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1、 2012-2013 学年上学期高三英语必修二导学案 编号:1 编制时间:2012 年 10 月 编制人:徐书杰 审核人: 审批人: 小组: 姓名: 班级: 小组评价: 教师评价: 1Module 5 Newspapers and MagazinesVocabulary-语言点讲解导学案【学习目标】.掌握重点单词success、 believe 、delightful及短语 in total 、more than 、now that 及 when, while as 引导从句的用法。【学习重点】熟练掌握词汇内容,并在习题中灵活运用。【学习难点】培养学生梳理知识点的能力。【基础导学】 【知识梳理

2、】复习并掌握下列单词及短语:Words:1. _(n. ) 轨道 2. _(vt. )欢迎 3. _(adj. ) 金融的 4. _(vt. ) 创立;建立5. _(n. )经济 6. _(n. )政治7. _(n. )祝贺 8. _(adv. )在船(飞机上)9. _(adj.)历史性的 10. _(n.)成就;功业;伟绩Phrases:1. 在太空_2.在的历史_3. 拍照 _4. 起飞_5.总共;合计_6. 既然;由于 _7. 相信 _ 8. 加油;得了吧 _9. 集中注意力 _ 10. 和相似 _将课本上你不认识的或不太了解的词及短语写出来:【合作探究】 【知识梳理】 1. succe

3、ss (1) n. U成功;胜利 succeed in (doing) sth. 在(做) 某事上取得成功(2)n C 成功的人或事1.【拓展延伸】名词作不可数名词用时,表示抽【及时检测1】一补全句子:1) 她是一个成功的作家。She is _2) 我说服他放弃了那个想法。I _advising him to give up his idea.3) 我们很高兴认识你。Its _to meet you.二单项选择:Her mother is as a middle school teacher. A. a great successful B. a great success C. greatl

4、y success D. succeeded greatly 2. believe vt. 相信,信任 ;认为believe in sb/ sth 相信某人某物的存在I dont believe in ghosts. 我不相信有鬼。I believe him, but I dont believe in him.我相信他的话,但不信任他。【及时检测2】补全句子:1.我相信,离开这个城市你会后悔的。I _ (that) you will regret leaving the city.2.我发现他说的话一个字都不能信。I find _ impossible to _ a single word

5、he says 3. delighted adj. 愉快的,高兴的delight n. U快乐,高兴 C使人高兴的事,乐事vt. n. 总数,总和; v. 合计;总数达【及时检测4】1)Our team scored two goals_ in the last two matches. 在最后的两场比赛中我们队共计获得两个进球。2)He has been living here for_ 30 years. 他已在这儿生活了三十年。3)There are four tasks_. Each task includes three short stories. 共有四个作业,每个作业包含有三篇

6、短篇故事。5.more than 多于 不仅仅 more adj.(原级) than与其不如He is more sad than angry when his son lied again. 当他儿子再次说谎时,她的悲伤甚于烦恼。He is more (a) scholar than (a) teacher. 与其说他是教师不如说他是学者。【及时检测5】一.用拓展延伸中的形式填空:1)There are _8 people in the office.办公室里的人不超过8个。clause 很高兴4. 【拓展延伸】a total of 总数为total up to 总数达到5. 【拓展延伸】n

7、ot more than 不超过; no more than: 仅仅,只有no more than 与一样不; not morethan 不比,不如2)The pipe is _10 feet long.这根管子仅仅十英尺长。3)This book is _ than that one.这本书不如那部有趣。4)Jane is _Tom. 简和汤姆都不小心。二. 单项选择:Bamboo can be used for building. A. more than B. less than C. not more than D. no more than 6. now that conj. Sin

8、ce 既然Now that kids have left home, weve got a lot of extra space.孩子离开家,我们住着更宽绰了。【拓展延伸】(1)表示“既然,因为”的单词和短语常见的还有:since, as, for, because, in that, because of, on account of, due to, owing to等。(2)其中 because of, on account of, due to, owing to是介词短语,since, for, because, in that与now that是连词。(3)now that=sin

9、ce=as=in that表示已知的事实,不强调最主要的原因;because指最主要的、直接的原因,通常回答why提出的疑问;for表示的原因只是对前一分句补充说明理由或推断原因,它与前一分句之间不存在因果关系,它所引导的分句只能放在句子后部。【及时检测6】一单项选择:_that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better. A. For B. Now C. Since D. Despite 二用since , because ,for 填空:1)._ you cant answer the ques

10、tion, Ill ask someone else. 2).It must be morning _the birds are singing.一定是清晨了,因为鸟儿在叫。 6总结原因状语从句常用的连接词:2012-2013 学年上学期高三英语必修二导学案 编号:1 编制时间:2012 年 10 月 编制人:徐书杰 审核人: 审批人: 小组: 姓名: 班级: 小组评价: 教师评价: 43).We couldnt go out _ it was too cold. 因为天气太冷,我们不能外出.7.when, while, as 的用法【拓展延伸1】(1)when 引导的从句表示主句的动作和从句

11、的动作同时发生,或从句的动作在主句之前发生。另外,when 还可表示“这时;既然”。(2)while 引导的从句表示“在过程中”,强调某一段时间内主句和从句的动作在同一时期发生。从句的动词表示较长时间,因此常用延续性动词。另外,while 还可表示“然而;虽然” 。(3)as 引导的从句表示“当 时;一边一边”,主句和从句的动作同时发生,强调伴随,有时可译为“随着”。另外,as 还可表示“因为;正如;虽然”.While/When the young couple were walking in the lonely street, they were robbed by two men.当这对

12、年轻的夫妇正在这条僻静的路上散步时,他们被两个人抢劫了。Our headmaster came in when/while we were discussing the problem.我们在谈论这个问题时.我们的校长走了进来。She came along as she sang.她边唱歌边走过来。【拓展延伸 2】1.One day, I was about to do some shopping when he telephoned me. 一天,我正要去买东西时,他打电话找我。 2.She was on the point of going out when the telephone r

13、ang. 她正要出去,电话铃响了。 【及时检测7】用 when,while 和 as 填空:1)I was just leaving _ the telephone rang. 2)_it was late , we came back soon.3)I like tea _she likes coffee. 7.总结时间状语从句常用的连接词:【拓展延伸 2】表示“当某人或某物正在或正要做某事,就在这时突然又发生了另一事的几种表达方式:【效果校验】1. Because he has achieved _ great success in his work, everybody consider

14、s him _ success.A:a; a B: /;a C: a;/ D: /; /2. She is_ a teacher to us. He is also a good friend to us.A. more than B . other than C: less than D: no more than3 -Why did you move to France? -_ my father found work in Paris. A. Since B: For C: Now that D. Because4.We were about to start _it began to rain. A: while B: as C: when D: since装 订 线2012-2013 学年上学期高三英语必修二导学案 编号:1 编制时间:2012 年 10 月 编制人:徐书杰 审核人: 审批人: 小组: 姓名: 班级: 小组评价: 教师评价: 3


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