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1、The Secret Life of American Teenager 1091Ashley: You know, we dont have to go tonight if you dont want us to. I dont have to, anyway.Anne: No, you should go. You should see your dad. Because hes your dad, and he asked to see you. And Amy, you need to talk to him about schools, OK? Because we have to

2、 make a decision.Amy: I dont know what I wanna do about school, other than not going.Anne: Well, thats not really an option.Amy: Look, I dont understand why I cant call in sick for five months.Anne: Me, neither, but you cant. Do you know where hes taking you? Did he tell you not to tell me? OK, you

3、guys have fun. Im gonna have fun. I mean I love having this house to myself. Amy: Were just gonna hang out.Anne: But hang out where? You dont even wanna leave the house.Ashley: At his place, but Im sure its a real dump.Anne: It better be.George: Thanks, fellas. This was a really good idea. I dont kn

4、ow why you volunteered, but thank you.Adrian: I just want you to be able to see your daughters. Oh, and dont tell my mom I let you do this. Shed kill me especially since you dumped her.George: Thats a good point. Oh, listen up, Ill be outta here by midnight, and my guys will waiting to bring the stu

5、ff back in, I promise, all right? And I owe you big time.Ashley: Its great, except for the fact that you got one bed for the two of us. Strange, with you owning a furniture store and all.George: It came furnished. Its a sublet kinda thing. You know, I dont wanna sign a long-term lease until I know w

6、hat happens with your mother and me. Its month-to-month. Besides, I thought itd be fun if you know you girls slept together like you did when you were kids.Ashley: Were not spending the night. We never agreed to that.George: I know, but sometime you might want to.Ashley: Doubt it.George: So you guys

7、 wanna get some pizza or something? You wanna go out?Amy: No, I definitely dont wanna go out. I dont wanna run 我们今晚不是非去不可的,如果你不想让我们去,我不是非要去的。不,你们应该去,去见见你们的爸爸,因为他是你们的父亲,他要求见你们。艾米,你要和他谈谈学校的事,好吗?因为我们要做出决定。除了不去上学,我不知道我还能怎样。这可不是个选择。我不知道我为何不能请 5 个月的病假。我也不知道,但就是不可以。你们知道他要带你们去哪儿吗?他告诉你们不能告诉我吗?那你们玩的开心,好吗?我也会过


9、我知道,但或许你们哪天想呢。不一定。你们想来点披萨之类的吗?想出去吃点吗?不,我绝对不想出去,我不想碰见学校或乐队里认识的人。The Secret Life of American Teenager 10913into anybody I know from school or band.George: Amy, youre with me now. If anybody looks at you or says anything to you, Ill stick a rocket in their pocket and send em to the moon.Amy: Thanks, Da

10、d. I appreciate your support. Do you mind if I call Ben? Do you mind?George: No, go ahead. Thats good. I like Ben.Ashley: So whose place is this, your girlfriends? Dad, it smells like perfume.George: Well, obviously girls used to live here. Thats a girls room back there. How do you know its not a ma

11、ns perfume youre smelling? Maybe its just me youre smelling.Ashley: I think we all know your smell.Amy: I cant go anywhere. I dont wanna go anywhere.Ben: What about if I came over there?Amy: Id love it if you came over here, but you konw, its kinda creepy, feels like Im in someone elses home.Ben: So

12、 is that a yes? Is it OK?Amy: Look, Ben, Im dying to see you, I really am. Its just.I dont know how this thing works. Im pretty sure Ashley and I belong to my dad tonight.Ben: You belong to me. We belong to each other. I have to see you.Amy: I feel the same way. I have to be here for my dad. You kno

13、w, I see my mom every day. I just.I have to at least spend one night with him. I really wanna see you. Its just that.Ben: Come on. Ask your dad. He wont mind.Amy: I cant. I dont think I can share my time with him with you. Besides, were supposed to talk about my plans, you konw what Im supposed to d

