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1、1. Can you follow the plot?A. change B. investigate C. write D. understandD. 考点:考察常用多义词。Follow: vt, vi( 常与 after 连用) 跟随,密切注意,明白e.g. Sorry, I can not follow your method.补充:follow: vt. 听从;服从e.g. The soldiers must follow the officers orders.士兵们必须执行军官的命令as follows 如下e.g. The results are as follows. 结果如下

2、2. The outlook from the top of the mountain is breathtaking.A. view B. sight C. look D. pointA. 考察常见词。解题思路:借助搭配借题。参考解题技巧:形相近的往往不是解。Sight: n.视力, 视觉, 眼界, 观看, 常用复 名胜; 风景at first sight 一见就., 初次看见时at the sight of 一看见就.be in/within sight 看得见, 在眼前catch have, gain, get sight of 发现, 看出come ininto sight 呈现在眼前

3、3. The union representative put across her argument very effectively.A. explained B. invented C. considered D. acceptedA. 考察常见动词短语结构。解题思路:借助搭配结构解题put across vt. 解释;表达e.g. Im not putting my meaning across very well.我未把我的意思解释清楚。补充:put forward: vt. 提出(意见、建议); 推荐; 提名;推举In 1860, a better plan was put for

4、ward by an Englishman, William Low.1860 年,一个名叫威廉.娄的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。put in vi. 打断;插嘴e.g. Dont forget us, she put in. “别忘了我们, ”她插嘴道。put off vt. 延期;推迟e.g. Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today.今日可做的事不要拖到明天。put up with vt. 忍受;忍耐;受苦e.g. That woman, as a housewife, has a lot to put up with.那个女人

5、是个家庭主妇不得不忍受许多烦恼。4. The fuel tanks had a capacity of 140 litersA. function B. ability C. power D. volumeD. 考察常见多义词。解题思路:借助搭配结构解题。补充:Capable: adj.有才能的, 有能力的; 可容纳的, 有资格的e.g. a room capable of 20 people 可容纳 20 人的房间e.g. He is capable of judging art.他具有鉴赏艺术的能力。1.A new system of quality control was brought

6、 in to overcome the defects in the firms products.A) invested B) introduced C) installed D) insisted答案及解析:B. 解题思路:借助画线短语核心词(bring) 的基本含义“带来/ 引起” ,并借助与画线结构相直接相关的结构含义(质量控制系统被。 。) 判断 B 是答案。Invest: vt.(常与 in 连用)投入 (资金,精力,时间等)e.g. Ive invested a lot of time and effort in this plan. (喻)我已在这计划中投入了大量的时间和精力i

7、nsist: vi, vt(常与 on, that 连用)主张; 坚持, 坚持要求( 宾语从句跟虚拟语气结构)e.g. We insist on / upon self-reliance.我们坚持自力更生。e.g. We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.大家都坚决要求不完工就不休息2.Techniques to harness the energy of the sun are being developed.A) convert B) store C) utilize D)receive答案及解析: C. 解题思路:被

8、选项是动词时关注所给句子中的空格后续结构,因此关注原句中的宾语:the energy of the sun(太阳能) 。被选项中:convert 通常用在convertinto的结构中,而原句中没有这样的结构,所以排除 A;而根据句意凭借常识store(储存 )和 receive(接收)太阳能不是刚发展的新技术,所以也排除掉。答案为 C。补充:convert: vt.(常与 into 连用 )转变; 变换; 兑换e.g. That building has been converted into a school.那座楼房改成学校了。e.g. I want to convert some Ho

9、ng Kong dollars into American dollars.我想把一些港元换成美元3. Hundreds of years ago cloves (丁香)were used to remedy headaches.A) disrupt B) diagnose C) evaporate D) cure答案及解析: D. 解题思路:备选答案均为动词,关注原句中的宾语 headaches(头痛)。解题思路:在习惯搭配上,B 和 D 都可带“疾病类”的词作宾语,但头痛不用 diagnose (诊断),却可 cure (治疗)头痛,所以答案为 D。另外 diagnose 的用法是: di

10、agnose as.,如:The plastic surgeon diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease./整形外科医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的骨病。4. Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing on ones health.A) result B) factor C) cause D) influence答案及解析: D。 解题思路:从习惯搭配的角度解题:只有 D 才能和介词 on 搭配使用。补充:influence n. (常与 on 连用 )影响力;感化力; vt

11、. 影响e.g. Many a woman has had an influence upon her husband. 许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。Bearing: n. (与 on, upon 连用 )关系e.g. What they have done has no bearing on the promotion of sales.他们所干的事情与这次促销活动毫无联系5. Mary was compelled to take in washing to help support her family.A) pleaded B) appealed C) forced D) instructe

12、d答案及解析: C. 解题思路:借助句意:Mary。 。在家里帮别人洗衣服以帮助养家糊口。而 C 的含义最合适句意。被选项中:补充:appeal 常用 appeal to sb./sth.的结构,表示:“ 呼吁,恳求,吸引,引起兴趣”;to appeal for aid/求助;plead 是 “恳求,托词,以作藉口,为辩护;为 抗辩”,plead the rights of the unemployed /为失业者的权利据理力争 ;instruct 教 ;通常的用法是:instruct sb. in sth. 如:instruct a class in history /教授一个班的历史;(常

