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1、 |raw |a. |not processed, treated, or cooked |未经加工的;天然的;生的| | | |raw material |原材料| | | |I prefer to eat vegetables raw, not cooked. |我喜欢生吃蔬菜,不要煮。| | wheelchair|n. |C a chair on wheels for people who cant walk to get around |轮椅| | | |He spent the last ten years of his life in a wheelchair. |他在轮椅上度过了

2、一生中的最后 10 年。| | | |He is so weak he cant leave home and hates to sit in his wheelchair. |他身体很虚弱,不能离开家,而且他讨厌坐轮椅。| |pension |n. |C an amount of money paid regularly by the government or a company to sb. who no longer works because of age or illness |养老金;抚恤金| | | |He finds it hard to live on his pensio

3、n. |他发现靠抚恤金生活很困难。| | | |He wont be able to draw his pension until hes 65. |他在 65 岁以前不可能支取养老金。| |caseworker|n. |C a social worker who works to help people with social problems |社会工作者| | | |I stayed, first as a volunteer then as a caseworker. |我先是作为一名自愿者,然后是作为一名社会工作者留下的。| | | |Ive now understood what

4、a caseworker is doing. |我现在明白了社会工作者是从事什么工作的了。| |rent |n. |C an amount of money sb. pays regularly for the use of a room, house, car, etc. that is owned by sb. else |租金| | | |We let the spare room at a monthly rent of $100. |我们把空房间以每月 100 美元的价格出租。| | | |I pay a higher rent than the other tenants beca

5、use my room is bigger. |因为我的房间比较大,我付的租金比其他房客高。| | |v. |pay money regularly for the use of a room, house, car, etc. |租用| | | |I rented a car from a garage and drove all around the city. |我从车行租了辆车,满城兜风。| | | |The old lady rented us her spare room for $50 a week. |老妇人把空房间以每周 50 美元的价格出租给我们。| |opt |vi. |

6、make a choice |选择;决定| | | |Anyone who opted to work full-time was busy six days a week, thirteen hours a day. |选择做全日工的人一周 6 天都很忙,一天得忙上 13 个小时。| | | |Against his fathers advice, Peter opted for business. |彼得违背父亲的意见,选择了经商。| |drum |v. |make a continuous sound by hitting a surface |不停敲击| | | |He kept dr

7、umming his fingers on the desk. |他不停地用手指敲击桌子。| | |n. |C |鼓| | | |the regular beat of the drum |有规律的击鼓声| |temptation |n. |C, U a desire to do or have sth., esp. sth. that is bad for you |诱惑,引诱| | | |Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone. |学生应该抵制只注重考试的诱惑。| | | |As an actor, he

8、simply has no way to resist the temptation to move to Hollywood. |作为一名演员,他根本无法抵制住去好莱坞的诱惑。| |profile |n. |1. C the public image of a person or organization |形象;印象| | | |They have done a lot to change the profile of their company. |他们下了很大力气改变公司形象。| | | |The government is trying to keep a low profile o

9、n this issue. |政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。| | | |2. C a side view of a persons head |(人头部的)侧面;侧影| | | |She has a good strong profile. |她侧面看上去美丽而坚毅。| | | |The actor is photographed in profile, smoking a cigarette. |这个演员从侧面拍了一张抽烟的照片。| | high-profile |a. |attracting a lot of public attention |引人注目的| | | |He is a

10、high-profile political star. |他是一个引人注目的政治新星。| | | |He is one of footballs high-profile chairmen. |他是足球界引人注目的主席之一。| |bow |vi. |bend ones body forward, esp. to show respect |鞠躬| | | |He bowed politely to the host. |他礼貌地朝主人鞠躬。| | | |The people all bowed down before the Emperor. |人们都在皇帝前深深躬身。| | |n. |C

11、the act of bowing |鞠躬| | | |She gave a deep bow to the audience. |她向观众深深地鞠了一躬| |compensation |n. |1. C, U sth. used to balance or reduce the bad effects of a damage, loss, injury, etc. |补偿;弥补| | | |Compensation of injured workers has cost the company a lot. |对受伤工人的补偿花费了公司不少钱。| | | |You should claim

12、compensation. |你应该要求赔偿。| | | |2. U money that sb. receives because sth. bad has happened to them |补偿金;赔偿金| | | |She received $50,000 in compensation. |她得到了 5 万美金的补偿费。| | | |She was awarded $350,000 compensation for her injuries. |判定赔偿她受伤补偿费 35万美金。| |liberal |n. |C sb. who accepts different opinions

