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1、青岛 44 中九年级讲学稿系列新目标期末复习 20082009 学年(一)1青岛 44 中师生共用讲学稿年级:九年级 学科:英语 执笔人:胡珀 总第( )课时课题:期末复习 unit 1-3 课型:复习课 时间:2008.12学习目标: 1. 识记、理解相关词汇:(一)根据汉语默写单词1. 出声地 2. 发音 n.3. 发音 v. 4. 慢地,缓慢的5. 错误 6. 认识到,了解到7. 完整的 8. 秘诀9. 软的 10. 如果不11.责任,义务 12. 影响13. 友情,友谊 14. 丢失15. 发育,发展 n. 16. 军人,士兵17. 糖果 18. 每日的19. 死,死亡 n. 20.

2、造成,使发生21. 有耐心的 22. 浪费23. 执照 24. 愚蠢的,傻得25. 机会,时机 26. 经历,体验27. 成员 28. 混乱,脏乱29. 困倦的 30. 完成,实现31. 重要,重要性 n 32. 成功 v.33. 要点,论点(二)根据汉语默写词组1. 通过做某事 2. 犯语法错误3. 以后,随后 4. 害怕去做5. 嘲笑 6. 做笔记7. 查阅 8. 编造,组成9. 处理,应付 10. 将.视为11.生的气 12. (时间)过去,消逝13. 尽力做 14. 面对挑战15. 突然中止 16. 过去常做某事17. 过去是 18. 非常害怕的19. 入睡 20. 嚼口香糖21. 最

3、后,终于 22. 做决定23. 令某人惊奇的是 24. 即使,纵然25. 不再,已不 26. 对感到自豪27. 对注意,留心 28. 放弃29. 代替,而不是 30. 不睡觉,熬夜31. 全身关注于 32. 目前,现在33. 自愿做某事 34. 回答,答复某人35. 挡道的,妨碍人的 36. 担心,关心课后记:青岛 44 中九年级讲学稿系列新目标期末复习 20082009 学年(一)2青岛 44 中师生共用讲学稿年级:九年级 学科:英语 执笔人:胡珀 总第( )课时课题:期末复习 unit 4-5 课型:复习课 时间:2008.12学习目标: 1. 识记、理解相关词汇:(一)根据汉语默写单词1

4、. 百万 2. 医学的3. 研究 4. 领带5. 有活力的 6. 自信的7. 允许 8. 使恼怒,打扰9. 使生气,烦恼 10. 圈子,阶层11. 听者,收听者 12. 知识渊博的 13. 剩余部分 14. 附近的,近处的15. 架子 16. 覆盖,遮掩17. 按,压 18. 深的19. 在楼下 20. 对的,准确的21. 烧伤 22.膝盖23. (身体部位)感到疼痛 24. 提供25. 拒绝,回绝 26. 有帮助的27. 作家 28. 可能地 adv29. 落下 30. 关键的,至关重要的31. 最后的,最终的 32. 忧虑的,焦虑的33. 所有者 34. 追赶35. 生物 36. 邻居37

5、. 神秘的事物 38. 主管,主任39. 逃跑 40. 举起,抬起(二)根据汉语默写词组1. 成百万的 2. 担心.3. 如果将会怎样 4. 未经允许5. 一点也不 6. 很多的,足够的7. 与.相处 8. 使.失望或沮丧9. 提出,想出 10. 出版,发表11. 用.覆盖 12. 下楼13. 提供某人某物 14. 属于15. 形成,组成,构成 16. 被。 。 。采访17. 用完,用光 18. 长丘疹19. 宁愿做也不做. 20. 问题解决办法21. 把藏在远离某人的地方 课后记:青岛 44 中九年级讲学稿系列新目标期末复习 20082009 学年(一)3青岛 44 中师生共用讲学稿年级:九

