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1、大学英语写作常用句型第三章 原因结果句型1 基本原因There are probably many (several, three, a number of, a variety of) reasons/causes for this dramatic (marked, significant, extraordinary) increase (decline, growth, change) in First Second FinallyThere are two primary causes for the increase in the number of people who take

2、 a second job. First, economic reforms create many job opportunities, especially in the service sectors. There is a huge demand for shop assistants, salespersons and waitresses. But the availability of new jobs doesnt answer the question of why people want get an extra job. The second cause is the f

3、inancial pressure under which they are living now. Because of rising inflation, many people feel squeezed and difficult to pay for food, tuition and medical bills. The cost of living has gone much faster than wages. To it becomes necessary-even essential to increase the familys income.Why have/did/a

4、re? For one thing/ One reason is For another/ Another reason is Perhaps the main (primary, fundamental, most important) reason isWhy is there an explosive growth in general participation in sports? One reason is a national hunger for physical fit, which is manifested in city parks on early mornings.

5、 But what accounts for most of the enthusiasm is that sports and games are a healthy, but cheap way to fill their leisure time which has increased as working hours have reduced now.It is fairly easy/ You dont have to look very far to find out/identify the reason that/whyYou dont have to look very fa

6、r to find out why the official reactions to medical findings as to the link between smoking and lung cancer have been so lukewarm. The answer is simply money.Thanks to/ owing to/ because to/due to/as a result ofAs a result of those immediate measures, and aided by the tremendous effort which they ev

7、oked from our people, we weathered the storm and moved on into calmer waters and a period of economics growth and social stability.not only come/ arise/ derive/ stem/ spring from but also fromCollege students now are more concerned with their own personal future than the problems of society. This st

8、ems not so much from an obsession with money and a comfortable life, as from an absence of ideal and social causes.One may attribute/ ascribe the increase/decrease/change toOne tends to view/see/regard/think of the trend/increase/success as a result/sign/response ofOne may trace this trend/ problem/

9、 phenomenon back toIndeed, those who attribute their failures to inadequate efforts are likely to conclude that more effort will produce a better outcome. This triggers an adaptive response to failure. In contrast those who attribute their failures to lack of intelligence and ability will find it us

10、eless to invest great efforts.These factors, coupled with the growth/change/recognition/realization of lead to (contribute to, result in, help)It is a commonly accepted belief that interest in English, coupled with the growing awareness of its role in seeking highly paid position in big corporations

11、, leads to a nationwide enthusiasm for learning English.2 另一原因Another/ other important/contributory/ contributing factor(s)/ reason(s) is/are/ concludesAnother contributing factor is that they lack both the confidence and the sophistication that are needed to find work in a tight job market. Their s

12、agging self-image is created especially when they are rejected by the first company they apply for.Other contributing factors include rapid changes in social values, the exploding divorce rate and crime rate, the decline of parental and institutional authority, and fatalistic sense that we are all g

13、oing to die in a nuclear holocaust or the cosmic explosion, so “what the hell, have a good time.”is also (partly, solely, chiefly) responsible for the increase/problem/change.The worst failure is the Great Leap Forward in 1958-when the government sought to transform China overnight into a purer form

14、 of communism. It is the Great Leap that is mainly responsible for the following three years of food shortages, during which about sixteen and a half million more people died, largely from starvation and its effects.Of course/certainly, the growth/change is not the sole reason for(is not by itself a

15、n adequate explanation for does not in itself explain/answer/account for)Certainly these events dont in themselves account for the pervasive skepticism with which we currently greet governmental policies. Numerous other social, political, and cultural events also figure in the calculation.It is not

16、surprising that people have become obsessed with staying slim and “in shape”. The pursuit of a youthful physical appearance is not, however, the sole reason for peoples obsession with diet and exercise. Recent research has shown the critical importance of diet and exercise for personal health.It is/

17、these are only (simply, merely) the surface/inadequate explanation(s) for a far more fundamental (important, complex) problem.Financial pressure is only the surface explanation for general reluctance to retire. The more fundamental reason is that, to most people, retirement means deprivation of the

18、opportunity to work, and work is usually the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment.We may blame/criticizefor but the causes/roots for the problem (phenomenon, trend) go far/much/still deeper.We may criticize the school and college for their failure to give students m

19、uch knowledge, but the causes for the low academic quality and the low intellectual standard of the whole generation go much deeper. Schools and colleges in those turbulent years found it hard to teach any subject honestly and the entire curriculum were vulnerable to political campaigns.Beyond these

20、 obvious reasons, however, lies a deeper cause: the changing attitude of the youth.3 后果影响The great (considerable, deep, desirable) effect (influence, impact) the change makes (exerts, has) onis evident (apparent, obvious).The impact that immersion in a strange culture makes on the unprepared visitor

21、 is apparent: a breakdown in communication, a misreading of reality and an inability to cope because of the bewilderment, frustration and disorientation that plague him in his dealing with other societies.It will have (exert, produce, bring about) a decisive (profound, far-reaching, beneficial, unfa

22、vorable, disastrous) effect/impact/influence onIt may cause (produce, bring about) a considerable (favorable, drastic, marked, undesirable) rise/ decrease/ change inObviously modern electronic games will exert an undesirable influence on our children. The self-centeredness and inflexibility fostered

23、 by such games are interpreted as a sigh of troublesome changes for society. Boys and girls who only play the games that stress individual effort instead of teamwork wont be expected to amount to anything.Television is having vast effects on national habits. It has caused a serious decline in the ci

24、nema, and many cinemas and theatres have had to close down. Indeed, many other sources of entertainment outside the home have been affected by television, for why go out, many people feel, when you can be entertained at your own comfortable home?The influence/effect/consequence ofhas not been confin

25、ed/limited toIt alsoThe influence of economic reforms has not been confined to any particular aspect of social life. On the contrary, it has exerted and will still exert a decisive influence in modifying all the habitual patterns of thought and conduct.It may cause (create, bring, result in, lead to

26、, give rise to) a host/set/number of problems.Rapid growth is also giving rise to a host of problems that could strain our social fabric. The gap between rich and poor, and the cities and the countryside is growing so fast that it not only prompts a great migration of millions of peasants, which is putting pressure on social stability, but also causes a sharp rise in crime rates.


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