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1、Situation: Mr. Liu Dong is meeting Mr. Dustin at the airportA:您好!您一定就是古奇公司的 达斯丁先生吧?我是新盛公司外事处的刘东。我代表我们公司欢迎您来到北京!B: Yes, Im Dustin from Googie. Thank you. Nice to meet you, Mr. Liu.A:幸会,幸会。在飞机上坐了 15 个小时,一路上还好吧?B: Oh, I had a great flight. I didnt sleep much though, too excited at the thought of seeing

2、 Beijing again.A: 我们也一直在期待您的到来。您的行李都拿了吗?公司派的车就在停车场等着。B: Yes, I have it all here. After you, please.A:从机场到您的宾馆大约需要一个小时。一路上您可以看看北京这几年来的变化。我听说您以前来过一次北京,是几年前?B: It was 8 years ago when I came as a tourist. I was so fascinated by Beijing that I have been longing to come again ever since. But Ive been won

3、dering if Beijing might have changed beyond recognition.A:是啊,北京是日新月异,但是一些比较特别的名胜古迹都保存完好,您不用担心。B: Thats great!A:说到北京的成就,我想这不但得益于中国政府的改革开放和市场经济政策,而且也得益于像您这样的外国专家为我们带来的先进技术和经验。B: Thank you. The Chinese are good at learning from others. I really admire them. We should say the success of Chinas economy i

4、s made by the Chinese.A: 您过奖了。这次您接受邀请参加我们公司这个新项目的研发工作,我们感到十分高兴和荣幸。B: The honor is mine too. I am sure it will be a great pleasure working with a Chinese company.A:我们衷心希望这次合作能够成功、愉快。也希望您在北京过得愉快。前面就是您的宾馆了。您先去办入住手续,我等您。现在的前台接待员都会说流利的英语。B: OK, great.参考译文A:Hello, you must be Mr. Dustin from Googie Corpor

5、ation. Im Liu Dong from the foreign affairs office of Xinsheng Company. On behalf of our company, Id like to say, “Welcome to Beijing!”B: 是的,我是古奇的达斯丁,谢谢。刘先生,很高兴见到你。A:Nice to meet you, too. It was a 15-hour flight. How was it?B:哦,一路上都很好。一想到要再次来到北京我就兴奋得睡不着觉。A: Weve been looking forward to your arrival

6、. Have you got your luggage? The car from our company is waiting in the parking lot/parking area/car parking.B: 是的,都拿了。您先请!A:It will take us about one hour from the airport to your hotel. On the way, you can see Beijing has taken on a new look in recent years. I know you have been here once before.

7、When was it?B: 那是 8 年以前了,我那时是来旅游的。我被北京深深地吸引了,从那以后一直很希望能再到北京来。但我不知道北京会不会变得让我人不出来了。A:Yeah, Beijing is changing with each passing day. But dont worry. All the special places of historical interest are well preserved.B: Thats great!A:The achievements Beijing has made should be attributed not only to the

8、 reform and opening up and market economy policies the Chinese government has adopted, but also to the advanced technology and experience that foreign experts like you have brought us.B: 谢谢。中国人非常善于向别人学习。这一点我十分钦佩。应该说,中国经济的成就要归功于中国人民自己。A: It is very nice of you to say so./You give us more credit than

9、we deserve. Our company is very glad and honored that youve accepted out invitation to take part in out research and development work on the new project.B: 我也很荣幸,和中国公司一起工作一定很愉快。A:We sincerely hope our cooperation will be successful and pleasant. We also hope youll have a great time during your stay here. The receptionists all speak fluent English now.B: 太好了!


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