1、第一篇:Cover Letter 求职信自荐信哦,这名字太没水平太老土了)目的:Win the interview (Not the job)结构:不要乱改结构,HR 一般只看第二段;第一段:说明你为什么要申请这个职位,以及表明你已经跟公司里面的某个人谈过了(重要!这样人家不会认为你的 Cover Letter 是 Spam)。通常的切入点是公司的培训,文化以及行业状况,工作性质等等(选择因人和工作而异)。Anyway,表现出下过一番功夫。第二段:说明你为什么胜任职位。以 Job Description 为出发点,选出 2-3 点公司认为的重要的素质,加以阐述。特别重要的是!除了 Resume
2、 中最 shining 的信息外,还要讲述部分新的内容,特别是 personal 的感人信息,可以讲故事,但是要简洁,就像给家人写一封信一样,让人动情。讲完故事问自己一句“So what”,这些故事经历对公司能有什么贡献。HR 希望在 CL 中看到 Resume 中没有的信息,所以不能让读者有浪费时间看重复内容的感觉。第三段:谢谢,你的联系方式。并且说明你会 Follow-up (重要!很多机会是 Follow up 出来的,而且人家看了会觉得你有诚意,真心想要这份工作);注意事项:1. 要知道标准格式!Professional Firm 很看重 Professional,如果自己很牛,但是做
3、的东西不 Pro,不要怪 HR 或者 Manager 不给机会。标准格式是什么?去有途网随便下一个Cover Letter Guide,看 Sample,注意空格,空行,边距,字体,空白(空白很重要,原因?你一天工作 18 小时,结果让你看一张 A4 的纸上面全部是字。你会是什么感受?),以及电子签名。2. 再次强调,Cover Letter 写上跟 Resume 不同的东西3. Cover Letter 一定要很好的 Tailor 到每个公司,不然就是 Spam,你知道 Spam 的下场吧;4. 将自己的 Cover Letter 拿给人家看,问问是不是很吸引眼球。修改 CL 是一个长期过程
4、。第二篇:简历 Resume目的:Win the interview (Not the job)结构:Contact Education Experience (篇幅一半) Activities Skills格式:不要花哨,简洁,要合理的运用“空白” (跟 CL 同理)。只能有一页(除非你特别肯定那个 HR 或者忙的要死的 Manager 会读完你的 N-page 的 Resume)Education:1. 日期写 Graduation Date,不要写 XXX - Present2. GPA,Major GPA,TOEFL,GMAT 什么的,高就放,不高就省略。多少是高?GMAT 730+,
5、 GPA 3.5+3. 学位,专业。你知道的Experience & Activities: 四个字:结果导向(量化)相信大家做了很多事情,也学了很多东西,然后很想把他们都放到简历上面去。很多人会说我干了我在某个学生会干了很多事情,比如组织活动,策划等等。或者实习中怎么怎么样了。Its OK, but so what? 所以,这里最关键的就是: Action leads to Results。什么是 Result 呢?看看公司的年报,他们都有自己的 Key Performance Indicator,那就是Result。 Investor 关心的就是那些,他们不关心你中途干了多么 Fancy
6、的事情(虽然很重要)。这个道理对 HR 是同样的。如果你的 Action 只是 Action,没有 Result 的,那意义就不大了。这里可以举点例子:*实习中:%的工作得到承认,Performance Assessment 的评价系数,创造了多少收入,为 XX 部门提供了多少增长率,完成了%的年度指标。等等*学生会:Membership 增长百分比(Marketing 做的好不好的评价),Retention rate(人才培训做的好不好的指标),参加会议的人数(影响度),满意度(组织的成功度),Budget(规模)。反正一堆,关键是要有这个意识去想到这些。*各种比赛奖项:为什么大家喜欢得奖,
7、因为奖项是对行动的证明。但是多多发掘自己的过去,你也会发现即使没有奖项,你也完成了很多 Result我相信说了这么多,大家悟性这么好,应该明白了。看看你的简历,每句话是否有数字,是否有结果,没有?赶紧改哟 总体来说,Resume 是一个悟性问题,以结果为导向,甚至可以让你在未来做事情的时候有一个清晰的目标,做事的时候更有效率,更有效能。避免酱油Action words- 强烈每句话的开头的 Action Words 都不一样!- 每句话一定是 Action words 开头- 针对申请职位需要的技能来设计 Action words (见附表)Skills:不要写无关的 Skill,不要写 Of
8、fice,即使你觉得你 Excel 用的很好,在 Experience 里面表现出来。比如用 Excel 做了 Valuation Model, Scenario Analysis,Pivot Table 等等。总结唠叨:其实 CL 和 Resume 就是一个认识自己,展望未来的过程。虽然整篇文章强调了 Results-oriented,但是这并不代表有些事情跟 Results 没有直接关系就不去干。个人是不喜欢这种比较功利的思想,但是 business is business。Anyway,Enjoy your life, enjoy job hunting!第三篇:Action Words
9、 List 各种简历案例Finance/Accounting 金融/会计Constructed multi-scenario financial modelsAsset divestituresEquity and debt financingsAnalyzed the strategic rationale, risks, and potential synergies of _Deal value ranging from (x amount)Due diligence _Surpassed revenue goalsIncreased _ portfolio revenue by _%E
10、xpanded _ from _ to _Prepared and analyzed _Supported Client NegotiationsEmployed Multiple Parameters includingLiquidity ratiosCapital structureProfitability and projected growthAccretion/dilution analysisInstrumental in revenue and income growth of.Directed domestic and international affiliatesFina
