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1、 考研 1 号读者在线作文点评与修改您可以查阅更多的考研读者在线作文点评修改 各位研友:大家好!附件中是部分考研 1 号读者朋友们根据考研 1 号系列图书相关话题所作的写作练习。里面附有考研 1 号编辑所作的具体点评与修改意见,希望大家在日常写作练习中能积极的学习吸收这些读者作文中的优点以及不足,对比自己写作中存在的一些细节问题,从而在以后自己写作练习中积极改进类似的错误,学习其中好的写作思路与写作句式。考研 1 号编辑们提醒大家,在进行写作练习的时候,切莫单纯的追求写作数量,以期达到写作能力的提高,量的积累是必须的,但是我们更要注重每一篇写作需要在前一篇写作的基础上去练习,而不是所有的写作都

2、基于同样的水平,犯同样的错误,这样的话,大家会感觉自己练习了很多篇写作,但是水平依然没有提高的困惑。鉴于此,考研 1 号编辑们提醒大家,可以就一个话题,进行写作,反复修改,逐步提高,循序渐进的写作思路才是正确的,可取的,经过自己一遍又一遍的思考,你会发现自己每一次修改都会提升,就像考研 1号一位读者发送邮件告诉编辑们,自己认真总结了前面的作文点评与修改意见之后,认真的去写作,发现自己把作文输入电脑的过程也是学习提升的过程,邮件中说道“我想说一下,在我在电脑上打字,并给您发作文的感受,这篇文章在纸上写的时候,并不如现在这样完整,后来在打字的过程中,又是对自己写的作文的整理以及优化的过程,本来之前

3、不会写的地方或者是没有思路的地方,不知怎的,有了灵感,我非常享受这个过程,而且感觉也挺有帮助的。 ”考研 1 号编辑们衷心希望大家能从写作练习中有所收获,享受写作的过程,也是我们写作能力提升的积极心理因素。祝愿大家能以一个积极乐观的心态复习备考。考研 1 号读者在线作文点评与修改您可以查阅更多的考研读者在线作文点评修改 【写作原文】考研英语真题彻底细解考研真相之 2002 年考研英语真题“文化交流”话题读者写作练习Emerging from the vividly picture above is a beautiful American girl in traditional Chinese

4、 costume. She looks so happy and is smiling with her mouth open slightly,which symbolically represents that the American girl enjoys the traditional Chinese costume very much and Chinese tradition is so intriguing.Obviously,what the painter of the cartoon intends to express is not only the popularit

5、y of Chinese costume,but the fact that Chinese culture has been increasingly accepted by people all over the world.The traditional costume means the Chinese culture and the girls smile represents the charm our culture has.With the policy of reform and opening up,China has more and more visitors from

6、 the overseas and is familiar to them.The phenomenon shown above,I think,is a kind of tendency and we should make every effort to promote it.In order to be a big country of influence,except economic prosperity and strong military power,we also need to develop the called “soft power“,which reflects a

7、 countrys comprehensive power the same as economy and politic do.Firstly,our government can make an attempt to generalize and popularize Chinese tradition culture and make it well-known to people as many as possible.At the same time,we also need to assimilate the international culture,regardless of

8、nationality,color,religion and the difference of social structure and the like.What seems more important is that every ordinary citizen should take every chance to popularize our profound culture and make it known 考研 1 号读者在线作文点评与修改您可以查阅更多的考研读者在线作文点评修改 to more people.Only in this way can we have a so

9、rt of prosperous Chinese culture and can our country be really strong and powerful.【范文点评】【第一段点评】Emerging from the vividly picture above is a beautiful American girl in traditional Chinese costume. She looks so happy and is smiling with her mouth open slightly,which symbolically represents that the A

10、merican girl enjoys the traditional Chinese costume very much and Chinese tradition is so intriguing.第一段:描述图画的基本信息,引出文章将要讨论的话题“文化交流” 。符合 directions 的第一条。句在写图画作文时,开始段的通用句式很多,但是一般我们不用 Emerging fromemerging from意为“从出现”;最前面的分词短语只是句子的状语,句子的成分不全,没有主语;vividly 是副词,此处要用形容词 vivid 来修饰名词 picture;全句建议改为: As is v

