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1、1大学英语六级考试作文预测(2012.5)恩波教育英语研究所预测作文(一)New Part-time Jobs1 目前有一些新型的兼职工作出现,如网络写手,拍客,纠客等;2 你对大学生从事这类职业有什么看法?【范文】With the rapid development of information society, a large number of new part-time jobs emerge, such as cyber writers, shooter, rectifiers and so on. Since young people tend to accept new thin

2、gs, many university students employ these jobs. However, some are afraid that these part-time jobs will distract students attention from their studies and influence their academic achievements. As far as I am concerned, taking on part-time jobs can partly relieve students economic burdens, especiall

3、y to those from poor families. Almost all these new jobs meet the real demands of modern times, they can ensure college students to keep pace with the times and get self-improvements according to the needs of society. Whats more, when compared with traditional ones, these new ones show characteristi

4、cs of novel forms, diversified styles and flexibility. So if college students can balance their learning and part-time jobs well, they are sure to get enough knowledge as well as working experience, so as to get ready for their future success. 【点评】本题谈论的是一种社会现象。第一段首句引入“新型兼职工作出现”这一现象,之后提及人们对大学生从事这些兼职工

5、作的担忧:担心大学生做兼职工作分心而影响学业。第二段说明自己的观点-兼职工作可以减轻学生的经济负担,而且这些新型兼职工作都是应运时代要求而生,可以使学生与时俱进,根据时代需求进行自我调整。第三段分析了新型兼职工作的特征“形式新颖,风格各异,自由灵活” ,提倡学生合理安排学业与工作。第一段第一句中 cyber writers 意为“网络写手”;shooter 意为 “拍客” ;rectifiers 意为“纠客”;influence their academic achievements 意为“影响学业”; 第二段第一句 As far as I am concerned 意为“ 就我而言,我认为”

6、 ; relieve ones economic burdens 意为“ 减轻某人的经济负担”;keep pace with the times 意为“与时俱进” ; 第三段第一句中 show characteristics of 意为“显示出特征” ;第二句中 balance 意为“平衡” 。2预测作文(二)Bureaucratic Airs on College Student Cadres1 部分高校学生干部沾染“官气” ,错把职能当权力;2 请对此现象及原因进行分析。【范文】College Student Cadres are those ones who usually do exc

7、ellent jobs in academics and make outstanding performance in activities. Their manners influence the students around them greatly. However, due to the close relationship between college and society, many college student cadres gradually show undesirable tendency towards bureaucracy. They mistakenly

8、regard their duties as authorities.This strange phenomenon not only reveals the immature of young adults, but also discloses that those cadres havent realized the nature of Students Union. The following factors can account for it. Firstly, self-cultivation of college student cadres is not good enoug

9、h. Because they lack social experience, they make mistakes easily with the desires for quick returns. Secondly, the check-up systems in colleges overemphasize their performance in Students Union, so student cadres only focus on pursuits of outstanding performance. All things considered, universities

10、 should reinforce guidance and education for college student cadres and help them build up a stronger sense of services. 【点评】大学生干部曾经是一个时代活力动力、正气朝气、理想希望的象征。但是随着市场大潮的逐步浸染,大学生开始越来越深入地接触社会,并在各类活动中开始受到社会不良风气的诱惑。文章由部分高校学生干部沾染“官气”引出话题,之后在第二段分析了该类现象,指出大学生干部涉世未深,没有认清学生会的本质所在。之后分析了产生这一现象的原因-自身素质不高并且急功近利;考核制度过

11、分强调业绩。最后一段呼吁学校加强对大学生干部的引导,帮助其树立正确的信念和服务意识。第一段中 do excellent jobs in academics 意为“学业优秀” ;make outstanding performance in activities 意为“表现突出” ; undesirable tendency towards bureaucracy 意为“官僚化的不良趋势” ;第二段第一句中 reveal 和 disclose 都表示“揭示” ,account for 意为“解释,说明” ;the desires for quick returns 可以解释为“急功近利” ;第三

12、段中 All things considered 意为“总而言之” 。3预测作文(三)Limited Tour on Famous Universities Campuses1 名校成旅游景点,不少高校纷纷颁布“限游令” ;2. 该不该限游,谈谈你的看法。【范文】Along with the phenomenon that famous university campuses have become popular tourist attractions, great concerns have been showed to campus tourism. Since it has been

13、found that the normal teaching has been disturbed, the environment has been polluted and the spiritual atmosphere has been ruined, a large number of universities have carried out rules to limit tourists on campus. As we know, campuses are mainly places for study, and they are holy palaces where stud