11、ncial and Strategic PlanningAuditing and ComplianceOperating and Working CapitalMerger and Acquisition NegotiationsCash Flow Management and ModelingBusiness ValuationsDeveloped rapport with interested clientsStreamlined quarterly review of consolidated financial statements by.Created and maintained
12、financial models toManaged risk analysisImplemented operational changes in the reporting processSensitivity analysisAssisted in maintaining _% accuracy ofManaged the financial restructuring ofMaintained account financials and presented the information in weekly meetingsPlanned, performed, and superv
13、ised external financial statementsGenerated divisions income statement and balance sheetProgressive lean accounting systemReconciled company bank accountsManaged all accounting including sales reports and profit margin controlBuilt model to calculate profitability ofOwned and presented financial str
14、ategy and cost analysis ofprojectDeveloped investment strategies for $x portfolioEfficient frontier analysisSecured $x in new business relationshipsIncreased revenue per client by x%Consulting / 战略咨询Created storyboard for Analyzed potential of entry into x marketRecommended a strategic course of act
15、ion resulting in a $x opportunityAnalyzed and quantifiedReviewed company-wide sales results and compiled for presentation at board meetingEngineered modifications toDrafted distilled EIM outline for lay audienceResearched and compiled materials for company-wide reference libraryDemonstrated ability
16、to maintain absolute integrityProven track record of being highly effective in collaborative environmentsDemonstrated entrepreneurial spirit and skillsExperienced in dealing with ambiguityDemonstrated ability to be successful in high-pressure, high-stakes environmentSuccessfully navigated unfamiliar
17、 environmentDemonstrated proficiency in managing high-value client relationshipProven track record of breaking down, structuring, and resolving ambiguous problemsInterviewed and elicited buy-in from wide array of client representativesImproved communications and tracking ofSpearheaded new and effici
18、ent methodology toExhibited professional attitudeProven track record of completing difficult projects on scheduleAccomplished Public SpeakerSkillfully communicatedProven track record in selling new ideasConducted comprehensive research on.Advised major global bank on strategic implementation of part
19、nership withPerformed due-diligence on existing product lineBenchmarkedDeveloped a balanced scorecardDrilldownDeveloped pilot strategy for supply chain, working with client teamChange managementEnterprise resource planningTotal Quality ManagementValue-based ManagementValue-addedValue migrationProces
20、s MappingStreamlined the creation ofPerformed profitability analysis ofLed an information technology cross-functional teamCoordinated development of monthly corporate cost allocation reportsFacilitate the communication of audit results to companys managementDocumented all technical processes and procedures forLocated, forecasted, and procured limited resources for转贴 哈佛金融硕士& 北大数学本科牛人总结的简历写作方法http:/ 推荐阅读:我的管理咨询之路浙大王思蒙 http:/ A Master Degree or Job Hunting?http:/