11、ividly betrayed in the picture above,a beautiful American is句 open 跟在介词 with 之后,要用现在分词形式 opening;which 引导非限定性定语从句,which 指代前面提到的内容。【第二段点评】 Obviously,what the painter of the cartoon intends to express is not only the popularity of Chinese costume,but the fact that Chinese culture has been increasingly

12、 accepted by people all over the world. The traditional costume means the Chinese culture and the girls smile represents the charm our culture has.With the policy of reform and opening up,China has more and more visitors from the overseas and is familiar to them.第二段:进一步对图画中的话题展开叙述,阐述图画的深层含义。句用 not o

13、nlybut连接图画的两层内在含义,一个是中国服饰很流行,另一个是中国文化被世界上越来越多的人接受。句明确指出图画中的细节信息所代表的深层含义,即中国服饰代表中国文化,女孩的笑脸代表我国文化的魅力。句说改革开放以来,越来越多的外国人来到中国,并熟悉中国。【第三段点评】考研 1 号读者在线作文点评与修改您可以查阅更多的考研读者在线作文点评修改 The phenomenon shown above,I think,is a kind of tendency and we should make every effort to promote it.In order to be a big coun

14、try of influence,except economic prosperity and strong military power,we also need to develop the called “soft power“,which reflects a countrys comprehensive power the same as economy and politic do.Firstly,our government can make an attempt to generalize and popularize Chinese tradition culture and

15、 make it well-known to people as many as possible.At the same time,we also need to assimilate the international culture,regardless of nationality,color,religion and the difference of social structure and the like.What seems more important is that every ordinary citizen should take every chance to po

16、pularize our profound culture and make it known to more people.Only in this way can we have a sort of prosperous Chinese culture and can our country be really strong and powerful.第三段:根据前文的叙述,给出自己的建议,符合 directions 的第三条。句承上启下,并总领第三段,针对前面速配提到的问题,给出自己的建议。句指出为了国家更加强盛,在确保经济和军事实力的同时,还要发展国家的软实力,即文化。但是放在此处,跳

17、跃性比较大。建议去掉,请仔细斟酌。句从政府是角度,给出自己的建议,政府应该使本国文化被越来越多的人所了解。句从我们自身的角度出发,要广泛吸收外来文化,不受国界,肤色,种族等的限制。句也是从公民自身角度出发,给出自己的建议,角度和句一样,意思和句一样,建议此处仔细斟酌。句 only in this waycan we是常见的总结句式,文章至此成功收尾。【整体点评】文章对漫画的内涵把握到位,文章整体结构明确清晰,对话题的阐述比较全面,体现了作者一定的思考能力和语言运用能力。在词组和句式的使用上,也比较灵活多变,展示出作者一定的写作功底。但文章第二段对现象产生的原因的描述稍显单薄,可以举出相关的例子

18、使自己的论述更加有据可依;相比较而言,结尾段的叙述就显得过多致使文章整体不均衡。同时,要注意文章的字数,考研英语作文的字数要求在 160200 字之间,所以在平时的练习中,要严格要求自己,在清楚达意的基础上,尽量使考研 1 号读者在线作文点评与修改您可以查阅更多的考研读者在线作文点评修改 自己的句子简洁凝练。在使用写作 160 篇的过程中,注重从经典必备中积累掌握好词好句的用法,并用在自己的写作中;在重点预测中除了写作素材的积累,还要加强对话题的思考,拓展自己的思维,从思想上提高作文的含金量。考研 1 号图书客服部2011-10-09其他考研英语经典作文点评:考研真相2011 年考研英语真题-

19、旅程之余- 写作点评考研真相2010 年考研英语真题 -文化火锅-写作点评考研真相2009 年考研英语真题 -网络远与近-写作点评考研真相2008 年考研英语真题 -团结合作-写作点评考研真相2007 年考研英语真题 -自信是成功的关键考研真相2006 年考研英语真题 -偶像崇拜-写作点评考研真相2005 年考研英语真题 -养老足球赛-写作点评考研真相2004 年考研英语真题 -终点又是新起点-写作点评考研真相2003 年考研英语真题 -温室花朵-写作点评考研真相2002 年考研英语真题 -文化交流-写作点评考研真相2001 年考研英语真题 -献爱心-写作点评考研真相2000 年考研英语真题 -捕鱼业发展-写作点评


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