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1、Black Iceby Cate Kennedy September 11, 2006 When I went up to check my traps, I saw that the porch lights at the ladys place were still on, even though it was morning. “Thats an atrocious waste of power,” my dad said when I told him. His breath huffed in the air like he was smoking a cigar. The rabb

2、it carcasses steamed when we ripped the skin off, and it came away like a glove.Skin the rabbitthats what my mum used to say when she pulled off my shirt and singlet for a bath. Mr. Bailey gives me three dollars for every rabbit, to feed his dogs. I take them down to him in the wooden box with a pic

3、ture of an apple on it. At the butchers, rabbits are only two-fifty but Mr. Bailey says he likes mine better. Ive got fifty-eight dollars saved. I want to get a bike.Dad thinks its good to save up your money. The tourists who stand around the real-estate agents window pointing and touching each othe

4、r on the armhe reckons theyre loonies. When the lady up the road bought that house, my dad went over after the “Sold” sign got stuck on and everybody had gone. He took one of the clapboards off the side of the house and looked under at the rotting pilings, and made a noise like he was holding back a

5、 sneeze. “That ladys a bloody wacker,” he said. “Those pilings are bloody atrocious.”He stood there looking at the house and rolled a cigarette. “Throwing good money after bad,” he said, and kicked the clapboard. I kicked it, too.After she moved in I didnt set no more snares up there on the hill. I

6、walked in the state forest on the tracks round the lake, the tracks the rabbits make. I made myself small as a rabbit and moved through them on my soft scrabbly claws. I saw everything differently then. Saw the places where they sat and rested, the spots where they reached up with their noses and at

7、e tiny strips of bark from the bottoms of the river willows. Youve got to set a trap so that it kills the rabbit straight off. On the leg is no good. All night the rabbit will cry and twist, then youll have to kill it in the morning with its eyes looking at you, wondering why you did it. Mr. Bailey,

8、 he said he cant believe that I can catch them so near town. I told him that you just have to watch things and work out where to put the trap, thats all. He nodded so small you could only just see his chin moving up and down. “Youve got it there, Billy,” he said.After he paid me we looked at the dog

9、s and had a cup of tea. His dogs know me and why I come. Their eyes get different when they see me.Lately, in the morning, everything is frozen. All up the hill are the gum trees and every time I look at them I think of that day in school when I was right and Mr. Fry was wrong. Mr. Fry showed us a p

10、icture and told us that trees lose their leaves in autumn, and the other kids started writing it down, but I felt the words come up, and I said no they dont lose their leaves, they lose their bark. Mr. Fry said how typical it was that the one time I opened my mouth in class Id come up with the wrong

11、 answer. Now I look at the trees standing bare in the mist and think about how I kept shaking my head when he told me to say I was wrong, and how the other kids sat smiling, staring down at their hands, waiting for after school like the dogs wait for the rabbits.When you smell the leaves, theyre lik

12、e cough lollies, and the bark goes all colors when its wet. One day I was looking at the leaves and my eyes went funny and I flew up high and looked down at the tops of the trees all bunched together and they were like the bumpy green material on the armchairs at my Aunty Lornas place. I never told

13、no one about that, not even my dad. The trees talk loud when its windy and soft when its quiet. I dont know what they talk aboutrain, probably. When they get new gum tips, theyre so full of sap they shiver in the air. Maybe theyre excited. Or frightened.But now that its winter the trees just look da

14、rk and shrunken, as if theyre hanging on by shutting off their minds, like my grandpop when he had the stroke and Dad said that his body was closing down slowly. On the track theres ice crystals in the clay, and when you look real close you can see that the crystals are long, growing into lines, and

15、 the more mushy the clay the tighter the crystals pack in. They do it in the night, in a cold snap. You can put your foot at the edge of a puddle and just press real gently, and all these little cracks run through it, rushing outward like tiny creeks.Sometimes theres frost on the rabbits fur. I brus

16、h it off with my hand. Rabbit fur smells nice, like lichen or dry moss. My mum left behind some leather gloves with rabbit fur inside and when I put them on once I pulled my hot hands out and smelled her smell. “What are you bawling for?” my dad said. I hid the gloves under my mattress. When I touch

