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1、新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 听力词汇必备1听力词汇必备主讲:曹倩欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材第一章 六级听力考试考试基础:1、单词:一切考题的基础,尤其听力答题。2、语音语速:想做题,先得听到说的是什么。3、习惯表达和固定搭配:题目难点之一。4、解题技巧:通过真题提炼,需使用自如。第二章 听力考试必背词汇考试必备词汇:1、常见场景词汇2、听力多义词汇3、发音易错词汇4、拼写费力词汇5、同义替换词汇6、短语固定搭配1、 场景词汇:assignment, paper, thesis,alcohol, liquor, specialty,clutch, mechanic, brake,pass

2、port, boarding pass ,tenant, landlord, lease;2、 听力多义词汇:paper, article, credit,treat, tip,fine, ticket,stock market, stockroom3、 发音易错词汇:register redist;obstacle bstkl;illustrateilstreit;commercekm:s;commercialkm: l;4、 拼写费力词汇:restaurant 还是 restuarant?convenience 还是 convinience?environment, circumstanc

3、e,scientist, psychologist,enthusiastic, enthusiasm5、 同义替换词汇:新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 听力词汇必备2Important,significant, essential,crucial, vital, key;convert, turn into, change,switch to, shift;6、 短语固定搭配:meethalf way,compromise,be worn out ,tired, exhausted,stay up,sit up第三章 常见场景词汇六种场景:1、 校园场景 选课的说法:选:learn, ta

4、ke, pick up, sign up for, register for(a course )退:quit(放弃), drop, give up 课:course, class选修课:selective course, optional course必修课:compulsory course, required course旷课:play truant, truancy课程的名称:理科课程:science (理科), mathematics(数学 math), statistics(统计学) physics, chemistry(化学), biochemistry(生物化学)文科课程:ar

5、ts(文科), history, literature(文学), linguistics(语言学)热门学科:psychology(心理学), philosophy(哲学)学科词尾:-ics, mathematics(数学 math), statistics;-logy, e.g. trilogy, zoology, biology各年级同学及学位:本科四年:freshman(大一), sophomore(大二), junior student(大三), senior student(大四); undergraduate(本科生)学制名称:graduate student(研究生), postg

6、raduate(研究生)学位名称:bachelor 学士, master 硕士, doctor 博士, post-doctor 博士后前缀 post-:postwar, postscript, postpone 推迟教师的说法:教授:professor, associate professor 副教授, instructor 讲师导师:mentor, tutor, supervisor(论文上的)导师;监督者词根 vis-:visible, invisible, visage, visibility, visionJulius Caesar : VENI,VIDI,VICIe.g. conve

7、nience, video, victory各种作业:作业统称:homework, assignment论文:paper, term paper, essay, thesis, composition,proposal, theme, key words, abstract项目:project ,projector, propose (a toast)前缀 pro-, pre-, pri-, fore-: progress, preview, foresee各种考试:参加(考试) :take (an exam), sit (an exam)考试:exam, mid-term exam, fin

8、al exam, finals, test, quiz, pop quiz作弊:cheat, copy结果:pass, passing grade, fail, make-up exam2、 消费场景 新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 听力词汇必备3吃饭:餐馆名称:restaurant, caf, cafeteria, dining hall餐前:reserve, menu, order, recommendation餐中:knife, fork, napkin, spoon, chew, swallow餐后:bill, check, treat, its on me, go Dutchst

9、ereotype:go Dutch, Dutch widow/courage/act逛商店:商店名称:market, store, shop, department store折扣低价:on sale, discount, bargain归类记词:count, counter, encounter, account, accountant, recount, countdown又如:dome, domain, domestic, domesticate住酒店:酒店名称:hotel, motel, inn, bed-and-breakfast入住:reservation, book, check

10、 in, reception退房:room service, check out词根 cep-, ceive-:receive, reception; deceive, deception; conceive, conception租房子:房东:landlord 房客:tenant, guest动作:let, rent, check, move相关名称:rent, lease, utilities, decorate, furniture, paint, peel off, oven, bookshelf, cabinet, kitchen, bedroom, sitting room, st

11、udy3、 交通场景 机场:机场:airport, airline, flight, passenger, airhostess物品:luggage, baggage, passport, boarding pass动作:take off, circle, land海关:customs, restricted article, declare词根 claim-/clam-/clar-:claim, proclaim, clamorous4、 维修场景 维修:修理工:repairman, carpenter, electrician, mechanic 物品:first gear, clutch

12、, shower pipe, leak动作:fix, mend, repair, install, assemble后缀-er, -or, -ian, -ese, -ist:teacher, director, editor, musician, Chinese, artist; cook(er), flash(er)5、 医院场景 看病:医生病人:doctor, physician, surgeon; patient疾病名称:cold, influenza, fever, temperature, cough, pneumonia, cancer, fracture, swine flu身体

