她的?因为你觉得自己.你不可能怀孕的。这怎么可能发生呢?我也不想这样的,但它就是发生了。这是你妹妹和你设计的圈套吗?为了让我转移对你爸爸的注意力?你想让我觉得没有比你怀孕更糟糕的事了,是吗?妈妈,我真的怀孕了。别乱来了。看着我,说实话。我说的都是实话。你怎么可以在 15 岁就当上妈妈?你知道这事吗?她自己发现的。妈妈,我真的不是故意的,真的。你不想故意怎样?你是无意中发生性关系的吗?你是不知不觉中怀孕的吗?我想堕胎。好了,你可以走了。艾希礼,回你的房间去

9、。好吧,又不是我怀孕了。我不想要孩子。我们想想该怎么办,想想所有的可能性。妈妈,如果你不让我堕胎,我就离开。不是有接纳青少年妈妈的场所吗?给我找个家吧。宝贝,可这就是你的家啊。我不能在这儿生孩子。她今天不去学校,可能这周都不去了。没错,The Secret Life of American Teenager 10614ob/gyn as soon as the office opens.Amy: Why cant I go to Dr. Hightower?Anne: Amy, shes a pediatrician, and Im really not happy she didnt cal

10、l me about this. And because her partner is your fathers ex-wifes husband, so that means he probably knows, and if he knows, then she knows, and Im really not happy that they knew before I did.Amy: Wait. You dont think hed tell Grace about this, do you?Anne: Yeah, Amy, probably. I left word for your

11、 dad at his office. I dont know who hes with, so I didnt wanna call his cell.Amy: No, no, no. I meant. do you have to tell him?Anne: I dont want to, but I think we should before someone else does. Dont you?Amy: Do we have to? Well, what if I just dont have the baby?Anne: Not have the baby? Amy, you

12、can think about that. Thats totally your choice, but I dont think I can tell you to do that, and its not a religious thing with me at all. Its just how I feel about.I dont know, life. Have you told Ben? Oh, Amy, what happened to having a plan? Youre supposed to have a plan for sex. Youre supposed to

13、 have a plan that says youll wait until youre older so you can get an education and have a career before you settle down and start a family.Amy: I never thought about it. I didnt know any guy would ever wanna do it with me.Anne: Maybe we can think about adoption. Or you can go away until the baby co

14、mes. What if you go to my moms? Do you wanna go to Mimsys?Amy: No, I dont want Mimsy to know about this. You didnt tell Mimsy Dad left.Anne: She doesnt need to know about that.Amy: Can I just ask you something? If I did end up having the baby, do you think I could get married? Ben said he would marr

15、y me.Anne: Is that how this happened? Ben said he would marry you if you got pregnant?Ashley: So am I going to school, or what?Anne: No, not today. You shouldve told me about this.Ashley: Thats my punishment for not telling you, not going to school? Fine.Anne: If you knew your sister was in trouble,

16、 you shouldve told me.Ashley: I guess I also shouldve told you your marriage was in trouble.Anne: Look, I know you blame me for your dad leaving, but 是亲戚,不是又怎样?无论如何,回来时我确定她会把作业补上的。诊所上班时,我会打电话给我的妇产科医师。我为什么不能去找海塔尔医生?艾米,她是儿科医生,她不告诉我这事,让我很恼火。而且她搭档是你爸爸前妻的老公,所以他可能知道了。如果他知道,你爸前妻就知道了。我居然是最后一个知道的,太让人生气了。等下,你


18、吗?不,我不想让米慕斯知道这事。你没有告诉米慕斯爸爸离家出走的事。她没必要知道那事。我可以问你些事吗?如果最后我生下孩子,你觉得我能结婚吗?本说他愿意娶我。那是怎么回事?本说你怀孕了,他就娶你?我到底去不去学校?今天别去了。你应该告诉我这事的。这就是不告诉你所得的惩罚?不准去学校?很好。你知道姐姐有麻烦的时候,应该告诉我。我还应该告诉你,你的婚姻有麻烦了。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1062maybe its not my fault.Ashley: Or maybe it is. Im gonna sit on the steps and wai

19、t for him. I dont wanna be inside. I hate this house. I hate everything about it.Anne: Including me?Ashley: Mom, just please, please do not send Amy off to Mimsys. Its bad enough Dad left. If she leaves, theres no one here for me, no one I like, anyway.Anne: You know, your sisters the one that wants

20、 to go away. Where else am I gonna send her? Ashley: Nowhere. Just dont let her go, Mom, please.Anne: Ashley, I dont know if Amy can stay here and be pregnant and have a baby. I dont know how she can handle everyone else knowing.Ashley: But they do know. The whole world knows.George: Your mom called

21、 me, about you. Whats going on? She said youre sick or something?Amy: Uh, not exactly. You dont need to come home or anything. So how are you?George: Me? Oh, Im all right. Miss my girls. Im sorry, I didnt mean to make you cry. Ill get home as soon as I can, as soon as your mom lets me.Amy: Dad, I th

