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1、1词汇与结构专项练习One41 When Bob was eighteen he _going around with a strange set of people and staying out very late.A) took to B) took up C) took for D) took on42. Having gone _ far, Brown did not want to turn back.A) enough B) such C) much D) that43. After I covered fifty kilometers that day, my legs und

2、er me _A) gave in B) gave off C) gave out D) gave away44. They are going to construct the airport in _ with another firm.A) association B) comparison C) touch D) tune45. It is a request by the hotel management that guests _ the day before their departure.A) check in B) check out C) would check in D)

3、 would check out46. It is suggested that students should take an active part in social event,_ those events do not interfere with their studies.A) lest B) though C) unless D) provided47. It is necessary to _ to a rapidly changing society.A) adopt B) adapt C) adhere D) adept48. Truth is something pro

4、ven by experiment, so nothing should be _A) born in mind B) taken into considerationC) put up with D) taken for granted49. _ a scientist is being deliberately informal, he will tend to speak like a book when he is explaining science. A) Although B) Even ifC) While D) Unless50.Guilin, a city in South

5、ern China,_ its beautiful scenery, surpassing that of any other place in the world. A) is well known as B) well known as C) well known for D) is well known for51. After much persuasion the boy _ that he had broken the window.A) confessed B) admitted C) acknowledged D) confused52. You may get away wi

6、th dishonesty for a while, but sooner or later youll be _A) seen out B) found out C) recognized D) found up53. He felt rather _ as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the dinner party.A) in place B) in the way C) by the way D) out of place54. The grand targets of the National Economic Plan

7、 have been _ ahead of schedule.A) completed B) finished C) accomplished D) fulfilled55. Once again Tom checked his test paper carefully to _ all the spelling mistakes from it.A) eliminate B) abandon C) withdraw D) diminish56. Because the children keep interrupting her whenever she reads a book, she

8、is always _ her place.A) losing B) looking for C) missing D) slipping57. To my surprise, at yesterdays meeting he again _ the plan that had been disapproved a week before.A) brought about B) brought on C) brought up D) brought in58. We have little _ information about development in this field.A) vir

9、tual B) present-day C) modern D) up-to-date59. Earthworms occur _ adequate moisture and food and the necessary soil conditions are found.A) however B) and C) wherever D) but60. Although he knew little about the large amount of work done in the field, he succeeded _ other more well-informed experimen

10、ters failed.2A) which B) that C) what 1) where61. When he was questioned about the missing pen, he firmly _ that he had ever seen it.A) denied B) refused C) claimed D) stated62. The candidate _ his opponent _ evasion of the basic issues.A) accused, with B) charged, with C) accused, by D) charged, by

11、63. By that time black people in the south had been _ , nominally at least from slavery.A) rescued B) delivered C) saved D) relieved64. Which sport has the most expenses _ training experiment, players personal equipment and uniforms?A) in place of B) in terms of C) by means of D) by way of65. If I _

12、 the books on the reading list before, I would have attended the lecture.A) would have read B) have been reading C) had read D) have read 66. The audience in the theatre waited until the curtain had risen and then _ into applause.A) made B) cheered . C) burst. D) got67. There is a supermarket near h

13、ere, so they have quite a lot of thingsA) to be chosen B) to choose from C) of choosing from D) for choosing68. _ that the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar gas cloud.A) It is believed B) To believe C) To be believed D) Believed69.Nowhe

14、re else in the world _ more attractive scenery than in China.A) you have found B) can you find C) has been found D) you can find70. There is a real concern that food supplies will not be _ to feed the increasing population in the world.A) equal B) sufficient C) satisfied D) satisfactoryTwo31.London

15、is one of the important _ centres of the world.A) economical B) economic C) financial D) finance 32. No sooner _ they left the house than it _ to rain.A) have. . . began B) . . begun C) had. . . begins D) had. . began 33. Under no circumstances _ his personal interest first.A) should a communist pla