13、与 to + inf 连用)命令,如:instruct sb. to start early /命令某人早动身take in: v. 接受, 吸收, 理解 , 欺骗take A for B: v. 把 A 误以为 Btake .into account/consideration: v. 重视, 考虑take part in.: v. 参与, 参加take pride in. v. 以.为骄傲6. They had a far better yield than any other farm miles around this year.A) goods B) soilC) climate D

14、) harvest答案及解析: D。在该句中 yield 是用作名词( 因为该词的前面有不定冠词 a),解题思路:抓住句子中与划线部分相关的结构或用词特点。能与不定冠词 a 搭配使用的被选项只有 C和 D(气候,倾向, 风气,如:a mild climate 温和的气候 )。再借助句子中其他特征词:farm,判断 harvest“收成” 是答案。Yield: vt, vi 出产, ( 常与 to 连用) 放弃; 投降;让步 n. 产量;收成e.g. That tree yields fruits. 这种树结果。e.g. The army yielded when it was attacked

15、.当这支军队受到进攻时投降了7. If a country wants to develop its economy successfully, there has to be a clear appraisal of its social needs.A)aptitude B) assurance C) insurance D)assessment答案及解析: D. 解题思路:搭配结构。Appraisal n. 评价, 估价Aptitude: n. 能力;才能;天资assurance n 自信;把握 (= self-assurance) , 保险e.g. life assurance 人寿保

16、险Assessment n.评估,看法e.g. What is your assessment of the situation?你对时局的看法如何8. To a first-year student, the doctoral degree is a distant expectation.A. aspect B. respect C. prospect D. spectacle答案及解析:C.解题思路:句意。Aspect n 模样;面貌, 方面e.g. only one aspect of the problem只是问题的一个方面prospect n 希望;期望e.g. Theres no

17、t much prospect of Mr Smiths being elected as Congressman.史密斯先生被选为议员的希望不大。Spectacle n.观览物, 展览物, 奇观, 景象9.During the past ten years there have been dramatic changes in the international situation.A) p ermanent B) powerfulC) striking D) practical答案及解析: C. 解题思路:根据画线词的家族词 (drama)的本义和与画线词搭配的结构的含义(变化) ,判断

18、C 是答案。Striking: adj. 引人注意的 ;显著的Dramatic: adj. 戏剧的;有关戏剧的; 引人注目的1. He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.A)left B)dismissed C)deserted D)advisedC。考点:考察搭配相近结构含义的辨析。leave sb./离开某人dismiss/fire sb./解雇某人;让某人走开desert sb./遗弃某人advise sb. to do sth./建议某人做.2.Investing in nothing but books ove

19、r the years when he was at school, he has accumulated a library.A)gathered B)accused C)purchased D)collapsedA. 解析:利用搭配特点解题(排除 B)。accuse sb. of sth.collapse vi. 倒塌,失败,病倒3. His illness diminished his strength.A) lessened B) increased C) finished D) recoveredA。 解析:利用句意:“疾病。力气”,判断划线词大概是“降低,减少”这样的含义。根据构词

20、法:(-en 是“使变得更。”)判断 A 的含义是“使减少”,所以是答案。-en: to make become more./ 使变得更.shorten/ lengthen/enlargerecover: 恢复;收回;取回e.g. I recovered the money I had lost. 我找回了丢失的钱。comp: uncover(vt.揭开, 揭露)/ discover(vt.发现, 发觉)diminish/reduce/ lessen/decease4. Fruits such as applies and oranges are very beneficial, and ma

21、y be eaten at any time.A) normal B) healthy C) appropriate D) properB。考点:考察派生词。解析:可以利用构词法:(beneficial -benefit)猜测画线词的大意。利用句意:“象苹果和橘子这样的水果是很.,可以任何时候吃的。” ,从而推出该画线词是褒义词。而四个备选答案都属常见词汇,其中 appropriate 和 proper 是近义词,都是“合适的”,因此相互排除。normal 是“正常的”,healthy 是“健康的”,所以依照句义 healthy(有益于健康的)是答案。5. This pool is speci

22、ally equipped for handicapped swimmers.A) unable B) disabled C) confined D) troubledB。分析:借助被选项的特点:A 与 B 在“形”上有关系,重点注意。根据习惯用法:Unable able: be able(unable) to do sth.判断 A 不合适。dis “不”,如:dissimilar/不相似的;“缺乏”,如:disinterest/不感兴趣的;disabled 是“被剥夺了能力的”; “反对”,如:“disagree”;confine: v. 限制, 禁闭synonyms: restricte

23、.g. The wild animals are confined in small cages in the zoo.野生动物关在动物园的小笼子里。6. It is hard for the young people to imagine what severe conditions their parents once lived under.A) sincere B) hard C) strict D) tightB。分析:借助句意:“年轻人很难想象他们的父辈们曾生活在怎样。的环境下。” 备选答案都是常见词汇,其中 hard 是“艰苦的”,而 sincere 是“诚挚的”, strict