14、o about school stuff.Ben: But your dad likes me, I like him, and we both love you.Amy: I miss you. I really miss you.Ben: Then ask him.Amy: You konw it wouldnt be fair to Ashley.Ashley: What wouldnt be fair?Amy: Um, if Ben came over.Ashley: No one cares. Dad wants to know what kind of pizza you want

15、.Ben: Hey, Im on my way. Ill ask for your address when I pick up the pizza. OK, bye.Ben: I didnt know you were coming over here. Um, listen, I gotta go drop off a pizza to Amy. Shes at her dads condo, but, make yourself at home.艾米,你现在和我在一起,如果有人盯着你看或说三道四,我会在他们兜里放个火箭,送他们上月球。爸,谢谢,谢谢你的关照,我可以打电话给本吗?可以吗?当


17、欢我,我也喜欢他,我们都很爱你。我想你,真的很想你。那就问问他。那对艾希礼不公平。什么不公平?如果本过来。无所谓,爸问你想吃哪种披萨。我一会就到。我拿到披萨的时候再问你地址,好吧,拜拜。没想到你会过来,我要去给艾米送份披萨,她在她爸那儿,但随意吧。The Secret Life of American Teenager 10912Henry: Oh, maybe Ill go with you. If you dont want me to go with you, thats OK. I can just go home.Ben: No, no. Its not that I dont wa

18、nt you to go with me. Its just that this is Amys first visit with her dad since her dad and her mom split up, and I probably shouldnt even be going over there, so.Is everything OK? No, somethings wrong.Henry: Yeah, something, but we can talk tomorrow. You go to Amys dads, have fun, dont worry about

19、me.Ben: I really dont have time to talk. I gotta go get the pizza.Grace: I just wish you had told me that this is what we were gonna do. I told my parents we were getting pizza.Adrian: We got pizza. Its in the back seat.Grace: I know, but I didnt tell them the whole truth, and Ive already been in a

20、lot of trouble for not telling them the whole truth.Adrian: You think if we wouldve told em we were going to look for my father, they wouldve let you come with me?Grace: I kinda doubt it, but maybe my dad wouldve come with us to do this. My dads really good at confronting people in difficult situati

21、ons.Adn: Thought your parents were out on their corny date night.Grace: I dont think its corny. I think its kinda romantic.Adrian: How do you know?Grace: Im just assuming.Adrian: Wheres your brother? Wheres Tom?Grace: Hes home alone. Its another reason why I dont feel comfortable staying out too lat

22、e. I mean he has been home by himself before, but still.I told my parents we wouldnt be gone too long.Adrian: I just wanna see what the guy looks like. You konw Im not gonna cause a big scene or anything.Ricky: What time can I see you?Adrian: I told you, Im busy.Ricky: I cant go this long without yo

23、u, or someone.Adrian: Thanks. Im sure you mean that as a compliment. Look, I told you, I cant tonight. Oh, and dont bother calling Grace, shes with me.Adrian: I talked to Jack earlier. Actually, Ive talked to him all week about you.Grace: OK, Im not sure Im comfortable with that, but thank you for t

24、elling me.Adrian: Of course Im gonna tell you, because were friends, right? And Jack and I are friends.Grace: I just dont get why he can call you, but he cant 我跟你一起去,你不想让我去也没事,我回家就是。不是,我不是不想带你一起去,只是这是自艾米的父母分居后,她第一次见她爸。也许我都不该去那儿,所以.一切都好吗?不,有点不对劲。有点吧,但我们可以明天说,你去艾米她爸那玩得开心,别担心我。好吧,我没时间说了。我要去买披萨了。我倒希望你早告


26、。我说过,今晚不行。对了,别费神打给格瑞丝了,她跟我一起。我之前和杰克聊过,实际上,我们一周都在谈论你。听到这些我可能不太舒服,但谢谢你告诉我。我当然要告诉你,因为我们是朋友,对吧?The Secret Life of American Teenager 10912call me.Adrian: Cause hes tired of being rejected, and hes waiting for you to call him. The guy is madly in love with you. Call him, take him back.Grace: I dont know.