22、ink I need to tell you something. And please dont be mad at me.George: How could I ever be mad at you? Did you break up with the Sausage Kings kid? Is that what this is about? So thats still going good, huh?Amy: Yeah, I guess.George: So whats the matter with my girl?Anne: Shes pregnant, George. I do

23、nt think you should make any more phone calls right now. You just need time to think. Just gimme a little time. Ill give it back to you eventually.Lauren: I have a bad feeling about this.Madisn: Me too, maybe we could go over there during lunch.Lauren: Just show up at her house?Madison: We could tel

24、l her mom we were bringing her her assignments. We could make it legit, actually take her her assignments. I know her class schedule.Lauren: My parents wont let me.Madison: Since when?Lauren: Since I told them.Madison: I cant believe you told them.Lauren: What if shes not even home? Maybe she went t

25、o take care of things.我知道你把你爸离开的原因归咎于我,但也许那不是我的错。也许是的,我会坐在门口这等他回来。我不想呆在屋里,我讨厌这栋房子以及所有相关的东西。包括我?妈,拜托别把艾米送到米慕斯那儿。爸爸离开已经够糟了,如果她再离开,就没人陪我了,总之没我喜欢的人了。是你姐姐自己想走。我还能把她送哪儿去?哪也不能去,妈妈,别让她走就好。艾希礼,我不知道,艾米是否可以在这儿怀着孩子并且生下孩子。我不知道她是否如何面对人人皆知的状况。但他们知道了,全世界都知道了。你妈妈告诉我你的事了。怎么了?病了还是怎么了?不算是吧,所以你不必回家什么的。你好吗?我啊,很好的,只是想我的丫头

26、们了。对不起,我不是想让你哭的。我会尽快回家的,只要你妈妈允许。爸,我想告诉你件事。请不要朝我发火。我怎么会对你发火呢?你是不是和香肠国王的儿子分手了?是这事吗?所以你们还不错吧?我想是的。那你怎么啦?乔治,她怀孕了。你现在最好别再打电话了,你需要点时间思考。给我点时间吧,最终我会给你的。我对此有不好的预感。我也是,也许我们该在午休时过去。就那样去她家?我们可以告诉她妈妈,我们给她送作业。我们可以做得真一点,真的把她作业带去。我知道她的课程表。我父母不会让我去的。什么时候开始的?从我告诉他们起。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1062Madison:

27、Shut up, Lauren. Shes not going to do that.Lauren: Madison, its her decision, not yours and not mine. Amy has a right to decide what she wants to do. If she wants to terminate the pregnancy, its none of our business. We can have an opinion, but its her choice.Ricky: Is your friend Amy around? She mi

28、ssed band practice. Is she sick or something? Do you speak?Madison: I think she stayed home today.Ricky: You think or you know?Lauren: I think if Amy wanted you to know where she was, shed call you.Ricky: Maybe Ill ask your brother. Maybe he would know.Lauren: How do you know I have a brother?Ricky:

29、 Cause hes got a big mouth he should keep shut right now. We all should keep our mouths shut now, dont you think?Adrain: I tried calling you last night, all night.Ricky: Yeah, I know that. I had to turn my phone off. I had to report in to that guy I was telling you about, the guy whos like a parole

30、officer. He has to make sure Im not getting beaten or anything. After that, I had to meet with him and my foster parents so they could confirm theyre not beating me. That was my night.Adrain: Yeah, OK, whatever. Have you heard the rumors going around school?Ricky: Im not really into gossip. I did wa

31、nna talk to Amy Juergens about something. Have you seen her? Werent you gonna give her a ride home yesterday?Adrain: I offered her a ride.Ricky: Why is that?Adrain: I wanted to talk to her. A couple of things, including you. I dont think it would be too smart if Amy had your baby.Ricky: So did you t

32、alk to her?Adrain: No, I couldnt find her, so Im talkin to you. Look, leave her alone and let things take their natural course, OK?Ricky: Meaning?Adrain: Meaning Amy Juergens is not having a baby at 15, so dont interfere. Its not like you could. Im sure shes already taken care of it, which is probab

33、ly why shes not here today.Ricky: Why would I wanna interfere with something like that?Adrain: Maybe because you want to convince the whole world youre a Christian now.Ricky: So let me see, youre jealous of both Amy and Grace?你竟然告诉了他们。要是她根本不在家呢?也许她去堕胎。劳伦,闭嘴,她不会这样的。麦迪逊,那是她的选择,不是你我的。艾米有权决定自己想做的事。如果她想堕


35、了吗?你昨天不是要送她回家吗?我是提出要送她。为什么?我想和她谈谈。一点事,包括你。我不觉得艾米生下你的孩子是个明智的选择。那么你和她谈了?没,我没找到他,所以我要告诉你。别去找她,让一切顺其自然,好吗?什么意思?就是说艾米不能在 15 岁生下孩子,所以别去烦她,不过你也影响不了她。我确定她已经把孩子打掉了,也许这就是她今天不在的原因。为什么我要去干涉像这样的事?The Secret Life of American Teenager 1062Adn: Im not jealous of anyone. Were just friends, remember?Ricky: Yeah, I re