24、 是“严格的”,tight 是“紧的”。所以从语义搭配上看,答案是 hard。severe: adj.严厉的, 严格的, 剧烈的, 严重的, 严峻的synonyms: harsh, rough, hard, strict7. He has a habit of scanning the morning papers while eating breakfast.A) looked up B) looked down C) looked into D) looked overD/C. 分析:借助短语构成成分基本含义解题。look up v.向上看, 尊敬, 仰望, 查寻look down v.俯

25、视look into v. 向.的里面看, 窥视; 浏览look over 翻阅,浏览 (over adv.结束, 越过, 从头到尾)look back v.回顾, 倒退go over v.(渡过.)转变, (对.进行)仔细检查, 复习come over v.过来8. A mother will sacrifice her life for her children.A) devote B) satisfy C) attend D) contributeA. 分析:根据词语的习惯搭配使用特点解题:devote ones life/ time/energy/oneself to.satisfy

26、purposes/needs/requirements/ be satisfied withattend a meeting/a class/ sb.contribute books/ money/ clothes to.9. Coal of all kinds originated from the decay of plants.A) arose B) suffered C) heard D) diedA. 考点:考察结构相近的短语的辨别。arise from v.起于hear from v.接到.的信suffer from v.忍受, 遭受die from v. (病以外)因某事而死1.

27、 He received penalty for drunk driving.A. pension B. fineC. complaint D. compensationB.线索:借助题干中核心结构的词义色彩缩小答案范围。drunk driving 是贬义词,因此排除 A 和 D。借助常见搭配:complain( make a complaint) of/about./抱怨.,排除 C,所以答案是 B(罚款)考点:考察常见词(fine)的其他用法。Receive: v. 受到,经历, 遭受, 欢迎/ 接待receive good treatment 受到好的对待receive guests 欢

28、迎客人retirement pension 退休金social security-type pensions 社会保险 障型养老金unemployment pension 失业救济金2. Traditional Chinese medicine is famous for using herbs(香草) with healing propertiesA. possessions B. componentsC. attributes D. purposesC. 线索:借助搭配结构含义判断答案 (“有治疗(特性 )的香草”最合适。)possession n.有, 所有, 拥有; pl. 所有物;

29、财产, 财富 ; 所有权personal possessions 个人财产3. I am sorry I cant grasp the meaning of the book you asked me to read yesterday.A. understand B. takeC. accept D. agreeA.分析:考察常见词的用法。4. Many fine cooks insist on ingredients (成分)of the highest quality.A. demand B. rely onC. prepare for D. createA. 分析:考察常见短语。Ins

30、ist on: v. 坚决认为, 坚决要求(on, upon)insist on sb.s innocence 坚持认为某人无罪I insisted on his coming with us.我坚持要求他和我们一起来Stick to: v. 坚持(原则或决定 )stick to basic principles.基本原则rely on v.依赖 , 依靠prepare for v.准备, 使有准备比较:survive v.幸免于, 幸存, 生还e.g. plants that can survive frosts.历经寒霜而存活的植物provide: provide sth. for./pr

31、ovide sb. with sth.supply: supply sth. for./supply sb. with sth.supply/meet/satisfy needsinform sb. of .demand: demand sth.ask: ask for sth./ask sb. to do sth. /ask sb. sth. (询问某人)5. There is an abundant (B)supply of cheap labor in this country.A. A steady B. a plentifulC. an extra D. a minor (B)B.

32、分析:被选项特点特点B 和 D 是反义项,因此值得重点注意。Abundant 的含义与 plentiful 接近,都是 “大量的”。Minor:在数量、规模或尺寸上较少或较小的,在重要性、级别或程度上较低的:a minor injury 轻伤major :adj.主要的(在重要性或地位方面超过其他人的) ,大的数目、尺寸或程度上很大的,严重的a major artist 主要的艺术家a major improvement 卓越的进步the major portion of the population 大部分的人口a major illness 重病6. Her novel depicts (

33、A)a futuristic America.A. writes B. sketches (B)C. describes D. indicatesC. 分析:借助搭配结构 “her novel.”判断 C(小说) 描述.)是答案。sketch v.画略图 ;写提纲indicate vt.指出, 显示, 象征, 预示7. It took me an hour to skim (A)the book.A. glimpse at (B) B. look atC. stare at D. grumble (A)atA. 分析:前三个被选项都与 “看”有关系,重点注意。Skim 是“浏览,略读” 和 g

34、limpse “glimpse v.瞥见,略读/看” 是近似词。Grumble vi. 发怨言;叽叽咕咕地表示不满 (at, about, over); vt.抱怨(out)He grumbled at/about/over the low pay offered to him.他抱怨给他的工资低。grumble ones complaint 发牢骚8. They are endeavoring to change society as a whole.A. trying B. everlastingC. doing D. makingA. 分析:根据搭配结构特点 “.+ to do.”判断 A 是答案。Everlasting adj.永恒的, 持久的Evergreen; now-fertile; never-happening;12 月 26 日,还有老师的免费讲座!大家可以去看看http:/


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