1、( )大學學士班學生修習碩士班課程證明書Certificate of Study of Master Program Courses issued to Graduate of Bachelors Degree茲證明本校 學年度 學系學士班畢業生 ,其於修習學士學位期間所修下列課程為本校碩士班課程,且未計入該系最低畢業學分數( )內。This is to certify that has graduated from Tunghai Universitys _Bachelor Degree Program. During the study of his/her Bachelor Degree
2、, he/she has taken the following Master Program courses in addition to the credits required for graduation.修習科目名稱Course title修 課 年 級The year that the graduate has taken the course開課系所Department學 分Credits成 績Grade系、所主管簽章(請逐欄簽章)Department Chairs Signature證明單位 Certifying Office: (原 就 讀 學 校 註 冊 組 或 成 績 組 簽 章 Official Seal of The Registrars / Transcript Office, Undergraduate Educational Institution)日期 Date: 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)