17、 them they feel like green leaves, soft and dry and bendy, not knowing autumns coming.The morning I saw the ladys porch lights my dad gave me a new hat for my chilblains. He made it for me from rabbit skins. He rubbed my ears hard with his sweater till my mouth ached from holding it shut, then he pu

18、lled the rabbit-fur flaps down and tied them. “See you back here with the bunnies,” he said, squeezing his hands under his arms before he stoked up the chip furnace.One day a boy at my school who works at the feed supply told the other kids that we were so backward we didnt even have hot and cold ru

19、nning water at our place. He said, “Its like deliverance down there with you-know-who.” I asked Dad what deliverance meant and he rolled a cigarette and said why. The next time he wanted chicken pellets he asked for them to be delivered that day and then he stoked the chip furnace up so high that a

20、spray of boiling water gushed up and hit the roof like rain and it sounded like the fancy coffee machine at the milk bar. When this boy came around with the pellets, Dad told him to empty them into the bin and then asked would he like to wash the dust off his hands in the kitchen. The boy went in. I

21、 stood looking at the hens and made myself small like them and felt the straw under my claws as I scratched around, and felt how the wheat powdered as I cracked it in my beak, and then there was a scream and the boy came running out holding his hands in front of him. They were bright pink, like plas

22、tic. As the boy ran past, my dad called, “Dont forget to tell your friends.”I pushed the rabbits into a hessian bag and heard music coming out of the house with the lights on. It was violin stuff. I saw the lady who bought the house come out onto her porch as I cut across the ridge. She was wearing

23、new overalls and you could still see the fold marks in them. She had hair the color of a fox. When she saw me her face went all bright and excited even though she didnt know melike the lady doctor who did all those stupid tests on me at school, just saying stupid words and expecting me to make up mo

24、re words and say them straightaway and not giving me any time to think it over.She said, “Well, hello there, has the cat got your tongue?” She had lipstick on. I thought maybe she was on her way to church.I said I didnt have a cat and her eyebrows went up.“Youre up very early on this wintry morning.

25、 Whats that youve got in your bag?” she said, like we were going to play a joke on someone. I showed her the top rabbits head and her mouth went funny and she said, “Oh dear, oh the poor little things. What did you want to kill them for?”I said for Mr. Bailey. I said they died very quickly and alway

26、s got the traps right around their necks. She hugged herself with her arms and shook her head and said, “Goodness me,” looking at my rabbit-skin hat. I turned my head slowly round so she could see it better.She asked me suddenly if I lived in the house down the hill and I said yes. Then she said wha

27、t a marvellous location and what a shame that it would cost an arm and a leg to put the power through, otherwise she would have made an offer, but this little place shed picked up was such fun and a gold mine. She said all her friends from the city thought she was quite mad but shed be the one laugh

28、ing when property values went up and shed done all the extensions. I was waiting for her to finish talking so I could go. I could feel the rabbits stiffening up inside the bagI could smell them.“Whats your name?” she asked me finally, and I said Billy.“And do you go to school, Billy?”I looked at her

29、 and said you have to. Her eyes went all crinkly and happy again.“And is it a special school, just for special children?”I couldnt work her out. Maybe she didnt understand about school. I said not really, then my mouth blurted out, “You got hair like a fox.”She laughed like someone in a movie. “Good

30、 heavens,” she said. “You are a character, arent you?”A man in a red dressing gown came out onto the veranda and the lady said, “Look, darling, some local color.”“Love the hat,” the man said to me. I waited for them to tell me their names, but the man just complained that it was bloody freezing, and

31、 thank Christ theyd got the central heating in. The lady said yes, the whole place was shaping up well, then she looked out down the track and said, “The only problem is theres no bloody view of the lake.” Then she said, “Billy, show Roger your bunnies, darling,” and I pulled one out and Roger said,

32、 “Good God.”They both laughed and laughed, and Roger said, “Well, it looks like the lights on but theres no one home.” Which was wrong. They were both home and theyd turned the lights off by then.When I walked down the track past the sharp turn and through the cutting, my boots cracked on the black

33、ice. Youve got to be careful you dont go for a sixer on that. People say its invisible but its not reallyyou just have to get down real close to see where the water froze then melted a bit, then froze again, all through the night, till its like a piece of glass from an old bottle.Dad had had his sho

