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1、一、单项填空从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1_ time_, he felt more and more tired.AWith;go by BAs ;went byCWith;passing DWhile ;went by解析:as time went bywith time going by“随着时间的推移 ”。答案:B2Are you a football player?Yes, I am_ the school team.Afor BinCon Dwith解析:on the teambe a member of the team“队中的一个成员” 。答案

2、:C3She disagreed_me_ how to solve the problem.Awith;in Bon;onCwith;on Don ;with解析:disagree with sb.on sth.“在某方面不同意某人的观点或意见不一致” 。答案:C4New problems seem to_ every day.It is troubling.Arise BraiseCarise Darouse解析:前句句意 每天似乎都有新问题出现。arise appear,意为“出现” ,符合题意。答案:C5He was not in school for two weeks, so he

3、had a lot of homework to_.Amake up Buse upCput up Dtake up解析:make up 在本句中表示“弥补” 。use up“用完” ;put up“建起;搭起;提高;提出”;take up“占据;开始从事 ”,均不合题意。答案:A6The flowers should be_, or else they will die in such cold weather.Awatched over Bwatched outCworked out Dlooked over解析:考查动词短语辨析。watch over“照看,看守” ;watch out“

4、注意;提防” ;work out“计算出;解决” ;look over“看一遍;参观” 。句意: 这 些花应该照看好,否则,天这么冷,它们会死的。答案:A7They are still discussing.When and where to go for the holiday_ yet.Ais decided Bhave not been decidedChas not been decided Dare not decided解析:后句句意:何时去,到哪里去度假 还没有定下来。一个动词不定式短语作主语,谓语动词用单数形式,根据 yet 用现在完成时。答案:C8 “You cant cat

5、ch me!”Janet shouted,_ away.Arun BrunningCto run Dran解析:此处用 v.ing形式作伴随状语,表示和 谓语同时发 生的动作。答案:B9The way_ you did it is strange to me.Which the following answers is wrong?Awhat Bin whichCthat D不填解析:当先行词是 way“方式;方法 ”时,定语从句的引导词可以是 that 或 in which,也可以不用。答案:A10You are a boy of high_ and youll find out how t

6、o _ it.Aintelligent; deal with Bintelligence ;deal withCintelligent; do with Dintelligence;do with解析:of 是介词,后面跟名词, a boy of high intelligencea very intelligent boy。deal with 和 how 连 用。答案:B11They had a pleasant chat_ a cup of coffee.Aover BduringCwith Dfor解析:over 表示“在过程中;边”的意思。句意:他们喝着咖啡,谈得很愉快。答案:A12T

7、he workers are working very hard_ they can finish their work ahead of time.Ain order to Bso as toCas if Dso that解析:so that 引导目的状语从句。句意:工人们正在努力工作,以便能提前完成工作。答案:D13A persons_ body temperature is about 37.Aordinary BnormalCcommon Dusual解析:考查形容词辨析。normal“正常的” ;ordinary“平常的 ”;common“常见的” ;usual“通常的” 。答案:B

8、14The officer ordered a solider to_ to other troops to start attacking the enemy.Asign BgestureCsignal Dsignature解析:signal to sb.“向某人发信号” ,符合语意。答案:C15Being able to speak another language fluently is a great_ when youre looking for a job.Aadvantage BchanceCassistant Dimportance解析:advantage“优势;有利条件” ,

9、符合 语意。答案:A二、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh,Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I cant help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I_16_to some degree,though I sometimes do want t

10、o_17_ them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his_18_ and how much they know about football apart from_19_ goals.It seems funny that we are_20_ for things, with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are_21_, but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of lifes_22_.We need th

11、ese pleasures to_23_ our lives.But that doesnt_24_to craziness or nonsense.As an old saying goes, “Dont judge a book by its cover.”We_25_ not judge anything from its appearance.We should all know, it is ones good_26_ and great contribution that make one a star and unforgettable.Therefore wed better

12、say_27_about Beckhams good looks.If we close our eyes, falling in deep_28_, we can find that the things that move us to be really happy or sad have a_29_ meaning.If we dont go deeper and are just satisfied with_30_ things, sooner or later we will find that we have not really gained anything because

13、our first_31_ has blinded and misled (误导) us, and well remain ignorant (无知的)_32_ we realize that and make some changes.It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is_33_ of great progress.If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it_34_us, we will final

14、ly prove how much we have_35_ up, how much more sensible, mature(成熟的), and intelligent(智慧的 )we have become.16A.like BagreeChope Dthink解析:作者先说在一定程度上“同意”上述人对贝克汉姆相貌和球技的看法,为下一步阐述自己的观点做好铺垫。答案:B17A.ask BtellCteach Ddoubt解析:从后面的 how much 看,作者是在“质问”对方对贝 克汉姆和足球究竟知道多少。答案:A18A.skills BfameCteam Dappearance解析:从

