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1、11)A first enquiry Dear Sirs, We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers. We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our goods. Would you please s

2、end me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms? We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made. Yours faithfully, Sandra Jones Manager = A first enquiry 第一次詢價 Dear Sirs, 執事先生: We have learned

3、 from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers. 從伯明翰.史密斯公司!獲悉貴公司制作了一系列款式新穎的皮革手提包. We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our goods. 本公司經營高檔零售業務,雖然銷量不多,但貨品屬優質高檔.

4、Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms? 現懇請惠寄貨品目錄、價格表和付款方式細則. We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made. 此外,如蒙提供各類皮革樣本,不勝感激. Yours faithfully, Sandra Jones Mana

5、ger = Useful phrases 1.We have learned from that you 從獲悉貴公司 2.We operate a quality retail business 本公司經營高檔零售業務 23.Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue 現懇請惠寄貨品目錄 4.We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of 如蒙提供各類樣本,不勝感激 = Notes 段意解說 1.Say how you obtained

6、the companys address and indicate what you are interested in. 各知如何取得收信人地址及發信原因 2.Introduce yourself and describe your field of activity. 自我介紹有關經營的業務範圍 3.Make your main request. 提出請求 4.The second request is going to cost the company more. Make it tactfully. 第二個請求花費較大,需要得體地提出 = Alternative phrases 替代用

7、語 We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers. (I have been told by/I have heard from) (handbags in several different leathers) We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we

8、 obtain high prices for our goods. Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms? We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made. (It would be very helpful if) (from which

9、you make the handbags.) = Comments 評注 The enquiry is brief and to the point, telling the reader exactly what the enquiry is about. It requests the usual free literature and politely asks for an additional item: samples. 這封信簡明扼要,讓收信人確切清楚查詢內容先要求索取贈閱目錄,再禮貌地要求提供樣本 (2) Reply to a first enquiry Dear Ms Jo

10、nes, Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products. 3I regret to say that we

11、 can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality. Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you. She will have wit

12、h her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be

13、interested. They are fully illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you examples when she calls. We look forward to receiving an order from you. Yours sincerely, Damien Carr Marketing Vice-President = Reply to a first enquiry 答復第一次詢

14、價 Dear Ms Jones, 瓊斯女士: Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. 7 月 16 日來函詢價憶收到.得悉貴公司對我們的產品有興趣,實感榮幸. We are sending you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in th

15、e manufacture of our products. 玆奉上我們最新的產品目綠和常用的皮革樣本,謹供參考. I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as crocodile and ostrich, not include in the watch, are of the same high quality. 很抱歉未能寄上全套樣本,但其它諸如鱷魚皮、駝鳥皮等皮革都是同樣優質上乘的. Mrs Ange

16、la Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you. She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will app

17、eal to the most discriminating buyer. 本公司歐洲營業經理安杰拉.韋恩太太將於下月攜同各類產品前赴英國,.屆時您若能抽空與她面談和看看我們的產品,相信也會同意我們的產品質料上乘、手工精巧,能吸引最有鑒賞力的買主. We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested. They are fully illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as ou

18、r handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you examples when she calls. 除了手提包外,本公司亦制造多種系列精美的皮帶和手套,貴公司如感興趣,可參看產品目錄4中所刊登的插圖.韋恩太太拜訪時將向您展示樣本. We look forward to receiving an order from you. 期待接到您的訂單. Yours sincerely, Damien Carr Marketing Vice-President 銷售部副總經理 = Useful phrases 1. We are pleased to hear

19、that you are interested in our products. 得悉貴公司對我們的產品有興趣,實感榮幸. 2. I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. 很抱歉未能寄上全套樣本 3. She will have with her a wide range of our products. 攜同各類產品 4. We think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used 相信也會同意我們的產品質料上

20、乘、手工精巧 5. The high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. 能吸引最有鑒賞力的買主. = Notes 段意解說 1.Make the reference clear and respond. 確認來函,作出回應. 2.State what acting you are taking 詳述現正采取的措施 3.Explain why you have not been able to meet the request in full 解釋未能滿足收信人所有要求 4.Add deta

21、ils of any follow-up action 告知其他后續措施 5.Broaden the customers interest, hoping to sell additional products. 吸引收信人對其他產品的興趣,盡量推銷 = Alternative phrases 替代用語 Thank you for your enquiry of 16 July. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. (I refer to your) (I am glad to) We are send

22、ing you a copy of our latest catalogue under separate cover, together with samples of some of the skins we regularly use in the manufacture of our products. I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples. You can be assured , however, that such skins as crocodile and ostrich, not

23、 include in the watch, are of the same high quality. (I am sorry to) 5(I can assure you, however,) Mrs Angela Wane, our European Sales Manager, will be in the UK next month and will be pleased to call on you. She will have with her a wide range of our products. When you see them, we think that you w

24、ill agree that only the best quality materials are used, and that the high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer. (that we use the best quality materials) (the most discerning) We also manufacture a wide range of leather belts and gloves in which you may be interested.