13、or ways of behaving |思想开明的人| | | |He liked to think of himself as a liberal. |他喜欢视自己为思想开明的人。| | | |As a liberal, hed like to listen to the different opinions about the matter. |作为一名思想开明的人,他想听听对这件事的不同看法。| | |a. |willing to accept different opinions or ways of behaving |心胸宽广的;开明的| | | |a man of libera

14、l views |思想观点开明的人| | | |Her parents were far more liberal than mine. |他父母远要比我父母开明得多。| |detective |n. |C sb. who tries to discover information about a crime and ind the criminal |侦探| | | |Detectives have finally tracked down the killer. |侦探们最终追捕到了杀手。| | | |He worked as a private detective for the com

15、pany. |他为这家公司当私人侦探。| |shorts |n. |(pl.) short trousers ending at or above the knees |短裤| |paste |vt. |stick sth. to sth. else or in a speciied place |粘贴| | | |Please paste a label on the box. |请在盒子上贴一张标签。| | | |The walls were pasted with pictures of movie stars. |墙壁上贴满了电影明星的照片。| | |n. |U a kind of g

16、lue made of lour and water |浆糊| | | |wallpaper paste |墙纸浆糊| | | |When I put wallpaper up I got paste all over my hands and clothes. |我贴墙纸时手上和衣服上全都沾满了浆糊。| |receipt |n. |C a written statement showing that you have paid for sth. |收据,收条| | | |Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy. |一定

17、要确保你买的每样东西都有一张收据。| | | |I paid the bill and he gave me a receipt. |我付了账单,他给了我一张收据。| |donation|n. |C money or goods that you give to a person or an organization in order to help them |捐赠物;捐款| | | |They received a large donation to the school. |他们收到了给这所学校的大笔捐款。| | | |She gave/made a donation of $200 t

18、o the Childrens Hospital. |她捐赠 200 美元给儿童医院。| |hip |n. |C the part on each side of human body between the top of the leg and the waist |臀(部) ;髋(部)| |crawl |vi. |1. move along on hands and knees or with the body close to the ground |爬行;匍匐前进| | | |The child crawled across the floor. |这孩子爬过了地板。| | | |Th

19、eres an insect crawling down your sleeve. |有只昆虫顺着你的袖子在往下爬。| | | |2. move slowly |缓慢行进| | | |The traffic was crawling along at ten kilometers per hour. |车辆正以每小时 10 公里的速度缓慢地向前移动着。| | | |Cars and trucks crawled along the main road. |轿车和货车沿着这条主要交通道路缓慢地行进。| |spine |n. |C the row of bones down the middle

20、of the back |脊椎;脊柱| | | |She damaged her spine when she fell. |她摔下来时,脊柱受到了损伤。| |spinal |a. |relating to the spine |脊椎的;脊柱的| | | |a spinal injury |脊骨受伤| | | |a spinal disorder |脊椎病| |cord |n. |C, U a piece of thick string or thin rope |细绳;粗线| | | |Have you got a bit of cord that I can tie this parcel

21、 up with? |你能给我一点绳子捆这个包裹吗?| | | |The burglars tied up the night watchman with a piece of cord. |夜盗用一根绳把守夜人捆了起来。| |screw |n. |C |螺丝钉| | | |fix with a screw |用螺丝钉固定| | | |He needed four strong screws for fixing the cupboard to the wall. |他需要 4 个大螺丝钉把这个碗橱固定在墙上。| |roller |n. |C |滚筒;轧辊| | | |They pushed

22、the boat down to the water on rollers. |他们用滚轴将船推下水。| | | |Well need to move the piano on rollers. |我们需要用滚轴来移动钢琴。| |bearing |n. |C |轴承| |brake |n. |C a device for reducing the speed of a vehicle and bringing it to a stop |闸;制动器;刹车| | | |She had no brake on her bicycle. |她的自行车上没有车闸。| | | |His brakes f

23、ailed on a slippery road. |他的刹车在打滑的路面上失灵了。| |notify |vt. |tell sb. oficially about sth. |通知,告知| | | |The school is required to notify parents if their children fail to come to school. |如果孩子没来上学,要求学校通知他们的家长。| | | |Has everyone been notified of the decision? |已经把决定通知了每个人了吗?| |certify |vt. |state that