13、部位:head, heart, liver, lung, stomach, kidney, ankle, knee, waist , bottom, hip, tooth6、 职场场景 面试:申请者:applicant, candidate, interviewee相关名词:resume, curriculum vitae, interviewer, application letter, recommendation letter, position, job vacancy, job opening新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 听力词汇必备4相关动作:recruit, intervi

14、ew, offer, reject, turn down工作:职务名称:employer, boss, chief executive office, immediate boss, director, secretary, employee, head of department相关动作:promote, fire, lay off, dismiss, resign第四章 听力多义词汇1、adoptadopt ones advice 采纳某人的建议adopt children 收养孩子adopter, adoptee 收养人adoptive parents 养父母2、adaptadapt t

15、o 适应于adapt oneself toan adapted story 一个改编了的故事3、articlewrite an article 写文章an article of luggage/ furniture 一件行李,一件家具large/ dangerous s 大减物品/危险物品s of the contract 合同的条款4、bearI cant bear(忍受) it anymore. 我再也受不了。=stand, put up withbear(生)= give birth to, forebear(祖先)bearer 持有者should bear in mind that 持

16、有某种信息5、beatBeat it!走开 the crowd 躲避人群method A beats method B 方法 A 优于方法 Bbeat around the bush 拐弯抹角dodge(躲避), ditch, duck6、bookbook a table 预订be booked up 订购orderThe Book, Bible 圣经7、boxboxing新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 听力词汇必备5boxerbox office 票房,售票处8、blockI drove 2 blocks (街区)already.blocked blood vessel 堵塞住的血管th

17、e traffic was blocked 交通堵了。9、covercover the expense 包含花销cover 20 pages/ miles 涉及cover the issue 新闻报道Cover me!掩护我10、chargecharge someone 150 dollars for 为了。 。 。收取be in (the) charge of 掌管take charge of 接管charge the battery 充电under a murder charge 谋杀的罪名11、commercialcommercial 贸易,商业commerce When we watc

18、h TV series, we are often interrupted by the s.我们总是被商业广告打扰。Mercury: mercurial, merchant, merchandize12、dealWhats the big deal? / No big deal. 这有什么大不了的?没有什么大不了的a great deal of 大量car dealer 汽车经销商deal with= cope with= tackle = handle 处理,解决13、exhaustexhaustion, exhaust energy 消耗能源be exhausted, be tired,

19、 be worn out 精疲力竭exhaust/ green-house gas emission, emit mit-, mis-:permit, permission; omit, omissionduce-, duct-:introduce, introduction; reduce14、filmromantic filmThe woman is filming the lake.run out of film 用完了胶卷develop the film 冲洗胶卷15、fineFineI am fine.Tom was fined for speeding. 新东方在线 网络课堂电子

20、教材系列 听力词汇必备6Tom 由于超速罚款give sb. a ticket for16、fairfair, unfairMy Fair Lady 窈窕淑女international fair17、giftgive sb. a gift/ presentShe was gifted with the music talent.She has a gift for music.18、jama jar of jamThe road is jammed.a traffic jam19、letI believe you have a room to let.rent a room20、lota lo

21、t ofparking lotacross the lot 穿过停车场21、papera piece of paperdoing two papers 写两份论文essay, thesisnewspaperdocument22、stockstockroom 储藏室be in stock 有存货be out of , no longer available 卖光了stocks and bondsstock market23、tieThe game was a tie.The game tied 1-1.deuce, drawtie a stick to the young tree, faste

22、n24、tipgive me some tips/ hintstip someonethe tip of a penon the tip of my tonguea filter-tipped cigarette 有滤嘴的香烟新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 听力词汇必备7第五章 发音易错词汇1、不符合规律发音2、近音词混淆3、音译词拟声词不符合规律发音register redist 注册、登记obstaclebstkl illustrate ilstreit 阐述commerce km:s 商业commercial km:l 商业的;商业广告heir 继承人therapy erpi 治疗s

23、teak steik 牛排diplomat diplmt 外交家;外交官debris deibri: 残骸近音词混淆full fool ful fu:lfund found fnd faundborder board b:d b:dcouncil cancel kaunsil knslcut cart kt k:tpoor pour pu p:hut heart ht h:tfoam form fum f:mformer formal f:m f:mlloose lose lu:s lu:zstock stalk stk st:kstaff stuff st:f stfbald board b

24、:ld b:davoid award vid w:dpresence presents prezns prezntssleep steep sli:p sti:pstreet straight stri:t streitmess mass mes ms近音词混淆 i:me, see, agree, beef, free, breeze, succeed, neat, beat, reason, feature, athlete, even, secret, immediate, convenient, receive, believe新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 听力词汇必备8A fri