36、member.Adrain: Grace heard about Amy.Ricky: Does seem to be all over school this morning.Adrain: Please tell me you dont want her so badly that youd pretend to care about that baby just to impress her.Ricky: You have a very low opinion of me. Dont you?Adrain: Yeah, I do.Grace: Hi, Ricky. How are you

37、? Tough day?Ricky: Yeah, it is a tough day, but its not true, you know, about Amy. I told you what happened before, but just believe me. Even though it was her idea, I would never be irresponsible. Never. Shes not having a baby, not my baby, anyway. Shes a sweet girl. Shes just a little mixed up. Im

38、 sure shes not having my baby. Im positive.Grace: I dont know. I mean, where did you hear that?Ricky: Cant say.Grace: Did you read that bible passage I told you about?Ricky: Oh, no, the bible passage. We dont have any of those bible books in the house.Grace: Ill get you one.Ricky: No, dont spend you

39、r money on me, babe.Grace: Ive got an extra one. Ill bring it for you.Ricky: All right, well, thank you. I appreciate that.Grace: Look, Ricky, Im trying to be a friend to you. Youre gonna need a friend, because Amy really is having a baby. I have it on good authority. Ricky: Well, I mean, maybe she

40、was, but according to someone else, shes taken care of it.Grace: What do you mean, taken care of it? Wait, you mean shes having an abortion?Ricky: I think thats a possibility.Grace: I will not let anything bad happen to your baby.Madison: Her phones not in service. It was in service an hour ago. How

41、 can it not be in service?Ashley: No kidding. That must be why your name showed up on my phone.Madison: I was having a little trouble getting a hold of Amy?Ashley: Mom took her cell.Madison: Well, could we maybe talk to her on your phone?Ashley: Best I can do is try to give her a message.Madison: Wh

42、ats the message?Ashley: I know. How about youre both very sorry you told everyone in the world that your best friend Amys pregnant?也许你想让全世界相信,你是个基督教徒了。这么看来,你在吃艾米和格瑞丝的醋?我谁的醋都没吃。我们只是朋友,记得吗?没错,我记得。格瑞丝听说了艾米的事。似乎今天早上传遍了学校。你不是因为很想要她,所以才装着关心孩子赢取她的好感吧。你把我看得很差劲,不是吗?没错。里奇,你好吗?过得不好吗?的确很糟,但那是谣言,关于艾米。我之前告诉过你,但相信

43、我就好了。尽管那是她的主意,我绝对不会袖手旁观的,绝对不会。她没有怀孕,至少不是我的孩子。她是个好女孩,只是有点糊涂。我肯定她怀的不是我的孩子,我肯定。我不知道,你从哪儿听到的?我不能说。里奇,你有没有读我告诉你的那段圣经?不,那段圣经。我们家里没有圣经的书。我给你一本吧。宝贝,别在我身上花钱。我有多余的一本,我会带给你的。好吧,谢谢你,我很感激。里奇,我试着做你的朋友,我觉得你需要一个朋友,因为艾米真的怀孕了,消息来源十分可靠。好吧,她也许真的有了,但据某人说,她已经处理掉了。处理掉?什么意思?等等,你是说她要堕胎?有可能。我不会让你的孩子出任何事。她的电话不在服务区。1 小时前是好好的,现

44、在怎么不在服务区了?别开玩笑,所以你的名字才会出现在我的电话上。我联系不到艾米。The Secret Life of American Teenager 1062Madison: She knows we told people. Look, I have to go over there. If you dont wanna go, its your own business.Lauren: How are you gonna get there?Madison: Theres a really big thing with a lot of wheels called a bus.Amy:

45、 You still have your cell. Mom didnt take it from you? Can I have the number for Adrian? No, its either residential or a cell phone. Just please give me the number.Ben: I need a ride. Can you gimme a ride? Ill pay you. I need to get to Amys house.Adrain: She wants me to take her to a clinic. She cal

46、led me.Ben: Yeah, she called me, too. Shes gonna need money.Adrain: Its a free clinic.Ben: Just the same, she wants me to be there.Anne: Shes a new patient, but Im not a new patient. Ive been coming there for years. I was really hoping he could work her in this afternoon. Its an emergency. No, not a

47、n emergency-room emergency.Ashley: Shes on the phone. She cant get you in to see her doctor or at least it doesnt sound like it.Amy: Im not going to her doctor.Ashley: Yeah, OK, but where are you going?Amy: I cant tell you because then youd have information that a lot of others are gonna want, but.l

48、ets just say Im taking control.Ashley: I wont tell anyone. I think you can trust me at this point.Amy: Ashley, I know I can trust you, I know. Its just. its better for you not to know.Ashley: We were just looking for Dad.Anne: Hes probably at the high school looking for Ben. Yeah, that would be my g

49、uess. OK, you guys, if theres anything else I dont know, I think nows the time to tell me.Leo: I fell in love with my wife when I was 14.George: You didnt get married when you were 14.Leo: I wish we had. Our parents made us wait till we were 18. All those years, wasted.George: You actually think they should get married and have a baby at 15. Thats what you are telling me.Leo: Its a little unconve


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