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1、戴秉国国务委员在中印联谊活动上的致辞Remarks by State Councilor Dai Bingguo at the Reception Hosted by the Indian Embassy2012 年 1 月 11 日,印度驻华使馆Beijing, 11 January 2012尊敬的苏杰生大使, 女士们、先生们、朋友们:Your Excellency Ambassador S. Jaishankar,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,在新年刚刚到来之际,很高兴应苏杰生大使的邀请,来到印度驻华使馆新馆作客。我愿借此机会,祝贺你们乔迁之喜!祝你

2、们新年好!At the beginning of the new year, it is my great pleasure to visit the new premises of the Indian embassy in China at the invitation of Ambassador Jaishankar. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on moving to this new premises and wish you a happy new year.刚刚过去的 2011 年是“中印交

3、流年” ,中印关系取得了令人鼓舞的新进展。两国领导人多次会晤和接触,增进了政治互信,加强了双方在重大囯际地区问题上的沟通和协调。两国成功举行了首轮战略经济对话。中印经贸合作强劲增长,去年前 11 个月,双边贸易额已经超过 670 亿美元。500 名印度青年访华,温家宝总理同他们亲切见面和互动,掀起中印人文交流的新高潮。可以说, “中印交流年”为新世纪第二个十年的中印关系开了个好头,我们两国关系的发展走在正确的道路上。在此,我要对“交流年”的成功举行表示热烈祝贺!对致力于中印友好事业的两国千千万万各界人士表示衷心感谢!In 2011, the Year of China-India Exchan

4、ge, fresh and encouraging progress was made in China-India relations. The frequent meetings and contacts between the leaders of our two countries enhanced mutual political trust and communication and coordination on major international and regional issues. The first meeting of the Strategic Economic

5、 Dialogue was successfully held. Our economic cooperation and trade grew rapidly. In the first 11 months of 2011, bilateral trade volume exceeded 67 billion US dollars. A 500-member Indian youth delegation visited China and was warmly received by Premier Wen Jiabao, bringing China-India people-to-pe

6、ople exchanges to a new culmination. The Year of China-India Exchange has indeed been a great beginning of China-India relations in the second decade of the 21st century. Our bilateral relationship is on a right track. I would like to offer my warm congratulations on the success of the Year of Excha

7、nge and sincere thanks to all the people from China and India who have contributed to China-India friendship.我们都知道,当今世界正在发生深刻复杂的变化,中国和印度等一批新兴发展中国家的快速发展,是其中最重大、影响最具深远的变化之一。温家宝总理和辛格总理多次讲过,“世界上有足够的空间供中印共同发展,也有足够的领域供中印开展合作。 ”我以为,当前两国的首要任务,就是要集中精力发展自己,让两国 25 亿人民过上和平、富裕、幸福的生活。把中印关系发展得更好,中印合作搞得更充分,是我们各自集中精

8、力发展自己的必要条件和重要保障。中国和印度的和平发展,对于对方是机遇,对于世界也是机遇。As we are aware, the world is undergoing profound and complex changes. The rapid development of China, India and other emerging developing countries is one of the most important changes and brings far-reaching impact to the world. Both Premier Wen Jiabao a

9、nd Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have stated on a number of occasions that there is enough space in the world for both China and India to grow and there are enough areas where China and India can enhance cooperation. I believe the primary task of both countries is to focus on their respective develo

10、pment so that the 2.5 billion Chinese and Indian people will live in peace, prosperity and happiness. To further enhance our relations and cooperation is essential to our respective efforts to achieve national development. The peaceful development of China and India is an opportunity both for each o

11、ther and for the world.展望未来,中印关系对于我们两国、对于地区和世界都越来越重要。我们要顺应和平与发展的时代潮流,从中印两国人民的福祉出发,把握大局、通力合作,最大限度地把中印两国 25 亿人的注意力集中到发展中印合作上来,共同开创中印战略合作伙伴关系的新局面。Looking ahead, China-India relations will be increasingly important to our two countries, the region and the entire world. We must follow the trend of our ti

12、mes for peace and development, work closely together for the interests of our peoples and overall bilateral relations, draw the attention of the 2.5 billion people of our two countries as much as possible to China-India cooperation and open up new prospects for China-India strategic and cooperative

13、partnership.我们要保持高层交往,加强对话沟通,深化政治互信,永远做好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴;- We should maintain high-level exchanges, step up dialogue and communication, deepen mutual political trust and be each others good neighbors, good friends and good partners forever.我们要扩大务实合作,拓展经贸、财金、基础设施、信息技术、绿色经济等各领域合作,增进利益融合,实现互利共贏;- We should e

14、xpand practical cooperation in economy, trade, finance, infrastructure, information technology, green economy and so on. We should increase common interests and work for win-win outcomes.我们要加强人文交流,支持和鼓励两国人民常来常往,相互理解对方,相互学习借鉴;- We should strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges, support and

15、 encourage more mutual visits between our peoples, improve mutual understanding and increase mutual learning.我们要深化协调配合,加强在国际地区事务中的合作,维护发展中国家的共同利益;- We should deepen coordination and collaboration, enhance cooperation in international and regional affairs and uphold the common interests of developing

16、 countries.我们要维护关系大局,对两国间存在的问题,要发挥智慧、冷静处理、妥善解决,不让它们妨碍而是促进我们两国和两国关系的发展。- We should think and act in the interest of the overall China-India relationship. We need to handle issues between our countries wisely, calmly and properly to ensure that they will promote and not hinder the development of China

17、 and India and our bilateral relations.现在,新的一年已经开始了。我相信,在双方的共同努力下,2012 年一定能够成为中印两国在更高水平上的友好交往之年、互利合作之年、共同发展之年。让我们携起手来,共同创造中印关系更加美好的明天! At the beginning of the new year, I am convinced that by working together, we will make 2012 a year of friendly exchanges, win-win cooperation and common development on an even higher plane between China and India. Let us join hands for an even brighter future of China-India relations.谢谢大家!Thank you.


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