25、end in need is a friend indeed.近音词混淆 isister, with, silly, busy, happy, visit, pity, pretty, family, minute, little by little, kick, give, live, kiss, sink, a bit dizzy, bit by bitShe will visit the university in two days近音词混淆 eget, forget, connect, question, French,breath, dead, sweat, beg, heaven,

26、 ready, weather, debt, check, spend, never, pet, well, terrible, fresh, energyBetter late than never.East, west, home is best近音词混淆 stand, hand, apple, fact, cat, fat,mad,lack,mass, fact,marry,matter,absent,capital,satisfy,salary近音词混淆 :arm, fast, march, bark, carpet,hard (hard-hearted), harm, starry,

27、 bargain, glance, chance, demand, command, drama, last近音词混淆 top, hot, rock, clock, coffee,cost, spot, block, offer, college, possible,swallow, quality, cough, knowledgeLost time is never found again.近音词混淆 :porter, board, all, also, almost, altogether, always, call, audience, author, cause, saw, law,

28、 dawnforce, afford, course, award近音词混淆 ufoot, cook, took, look,should, could, would,push, bush, full, pull,woman, sugar, hookHe looks like a good cook。近音词混淆 u:root, pool, fool, food, soon, choose, smooth, lose, move, wound, youth, true, through近音词混淆 but, cup, upset, luck, such, sudden, fun, rough, t

29、ough, touch, couple, courage, blood, cover, dozen, aboveHe loves nothing but money.近音词混淆 :hurt, turn, first, firm, birth, dirty,,search, earn, earth, certain, person, service, perfect, nervous, purchase, worth, worm, journeyFirst come, first served.The early bird catches the worm.近音词混淆 ago, along, a

30、mong, alarm, admire, forget, danger, fever, gather, cover, cinema近音词混淆 eiface, place, pace, race, shade, shake, same, shame, blame, arrange, change, strange, fail, mail, sail, tail, nail, pain, rain, train, pain, gain, main, explain, wait, pay, way,neighbor, steakNo pains, no gains.Haste makes waste

31、.新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 听力词汇必备9近音词混淆 ibesides, ripe, wide, life, provide, silent, final, tie, die, lie, type, try, sign, sightStrike the iron while it is still hot. Great minds think alike.近音词混淆 ichoice, boil, avoid, choice, coin, join, noise, point, poison, destroy, employ, enjoy, joy近音词混淆 ushow, grow,

32、own, hope, globe, froze, hold, envelope, alone, lonely, broken, focus, goalLittle strokes fell great oaks.A rolling stone gathers no moss.近音词混淆 auabout, cloud, couch, doubt, mouth, flour, proud, amount, announce, around, discount, found, fountain, pronounce, counter, allow, crowd, however, now, powe

33、r, shower, download近音词混淆 inuclear, dear, fear, appear, nearly, cheer, realize, obvious, curious, period, experience, fierce, hero近音词混淆 fair, hair, pair,bear, wear ,prepare, care, dare, compare, declare, scare, share, spare近音词混淆 upoor, tour,sure, pure, curious, unsure, brochure近音词混淆 &sthin sin; think

34、 sink;thick sick;thumb some;theme seem近音词混淆 s&zsink zinc;sown zone;bus buzz近音词混淆 &breath breathe; worth worthy;north northern近音词混淆 f&vfeel veal;fan van;fail vale;fine vine近音词混淆 v&wvery wellveil wallvia way音译词拟声词crash 碰撞clash 撞击声smash 粉碎crush 压碎squash 压扁yoga jug瑜伽nylon nailn尼龙ballet blei blei芭蕾salon

35、sln 沙龙vitamin vaitmin 维他命新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 听力词汇必备10体会发音和词义的关系字母组合-are 发 的音,以这个音结尾的词中很多会表示比较强烈的光亮和声响,如 flare fl 闪亮; glare gl 眩目的光; blare bl 高声鸣叫;declare dikl 宣布;又如两个 o 字母连写时所发的u:常常传达沉重、压抑之感,如 doom du:m 厄运;gloom glu:m 忧郁,等等。第六章 拼写费力词汇2001 年 6 月第 3 题. complain 第 4 题. calculation第 10 题. emergency第 15 题.

36、 compose第 17 题. irritating第 17 题. emotional原文. recognize 原文. scientist原文. in response to原文. relatively原文. oxygen词根 pos-, 前缀 com-2002 年 1 月第 1 题. survivor第 2 题. expectation第 5 题. financial第 11 题. negotiate第 15 题. territory第 17 题. atmosphere 第 19 题. component 第 20 题. pessimistic第 20 题. optimistic原文. transform原文. estimate前缀 trans-2002 年 6 月第 5 题. opportunity第 8 题. millionaire第 9 题. punctual第 11 题. neighbor第 15 题. destruction第 17 题. resistance第 18 题. eliminate 原文. household原文. collapse原文. frequently


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