34、wer by the time I got home. The rabbits were harder to skin because so much time had passed. The skins ripped off with the sound of one of those Band-Aids they put on your knees in the school sickroom. “Get them off,” my dad said when I came home with the Band-Aids on the time someone tripped me at

35、school and I banged my knees on the concrete. Dad was watching me, so I pulled both of them off fast and my knees bled again. “Call that first aid? Thats bloody atrocious,” my dad said. “Get some air onto them.” I looked at my knees. They felt like the hinges inside had got stiff and rusty, like the

36、 oil in them had leaked out.Every day for the next few weeks, people drove up the hill to fix things in the ladys house. You could hear banging and machines, and then a pointy bit of new roof pushed up over the trees. The ladys friends, the ones who thought she was quite mad, came up a lot at first

37、but then it got colder and they stopped. The lake froze over at the edges. One day I crept up and saw the lady on a new veranda, which was covered in pink paint, standing with her arms folded, just staring out at the trees. She didnt look so happy now, with everything half finished and mud instead o

38、f a garden. There were big piles of rocks around, like she was waiting for someone to move them, and I saw a duck standing still as anything under a tree. I went closer and she saw me.“Well, Billy!” she called, and I went over and saw that the duck was a pretend one.“Look at all these bloody trees,”

39、 she said, sighing. “Im sick of the sight of them.”She had the overalls on again but they didnt look so new anymore. “What are those trees, anyway, Billy?” she said, and I said that they were gum trees, and she laughed and said she might have guessed that would be my answer, even though I hadnt fini

40、shed talking and was only sorting out what I was going to say next.I said there was going to be another cold snap that night and more hard weather. And she asked how did I know and I started explaining but she wasnt really listeningshe was still looking down the state-forest gully toward the lake, t

41、urning her head like the ladies in the shop when theyre buying dresses and looking at themselves in the mirror, deciding.Three weeks later I was up in the trees, just listening to them and looking for good spots for snares, when I found the first sick one. When I touched its leaves I knew it was dyi

42、ng. It was a big old tree and it used to have a big voice but now it was just breathing out. And it was bleeding. All around the trunk somebody had cut a circle, and sap was dripping out, which is the trees blood, my dad says. The person had used a little saw, then a hatchet, and I could see that wh

43、oever it was didnt know how to use the saw properly and had scratched all up and down around the cut. There was nothing I could do for that tree. I wanted to kill it properly so that it wouldnt just stand there looking at me, trying its hardest to stay alive.The next week I found another tree that w

44、as the same and then it just kept on happening: seven of the biggest trees got cut. When I looked real hard I flew up in the air again and saw them from the top and the dying ones made a kind of line down to the lake all the way from the ladys house on the hill to the shore. Then I came back down on

45、to the ground, and I saw how it was. “Youve done it again, Billy,” Mr. Bailey said when I came by. “I dont know what Id do without you. Two big fat ones today.”I got my money and walked up the hill toward the ladys house and I saw her through the trees, planting something in the garden. Dad said she

46、 kept the whole nursery in business.This time I got quite close to her and the pretend duck before she saw me, and she jumped backward.“Jesus, kid, just give it a break, will you?” she said, all shaky. She had a scarf that had slipped a bit off her hair and you could see where the red color stopped

47、and the hair underneath was dark brown and silver, which was funny because sometimes its exactly the same on a foxs tail, striped like that.“God, this place,” she said like a hiss, and threw down her trowel. “Isnt the collective cold shoulder enough without you creeping around like . . .” Then she s

48、topped and said, “Forget it, forget it.” I saw that she had a special little cushion for kneeling on and I was looking at that cushion when she said in a different voice, “Where did you get that box, Billy?”I said, “Out of the shed.” She laughed. I looked down at the box with the picture of the appl

49、e on it.“Out of your shed? Thats a finger-joint Colonial box, Billy. Do you know how much some of them are worth?”Her voice was all excited.“What about selling it to me?” she said.I said that it was my rabbit box and she asked did I have any others in the shed. I said I would have a look. She was a loony. My dad sometimes split up the old boxes for the chip furnace. He kept nails and bolts in them.“I know where therell be a lot,” I said. “At the Franklin garage sale.”Her eyes looked a little bit like Mr. Bai


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