6、年级 学科:英语 执笔人:胡珀 总第( )课时课题:期末复习 unit 7 课型:复习课 时间: 2009.1 学习目标: 识记、理解相关词汇:一、预习导学(一)根据汉语默写单词1.麻烦的 2.教育的3.和平的 4.迷人的5.毛骨悚然的 6.态度7 辛苦的长途旅行 8.丛林9.秋天(美) 10.多游览者的11.聚焦灯;公众注意中心 12.考虑13.活泼的 14.视力;景观;眼界15.包括 16.塔17.大教堂 18.教堂19.方便的 20.地下的21.一般事物 22.结论23.葡萄酒 24.翻译25.包.裹 26.灯;光;轻;点燃27.令人惊奇的 28.东方的29.提供 30.公司31.地点;

7、现场 32.航行33.太平洋 34.发现35.梦想 36.爱运动的人37.继续 38.编程39.翻译者 40.报导(二)根据汉语默写词组1. 乐意做某事 2. 相当多的3. 尽快地 4. 梦想着5. 数以千计 6. 坚持7. 总之 8. 一天9. 去度假 10. 旅游热点11. 考虑做某事 12. 一个相当贵的地方13. 应当 14. 向提供15. 自己做饭 16. 每年的这个时侯17. 实现梦想 18.来吃晚饭(三)重点句型1. Where would you like to visit?2. Id like to trek through the jungle, because I lik

8、e exciting vacations.青岛 44 中九年级讲学稿系列新目标期末复习 20082009 学年(一)4(四) 语法点: 定语从句 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Im sorry _ (say) that theres nothing _ (eat).2. This afternoon the biggest football match of this year _ (be) on TV.3. They told us that Mr. Wu _ (see) the film before.4. It is ten years since I _ (leave) my hom

9、etown.5. You need something _ (drink), dont you?6. Either he or I _ (be) right.7. No _ (smoke) in the hospital, please.8. He would take out his money and _ (pay) for the bill.9. Its time for rest; lets stop _ (have) our lesson.10. What color do you decide _ (buy)?四、单项选择1. Id like to trek _ the jungl

10、e. A. through B. across C. over D. on2. Why do the people decide _ these days? Because theres not much to do. A. visit B. to visit C. not visiting D. not to visit3. He felt doubtful about _ the city. A. to get around B. get around C. getting around D. whether go or not4. The Travel Agency offered hi

11、m a hotel _ 30 dollars every day. A. / B. for C. to D. with5. My parents want to go _ on vacation. A. somewhere peaceful B. dangerous somewhere C. somewhere boring D. fascinating somewhere6. They _ all over the country. So they plan _ some other country. A. have traveled, visit B. traveled, to visit

12、 C. traveled, visiting D. have traveled, to travel7. The play will _ the cities next week. A. tourist B. touristy C. tourism D. tour8. Scientists are now working _ humanoids. Because they can help people a lot. A. on B. against C. into D. to9. Some robots are _ to do the same things _ people. A. eno

13、ugh smart, as B. enough smart, with C. smart enough, as D. smart enough, for10. _ would you like to live in? A. where B. which city C. which D. when青岛 44 中九年级讲学稿系列新目标期末复习 20082009 学年(一)5青岛 44 中九年级讲学稿系列新目标期末复习 20082009 学年(一)6二、练习巩固1 Wendy, her sister, going shopping at the weekend.A. unlike, unlikes

14、B. unlike, dislikes C. dislike, unlikes D. dislike, dislikes2 Theres to eat at home. Lets go out to find to have dinner.A. anything, anywhere B. nothing, somewhereC. something, everywhere D. everything, nowhere3 My uncle has son.A. a 8-year-old B. an 8-year-old C. a 8-years-old D. an 8-years-old4 Mr

15、. Green will have a _ holiday.A. seven day B. seven days C. seven-day D. seven-days5 Ask your daughter to take . Dont always sit at the table doing .A. exercise, exercise B. exercises, exercises C. exercises, exercise D. exercise, exercises6. He died a cold spring morning. It made people sad.A. in,