27、Just doesnt feel right now, too much time has passed.Adrian: Is that the problem? Too much time has passed? Or is the problem that you like Ricky? I know, you like Ricky, but you know I like Ricky, and like I told you the first time I met you were having sex.Grace: I know that, and Im not interested

28、 in having sex with Ricky, and hes not interested in having sex with me. Were just friends.Adrian: Come on, Grace. Ricky does not have friends. Ricky makes friends with girls he wants to have sex with.Grace: Ricky and I are just friends, and hes not gonna try to have sex with me.Adrian: Im sure that

29、s the same thing Amy was thinking the night she had sex with him.Grace: Poor Amy.Adrian: No. Poor Ricky, poor baby, not poor Amy. A girl should know how to take care of herself. How hard is it not to get pregnant? Then stay away from Ricky.Ricky: Hey, what are you doing tonight?Lauren: Why are you c

30、alling me?Ricky: I just need someone to talk to, Lauren.Lauren: About what?Ricky: About what else, Amy and the baby. I have to talk to someone, someone who has her best interest at heart.Lauren: Im not gonna talk to you.Ricky: Why not? You didnt seem to have any trouble talking to me last week when

31、you wanted to talk to me. Now I wanna talk to you.Lauren: Im busy.Ricky: Doing what? Youre not doing anything, are you? Can we go out and just talk, please?Lauren: Youre out of your mind, you know that?Lauren: I thought you were going out with Jason.Madison: Oh, I am. I just didnt tell my dad. I lik

32、e it better this way. You know he just dropped me off. He thinks Im spending the night like always.Lauren: So, wheres Jason taking you? Pizza and a movie. Original.Madison: You cant go, no offense.杰克和我也是朋友。我只是不明白他为什么打给你,却不打给我。因为他厌倦了遭到拒绝,他在等着你打给他。他疯狂地爱着你,打给他,让他回到你身边。我不知道,只是现在感觉不对,已经错过太多了。是这个问题吗?错过了太多


34、在我想和你聊聊。我在忙。忙什么?你什么都没做,对吧?我们能出来聊聊吗,求你了?你疯了,知道吗?我以为你和杰森出去了。是的,我只是没告诉爸爸,我觉得这样更好,他只是载我到这儿,他以为我像平时一样消The Secret Life of American Teenager 10912Lauren: I dont wanna go, no offense.Madison: Do you have any friends maybe you could fix her up with?Lauren: I can get my own date.Madison: Well, you know what?

35、I will help you find a date next week. You got me a date. Its the least I can do.Lauren: I said I can get my own date, when Im ready, OK?Jason: OK, we should go. We dont wanna wait around till she finds a date, cause that could take years.Lauren: As much as I appreciate the pity, I dont think either

36、 one of you have been on an official date, have you? Yeah, so go, get outta here. I got things to do.Leo: I heard you were home alone, thought Id drop by, maybe we could talk. Im Leo, Bens dad. This a bad time?Anne: No, no. Come in, please.Leo: I shouldve called first, at least. I apologize.Anne: Oh

37、, no. I apologize for looking like this. Id go change and clean myself up a bit, but I dont really feel like it, cause.Leo: Because your mom just got diagnosed with Alzheimers and you and your husband are having problems and your lovely daughter has gotten herself into a little bit of trouble and th

38、e girls are going to visit their dad for the first time since you split up and because that wine doesnt go with that cereal. Aw. its OK. Everythings gonna be all right. Ben: Its a place my dad likes to go to. He actually arranged this thing with the school where they donate money to the school for a