24、sth. is correct or true |证明,证实| | | |Here is a document certifying that I was born in France. |这是证明我出生在法国的文件。| | | |I hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate. |兹证明上述情况属实且准确无误。| |bid |n. |C an offer to pay a certain price for sth., esp. at an auction |出价;投标| | | |Bids for build

25、ing the bridge were invited from big firms throughout the country. |已向全国几个大公司招标建造这座桥梁。| | | |I made a bid of $150 for the painting. |我出价 150 美元买这幅画。| | |v. |offer to pay a particular price for sth., esp. at an auction |出价;投标| | | |A French firm will be bidding for the contract. |一家法国公司将竞标这份合同。| | |

26、|He bid $1,000 for the painting. |他为这幅画出价一千美元。| |alert |vt. |make sb. notice sth. important or dangerous |提醒;引起对.的重视| | | |The sign alerted people to thin ice. |这块告示提醒人们冰层很薄。| | | |We must alert the nation to the need to solve these problems. |必须告诉全国人民解决这些问题的必要性。| | |a. |1. paying attention to what

27、is happening and ready to react if necessary |警觉的,警惕的| | | |We must be alert to the possibility of danger. |我们要对潜在的危险保持警惕。| | | |The police hid in the bushes, alert to what was happening around. |警察躲在灌木丛中,警惕地注视着周围的情况。| | | |2. able to think quickly and clearly |机敏的,机警的| | | |Though he is 70 years ol

28、d, he is still mentally alert. |虽然已经 70 岁了,他仍思维敏捷。| | | |She is old but still very alert. |她年龄很大,但还是非常机敏。| |appliance |n. |C a piece of equipment, esp. an electrical one that is used in the home |家用电器| | | |electric/domestic/home/household appliances |家用电器| |maid |n. |C a female servant |女佣,女仆| | |

29、|She told the maid to prepare some tea. |她吩咐女佣准备茶水。| | | |In California many illegal immigrants work as maids. |在加利福尼亚州,许多非法移民做女佣。| |roast |a. |cooked in an oven or over a ire |烤过的,烤制的| | | |roast beef |烤牛肉| | |v. |cook sth., such as meat, in an oven or over a ire |烤,烘| | | |They roasted a chicken f

30、or me. |他们为我烤了一只鸡。| |oven |n. |C |烤炉;烤箱| | | |microwave oven |微波炉| | | |Take the cake out of the oven. |把蛋糕从烤箱里取出来。| |helicopter |n. |C |直升飞机| | | |Two helicopters have already been shot down. |已有两架直升机被击落。| | | |The injured were ferried to hospital by helicopter. |伤员被直升飞机运送到医院。| |provision |n. |1. C

31、 a part of an agreement or law that deals with a particular problem |条款,条文;规定| | | |We have inserted certain provisions into the treaty to safeguard foreign workers. |我们已在协定中添了某些条款,保护外国工人。| | | |Under the provisions of the lease, the tenant is responsible for repairs. |根据租约规定,租户负责修理。| | | |2. U the

32、act of providing sth. |提供,供应| | | |The government is responsible for the provision of health care. |政府有责任提供卫生保健服务。| | | |The provision of good public transport will be essential for developing the area. |提供良好的公共交通对开发这个地区是非常重要的。| |champion |n. |1. C sb. who publicly supports, defends or fights for a

33、belief, right, etc. |支持者;捍卫者| | | |a champion of human rights |人权拥护者| | | |She has long been a champion of free speech. |她很长时间以来一直是言论自由的拥护者。| | | |2. C sb. who has won in a game, competition, etc. |冠军| | | |this years golf champion |今年的高尔夫冠军| | | |She is the world champion for the third year in succ

34、ession. 她是连续三年的世界冠军。| |chemist |n. |1. C sb. who prepares and sells medicines |药剂师| | | |The chemist made up my prescription immediately. |药剂师立刻把我的处方配好了。| | | |You will have to take your prescription to a chemist. |你得把你的处方带给药剂师。| | | |2. C a scientist who studies chemistry |化学家| | | |Understanding t

35、hese rare molecules will help chemists to find out what is achievable. |了解这些稀有分子会有助于化学家们发现可取得什么结果。| | | |The book is of great value for analytical chemists. |这本书对分析化学家们来说十分重要。| |urine |n. |C |尿,小便| |senator |n. |C |参议员| | | |Only two senators voted against the bill. |只有两名参议员投票反对该议案。| | | |All 100 se

36、nators agree to a postponement. |所有 100 位参议员都同意推迟。| |governor |n. |C sb. in charge of a particular political unit |州长;总督;行政长官| | | |Three US state governors have put themselves forward as presidential candidates. |三位美国州长成为总统候选人。| | | |He is governor of the State of Maryland. |他是马里兰州州长。| |thrive |vi.