16、feel B. on, to feel C. in, to feel D. on, feel7. If you want to keep , you should eat .A. healthy, healthy B. healthily, healthily C. healthy, healthily D. healthily, healthy8. This is a good piece of song for us to_.A.dancing B.dancing to C.dance with D.dance to9. We prefer_ at the party rather tha

17、n_.A.to sing , dance B.to sing , dancing C.sing , to dance D.sing, dance10. Who can make the naughty boy_ quiet?A.to be B.to keep C.keeps D.keep11. Be sure_ late for the meeting.A.to be B.not to be C.not being D.not be12. This movie doesnt _ me much.A.interested B.interesting C.interest D.interests1

18、3. _ the name suggests , this song is very gentle.A.For B.Like C.If D.As14. Though it was late , _ he went on working in the field.A.but B.so C.still D.and15. Mary _ singing to dancing.A.prefers B.likes C.loves D.enjoys16. “How do you like pop music?” “I cant_ them.”A.mind B.stand C.wear D.buy青岛 44

19、中九年级讲学稿系列新目标期末复习 20082009 学年(一)717. My mother_ feel tired , so I should help her wash clothes.A.do B.does C.has D.have18. The music_ my hometown.A. reminds me of B. reminds of me C. reminding mine of D. remind of me19. The woman likes both the hats , she cant decide_.A.to buy which one B. which to b

20、uy one C. which one to buy D. one to buy which20. Thats the most beautiful mountain_ I have_visited.A. which , ever B. that , never C. which , never D. that ,ever21 We all wish to do the work_ with _ time and _people.A.better , less, fewer B.well, few , litt C.well, little , few D. better, fewer , l

21、ess22. It was windy outside , we had to keep the window_that day.A.close B.to close C.closing D.closed23. Great news ! The police have caught the man_ stole our car.A.which B.who C.when D.what24. Tom was away from school for a month , so now hes got to work hard to _ others.A. make up B. catch up wi

22、th C. catch with D. catch up25.I love places_ the weather is always cool.A.that B.where C.why D.which26.-You are leaving your school . How do you like it?-Very much, of course, I _ this school since I moved here.A. came to B.have gone to C.have been at D.have been to27.Lin Tao is_ honest boy , so we

23、 all like him.A.the B.an C./ D.a28.-Will it be OK if I come around at three?-Yes, thatll_ me fine.A.fit B.meet C.suit D.match29. .-What film did you see recently? -I saw a film_ Black September.A.called B.calling C.to call D.call30.If he_ alive today , how happy we_!A.was, will be B.was, would be C.

24、were, would be D.were , will be31. “What do you _ the lyrics in this song ?” “Sound great.”青岛 44 中九年级讲学稿系列新目标期末复习 20082009 学年(一)8A.look for B.go by C.worry about D.think of32.-How about the movie you saw last night?-Some people think its boring , _ think its exciting.A.another B.each C.others D.othe

25、r33.Rose Smith is very forgetful . You cant_ her to be here on time.A.suggest B.show C.expect D.except34.She finished the work _ as soon as possible . Shes very tired now.A.succeed B.successful C.success D.successfully35.Many people loved the photos_ in the exhibition.A. in display B.on displaying C

26、.of display D.on display36. The baby_ by his grandparents from Monday to Friday.A.was take care B.was taken care of C. was looked D. was taken care根据句意,选择适当的词填空。注意动词的形式。 1 I saw a strange figure in the garden yesterday evening.2 Our monitor told us that we a picnic the next week.3 If it tomorrow, we

27、 the Space Museum.4 She two hours post cards last night.5 Alice five picture and she is still drawing now.6 Mrs. Smith found a thief from the prison.7 Titanic Ship _ a hundred years ago. Over one thousand people lost their lives.8 I dont quite understand why the man keep the dog ?write, draw, spend, not visit , rain, cause, escape, have, move, chase, exhibit sink


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