14、ents gain profound scholarship of different fields. Being open to tourists may distract students attention from their studies, as well as make a great deal of hustle and bustle in the initially peaceful campus. Most importantly, it may cause unnecessary troubles for students. As a result, it is bene

15、ficial to limit tourists so as to guarantee students personal interests. Meanwhile, I sincerely hope that universities would take into consideration the positive meanings, and hold regular “open“ activities in order to improve their reputations as well as enable middle school students to get more in

16、formation about them, and then help the students make enough preparation for their future.【点评】文章首段指出如今“大学校园游”盛行,利用被动语态并列句指出其弊端:大学的正常教学秩序被打扰,环境受到影响,大学的文化氛围遭到破坏,引出话题:不少高校纷纷颁布“限游令” ;第二段结合作者自己的观点指出是否支持这种做法。最后一段提出建议,希望大学“限游”的同时,结合考虑其积极因素。第一段中 Along with 表示“ 随着” ;disturb 和 ruin 均表示 “破坏” 。第二段中 holy palaces

17、表示“神圣的殿堂” ; hustle and bustle 表示“喧闹繁杂” ;guarantee students personal interests 表示“保障学生的切身利益” 。第三段中 take into consideration 表示“考虑” 。4预测作文(四)Job Orientation1 大学生是先就业后择业,还是从一开始就要有清晰的职业定位?2 请给出自己的分析及观点。【范文】In recent years, many college students face a big problem about whether they should gain a job firs

18、t before choosing the most appropriate one, or they should hold a clear job orientation in their mind from the very beginning ?As far as I am concerned, each choice has its own advantages. Getting a job without interests helps college students gain enough time to find a better one while adjusting th

19、emselves into the real society. On the contrary, choosing a relevant job can avoid blindness employments and save students time for striving for their ideals. I completely agree that college students should make out plans for their career and be down-toearth in carrying out it. Even confronted with

20、the increasing difficulty of getting a job, they should not merely aim at material gains. 【点评】本题谈论的是一种社会现象。文章第一段指出现象-大学生是应该先就业再择业还是先择业后就业呢?文章第二段作者结合自己的观点分析两种不同抉择的有利之处:先就业可以使学生在现实社会中自我调整,为将来找到更合适的作准备。而先择业可以避免盲目就业,为实现理想节约时间。最后一段指出作者自己的观点-大学生应该制定职业规划。文章第一段中 from the very beginning 表示“从最开始”。第二段中 On the

21、contrary 表示“相反地”,短语 striving for their ideals 表示“为理想而奋斗 ”。第三段中 down-toearth 表示“脚踏实地的”,material gains 表示“物质利益”。5预测作文(五)How to Prevent Psychological Problems in Schools?1 心理问题成校园暴力主因,为避免极端行为的发生,对有“隐性”心理问题的学生进行前期干预尤为重要;2 应如何对学生进行心理干预,有什么有效的措施?【范文】In modern society, students are destined to cope with a

22、lot of pressures, from either outer world or inner will. Reports are often heard that some students made violence, committed suicide or murdered their roommates. Students psychological problems have become the primary cause of “extreme behaviours“. It is vital to take effective actions against psych

23、ological problems, especially to those ones without any apparent symptoms. In the first place, the authorities concerned should let students be aware of the utmost significance of mental fitness. Lectures on psychological health should be frequently given and psychological clinics should be set up t

24、o provide troubled students with timely help. In the second place, students should keep optimistic in their daily life and let their channel of communication open to their teachers and parents. Even in case of mental illness, they should not hesitate to go to psychological counselors for help. Only

25、with these measures taken can we expect sound growth of students.【点评】文章首段指出如今大学生受到各种压力,从而产生了各样的心理问题,同时提出有必要采取措施解决大学生的心理问题;第二段结合作者自己的观点提出如何对大学生进行心理干预:首先相关部门应对大学生心理问题引起重视,采取讲座和心理咨询的方式给学生及时提供帮助;其次,大学生应该保持乐观的态度,如遇心理问题,应毫不犹豫寻求心理咨询师的帮助。第一段第一句中 be destined to 表示“注定” ;第二句 made violence, committed suicide, murdered their roommates 均是由心理问题产生的。第二段中 In the first place,In the second place 表示列举,意思分别是“第一” , “第二” 。not hesitate to do sth. 意为“毫不犹豫做某事” 。


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