16、ce B) a communist placesC) a communist should place D) shouldnt a communist place 34. _ is something they take for granted.A) To smoke is harmful to ones health B) Smoke is harmful to ones healthC) That smoking is harmful to ones health D) It is harmful to ones health to smoke35. I want to buy a new

17、 tie to _ this brown suit.A) go with B) go after C) go into D) go by 36. Plastics are the best insulator of electricity, rubber _ it closely.A) followed B) to follow C) following D) being followed 37. His salary went into five _ a year.A) figures B) numerals C) numbers D) fatigue 38. It is much earl

18、ier to talk about social change than to _A) bring it to B) bring it about C) bring it up D) bring it out 39. Having been asked to speak at the convention,_A) some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith B) Dr. Smith prepared some notesC) the convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith D) some notes

19、were prepared by Dr. Smith340.It snowed heavily for three days _ and we were isolated from the outside world.A) in the end B) on end C) by the end D) at the end41.Although she has two daughters of her own, she sometimes has the sweetness and _ of a child.A) innocent B) innocence C) pure D) ease42. E

20、ver since the Smiths moved to the suburbs a year ago they _ better health.A) could have enjoyed B) had enjoyed C) have been enjoying D) are enjoying43. In recent years, housework has been much easier by electrical _A) facilities B) appliances C) instruments D) equipment44. _ all the exercise, the te

21、acher went on to explain the test.A) The students have done B) The students doingC) The students to do D) The students having done45. If only he _ what I tell him, but he wont.A) had done B) would do C) would have done D) has done46. When the whole area was _ by the flood, the government sent food t

22、here by helicopter.A) cut in B) cut down C) cut hack D) cut off47.If you had studied hard before, you _ about the coming exam now.A) could not have been worried B) would not have been worried C) could be worried D) would not be worried48.He struck me while I was _ my guard.A) by B) with C)off D)on49

23、.Pick me up at 8 oclock, I _ my bath by then.A) may have B) will have had C) will be having D) can have had50. Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others ,_,of course, made the others jealous.A) who B) that C) what D) which51. My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy

24、 or sunny conditions.A) treated B) adjusted C) adopted D) remedied52.The international dispute was solved at last _ the equally bilateral beneficial principle.A) in the spirit of B) in the interests of C) in accordance with D) in connection with53. I am _ myself for not having written long ag6A) shy

25、 of B) shy to C) ashamed of D) sorry of54. Only New York, it seems, attracts this peculiar _ of lone and homeless women who live in an isolated, mis-trustful world of their own.A) human B) population C) person D) populace55. How close parents are to their children _ a strong influence on the charact

26、er of the children.A) have B) having C) has D) to have56. The picture _ my school days to my mind.A) recalled B) reminded C) remembered D) recollected57. After _ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A) being interviewed B) interviewing C) interviewed D) having interviewed58. You

27、 may rely upon it that we can contact your nearest relative _ any accident occurring.A) in spite of B) in the event of C) in the place of D) on account of59. Five minutes earlier,_ we could have caught the last train.A)and B)or C)so D)but60. The goals _ he had fought all his life no longer seemed im

28、portant to him.A) after which B) for which C) with which D) at which4Three21. In this battle, about one thousand soldiers were killed and one thousand more_A) injured B) hurt C) wounded D) damaged22. When he came back from work, he found _ his lost wallet on the doorway of his house.A) none but B) n

29、one other than C) nothing but D) no other than23. There is no more delightful_ than to train those who are eager to learn.A) profession B) employment C) occupation D) trade24. Not that he is unwilling to help,_ its beyond his power.A) but that B) in that C) but D) and that25. The sounds of the music

30、 grew _ in the distance.A) feign B) feint C) faint D) bleached26. 1 believe that our teacher will take your illness into _ ,for she is very considerable.A) account B) regard C) observation D) respect27. The committee _ the suggestions the experts made.A) acted as B) acted for C) acted on D) acted up