15、前面看,有些人喜欢贝 克汉姆仅仅是因为他的“外貌 ”。答案:D19A.kicking BhittingCscoring Dcontrolling解析:score goals 当“进球”讲。由常识以及词语的搭配可排除其他选项,有些不懂行的人们看足球,主要是看“进 球” ,而不是 “踢球”或“控球 ”,hit 跟 goals 不搭配。答案:C20A.thankful BcrazyCcurious Danxious解析:这里作者指出人们为一些自己并不了解的事情而疯狂,be crazy for 意为“为而疯狂、着迷” 。如果表达“对感到好奇” ,应用 be curious about;be anxio

16、us about“为 担忧” ;be thankful for“对感激” 。答案:B21A.uncertain BunhappyCdispleased Dcareful解析:uncertain 和前面的 unfamiliar 相互补充, 说明人们对待事情的盲目性。前面是“对不熟悉” ,后面应是“ 对不肯定” 。be unhappy with/be displeased with 意为“对不满意” ,be careful with“对很小心” 。答案:A22A.aims BqualitiesCpleasures Dtruths解析:这儿人们把盲目追星当做生活的乐趣, pleasure 当“生活的

17、乐趣”讲时,是可数名词。追星不可能是生活的目 标,故不 选 A;quality 当“质量”讲时,是不可数名词,另外,追星与生活质量并无多大关系,故不 选 B;truth 当“真理 ”讲,追星也不可能是 “真理” 。答案:C23A.keep up Bbrighten upCfind out Dbring about解析:brighten up“照亮;为 增添光彩” 。keep up“保持水平” ;find out“弄清楚;搞明白( 真相等)” ;bring about“引起;使发生” 。答案:B24A.come BincreaseCamount Drise解析:amount to 原意为“与相当

18、,总计” ,此处意为“达到程度” ,即追星可以仅仅作为生活的一点乐趣,而不能达到 疯狂的程度。 come to“到达某个地方;苏醒过来”;increase to“(数量)增加到” ;rise to“高度上升到” 。答案:C25A.dared BwouldCcould Dshould解析:用 should 表达作者的观点,此处意为“我们不应该以貌取人” 。答案:D26A.thinking BcharacterClooks Dability解析:作者认为明星最重要的东西是他们的“性格”和对社会的贡献,而不是他们的相貌。答案:B27A.more BsomethingCless Dnothing解析:

19、承接上文,作者建议我们还 是“少”谈明星的外貌,而应注重他们的人格。答案:C28A.love BsleepCsense Dthought解析:从前面“闭上眼睛”判断, 这里应是“陷入深思” 。fall in deep thought“陷入沉思” 。答案:D29A.clear BpuzzlingCmoving Dvaluable解析:经过深思,我们才能把引起我 们高兴或悲伤的事情想 “清楚” 。把握与前面 “沉思”的因果关系,沉思的结果必定是看 “清”事情的真相。 puzzling“令人迷惑的” ;moving“动人的” ;valuable“有价值的” 。答案:A30A.material Bde

20、epCsurface Dpleasant解析:surface things 意为“表面现象” 。从前面“我们如果不深刻思考而”可推知,我们满足于“表面的东西” 。material“物质的” ;deep“深层的” ;pleasant“令人愉快的” 。答案:C31A.conclusion BexperienceClesson Dimpression解析:因为第一印象误导了我们。first impression 意为“第一印象” 。答案:D32A.since BalthoughCunless Dbefore解析:unless 引导条件状语从句, 说明我们深思、调整思维的重要性。把握句子的逻辑关系,可

21、排除其他选项。since 引导原因状语从句,意 为“既然 ”;引导时间状语从句,意为“从到现在” 。答案:C33A.sign BcauseCvalue Dwillingness解析:sign “迹象、象征 ”,我们去深思就是进步的象征。理解此处句子的意义,可排除其他选项。答案:A34A.worries BpainsCsatisfies Doffers解析:pain 此处用作动词,当“使痛苦”讲。作者 认为,有 时我们弄清事情的本质是痛苦的事情。答案:B35A.given BsentCbuilt Dgrown解析:“长大”与后面的成熟和智慧在逻辑上一致。答案:D三、阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所

22、给的四个选项 A、B、C、D 中,选出最佳选项。AComputer programmer David Jones earned 35,000 a year designing new computer games,yet he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a check card.Instead,he has been told to wait another two years until he is 18.He works for a small firm in Liverpool,where most young people

23、of his age are finding jobs.Davids biggest headache is what to do with his money.Though he has high payment,he cannot drive a car,or get credit cards( 信用卡) David got his job four months ago,a year after leaving school with six Olevels(普通成绩) and working for a time in a computer shop.“I got the job be

24、cause the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs, ” he said.“I suppose 35,000 sounds a lot but I hope it will come to more than that this year.”He spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his mother 20 a week as he lives with his parents.But most of his sp

25、are time is spent working.“Unfortunately,computing was not part of our studies at school, ” he said.“But I had been studying it in books and magazines for four years in my spare time.I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school.Most people in this business are fairly young, a