37、 |become very successful or very strong and healthy |兴旺;繁荣;茁壮成长| | | |Insects thrive well in a warm climate. |昆虫在温暖的气候中容易繁殖。| | | |Flowers will not thrive without sunshine. |没有阳光花就不会盛开。| |convict |vt. |prove or declare sb. guilty |证明. 有罪;宣判.有罪| | | |She was convicted of theft. |她被判犯了盗窃罪。| | | |There

38、 wasnt enough evidence to convict him. |没有足够证据证明他有罪。| | |n. |C sb. who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison |囚犯| | | |Fifty-two convicts began a hunger strike on November 30th. |52 名囚犯在 11 月 30 日开始绝食。| | | |It was reported that the convict had escaped from the prison. |报道说那个囚犯已从监狱逃跑了。

39、Phrases and Expressions|be faced with |meet sth. bad or dificult |面对,面临| | |They were faced with financial difficulties. |他们面临经济困难。| | |Faced with the evidence, he had to confess. |面对证据,他不得不坦白。|drum up|get sth. by asking a lot of people for help or support |竭力争取;兜揽| | |Well have to drum up more supp

40、ort for business. |我们不得不为了生意大力争取支持。| | |Manufacturers are offering big discounts to drum up business. |生产厂家正提供很大的折扣来招揽生意。|under the table|in a secret way |背地里,私下| | |They were charged with taking money under the table. |他们被指控私下拿钱。| | |Quite some transactions were done under the able. |有不少交易是私下进行的。|g

41、et/be involved in |be part of or included in sth. |卷入;参与| | |They had been deeply involved in the crimes. |他们深深地卷入了犯罪活动。| | |I dont want to get involved in your family arguments. |我不想卷入你的家庭争论。|deep down |in ones true feelings |在内心深处,在心底| | |Deep down, I know you love me really. |在你内心审深,我知道你是真心爱我的。|

42、| |Deep down, he knew he was at fault. |在心底里,他明白自己错了。|make a fool of sb. |trick sb. or make them appear stupid in some way |愚弄某人| | |Hed been made a fool of. |他被人耍了。| | |Your brother is making a fool of you. |你兄弟在愚弄你。|talk back |reply rudely | 顶嘴| | |In his youth he lost several jobs, just because h

43、e dared to talk back. |他年青时,只不过因为敢顶嘴,就失业了好几次。| | |He knew better than to talk back to his father. |他知道最好还是不要和他父亲顶嘴。|break down |fail to work; stop working |发生故障;坏掉| | |The telephone system has broken down. |电话线路出故障了。| | |Our car broke down on the freeway. |我们的车在高速公路上抛锚了。|get around |move or travel a

44、round |四处走动| | |It is difficult for her to get around without a cane. |她不用拐杖就寸步难行。News soon got around that he had resigned. |有关他辞职的消息马上传开了。|look into |examine the facts about a problem or situation |调查| | |Police are looking into the disappearance of two children. |警察正在调查两名儿童失踪的事情。| | |There seems

45、to be an electrical problem. Ill get someone to look into it. |好像电路出毛病了,我得找个人检查一下。|build up |make sth. develop or form |建立;开发| | |Shes built up a very successful business. |她建立起了一家非常成功的企业。| | |Weve built up good relationships with our clients. |我们与客户建立了良好的关系。|lend itself to |be suitable for being us

46、ed in a particular way or result in sth. bad easily |适宜于;会造成| | |This hot weather lends itself to sleeping. |这种热天很容易让人昏昏欲睡。| | |Some novels quite readily lend themselves to adaptation as plays; others do not. |有些小说很适合改编成剧本,有些却不合适。|convict. of |declare sb. guilty of a crime |判决.有罪| | |The jury convicted the accused man of theft. |陪审团宣判被告犯有偷窃罪。| | |He was convicted of murder. |他被判犯有谋杀罪。


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