39、ny business they bring in tonight.George: I should do that with my store, donate money for any sales the students bring in. Thats a good idea.Amy: We should bring a piece to Ashley.George: Why are you so down, Harry? Whats up?Ben: Girlfriend problems.George: You ever meet Amys sister? She is the shy

40、est little girl just a couple years younger than you three but the sweetest, nicest cherub youd ever wanna meet. You know when she heard you and Ben were coming over, she ran to the back room like a scared little kitten. Hey, do me a favor. Would you bring my little angel a slice of pizza.Ashley: Wh

41、at do you want?Henry: Your dad asked me to bring you some pizza.Ashley: Put it down, then back out of the room with your hands over your head.Henry: I wont back out of the room with my hands over my 磨夜晚。杰森要带你去哪儿?披萨和电影,没创意。不好意思,你不能去哦。不好意思,我还不想去呢。你有朋友能陪她吗?我可以自己找人约会。你知道吗?下周我会帮你找个约会对象。你帮我找了一个,我至少要还个人情。我


43、给学校。我的店也该这么做,学生带来的生意收入都该捐款。好主意。我们该带一块给艾希礼。你怎么那么低落?怎么了?和女友出问题了。你见过艾米的妹妹吗?她是个超级害羞的小丫头,只比你们三个小几岁,但一定是你见过的最甜美可爱的小天使。她听说你和本要过来,就像个受惊吓的猫咪躲到里屋去了。帮我个忙,给我的小天使送块披萨。The Secret Life of American Teenager 10912head, because Im tired of people telling me what to do and when to do it and when not to do it. Im a man

44、, damn it.Ashley: Well, in that case, you can stay.Ricky: Hey. Is Grace home?Tom: No. Shes out with Adrian.Ricky: Really? Your parents let her go out with Adrian? Maybe I could wait for her.Tom: I have a friend coming over.Ricky: You have a friend coming over? Like a date? Good for you. Do you have

45、any idea where Grace and Adrian went?Tom: Maybe they are at Adrians house.Ricky: Yeah, maybe they are. Thanks.Grace: Maybe you should write him a letter first, or maybe you should call him and see how he feels about meeting you. I dont feel comfortable doing this. I think we should go.Adrian: Ive wa

46、ited 16 years for this. You cant wait another few minutes?Grace: What exactly are we waiting for?Adrian: I just wanna see the guy, OK? Grace: How do you even know its the right guy?Delivery: The high school gets credit for every pizza any student orders tonight. Its been a little crazy. Tom, thats a

47、 lot of money.Tom: You want more?Delivery: Oh, no. Im just saying, careful with your cash.Tom: Thanks for the tip.Grace: Hi, Tom. Its me. Im checking to see how you are. Do you need me to come home? Are you sure? I just thought you might be scared there all by yourself.Grace: He says hes OK, but I d

48、ont know. Look, I know this is really hard for you, but what if the guy sees us sitting outside his house?Leo: Feeling better now?Anne: Yeah, I havent really had anyone to talk to.Leo: What are we gonna do, Anne? Theyre in love.Anne: Its wonderful theyre in love, but theyre just 15 years old. Its co

49、mplicated.Leo: Or not. Shes gonna be a mother. We accept that, Ben and me. He wants her in his life and I want her in his life. Shes a nice girl.你过来干嘛?你爸让我带点披萨给你。放下,然后双手背在头上,离开房间。我不要双手背在头上离开房间,我受够了别人的指使,指使我什么时候该做,什么时候不该做。妈的,我是个男人。那样的话,你可以留下来。格瑞丝在家吗?不在,她和艾利安出去了。是吗?你爸妈让她和艾利安出去?也许我能等她回来?我有个朋友要来。有朋友要来?是约会吗?不错嘛。你知道格瑞丝和艾利安去哪儿了吗?也许去艾利安家了吧。也许是的,谢了。也许你该先给他写封信,或者你该打个电话给他,看他是否想见你。我感到不安,我觉得我们该走了。我为此等了 16 年


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