31、28. Never before _ so highly successful in his attempts to modify the weather on a very small scale.A)man has been B)man is C) has man been D)will be man29. Zip code on letters and packages indicates the postal _ to which they are being sent.A) area B) district C) region D) zone30. Mrs. Brown is off

32、ering a _ of 50 dollars to anyone who finds her missing purse.A) award B) toward C) reward D) forward31. If your coat is too large, the tailor can _ it to fit you.A) alter B) change C) convert D) modify32. The teacher was using many new words, and the children could not _ what she was saying.A) take

33、 in B) take away C) take to D) take about33. A dog ran in front of my mothers car and she _ stop very quickly.A) ought to B) had better C) must D) had to34. As a result of the strike, the Government is urging people to be _ with electricity.A) economic B) economical C) economy D) economics35. It is

34、five years since I was _ with them, so I dont know how they are getting along.A) out of control B) out of the question C) out of touch D) out of sight 36. _ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A) When compared B) Compare C) While comparing D) Comparing 37

35、. We didnt know his telephone number; otherwise, we _ him.A) would have telephoned B) would telephone C) must have telephoned D) had telephoned38. You may go on with your experiment, but I dont think anything will _ it.A) come to B) come across C) come of D) come from39. During the war, soldiers had

36、 to keep guns with them all the time _ emergency and danger.A) because of B) in any case C) in case of D) for the purpose of40. You can believe him; he told the _ truth.A) serious B) severe C) strict D) secret41.1 suppose that when I come back in ten years time all these old houses_ down.A) will hav

37、e been pulled B) will be pulling C) will have pulled D) will be pulled42. _,a man who express himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.A) Other things being equal B) Were other things equal5C)To be equal other things D)Other things to be equal4

38、3. I wish I _ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.A) have slept B) slept C) might have slept D) could have slept44. He was _ of having asked such a silly question.A) sorry B) guilty C) ashamed D) miserable45. The banker manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to

39、 _ the investment plan.A) work out B) put out C) make out D) bring out46. The band are playing this song _ request of the Queen.A)by B)for C)in D)to47. He has a little money _ and intends to take a holiday.A) put aside B) put out C) put away D) put off 48. _ regards the cause of the fire, we shall m

40、ake a further investigation.A)As B) With C)In D)For49. His success was due to_ he had been working hard.A) that B) the fact of C) the fact which D) the fact that50.San Francisco is usually cool in the summer, but Los Angeles _A) is rarely B) rarely is C) hardly is D) is scarcelyFour31.The bridge was

41、 named _ the hero who gave his life for the course of the people.A) by B) from C) after D) with 32. If I take this medicine twice a day, it should _ my cold.A) heal B) recover C) cure D) treat 33. The statistics on traffic accidents in this city _ increasing.A)is B)has been C)are D) is to be 34. Her

42、 wish was that he _ at Beijing University at once.A) studies B) studied C) study D) will study 35. The man in the mines stopped working when they heard the whistle _A) to blow B) blow C) blew D) is blowing 36. The furniture in his room is quite different _ in yours.A) from those B) from that C) from

43、 that one D) from those ones 37. He _ live in the country _ in the city.A) would rather to. . . than B) would rather. . . thanC) would rather. . . than to live D) would rather to. . . than to live 38. The three men were given work according to their _ abilities.A) respectable B) respective C) respec

44、tful D) respecting39. The government official explained that theres no point _ about the cultural gap in that city.A) to worry B) with them worrying C) in worrying D) worry40. The residents, _ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.A) all their homes B) all of whose homesC) all whose homes D) all of their homes41. _ he cant attend the meeting to be held tomorrow morning?A) What if B) Even if C) Only if D) As if42. “Jean is a competent English teacher”.”_A). So is she B) So she is C) She also is D) She is, too43. He was a good swimm


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