26、nyway.I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement(退休) is a possibility.You never know when the market might disappear.”36Why is David so different from other young people of his age?AHe earns an extremely high payment.BHe has got a job.CHe lives at home with his parents.DHe does no

27、t go out much.解析:细节理解题。根据 Computer programmer David Jones earned 35,000 a year.可推知此题答案为 A。答案:A37Davids greatest problem is that_.Ahe cant be treated as an adult by the bankBhe doesnt make as many games as he wishesChe doesnt know what to buy with the moneyDhe is too young to drive a car解析:推理判断题。由 Da

28、vids biggest headache is what to do with his money.Though he has high payment,he cannot drive a car,or get credit cards(信用卡)可知,他最大的苦恼是没有被当成大人看待。答案:A38He was employed by the company because_.Ahe had worked in a computer shopBhe had written some computer programsChe is clever and works hard at his les

29、sonsDhe had learnt to use computers at school解析:细节理解题。根据 I had already written some programs 可得出答案。答案:B39He left school after taking six Olevels because_.Ahe was afraid of getting too old to start computingBhe did not enjoy schoolChe wanted to work with computersDhe wanted to earn a lot of money解析:细

30、节理解题。根据 I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school 可推出答案。答案:C40Why does David think he might retire early?AHe thinks computer games might not always sell so well.BHe wants to stop working when he is a millionaire.COne has to be young to write computer programs.DHe thinks hi

31、s firm might close down.解析:细节理解题。根据 You never know when the market might disappear 可得出答案。答案:ABPerhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet,but what is it, do you know?The Internet is a network.It uses the telephone to join millions of computers together around the world.Maybe that doesnt sound ve

32、ry interesting.But when youve joined to the Internet, there are lots and lots of things you can do.You can send emails to your friends,and they can get them in a few seconds.You can also do with all kinds of information on the World Wide Web (WWW)There are many different kinds of computers now.They

33、all can be joined to the Internet.Most of them are small machines sitting on peoples desks at home, but there are still many others in schools, offices or large companies.These computers are owned by people and companies, but no one really owns the Internet itself.There are lots of places for you to

34、 go into the Internet.For example,your school may have the Internet.You can use it during lessons or free time.Libraries often have computers joined to the Internet.You are welcome to use it at any time.Thanks to the Internet,the world is becoming smaller and smaller.It is possible for you to work a

35、t home with a computer in front,getting and sending the information you need.You can buy or sell whatever you want by the Internet.But do you know 98% of the information on the Internet is in English?So what will English be like tomorrow?41What is the passage mainly about?AInternet. BInformation.CCo

36、mputers. Demails.解析:主旨大意题。文章的每一段都 谈到了 Internet,所以我们可以推断文章的主要内容是 Internet。答案:A42Which is the quickest and cheapest way to send messages to your friends?ABy post. BBy Email.CBy telephone. DBy satellite.解析:细节理解题。在第二段中 谈到 You can send Emails to your friends,and they can get them in a few seconds,相比其他 选项

37、, email当然是最快的。答案:B43Which may be the most possible place for people to work in tomorrow?AIn the office. BAt school.CAt home. DIn the company.解析:细节理解题。最后一段的第二句 讲到 It is possible for you to work at home with a computer in front,所以明天我们极有可能在家工作了。答案:C44Who is the owner of the Internet?AThe headmaster. BT

38、he officer.CThe user. DNo one.解析:推理判断题。根据全文我 们得知,我 们可以在 school,libraries,home 等地方使用Internet,所以 拥有者是大家,并不是某一个人或某一行业的从业者。答案:D45What does the writer try to tell us with the last two sentences?AEnglish is important in using the Internet.BThe Internet is more and more popular.CMost of the information is

39、in English.DOther language is not important.解析:推理判断题。最后两句告 诉我们:.98% of the information on the Internet is in English,也就是 说英语在 Internet 上的应用是非常广泛,非常重要的,除 A 选项外,其他选项都不能全面概括这句话的意思。答案:ACAlthough computers used to be large,expensive and difficult to use,they have been made smaller,cheaper and easier to u

40、se.As a result,more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses.They are used to record information and make difficult things easy.Lets look at some of the many ways computers may affect your life.Dont want to take a lot of money with you when you get around?Thanks to computers,

41、you can just use your credit card (信用卡) wherever you go.Computers at the bank keep a record of how much money you have and how much you pay.Want to get the best treatment(治疗)at hospitals?Your doctors at hospitals have been greatly helped by computers to get information about patients.It is possible

42、for doctors from different hospitals to read the records of patients,discuss them and make decisions on the best treatment.It would,at one time,take them hours or days to do so.Want to talk to your friends both at home and abroad?Then its necessary to connect your computer to the Internet and set up your own email letter box.You can then collect and send mails in seconds.It will be a waste of time and money to post your letters.Want to get advice from Michael Jordan on how to play basketball like an NBA


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