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1、Diff-pacrvsm.doc Rev 2: 1 Feb 2000OPERATOR CHECKLIST: ITEMS TO BE ADDRESSED TO CONDUCT RVSM OPERATIONS IN AN RVSM AREA OF OPERATIONS NEW TO THE OPERATOR1. PURPOSE. It is the objective of this paper to highlight policy and procedures that an operator that has been previously approved for RVSM in one

2、area of operations (such as the North Atlantic) must address when starting RVSM operations in a different area of operations (such as the Pacific). The focus of this paper is on the planned 24 February 2000 RVSM implementation in the Pacific.1A. RVSM WEBSITE: see paragraphs 6 and 7 below for address

3、es for the FAA RVSM website and access to FAA Safety Inspector Handbook Bulletins related to RVSM approval.2. NEW AREA APPROVAL FOR PART 121, 125, AND 135 OPERATORS. Interim Guidance (IG) 91-RVSM, paragraph 11d shows the content of an application for RVSM approval and states that it can be modified

4、to only address those subjects that apply to a new area of operations. IG 91-RVSM, paragraph 11g states that Part 121, 125 and 135 operators are authorized to conduct RVSM in an area of operations that is new to them when Operations Specification (OpSpecs) paragraph B046 (Operations in RVSM Airspace

5、) is added to the appropriate area of operations in OpSpecs paragraph B050 (Authorized Areas of En Route Operation. Limitations and Provisions). The list provided below is intended to show those subjects that an operator must address prior to flying in a new RVSM area of operations.3. PART 91 OPERAT

6、ORS STARTING RVSM OPERATIONS IN A NEW AREA OF OPERATIONS. IG 91-RVSM, paragraph 11d is also applicable to Part 91 operators. Part 91 operators must also address those subjects that are unique to a new RVSM area of operations prior to flying in that area. Part 91 operators that have previously receiv

7、ed a Letter of Authorization (LOA) to conduct RVSM operations are NOT required to obtain a separate LOA to fly in an RVSM area of operations that is new to them. The Pilot In Command (PIC) is, however, responsible under part 91, section 91.3 for the operation of the aircraft and therefore must compl

8、y with the policies and procedures applicable to each area of operations. The list provided below is intended to show those subjects on which an operator or PIC must be informed prior to conducting flight in a new area of operations. (Joint Flight Standards Handbook Bulletin for Air Transportation a

9、nd General Aviation (HBAT 99-11A/HBGA 99-17A), paragraph 5C details this policy ).4. OPERATIONAL ISSUES FOR AN OPERATOR TO ADDRESS FOR THE NEW PACIFIC RVSM AREA OF OPERATIONS. A paper entitled “Pacific RVSM Operational Policy/Procedures Revision: FAA NOTAM and State Aeronautical Information Publicat

10、ions (AIP)” is published on the FAA RVSM website “RVSM Documentation, Pacific” section. The FAA NOTAM that addresses the subjects listed in 4A-4E below for operation in Anchorage and Oakland Oceanic airspace is attached that paper. The paper also discusses the content of Pacific State AIPs providing

11、 revised policy/procedures on the same subjects for the individual Pacific Flight Information Regions. (The FAA NOTAM was published in the 27 January edition of FAA NOTAMS (Domestic/International).A. FLOOR, CEILING AND HORIZONTAL BOUNDARIES OF RVSM AIRSPACE. Note: the Pacific Air Traffic Service Pro

12、viders (ATSP) have agreed to implement RVSM in their FIRs between FL 290-390 (inclusive).B. POLICY ON EXCLUSION OF AIRCRAFT NOT RVSM APPROVED.C. FLIGHT PLANNING POLICY. D. PILOT PROCEDURES. (1) ICAO Special Procedures for In-flight Contingencies(2) Updated Weather Deviation Procedures(3) Wake Turbul

13、ence Procedures for the Pacific(4) Pilot Level off call E. PROCEDURES FOR FLIGHT OF NON-RVSM COMPLIANT AIRCRAFT FOR MAINTENANCE, HUMANITARIAN AND DELIVERY FLIGHTS. These procedures are published in the FAA NOTAM for Anchorage and Oakland and can be found in State AIPs for other FIRs.5. ADDITIONAL SU

14、BJECTS FOR AN OPERATOR TO ADDRESS FOR THE NEW PACIFIC RVSM AREA OF OPERATIONS.A. CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS PROCEDURES. If not previously established, RVSM procedures must be established at Pacific destination/departure airports.B. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS. If they have not already completed Pacific mon

15、itoring requirements by participating in the NAT program, operators must show their plan for completing monitoring. The Pacific Monitoring Requirements Chart on the APARMO section of the FAA RVSM website shows the Pacific monitoring requirements and timeframes for completion.6. FAA RVSM WEBSITE ADDR

16、ESS. The FAA RVSM website is at: http:/www.faa.gov/ats/ato/rvsm1.htm. The website contains documents related to RVSM aircraft and operator approval.7. FAA HANDBOOK BULLETINS. The Joint Flight Standards Handbook Bulletin for Air Transportation (HBAT) and General Aviation (HBAT 99-11A/HBGA 99-17A) con

17、taining guidance on the approval of aircraft and operators for RVSM can be obtained by accessing the FAA website www.faa.gov - than clicking on: FAA organizations Regulation and Certification/Aviation Flight Standards Service than. FAA Safety Inspector Handbooks and Bulletins, than. Bulletins, than. HBAT or HBGA


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