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1、 Stupidity gets up early;that is why events are accustoned to happening in the morning. 愚蠢总是起的很早,这也是为什么事件总是在早晨发生的原因。 An empty head is not really empty;it is stuffed with rubbish.Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head. 空虚的头脑并不真的是空的,里面塞满了垃圾。所以,度图把任何东西强行灌输进一个空虚的头脑都很困难。 Most of the

2、confidence which I appear to feel,especially when influenced by noon wine,is only a pretense.绝大多数时候,我心里面感到的所谓信心特别是在中午美酒下肚后产生的自信,其实都是装出来的. Without self-confidence we are as babes in the cradles.And how can we generate this imponderable quality,which is yet so invaluable, most quickly?By thinking that

3、 other people are inferior to oneself.没有自信心,我们就像是摇篮里的孩子.那么,我们如何才能以最快的速度获得这种弥足珍贵的品质呢?方法就是让自己相信,别人都不如我们. I wish I was as cocksure of anything as Tom Macaulay is of everything.我希望能像托马斯.麦考莱(英国历史学家、政治家)那样,对任何事情都有十二分信心。 America:the only country in the world where failing to promote yourself is regarded as

4、 being arrogant.在美国,不向别人推销你自己会被当成是傲慢的表现。在世界上任何别的国家都不会这样。 Those who believe that they are exclusively in the right are generally those who achieve something.那些相信全天下只有自己掌握着真理的人,通常都是小有成就之人。 I have no regrets. I wouldnt have lived my life the way I did if I was going to worry about what people were goin

5、g to say.我了无遗憾。如果我总是担心别人会怎么说,那我的生活将完全是另一幅样子。 When you are as great as I am it is hard to be humble.当你和我一样伟大时,你很难做到谦虚。 Ive been through it all,baby.Im Mother Courage.我已经经历了一切,孩子。我就是“勇气之母” Humor comes from self-confidence.Theres an aggressive element to wit.幽默源于自信;风趣之中带有一丝挑衅。 Of Rupert Murdoch:Like a

6、Goth swaggering around Rome wearing an onyx toilet seat for a collar, he exudes self-confidence.关于默多克:他就像是一个哥特人穿着马桶盖似的肥大衣领,在罗马大摇大摆地招摇过市。他的身上洋溢着自信。 Confidence is always overconfidence.自信的人往往自信得过了头。 We were good and we were confident. We really never had any doudt that we were going to win it all.当时我们出色,信心十足。我们想念自己会取得胜利的,对此我们毫不怀疑。


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