25、 They are fully illustrated in our catalogue and are of the same high quality as our handbags. Mrs Wane will be able to show you examples when she calls. We look forward to receiving an order from you. = Comments 評注 This is a concise, yet full, response to the enquiry. It demonstrates the efficiency

26、 and dynamism of the companys approach. The visit of a sales representative will almost certainly lead to a sale. 本信精要詳盡,同時顯示發信人公司處理效率和衝勁.派營業代表到訪將可建雙方的合作關系.(3)An enquiry for steel screws Dear Sirs, We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you w

27、ould give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us. We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply large

28、r quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products. We look forward to hearing from you by return. Yours faithfully, Nigel Brown Purchasing Manager = An enquiry for steel screws 鋼螺釘詢價 Dear Sirs, 營業部主管, We are interested in buying large quantities

29、of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. 本公司有意大量購買各型號鋼螺釘,欲知每公斤送抵英國利物浦的成本加運費價格.如蒙惠賜6上述報價單,不勝感激. It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us. 如能惠寄樣本和價格表,亦必感謝不盡. We used to purchase the

30、se products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products. 本公司素來向其他公司購買此類貨品,聞悉貴公司貨品質優價廉,故欲與貴公司建立合作關系. We look forward to hea

31、ring from you by return. 專此候復. Yours faithfully, Nigel Brown Purchasing Manager 採購部經理 = Useful phrases 實用短語 1.We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per 如蒙惠賜上述報價單,不勝感激. 2.It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us. 如能惠寄樣本和價格表,亦必感謝不盡. 3. We have

32、confidence in the quality of your products. 聞悉貴公司貨品質優價廉 = Notes 段意解說 1.State the enquiry clearly, giving details. 詳細告知詢價項目和細則 2.State any additional requests 說明其它請求 3.Explain why you are approaching this particular company 解釋選擇與收信人公司接洽的原因. 4.Ask for a quick response 要求盡早回復. = Alternative phrases 替代用

33、語 We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England. (We would like to purchase) (We would be grateful if) It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to

34、 us. (We would appreciate it) We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products. (We previous

35、ly purchased) 7(we are given to understand) (more competitive prices) We look forward to hearing from you by return. = Comments 評注 The enquiry is clearly stated with all relevant details at this stage. It makes it clear that the prospective purchaser wishes to buy quite large quantities but wants to

36、p quality products at very competitive prices. 有關詢價項目和細則均清楚列明.此外,發信人亦表示只要貨品質優價廉,便會大批購買. (4)Reply to an enquiry for steel screws Dear Mr Brown, Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1995. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to our final confirmation: Production: Steel scre

37、ws Specifications: As per the attached list Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net Quantity: 100 boxes Price: As per the attached list Shipment: January/February 1996 Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. Under separate cove

38、r, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list. If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation. Yours sincerely, K T Chang Sales Manager = Reply to an enquiry for steel screws 答復鋼螺釘詢價 Dear Mr Brown, 布朗先生, Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October

39、1998. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to our final confirmation: 貴公司 1998 年 10 月 2 日詢價函收悉.如下報價需在本公司確認后,方可有效: Production: Steel screws 產品:鋼螺釘 Specifications: As per the attached list 規格:依照附表 Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net 包裝:凈重 5 公斤散裝箱 8Quantity: 100 boxes 數量:100 箱 P

40、rice: As per the attached list 價格:依照附表 Shipment: January/February 1999 裝運:1999 年 1 月至 2 月 Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. 付款:保況不可撤銷即期信用證 ,需於裝運前 230 天開立 Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various size

41、s, our catalogue and price list. 另函附寄各型號樣本、商品目錄和價格表. If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation. 如題公司接受上述報價,請盡早落實定單為盼. Yours sincerely, K T Chang Sales Manager 銷售部經理 = Useful phrases 1.We would like to make the followings offer, subject to our final confirmation 如下報價需在

42、本公司確認后,方可有效 2. Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list. 另函附寄各型號樣本、商品目錄和價格表. = Notes 段意解說 1.Acknowledge the enquiry identifying the reference 確認來函和查詢事宜. 2.Tabulate the details of the offer for absolute clarity. Define the method of payment (letter

43、 of credit) precisely. 把各項要點詳列成表.清楚注明付款規定. 3.List samples and other enclosures to be sent in a separate parcel. 告知有關附件和樣本將另函寄奉. 4.Encourage a speedy reply 敦促早日回復. = Alternative phrases 替代用語 Thank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1995. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to

44、 our final confirmation: (In reply to your enquiry of) (The offer is conditional on our final confirmation.) Production: Steel screws Specifications: As per the attached list Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net Quantity: 100 boxes 9Price: As per the attached list Shipment: January/February 1996 Payme

45、nt: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list. If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation. (If our offer is

46、acceptable) = Comments 評注 The offer is concise and clear. The method of payment, letter of credit, is the securest form of payment when dealing with export orders. Tabulating details of an offer provides a simple checklist for the customers to follow. The offer is conditional to allow for any unfore

47、seen problems such as cost increases. 報價簡潔明確,項目詳列成表.令收信人一目了然.需經發信人最后確認方為有效.可避免因其他因素而引致的成本上漲.以信用證付款是處理出口訂貨最可靠的方法. (5)Asking for a pro forma invoice Dear Sirs, One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product: Lion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated. Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that we


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